Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 919: Watching the abyss

Time has already passed the horror. This year's Lin'an City has shown a heavy and worn look inside and outside.

Some of the houses in the city have been in disrepair. After the death of the host family, they experienced the ravages of the military disaster. The ruins of the house became the gathering point of the displaced and the broken settlers. The anti-thiefs also came occasionally, and brought along the officers and men who killed the anti-thiefs. Sometimes they fired fireworks again in the city.

Some of the bluestones above the Imperial Street are worn out, and no one who has repaired it. After the spring rain, the sewage channel was blocked, and the sewage poured out, and it ran on the street. After the weather, it turned into a stench and blocked people. The small courts and Tuen Mun, who are in charge of government affairs, have always been plagued by countless things. For these things, they cannot be managed.

In fact, in such a year, a little bit of odorous sewage has long been unable to disturb people's cleanliness.

A year ago, Lin'an had a lot of colorful and colorful places. At this time, the paint faded. The whole city was mostly occupied by gray and black. On the street, occasionally you could see the trees that were not dead. A new green glow in the corner of the wall is a dazzling view. The city, with the fading of pigments, left the weight of the earth and stone material itself, but I don’t know when it will be heavy. It will also lose its dignity.

In February, the main force of the Jurchen East Road Army has been withdrawn from Lin'an, but the continued turmoil has not left much room for the city. When the Jurchens came, they slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people and stayed for half a year. The Han people living in the cracks were attached to Jurchens and gradually formed a new ecosystem. With the withdrawal of Jurchens, This ecosystem has been broken.

The bottom gangs, the desperate gang fights, and the killings are staged in the city every night. Every day, the dead can be seen on the streets of the corpse.

Compared with Lin'an a year ago, the population in the city has dropped sharply, but the living space enjoyed by everyone has not expanded, but has been greatly reduced. This is because the material in the city has been reduced more. The skinny people have killed their compatriots in the dark alley for the benefit of a few pounds of rice, for the benefit of a butcher shop. It’s not too strange to die dozens of people in the fire.

We can't blame the murder of these survivors. When the living materials in an ecosystem are greatly reduced, it is inevitable that people will reduce the quantity by killing each system. The ten people’s rations do not live eleven, the only problem is how the eleventh person died.

Only a few people still maintain a good life.

After the rain stopped for a while, the coach of the sergeant Li Shan drove past the dirty street full of dirty water. The follower of the carriage followed the team of ten guards. These accompanying soldiers with swords were blocked by the carriage. Pedestrians who tried to come and beg on the roadside. He looked at the woman in the car window who wanted to rush over and was pushed down by the guards. The children in the shackles were fake.

"Poverty." He thought this way, and put down the curtain with boring.

At this moment, what really bothers him is not the bad things that can be seen every day, but the strange news from the west.

Since last year, the former Wushu officials and forces headed by his mentor Wu Qimei, Tie Yan and others have invested in the kingdom of gold. They have elected a ruling royal family who is said to have a blood relationship with Zhou Jia and established a small court in Lin'an. In the beginning, when it was trembled, it was somewhat blushing when it was slandered, but as time passed, some people gradually adapted to their own self-created public opinion.

In fact, the establishment of this small court of the Wu Dynasty, in the current situation of the whole world, may not be the worst choice. For more than two hundred years in the Wu Dynasty, several emperors, whether Zhou Yu or Zhou Wei, can be said to be faint and inferior.

Even the Jingping Emperor Zhou Yi, who was sandwiched in the middle for less than a year, was also a faint person asking God to ask questions. He called the Jurchen with the so-called "Tianshi" Guo Jing, and as a result, he opened the city gate, so that the Jurchens could enter the shackle without any effort during the second Nanzheng. At first, no one dared to say that it seems that the shame of Jingping and the half-life humiliation suffered by Zhou Wei in the future are all self-defeating.

After all, the air transport of the Wu Dynasty is gone. In the case that the Central Plains and Jiangnan have fallen, some rebelliousness may come to an end - perhaps there will be some confusion, but as the Jurchens stabilize the situation of the entire Golden State, these chaos will gradually Dead.

After all, this is the process of replacing one dynasty with another.

Accept this reality, or die in the next foreseeable chaos. In contrast, some things are not so difficult to accept, and on the other hand, many people do not have much room for choice.

The flood of history is too big and too intense. During this period of time, Li Shan often felt that he was just an ordinary person who fell into the anger, or grasped the only wooden board that could be used in his hand, tried to stretch his hand, or let go of his hand. The tide is engulfed. He was able to walk to the position of the assistant minister in such a small court. More, perhaps not because of ability, but by luck:

He worshipped Wu Qimei as a teacher and Wu Qimei became the right side of the court. He followed. If he does not go this way, he actually has no more choices.

In recent months, in general, the development of the "Yu She", headed by Wu Qimei, is quite gratifying. Among the small imperial courts, Wu Qimei originally succumbed to the right side. The most powerful one is Zuo Xiangtie, and many of the forces of Tieyan came from the army of Fujian. At the beginning of the year, the long princess Zhou Pei took Fuzhou and killed the iron. After Yan Tangdi’s Tie Sanwu, Tie Yan’s voice dropped. Wu Qimei, who has a more stable pace, has not only expanded his momentum, but has also gained more appreciation from Jurchens.

At present, Lin’an Temple does not pay much attention to the checks and balances. Wu Qimei’s momentum has been greatly enhanced, and the rest of the people have also risen to the world. As a disciple of Wu Qimei, although Li Shan is still only a servant in the cadre, even Shanshu does not dare not give him face. In the past two months, although the ground floor conditions in Lin'an City are still difficult, many things, including Zhenju, title deeds and beautiful people, have been sent to Li Shan in front of them.

In such a situation, Li Shancai felt the first time in his life what is called the general trend. What is called the time and the world are the same. These benefits, he does not need to speak at all, even refuse to feel that they have hurt others. Especially in February, after the main forces of Jin Bing were successively evacuated, the bottom situation of Lin'an was stirred up again, and more benefits were sent to Li Shan.

Soon after the foreseeable, Wu Qimei’s “Yushe” will become the ruling class in Lin’an and the entire Wu Dynasty, and Li Shan only needs to follow the path and have everything.

After all, the dynasty is already changing. He just follows, and he only seeks self-protection. He does not take the initiative to harm others. He asks nothing to be sorry for his conscience.

If there is no information that has been passed in recent days, all that he has experienced is a paradise-like dream.

In the battle of Changsha, Chen Fan defeated the Jurchen army, and the silver sorcerer could be.

In the southwest, the Black Flag Army defeated the Jurchen main force and killed Yan Yan.

The first two big news, the first one was delivered a few days ago, everyone is still confirming its authenticity, the second one is entering the city the day before yesterday, and now only know a few high-level, the details are still Passed over.

A distance of several thousand miles, eight hundred miles of anxious to arrive in a few days, the first round of news often has errors, and the recognition cycle is extremely long. It is difficult to confirm whether there are other problems in the middle. Some people even think that the black flag army's masterpieces are turbulent in the situation of Lin'an, and they are spoiled by false information. Such doubts are justified.

In all sorts of speculations, in general, the news has not risen too much in the thousands and miles away, and people do not make any statements as much as possible. On the real level, people still don't know how to deal with such news.

At the end of last year, the news of the murder of the southwestern war was heard, and people could still make some countermeasures - and Huang Ming County was soon destroyed, and the Southwest Jinjun also achieved its own results. Some discussions then subsided. . It’s ok today... Black Flag can really defeat Jurchen.

Doesn't it mean that the Jurchen army is the strongest in the Western Court? Is it true that a legendary figure like Yan Zonghan can’t be overstated?

what is the problem?

What kind of person is Yan Zonghan? What is the situation in Southwest China? What kind of appearance is this war?

Various questions hovered in Li Shan’s heart, and thoughts were inexplicable.

The carriages all the way into the right-hand mansion, and the people of the "Yushe" also came one after another. People greeted each other and talked about the situation in the city for a few days - almost all the interests involved in the small court, "钧社" They all got big heads. People talked and smiled at each other, and then they were all concerned about the situation of training and conscription.

Only in a very small circle, perhaps someone has mentioned the information from the southwest over the past few days.

As a disciple of Wu Qimei, Li Shan’s status in the “Yu Society” is not low. Although he is not a very important figure among the brothers and sisters, his relationship with other people is better. When the "master brother" Gan Fenglin came over, Li Shan went up to talk, Gan Fenglin and Li Shan walked aside, chilling a few words, waiting for Li Shan to mention the Southwest thing a little, Gan Fenglin whispered one thing.

"In Lin'an, Li Shidi knew a lot of people, and Li Pin, Li Dexin, I heard that there were contacts, I don't know how?"

"When Li Dexin was in Lin'an, I did come over there, and I went to the door several times to discuss..."

Li Shan frowned, and for a time did not understand the purpose of Gan Fenglin asking about this matter. In fact, Wu Qimei was reclusive in the past. Although he was a great Confucian and a lot of disciples, there were no such people who were too shocked to be brilliant. In those days, it was not high or low. Of course, it can be said that it is a traitor. .

That Li Feng Li Dexin and Ning Yi's break, when I did not know why the troubles were soaring, spread widely, since his newspaper in Lin'an City, the reputation has risen very fast, even enough to compare with Wu Qimei and others. Li Shan had no achievements at the time, and his posture was low. He visited the study set in Lin'an City. He was the same as Li Feng's surname. He was a family member. He participated in the rally several times and had the opportunity to speak. Later, he visited and consulted. It is a good relationship to the outside world.

But within the Wu brothers, Li Shan usually still clarifies the matter. After all, Wu Qimei worked hard to find a well-recognized reputation of the Great Confucianism. Li Feng and Huangkou’s children had become a leader of Confucianism by relying on a dispute with Ning Yi. This is really a matter of fame.

There is nothing remarkable about quarreling with Ning Yi. Mei Gong even wrote more than a dozen articles to blame the devil, which is not arrogant and arrogant. But the world is ignorant, and only loves to smash the vulgar things.

"What did the younger brother and Li Feng talk about?"

"Oh..." Li Shan was a little embarrassed. "Most of them are...the matter of learning. I first went to the door. I asked him about the sincerity of the university. It was said..."

Li Shan rehearsed the conversations between the two sides. Gan Fenglin waved his hand: "Have you ever mentioned the Southwest?"

"Southwest...what?" Li Shanzhen was shocked. Under the current situation, everything about the southwest was very sensitive. He didn't know the purpose of his brother. He was afraid of saying something wrong, but he saw the other party shake his head.

"The teacher told me to investigate the situation in the southwest." Gan Fenglin said frankly. "The news of the previous few days has been confirmed by all parties. Now it seems that it is not fake. I thought that there was no suspense in the war in the southwest, but it seems suspense now. It’s not small. In the past, it’s hard to say that there’s a defeat in the world, and I’m thinking about it. I don’t know if it’s overstated, there are other reasons.”

"On the other hand, in the past few years, I have known little about the southwest. Therefore, the teacher asked me to inquire about the people in the southwest. What kind of murderous thing is this black flag army? A situation... knowing oneself and knowing each other can be a battle, and now I have to know what I have... In the past two days, I have found some information, but more specific, there are not many people who want to know..."

Li Shan understands it.

For a long time, people in Lin'an talked about the southwest. In fact, they only talked about a shady scene. People slandered, condemned, cursed, but for the specific situation in the southwest, people in Lin'an knew too little. This aspect is due to the enormous pressure exerted by Jurchen people all the time. On the other hand, it is to face the "enemies" such as Jurchen, and everyone can still treat them with a sensible attitude. Speaking of it, it can only be dealt with with a more extreme and intense attitude.

Going backwards, the whole world is cutting, and in the end it is dying - there is no doubt about this. As for the attitude toward the southwest with the attitude of the national war, everyone will feel that there is no face, people are willing to understand the Jurchen, but actually do not want to understand the southwest.

The reasons for this situation are too complicated, and the meaning of the analysis is not significant. This time the Jurchen Nanzheng, for the power of the Jurchen, the people of the Wu Dynasty are actually difficult to measure and understand. The entire Jiangnan land fell under the attack of the East Road Army. As for the legendary more powerful West Road Army, in the end To what extent, it is difficult for people to reasonfully explain that the battles that took place in the Southwest will actually go beyond the understanding of thousands of people who are in dire straits.

It doesn't need too much understanding. In short, after the strongest army in the world has been killed, the southwest will be completely destroyed.

But at this time, the development of all this has gone wrong. People in Lin'an can't help but seriously understand and measure the situation in the southwest.

What happened in Jinguo?

Is it really the first name to be the best in today?

In the rumors, the Jurchen West Court, which is the master of the high school, is actually not so terrible? These rumors about women really ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are fake? Is the West Road Army actually lower than the East Road Army? Then, can it be speculated that there are rumors about the guilt in the Golden Congress, and actually it is also a false news?

All of this is a possible result of rational analysis, but if in the most unlikely case, there is another explanation...

If the female real West Road Army is really stronger than the East Road Army.

If it is really the unbeaten name of the world, the establishment of the half of the country.

If the woman really finishes Yan Xiyin, silver surgery, pulls away from the speed, Han enterprises first, Gao Qingshi... and so many people really still have the strategy of the year and Wu Yong...

If there is a very small possibility, there is such a situation...

In the past few years, what kind of army will be built and built by the devil's head in the southwestern mountains that people have not paid much attention to? How to rule over there, how to train, how to operate... What would be the team that defeated the most powerful Jurchen army with a small number of troops... What is brutal and cruel?

There is cold sweat from the back of Li Shan, soaked out...

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