Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 931: Strong tide (middle)

Under the starry night sky, the silhouette of the knight ran across the dark ridge.

Passing through the forest, bypassing the lake, running through the muddy mud, and when there is patrolling fire in front, he goes to the darker and avoids the checkpoint. The knight kept going all the way.

At the midnight of the forest, there were crows flying, and in the blink of an eye, they were also far away. The knight ran down the hillside, and the gravel splashed under the horseshoe. When he ran halfway through, the horseshoe was suddenly soft, and the horse's body rolled down with the knight at the foot of the mountain.

The moon is like a brow, the silhouette of the horse, the silhouette of the person, the bones are rolling down, the ravine under midnight, the view is quiet, only the far village, it seems that there is a little light, the crow flutters on the treetop.

It’s been a long time.

The figure of the person swayed from the ravine. He looked back at the horse that had fallen in the darkness, then wiped the blood on his head, sat down on the nearby stone, and fumbled for something on his body.

He inspected a few items and then made a simple hemostasis and dressing for himself. He didn't have a horse. In the dark, the silhouette of the man ran away.

In the night sky, only the crescent moon is like an eyebrow, and it is quietly heading west. The silhouette of the person is all the way to the east. He walks through the forest, bypasses the lake, runs through the pitted mud, and when there is a patrol in front, he goes to the darker place. Sometimes he fell in the wild, then climbed up and stumbled, but still ran towards the east.

Time passed by, the color of the sky, in the first long time, almost unchanged, gradually, even the full moon and moon has become a bit bleak. From the night to the darkest moment, the eastern sky was full of strange fish belly, the running man fell to the ground, but still climbed up and stumbled forward, a small village, has appeared in front.

The village was sluggish, and there were no chickens and shit--that is, it was eaten in the past days--he entered the village with the darkest color, and touched the third Tsuchiya courtyard, and turned hard. Into the earth wall, and then gently ring the door according to the law.

Someone looked inside, and then the men inside opened them and held the rickety. The man put him into the room, let him sit in the chair, and then poured him tea. His face was a large bruise, his body was a mess, his arms and lips were shaking, shaking and taking out. A small piece of paper rolled up in the belt and said something.

The man who opened the door put the cup on his mouth. He reached out and caught the man. The man took the paper and opened it quickly, comparing the words and letters on the head.

"I have to go into the city." The man who opened the door said something, then went to the back room. "I will give you a wound medicine first."

He quickly took the wounded medicine out. The person in the communication sat in the chair and held the cup in both hands. It seemed to be very tired and did not move. The man leaned back and gently shook him, the tea cup fell to the ground and broke.

He snorted a little, then took the messenger into the room, put him on the bed, covered the quilt, and then reached out and put on the other's eyes. He then changed the clothes of the scholar and quickly went out.

The genius is bright, the middle-aged scholars are running along the path, and they are running all the way. In a short while, they are on the official road. The former convenience is a small county town with a low city. The gate has not yet opened, but the guards on the tower have come. He is at the gate. Waiting for a while, when the city gate opened, I wanted to go in. The guards who watched the gate saw him coming to the urgency, and then they deliberately made it difficult. He then abolished a few big money before he finally entered the city.

The small county was only a military disaster last year. The vegetable market in the west of the city was a mess. The scholar went to the innermost lane of the vegetable market and knocked on a door. The man who opened the door with a knife, his eyes were fierce, not a good class, but when he saw someone, he put him in. The scholar and the knife said two words at the door, and then went out and went to the middle of the vegetable market to knock open another A door.

This is a butcher shop, the door is a butcher who is slightly fatter. The three gathered together and the scholars came up with the message: "...the children have been discovered...the golden dog is on the road..."

"...after Zhongliang, what are you waiting for..."

"I have someone here..."

"Remember to be reliable..."

"...that's how it works, split up..."

After the scholars, the faces, and the butchers negotiated, they went out. After a short time, the scholars searched for a place in the city. After the news, they quickly rushed to the carriage and prepared to leave the city. The butcher brought several people from the river and the lake. The team's darts came over. A group of more than 30 people, guarding a group of young men and women on the carriage, went all the way outside the county town, although the guards at the gates wanted to ask and block, but the butcher and the darts had power in the local area, not much cross-examination. They put them out.

At noon, after a small share of the Golden Terracotta Army entered the county seat, it began to seal the city, and it was only in the afternoon that it was confirmed. A pair of children of Daru Daimao, who had been secretly concealed and placed in this county seat, had been escorted one by one this morning.

At the same time, the dozens of people headed by scholars, butchers and darts are escorting the two men to move north quickly.

After the turning of the war in the southwest, in March, Daru Dai Mengwei and the general Wang Zhainan secretly opened the way for the Huaxia Army, so that more than 3,000 Huaxia military chiefs drove straight into the foot of Fancheng. Everything is known after the event is revealed.

Dai Mengwei and Wang Zhainan had previously returned to the Jurchen, and some of their relatives also fell into the control of the Jurchen, just as the guardian of the Swordsman’s Si Zhongxian, the returning daughter was really in Gusheng, and at the time of the war, there was no perfection. law. Dai Mengwei and Wang Zhainan chose the virtual and the snakes. In fact, they also chose the death of these family members and relatives. However, because they had reservations at the beginning, some of their relatives were secretly sent to other places before they returned. Part of the bone blood can be preserved.

The young people who were protected from the front were the children who Dai Mengwei secretly kept. Scholars, butchers, and darts escorted them all the way north, but in fact, there are not many places to go.

After Dai Mengwei and Wang Zhainan’s rebellious exposure, Wan Yanxi’s disciples finished Yan Yan’s direct attack on Xicheng County, while the surrounding army had already copied to Wang Zhainan. The military front of Tu Shanwei was not able to compete with Dai and Wang. Although the city, the green forest and even some of the Han army and the township were inspired by the deeds of Wang and Wang, they got up and echoed, but at the moment, the really safe place is still not much.

Near the evening, my face was also brought back from behind. He was also carrying six strange people with different looks, including a grandmother and a little girl. These people had blood on their hands, but they were on their way to the road. They solved a few chasing soldiers along the way, and one of them was dead.

Jianghu said that the monks and women and children in the green forest are mostly difficult. Only because of such a person, there are many unique martial arts, and it is impossible to prevent it. Someone in the crowd knows the face and said a few words. Other people will understand it. This face is the biggest "salesperson" in several nearby towns. Most of the people who raise their hands are the killers who collect money and take orders.

For more than ten years, the world has been chaotic, and everyone has earned their lives for themselves. Especially these money-collecting people are even more famous. The six parents did not recognize it, but they did not think that they joined the queue this time.

A group of more than forty people went north, and it was late in the evening before they stopped in the nearby mountains and gathered to discuss where to go. At this moment, most places are not peaceful. The direction of Xicheng County is still in the hands of Dai Mengwei, but it will fall sooner or later, and it is very likely that it will be blocked by Jurchens. The main force of Huaxia Army is thousands of miles away. If you want to send it in the past, you have to go through the large-scale Jinbing control area. As far east and south, it is difficult to determine the children and the generals will be sent to Liu Guangshi.

As a result of this discussion, some people said that in the north, someone heard about the news of Fulu’s predecessors, and the talents decided to go north to meet with the former Fulu, and then to further discuss.

At this time, the sun sets and the group of people rest in the mountains. The children of Daijia have also come down from the carriage. They thanked everyone for their boxing. Among them, Dai Mengwei’s daughter was so sleek and charming, and there were old ladies and little girls among the crowds. It was a bit sad. I asked about it in the past, but found that the little girl was a little long. The gnome, the old woman is good at deworming, making the poisonous dumb, grabbed a poisonous snake in her hand, and screamed at her.

She is a good show for everyone. When I have seen such a scene, I was scared to go back a few steps and dare not approach these seemingly ordinary killers.

The situation around this night was still peaceful, and the next day, everyone continued to set off. On this night, the attack came suddenly. The killing is a wave of money-collecting people who are eager to pay for the rewards. With the fire and rain, these people suddenly emerged from around the camp. They are also a lineup of dozens of people, and they are suddenly strangled in the camp. together.

Some people fightd, some people took care of the carriage transfer, and a mad cow in the woodland that was ordered by a torch rushed out under the drive of the attacker, knocking on the crowd and stunned the carriage. In the long sound of the horse, the car rolled down the **** of the road. For a time, the guards and the chasers rushed down the slope, rushing and slashing.

The Dai brothers and sisters climbed out of the wagon carriage and stunned in the darkness. They couldn’t figure out the direction for a while, and the family’s son’s face was smashed and the martial arts’s face was killed. Killing one person, forcing a person to retreat, and keeping the son behind him, the girl wearing the house was crying for help. He was picked up and ran to the forest.

"Women! Shantou! White nights--" screaming and shouting, summoning several people in the recent position, "Save people -"

Some of the chasers saw the Daijia girl, and immediately followed the woods. The guards also rushed in, including the old woman, the little girl, and a young killer with a short knife. Follow the ground.

The forest chased and killed, and soon a few people died. The murder methods of the old woman and the gnome girl have their own characteristics, but after all, the body is limited, and there is no long-term pursuit. The young killer called "White Night" has excellent eyesight. It is the ability to see things at night. No., he ran along the forest to kill, killing two people on the way, seeing fewer and fewer companions around him, he hidden into the darkness, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Several people who had robbed the girl of the family had killed and fled all the way. I don’t know how long it took. There was a steep **** in front of the forest. The man carrying the woman couldn’t stop and rolled down the slope. The other three rushed up and picked up the woman, which ran along the hillside in the other direction.

At this point, chasing and escaping has gone quite far. The three men ran for a while, and it was estimated that there was no chase after the rear. This stopped between the woodlands and took a break. The Daijia girl was thrown twice, and her body was also bruised. Even because she was once stunned by the screaming on the way, she woke up and was secretly trying to escape after being placed on the ground. A hijacker found She gave her a slap in the face.

"This Sao Niang, even dare to escape -"

"Learn to teach him!"

In the voices of several people, another slap in the face fell, and the girl in the family cried out. At this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in the darkness. A short knife was inserted into the back of a man from the side. It was a scream, and then the sound of the weapon was ignited with a spark.


"I know someone -"

"Make him -"

"Kill the chick -"

The shouting sounded like a thunder, and the girl in front of the girl’s eyes was intertwined. Blood was splashed on her face. Someone fell down. There was a figure blocking her in front of her. It seemed to say: “Go.” Because the tone is not Gao, she is still wondering whether it is an illusion, the voice over there is more loud: "It is 'white night'!"

"It’s all about collecting money! What are you fighting for?"

"How much money does Lao Ba give you! This person has a value of one thousand two -"

"The money is half-pointed, the woman gives you the first cool -"

"I **** you -"

The blood that splashed in the night had the killer's and the killer. The front was a low voice: "Go!" The Daijia girl reacted and climbed up from the ground and ran towards the darkness ahead. When I turned back, I saw a figure on the other side of the ground, and the other three people screamed.

She ran for a while in the forest, and after a while, turned back. The woodland that was previously strangled was full of **** suffocation, and all four people fell to the ground and the blood of the earth. Daijia girl cried, and when the voice came out, a figure on the ground suddenly moved: "Call you to run, why are you coming back?"

Daijia girl cried and ran over: "I don't know the way, what happened to you..."

The killer had a few knives in his body, and took out a small parcel from his arms. He said weakly: "The wounded medicine..." Daijia girl gave him medicine.

Perhaps because of the long-term slashing of blood, the number of knives in the killer mostly avoided the key points. The girl from the Dai family gave him medicine, and took the knife to cut the clothes of the deceased nearby as a bandage and made a bandage awkwardly. The killer leaned on a nearby tree and had not died for a long time. Even standing up under the help of the Daijia girl, both of them walked further and further.

This is a strange night. The moon shines through the gaps of the trees. The girl’s life is the first time with a man. The men around me don’t know how much blood is flowing, and the feeling of giving people can die at any time. Or it is not surprising to fall at any time. But he didn't die or fall. The two just walked, walked, and walked all the way. I don't know when they found a hidden cave. It stopped in front of the cave, and the killer leaned against the hole. On the wall, quietly close your eyes and rest.

If there is a follower, they have no choice. The next day, Dai Jia’s girl was still worried about the killer at the moment. He could die at any time, so she sat on the other side and stared at him quietly. His chest was slightly ups and downs due to breathing. Her heart was settled. At noon on this day, the other party woke up once, and exchanged a piece of meat from the waist and handed it to her. Daijia girl went to find a stream nearby, brought some water back with the leaves, and gave it to the other party. It is.

Most of the time, the killer was still like a dead meditation. The girl wearing the house stared at his breathing. After another night, the other party did not die. The action was a little more, and the girl finally finally let go. . The two of them rested in the cave for a day and a night, and the girl went out to fetch water and changed the wound medicine.

In the early morning, she sneaked out of the cave and went to the nearby stream. After completely letting go of her heart, she was finally able to take care of herself. She washed her face in the stream and finished her hair a little. She took off her shoes and washed her feet. In the runaway night, the embroidered shoes on her right foot had disappeared. It was a mountain road that walked through the cloth socks for a night, and now it is a little painful.

Sunlight sprinkled golden color from the east sky towards the woods, and the girl sitting on the stone quietly waited for the water on her feet. After a while, she took the skirt and stood up on the stone. When she turned her head, she found the place not far away. The killer who saved her was coming over here. She had already seen her when she was not wearing shoes and socks. .

The other side is holding the trees forward. In the sunlight, the two looked at each other. The girl in the house grabbed the skirt and did not move for a while. The killer lowered her head and then lifted it up. Looking over, I turned to the other end of the stream.

Shortly after Dai Jia’s girl returned to the cave, the other party came back. She held a large amount of bulrush in her hand. The Daijia girl sat on the side of the cave and whispered: “My name is Dai Yueyao. What is your name? ”

The other party did not answer, just after a moment, said: "We will leave in the afternoon."

He slammed the stalks and added a few strips of cloth. It took some time to put an ugly sandal in front of her and let her wear it.

In the afternoon, they set off.

The killer didn't let her help again. The two went in tandem and went slowly. On the second day, they found the neighboring village. He went to steal two clothes and put them on each other. They lived one day. In the nearby small county, he bought her new shoes. Dai Yueyao saved the ugly sandals and took them with them.

She couldn't tell why she had to keep the sandals. They didn't say much on the way. She didn't even know his name. It seemed that someone was shouting the night after being chased, but she was too Fear, can't remember - can only tell myself that this is the idea of ​​knowing the newspaper.

The two men have been traveling for a few days, and the other person’s injury has healed. They even stole the money, got a carriage, and headed north. After a few days, they passed through a seemingly uninhabited valley in the valley. On the other side, I found a group of hundreds of people gathered. She found her brother, and the killer found her face. The leaders of these hundreds of people are the legendary predecessors, even those like Dai Yueyao. I heard about the name of this anti-gold predecessor.

The face touched them all the way, saw the old man with white hair, and then introduced them to them: "This is a girl." "This is white night." Dai Yueyao thought, this is the name, that night, she heard it. .

They couldn't speak anymore because the elder brother had already led her over. The people stayed in this mountain for one night. In the evening, two groups of people came over again. Juyi Kangjin, Dai Yueyao could feel the joy of everyone in the mountain, but for her now, it’s not these men. Deeds.

On the morning of the second day, she took a break, had breakfast, decided to find each other, and officially thanked. Looking for this way, went to the big pergola where the princes gathered on the mountainside. She saw the other person standing behind her face. There were a lot of people. Some people greeted her with her hands. She stood by, not good.

On the other side of the pergola, someone is talking to everyone.

"...the situation today is both good and bad... Although the southwest has defeated the Zonghan army, today, Zonghan’s army has withdrawn from the sword and merged with Tushanwei, and Jiange is still in the hands of Jurchen, everyone. All know that the Jiange is in the southwest, the mountain road is narrow, when the Jurchen is withdrawn, the fire is fired, and the mountain road is continually destroyed. Although the Huaxia Army in the southwest has defeated Zonghan, it is not optimistic to say that it is a man. I am afraid I have to sacrifice many Chinese soldiers."

"...In other words, the situation we are facing now is the 20,000 people of General Qin, who must have nearly 100,000 troops against Shangzong Han and Xi Yin, plus the help of a puppet accomplice. ......"

"... However, we are not without progress. Dai Mengwei Dai Gong, Wang Zhannan, the general of the king, has inspired a lot of people. In less than half a month, there are Chen Yuchen general, Xu Daji Xu general, Li Lincheng Li. The response of the four or five armies of the public, anyway, some of them have already merged with Dai Gong and others, and some are still on the way to the north! The heroes, we will soon pass, I believe, there are still people in this world, Not only in this way, our people will certainly be more and more, until the Golden Dog is defeated, and I am still a mountain river -"

The words above were powerful, and Dai Yueyao’s gaze looked at the killer behind the face, known as the White Night, but did not listen too much. At this time, a sudden and chaotic voice came from the outside.


"Mother's, rabbit scorpion -"

"Knowing people knows no one!"

"In the middle -"

A messy voice passed over, and I didn’t know what happened. Dai Yueyao looked out too. After a while, I saw a group of people coming to the side. In the middle of the crowd, it was hers who were being taken away. His brother Dai Jincheng, he was beaten up and down, and some people saw Dai Yueyao, also said: "Don't let another run!"

Some people with evil spirits came over here, and Dai Yueyao leaned back. The people in the pergola still didn't know what happened. Someone came out and said, "What's wrong? If you have something to say, can this little girl run?"

Dai Yueyao saw a figure coming silently, standing in front of him. He has put his hand on the short knife.

Dai Jincheng was pushed to the center of the lobby. Someone went forward and saw something to the person in front of the Phlo and the person who spoke. He heard someone say, "This little rabbit is smashing the head and putting information out!"

"Ventilated report, I am afraid that it is not the first time, and the information we gathered here is exposed!"

All the people were stunned. People took fierce gaze and decided to be surrounded by Dai Jincheng. Who wouldn’t expect Dai Meng to raise the banner of anti-gold, his son would be the first to defect. The rebellion of Dai Jincheng is not the most terrible. If there is even the inspiration of Dai Mengwei, what kind of encounter will the Han army, which is now called to the past and meet with Dai Mengwei?

Someone pulled out the knife, and some people came over to Dai Yueyao. Fulu squatted for a long while in the same place. The next moment, the figure was in front of Dai Jincheng in the whistling, Shen Sheng said: "Say! What happened?! ”

His age is already high, and martial arts has also entered the realm. This violent screaming is full of people's hearts. Then Dai Jincheng’s heart is fearful. In this loud drink, he suddenly picked up his body and stepped back two steps. Crazy laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ... you a bunch of people in the rabble, you will be the opponent of these characters such as Jurchen Gu Shen! Rebel gold country, attack Xiangfan, lift the flag, do you think that you will think like this? People gave it last year You dug the pit, everyone jumps inside... What's going on! I don't want to stay with you, can't you die?"

Dai Yueyao’s face was suddenly white, and the face was shouting: “White night, you give me away!”

Said ahead: "It’s not her business."

"who knows!"

"Mother's, traitor's dog-girl-"

That Dai Jincheng’s face twisted and retreated: “Ha ha ha... Yes, I am ventilating, you guys are idiots! Finishing Yan Chi’s General has come here, you can’t run all the way! Only me can help you anyway. You guys! As long as you help me, Jurchen is the opportunity to use people, you can all live...you all want to live, I know, as long as you kill the old thing of Fulu, the Jurchen is only his head-"

He retired to the crowd, and someone pushed him forward, and Fu Lu looked at him: "Are you a traitor, or are you a family, all traitors?"

"You are the traitor! The black flag is the traitor!" Dai Jincheng stretched his finger to Fulu and others, and spit out the sputum in the mouth. "Wu Chaoxian was killed by the devil of the surname Ning, you can't do anything!" When Qin Xianggong said that he wanted to levy the southwest, you guys were dragging one or two! Are you still a Wu Dynasty person? The Jurchen and the Southwest have lost both sides. I have a chance to re-emerge, or the Jurchen kills the black flag. Going back, we can still get a few years of breathing in the Wu Dynasty, and we can’t stop again."

"You are the real traitor! Stupid! There is no rude person with a brain! I will tell you that since ancient times, far-reaching and near-attacking, to the far-off forces, to come and go! Pull together! To the nearest enemy, to attack, Otherwise, he is going to hit you! What is the worst thing about my Wu Dynasty? It is the black flag that defeated the Jurchen, you stupid pigs! Do you know that if the black flag is sitting big, the next step is that the Wu Dynasty is really Nothing -"

The blood between his nose and mouth is mixed with the sputum: "My father reads the book of the sages! Know what it means to bear the burden of humiliation! I am reading the book of the sages! I know what is the home country! The black flag is not destroyed, the woman can not be defeated, otherwise who? Going to fight with the black flag, are you going? You stupid people - I am all for the Wu Dynasty -"

This hysterical roar and sorrow ~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ distant mountains came the voice of the police, some people rushed to the side of this side, in the distance has found the team of cavalry led by Yan Yanchi. The repressed atmosphere enveloped the hall of the pergola. Folu looked around and the thick voice spread out: "There is still a chance! Since the conspiracy of this puppy was discovered in advance, it only shows that the Golden Dog's plan has not been fully successful, I am waiting today. Fight hard, be sure to go north as fast as possible, and tell this conspiracy to the people who are righteous and anyway, how many heroes can save! How much will be saved!"

Dai Jincheng also shouted: "You have been surrounded! No way to go! You follow me, is the only way to live!"

After he said this, Flow's gaze has locked him, and his palms are shot like a thunder. Dai Jincheng's whole body is slammed on the ground, and the whole body is broken from head to toe.

On the side of Dai Yueyao, the people with the knife and gun forced it up. The killer in front of her said: "Maybe it is not her business!"

The face also came with a knife: "When she is alive, someone will be lucky." The killer bowed.

There was a knife stab in the back. He backed Dai Yueyao behind his back, and the knife slid into his arm. His face was approaching. The white night suddenly slashed his knife and squinted his face. "Everything is outside." Into his chest.

The white night knife stopped in midair, and the woman in the back looked at the clothes on his back and whispered, "You are called White Night." There was already a long knife piercing from behind her.

The blood rushed open, and they snuggled together and died quietly.

Soon after, the Yan Feng’s squadron stepped into this mountain and greeted him. It was also the unyielding knife of the mountains.

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