Zhui Xu

: Strong tide (on)

The sunset in the early summer falls into the horizon, and there is a wave in the wilderness burning.

Yunzhongfu, the walls of Gaogutun are hidden in this golden piece, and the surrounding cars and horses are still bustling. However, when the sunset falls, the situation becomes tense.

In the west and south of the city gate, the business travels were restless, and the darts of the goods were mostly picked up. In the sun that swallowed the sky, the wolf smoke was rising far away. The guards went to the wall.

Soldiers gathered at the gates of the city, but there was no flustered scene for a time. After the war in the North, the cloud was even more in the four wars. In the more than ten years after the Golden State was destroyed, the original soldiers became nobles or flowed into the city. They were able to run business and darts here. Most of them have been exposed to human life. Even if the war is really burning, they may not be timid, not to mention the fact that the border soldiers are nervous and the possibility of wolf smoke is wrong.

Some of the related people have already leaned over to the gate of the city. They want to inquire about the news. More people will not be able to enter for a while, gather on the side of the road to chat and discuss, and some boast about the experience of fighting in the past: At that time, when you got the wrong wolf smoke, you will die."

"...maybe it is a mess."

"Today's doll soldiers..."

Such a discourse continued until the cavalry of the telescope came from the south of the field of vision. After the horseman who spit out the foam under the spur of the rider entered the city, there was a message that blasted the pot in the crowd.

- Yanmenguan has been trapped, and the South Dog is here.

The news of the fall of Yanmenguan has made the city near the city awkward, but what does the southern dog mean? Suddenly heard the latter half, everyone even wanted to laugh, but not long after, there was a whisper, and some people remembered the defeat in thousands of miles in March.

The cloud is too far apart from the southwest, and the army is expeditionary, and it is impossible to pass back the battle report from time to time. However, in April, there were actions about the defeat of Wangyuan Bridge, the murder of Baoshan, and the withdrawal of Zonghan. The country of Jinuo still knows it. This can only be regarded as a staged news. The upper level of the Golden State is in vain. The letter will be pressed to suspend the information, but there are always people who can learn such information from various channels.

Things have not yet spread to themselves. For negative information thousands of miles away, everyone is willing to wait and see for a while. But at this moment, some well-informed merchants and darts recalled the matter: Marshal Zong Han was defeated in the southwest, his son was killed, and the Jurchen wise man Valley God lost to the rebellious devil in the south. It is said that the devil head is a good hand to manipulate the human heart to play with the strategy. It is difficult to match the situation in the southwest. He also arranged the back hand of the Central Plains. When the squad of the big gold is empty, the army will come over? Directly invade the door and take the Yanyun?

A few thousand miles apart, they immediately launched a counterattack in the Central Plains after defeating Zonghan in the southwest. Such a grand strategy, such a ambition-rich hegemony, swallowed the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, if in the past, people would not even think about it. The people far away in the north are not even clear about what the southwest is.

But it is precisely this kind of information fog, in the moment when the southwest war is still covered, and the news that the southerners broke through the Yanmen Pass immediately, many people will inevitably be linked together.

Like the golden sunset, the voice of the police has already sounded in the city.

It has been a while since the rise of wolf smoke in the south. In the past few years, the strength of the Golden State has been strong and strong. Although the land of Yanyun has not been peaceful, the Liao Kingdom has been ruined and the horse thief is difficult to ban. However, Zonghan and Gu Shen are sitting in the clouds, and some of the clowns are actually Can not afford too much wind and waves. It’s not a big deal to see the wolf smoke in the past few times, or to smuggle and murder, to ignite a fire, or to have a hungry attack on the military squad, and sometimes it’s not surprising that even the smoke was delayed.

The gate of the city in the cloud is not closed. It’s just that the big families have gathered together the family and the private soldiers to avoid people who are trying to make troubles, but with the first message coming, the tension in the Yunzhong House is like the water dripping under the paper. They rode through the streets and lanes of the city and negotiated with each other.

These elders and relatives are mostly in the military. They are concerned about the military situation in the southwest. They are staring at death. The news in March has made everyone sleepless, but after all, the sky is far away, and the worry can only be in the heart. Suddenly, the news that "South Dog broke through Yanmenguan" was shot on the face, but it was all trembled for it - most of them realized that if this was the case, things might not be too small.

Most of the civilians in the city are still unclear what happened. Some of the honoured children have already begun to distribute swords and rifles to the private soldiers at home. When Wan Yande re-strategizes to return to the palace, several young people have gathered in the government. They are exchanging information with their younger brothers, Yan Yanyi, in the eccentric hall, and the housekeepers have also gathered the family guards. He greeted everyone and called people to find their own armor. He said: "It has become rushed. The information is not clear at the moment. Brothers don't want to mess with their own feet. Whether they are killed in the Central Plains is not sure."

Wan Yan has also worn a soft armor: "Since the south side killed Yanmenguan, if not the Central Plains, who else?"

"Yanmenguan has already fallen this morning, and the police have not issued it. The horse team that has been killed from the south has been chasing and killing the escorting soldiers. They have broken two passes and went to Yanmenguan to go to the north forty miles. The bonfire. The person who just fled into the city was unclear. The specific situation is still unclear."

"After killing forty miles, it was only time to ignite the bonfire... This gang of soldiers has a premeditated plan." A younger brother stood up next to him. "Mother's, can't underestimate the enemy."

"There are only thousands of Yanmen Gatekeepers. Why didn't the news come out?"

"...unless you win the customs, you can break the North Gate with lightning speed, and you will definitely go to the north?"

"...It’s going to be very smooth and light, but it’s going to be very smooth. However, Yanmenguan has not been killed for a long time. A bunch of people who are doing business are coming and going. It’s hard to say that the guards are careless.”

"... Near the Yanmen Pass, there are more than 3,000 troops stationed in the army. If the enemy forces swindle the city gate from the south, and then go north to kill at high speed, and cut off the road, the three thousand people are blocked in Yanmenguan, and they must be killed. It is the battle of trapped beasts. The enemy needs to be truly elite. Can the black flag of the Central Plains be so elite? If the enemy breaks the level directly in the north, it may be credible."

"... If so, the defenders can at least pick up the beacon tower. I think, will the gang of Liangshan be killed?"

"...Liangshan and Yanmenguan are not separated by thousands of miles, at least eight hundred miles."

"...It was speculated before that this group of people smashed Shandong Road, and the days were not good. Now they are intercepted by Lu Wang in the north, and the south is Zongfu Zong, the army and the north. It is a death sooner or later. I think it is possible to take Yanmen."

"...Is Lu Wang’s eyeliner in the Central Plains dead?"

"...the black flag is so powerful?"

These young people, who are familiar with Yan Dezhong and Wan Yan, are mostly poor in the hands of Gu Shen. Many people have also studied in Xi Yin’s private school, and they have studied the warfare on weekdays. You look at me and speculate about the situation. Although it is unbelievable, the more you think about it, the more likely you are.

Wan Yan has a frowning eye and said: "In the past, there were only a few thousand people in the demons. It was like killing a chicken and killing the emperor of the Wu Dynasty. Later, from the northwest to the southwest, to today... Which of these things do you think? ?? If you really follow the battle of the southwest, he slammed Yanmen thousands of miles away, this kind of handwriting..."

When he said this, he pulled the armor on his body and made a loud noise, and everyone heard the heart. They have never paid attention to these things in the past, but the purpose of the expedition of the elders in the family is known to everyone. At the time of the expedition, Zonghan and Gu Shen were preparing to use this war as the last battle of the Jurchen, and they paid attention to the Southwest.

A group of young people are not aware of the specific reasons why the elders value the southwest. But as Zonghan kicked the iron plate, he was even killed by the other side. In the past, he strategized the valley gods who were unfavorable. It is obviously also in the southwest defeated the plan of the Han Chinese devil. The people are terrible to this devil. Only have a standard of measurement.

After thinking of the other side’s successive defeats of the two founding heroes of Dajin, they also arranged thousands of miles of troops to carry out such a fierce attack on the mainland of the Golden State. At the same time, the hearts of a group of young people were in a cool mood, while the scalp was numb. of.

Realizing this, the hall was quiet for a moment even in the suffocating silence. Some people said: "If this is the case, the ban will be martial as soon as possible. This group of people will take the speed of picking up, maybe it is playing. The idea in the cloud."

"When the city is martial, it is necessary for the boss to make a decision."

"I am afraid that the boss is too cautious..."

In the discussion of the people, the outside family and the private soldiers gathered together, and it was also very lively. The end of Yan De and the Yan Yan had a side to go, whispering, how to ask the mother how to do this.

The mother Chen Wenjun is the "Mr. Han" in the next population. She usually takes care of the Han people in the south. This is something that everyone is unaware of, and the two brothers have more maintenance. But at that time, the Jurchen had the upper hand, and Mrs. Xi Yin sent her kindness, and no one dared to speak. At this time, "South Dog" has killed Yanmenguan. What do you think about the "Mrs. Han", or, what kind of attitude does the mother have on this matter? Both brothers are filial people, and there is some entanglement in this matter.

During the hustle and bustle, I saw a few figures coming from the side of the banquet hall. The people in the room got up and then saluted.

It is Chen Wenjun who came over.

Both Yan Yande and Wan Yan Youyi also reacted. They quickly approached the front and asked Ann, but they saw Chen Wenjun’s eyebrows erect and swept over ten young people in the room: “Okay, you are still noisy here. What? Marshal Zonghan led the army to expedition, and the strength of the Yunzhong government was empty. Now the wolf has started. Although the news has not yet been determined, you are both a son of Xun, and you should take the time to prepare for the battle. If you want to wait for the order, Did you start to wear clothes?"

Her words are clear and she looks to the son around her: "German, you count the number of people and materials in your home. As long as there is further information, you will immediately report the situation on the government to the defending city army. When you go, you will be listening to the old man. Send, learn to do things. If you have a meter, you will first look at the family."

Wan Yande said: "Yes." Finished Yan Yiyi had some opinions on this arrangement, and called out: "Mother..." was stunned by Chen Wenjun, and there was no sound.

I saw her sweeping his eyes over other people: "You also go home, so be prepared, listen to the dispatch. All remember, when you do what you do, you do, there must be no violation, I only Come over, I heard that you were actually talking about the old man. If you really got up and went to the battlefield, you can’t do it again. I remember it!?”

Everyone rushed to promise, then left and went home to do detailed statistics. When everyone left, Dezhong and the instrument went to the mother's side, and the three walked in the corridor illuminated by the setting sun. Wan Yande hesitated for a long time, could not help but said: "Mother, if this call, it is really the Han people in the south..."

They saw their mothers staring high in the flowers outside the garden, and sighed: "I have been with your father for so many years, so the Central Plains people have been killed, how can you? You are ready to go, if true Come to the enemy, fight hard to fight, that's all. Go, go, be a man."

She patted the shoulders of the two sons, and Yan Dezhong first left, and Yan Yanyi was followed by a while. Soon after, she went to resettle and dispatch Jiawei. Chen Wenjun walked through the courtyard of the palace. After a while, he went to the heights of the palace. He watched the city around the clouds. The sunset turned from golden to red, and was swallowed by the west sky. The city was lively and thrilling, and the fire was spotted. Light up, she remembered the land of the Han family that left many years ago.

Did the Han people really kill it?

Not long ago, Li Li and Tang Minjie also warned her about the location. The news that she was killed last month has shocked her for a long time. Today, the message that Yanmenguan was broken is really a feeling that the world is Changed a look.

She came here for a long time. It has been a long time for a child. She has adapted to this world for a long time. She has had a white hair for a long time. She felt that she would never have a day in the south. For a long time, she thought that this world is really the only thing.

The wooden railings at the height of the attic were slightly sun-dried by the sun, and her palms were lightly stroked, and even felt a bit warm. This is the thing of the North, she has lived with them for too long, what is the South like? The pavilion attic, the bridge and the water, her memory is not clear, she has seen countless sorrows.

The heart and soul Ning Yi repelled Yan Zonghan, and they were unable to do anything. Now, Yanmen is broken. Are these really the ones in the south?

She remembered Tang Minjie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking at the cloud city where the crowd gathered around, what was he doing at this time? A crazy black flag member, but he is only crazy because of pain, and the southern demons are so crazy - perhaps even more mad and scary - then he defeated Zonghan and Gu Shen It doesn't seem to be that unimaginable...

"...If one day, the Han people defeated the Jurchen, Yan Ran has been, where should you go back?"

The words of the madman seemed to ring in the ear, and she sighed softly. Some things in the world are terrible. If the Han Chinese really killed this thing, she didn’t even know if she should expect it, or she shouldn’t expect it, then she couldn’t think about it and put the problem temporarily. After that. The atmosphere in the city is chilling, and chaos will start. Perhaps the madman is also ruining and destroying it.

Her brain can almost clearly reproduce the excitement of the other side.

Well, since she came to the North, the world of heaven and earth that she saw was chaotic. There was more a madman, less a madman, and what could be done. She didn’t care...

In a short time, there will be a second and third information coming in the cloud. Despite the doubts about the identity of the enemy, in the afternoon, the horse team is moving in towards the cloud, and several military and road cards have been identified. The intention of the other party is directed at the cloud.

At the second moment of the moment, Shi Li love issued an order to close the four gates, squash the city, and mobilize the army. Although the message has already begun to suspect that the attack on Yanmenguan is not a black flag army, the news about "South Dog Killed" is still spreading in the city. Chen Wenjun sits in the attic and looks at the little light, knowing Down, the cloud will be a sleepless night...

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