Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 932: Strong tide (3)

The wind is strong and the sea is flying.

In the valley below, the fallen bodies are horizontal and the blood is flowing red. Wan Yan, who was riding a black-painted horse, stepped on a corpse, and there was a **** face on the roadside, but he finally chose to surrender and survive.

His eyes swept over these people and ran to the hills ahead.

As for the things that have been repeated since more than a decade ago, when the army came in, it was difficult for the green foresters who had gathered together with a **** battle to resist such organized killings. The defensive battles were often the first time Broken, only a few Greenwooders caused damage to the Jurchen soldiers.

However, because Dai Jincheng’s plot was first discovered, he still won a moment of escape for the Green Forest people. The traces of the smother spread all the way along the ridge to the northeast, through the mountains and the woods, and the female true cavalry has also been chasing the past. The forest was not big, but it just right to restrain the impact of the Jurchen cavalry. Even when some soldiers rushed into the land, the green foresters who fled to the side set up an ambush, causing many casualties.

At the moment when Wanyan’s red crosses the mountain, the cavalry has begun to set the torch and prepare to set fire to the forest. Some cavalry are trying to find a way to bypass the forest and intercept the green foresters who fled.

Among the woodland, the half-skinned **** face dragged a Jurchen Knight on the ground and slashed it. Then he captured the other horse, but the horse was not tamed, screaming and kicking, and the face was behind the horse. When the horse was flying down, the horse was tumbling and fluttering to the horse's neck.

The blood of the horse squirted and splashed him, and he stinked. He looked around and not far away. The woman dressed up by the old man was running. He waved his hand: "Women! The golden dog can't enter the forest for a while. You laid the snake array, let's fight with them!"

"Golden dog wants to set fire, can't stay for a long time!" The old man said something like this, his face smashed, and then said: "The forest is so big, when it burns, it is also a death, let's go find someone else - ”

He turned and walked, and there was a knife in the back of the trunk. The knife turned to the front, and the old man rushed over, his face smashed back, and the three figures in the woodland were interlaced. The three fingers of the old man flew up in the air. The chest on the right side of the face was swept by the blade, the clothes broke open, and the blood came out.

What was only killed was a thin, golden soldier scout. Jurchen is also a fisherman and hunter, and many of the scouts are hunters who kill their lives. This middle-aged scout holds a long knife, his eyes are sharp and sharp, and he can’t tell the danger. If the face is not agile, if the old man is blocked by the three fingers, he will probably have to open the whole face. At this time, the knife is not deadly, and his face is swift and his pace is extremely agile. When you open the distance and walk to the side, you will break into the other side of the woods.

At this time, a figure roared, the golden man scouted to see the enemy, the figure flew back, the figure shot a shot, the gun front followed the goldens scout changed several times, straight into the scout's heart, and pulled out come out. This big gun seems to be unremarkable, but in a blink of an eye, it has crossed the distance of a few feet, sprinting and retracting, and it is really a big deal. Looking at the face and the old man, he recognized the identity of the person coming.

"Fulu predecessors, why are you still here!"

"I stayed the best." Flowe glanced at the two men. "Two speeds go."

"I am waiting to stay!" His face said, and he took out a wound medicine bag on his hand, quickly bandaging and dealing with the injured old man. "Fulu seniors, you are the backbone of today's green forest, you can't die, I am waiting here, try to hold the golden dog for a moment, for the big picture, you go faster."

"You should go faster." Flow's gaze was serious. "I have heard that it was the end of Yan Yan's squad and attacked Xicheng County. Now, Yan Yanqi came here, and there are not many soldiers and horses. The team went. Where, who is led, if Dai Mengwei really has a bad heart, Xicheng County is now a situation. The old eight brothers, you have always known the big game to advance and retreat, I stay here, enough to drag the end of Yan Yanchi, may not die, The more people who escape here, the more hope there will be in the future."

"You are the backbone of Greenwood."

"Xicheng County has thousands of heroes to die, and the green forests in the districts are all." Flow went to the distance. "There are people with bones, no one can stand up and stand up!"

When the wound on the chest was not heavy, when they were bandaging the old man, the two also quickly dealt with the injury to the chest. When they saw the figure of Fulu, they left, and the old man waved his hand: "I am not hurt, I can’t walk. For the predecessors of Fulu, I set up in the forest to help you."

"Thank you." Flow's voice came from there.

The face stood there for a moment, and the old man pushed him: "Go, go to the news."

He bit his teeth, and finally he arched his hand and said: "I swear to the sky, I will not die today, I will kill Dai Mengwei!"

I don't know where to pass it and say: "Me too!"


"My old swears to heaven, I will not die today, I will kill Dai Mengwei..."

The voice of shouting swayed in the woods. The man with the white hair was running in the woods. He had already persuaded him to think that he had hoped to escape, and decided to stay behind to kill the golden dog. He already knows, such as Jin Chenghu who has gone to him for a while, such as the old eight who had dealt with him earlier, and also a hero who could not name him.

These people are not damned, they can live one more, and the world may have more hope.

In his life, the majority of the front was in the world as a servant of Zhou Wei. His temperament was peaceful, and he was relatively soft when he was connected to the body. He was martial and murdered with Zhou, and he was also said to kill him. Only when I started, the people around me were the temperament of his wife Zuo Wenying. Compared with him, he was more determined and staunch.

Zhou Wei’s temperament is just right, and most of the time it’s actually quite serious. In retrospect, the first half of the life of Fu Lu and Zhou Wei are completely different figures. However, over the past ten years since Zhou Wei’s death, in the past year, Fu Lu was called by Ning Yi, and started to launch the Green Forest people. They were all against the Jurchen. From time to time, they had to give orders, and from time to time, they wanted to retreat for everyone. He thinks from time to time: If the master is still there, what will he do? Unconsciously, he has become more and more like the Zhou of the year.

On the edge of the woods, there was a fire, the old man holding a big gun, and the body began to run forward. The rider on the edge of the woods was setting fire to the fire. Suddenly, there was a slap in the air.

The rider was still there, the throat was pierced and the guns closed. The other two cavalry not far away also found the movement here, and the horse was killed. The old man took the gun and the gun was smooth. In a blink of an eye, the **** rain exploded in the air, and the horse that lost the rider passed by with the old man.

The old man looked up and saw the endless redness on the mountain peak. At this moment, Wan Yan, who was riding in the dark battle, was looking at him from this side. For a moment, he gave an order.

The archers who had fired on the arrows locked their eyes on this side. The old man took a big gun and retired into the woods.

The rocket's light spot rose to the sky and descended toward the forest. The old man took the gun to the depths of the forest, and then it was convenient to have smoke and flames rising.

The forest is not too big, but it takes a while to burn out. At this time, in the rest of the woodland, there is also a flame burning. The old man stands in the woodland, listening to the screaming sound of the screaming and the whistling of the flame. It was heard that the sound of the battle, the shouts, and the low snoring of the dragons and scorpions that killed Yan Zonghan more than ten years ago... This battle has never subsided in his mind.

Wenying which...

he thinks.

Long or short, people will always die. Yes, but sooner or later...

In the middle of the sky, the wind is blowing, and the sea is flying.

In the forest below, they are fighting in the same war with Zhou Wei and Zuo Wenying more than ten years ago...


The face robbed a slightly docile warhorse, killing and running all the way.

This day is already approaching the evening. He is close to Xicheng County. When he approaches the mountain forest in the south, his heart has already sunk. There are traces of the golden soldiers in the forest, and the sea is flying in the sky.

He abandoned the horse and walked cautiously through the woods, but halfway through it, he was finally found by two gold soldiers. He struggled to kill one of them, and another golden man scouted to kill him. Someone in the woods killed and rescued him.

It’s also a martial servant who’s coming out: “Under the Jin Jinhu, I’m married yesterday, I’ve seen the Eight Lords.”

His face arched his hand.

Both of them came out of the valley, and they were mourning the situation in the valley. They were still worried about the situation in Xicheng County. There was not much chilling at the moment, and they walked toward the northern end of the forest. The woods crossed the ridge, and the more they went forward, the colder the hearts of the two people. Far away, the air was sending an unusual sway, and occasionally through the tree gap, it seemed that they could see the smoke in the sky until they walked out of the woods. At the moment of the edge, they should have been careful to hide, but holding the trunk, the exhausted face fell to the ground with difficulty...

After more than a year in the southern depression, with the turn of the southwestern war situation, Dai Mengwei and Wang Zhainan’s ascend, this inspires several Han troops to rise up, anyway, and gather in the direction of Xicheng County. The fire of the stars that people have tried hard to get up. But at this moment, the female true cavalry is tearing the barracks of the Han army, and the war is coming to an end.

And the wandering on the battlefield is the flag of Wan Yan Xi Yin who should have been in the hundreds of miles away...

The evening wind on the riverside in summer is accompanied by the sound of the horn on the battlefield, like playing a desolation of the old dirge. Wan Yan Xi Yin rode on the horse, looking at the gradual collapse of the Han army in front of the field of vision.

A large number of troops have laid down their weapons and squatted on the ground. Some people resisted and some wanted to escape, but the cavalry troops gave the other side a painful blow. These troops had already surrendered a large sum of money. They saw that the situation was not right, and they were inspired by some people before they rebelled again.

Even if he did not bring much of the cavalry here, he could easily defeat the tens of thousands of troops gathered here under the premise of getting defense information. It has also proved once again that although there are many Han troops, they are all without timidity.

Far and near, some Han army members dressed in shackles and knives and guns screamed there, but most of them were still numb and desperate. Some people shouted in a pool of blood, and shouted low. Dumb, the injured soldier is still afraid of causing the attention of the Jinbing. Wan Yan Xi Yin looked at all this. Occasionally, the cavalry came over and reported to Xi Yin that he had killed the news of a certain general of the Han army. By the way, there were people.

Seven or eight people who originally belonged to the generals were still underground, and those who were caught were being taken. Not far away, there is another person who is close to visit the shrine. It is the big Confucian Dai Mengwei who led the incident. This person is more than sixty years old. The color looks sorrowful and unsmiling. Xi Yin originally appreciated it and even After his rebellion, he also told Confucius about the value of Confucianism, but at the moment, it has a different perception.

He was greeted with a dream, and then he took the horse and let the other person get up. When I met the previous time, Dai Mengwei was a surrender, but his body was always straight. After the ceremony, he always leaned slightly. The two chilled a few words and walked along the ridge.

"... Honestly, Dai Gong made such a noise, but eventually he repaired the book to me and sold them backhand. If this thing is in someone else, say that I am a big man, and that the person who knows the time is Junjie, I am a letter. But, in Dai Gong, I have some doubts, the letter is simple, please Dai Gongyou to teach me."

Dai Meng’s body was slightly stunned, and his hands were always caged in his sleeves. At this time, he looked forward and said calmly: “As long as Gu Shen answered the conditions that were previously stated, they are dead... and they collude with the black flag. It was originally a dead man."

"Dai Gong really avoids the black flag? Is it my gold?"

"Dajin is the enemy of my Han family. At this time, I will have to retreat one day. After the coach and the **** of the valley go north, the black flag will cross the southwest and drive straight into the country. Yi once said that to destroy my Confucianism, although there is no clear movement, but in the old sense, this only shows that he is not reckless, once he starts to move his hands, it is even worse. Gu Shen, Ning Yi eliminates Confucianism is No, but he can make the world, add tens of years, decades of turmoil, I do not know how many people, so die."


"Gu Shen may not agree with the old-fashioned view, but also despise the old-fashioned actions. This is the commonplace of human feelings. Dajin is a new country, sharp and energetic. Although Gu Shen studied Confucianism for a lifetime, he also saw the old-fashioned staleness. Gu Shen, if Jin Guoruo lives in the world, it will become like this sooner or later."

Dai Meng micro caged sleeves, from the beginning to the end, Xi Yin walked half a step forward, footsteps, words are generally calm, but revealing an indescribable breath, like dead air, and like an unknown prophecy. The image of this body is slightly sinister, the face is sad, and the words are ominous. It is the true inner heart of the old man. He heard the other party continue to say.

"...When the Qin Dynasty, there was the beginning of the Five Virtues, and later said that there must be a king in five hundred years. Five hundred years is too long, this world, two or three hundred years, is A turbulence, this turbulence or decades, or hundreds of years, will be unified into a unified. This is heavenly, manpower is difficult, fortunate enough to live in the world, can live a few days, unfortunately, in troubled times, you see this world What is the difference with cockroaches?"

"...There is no change in the cycle of heaven, and my generation of scholars can only make the world longer, let the troubled world be shorter, not toss, and that is the merit of thousands of people. Gu Shen, say a heart If this world can still be the Han family, the old can still laugh at Jiuquan, but if the Han family does not sit still in this world, this world will return to Daikin, and sooner or later they will have to use Confucianism. I can hope to govern the world and suffer less sin."

He looked at the Han army under the battlefield: "The black flag can't be done... Ning Yi's population is called Huaxia, and his actions are really determined and self-reliant. He is a hero, but he is not a king. The hero does not change his mind. Invincible, the king must know how to advance and retreat, and understand the trade-offs. From the very beginning, he set the ambition to destroy Confucianism, and he wants to use his set of so-called contracts, fairness, and equality to start from scratch. In the middle, it is more powerful. The image of the fold."

"...Think about it, he defeated Zong Han, and his strength went out. The administration can no longer be as simple as the mountains. He can't change the world, and the world can't change him. The more he is unyielding, the more the world is. He stayed in the troubled times for a long time. He brought the study of the things, and made his weapons even more powerful by Qi Qiao, and everyone in this world is learning him. This is the weather of the great world. Heroic, you can come to the end, but the world burns and the people suffer."

Xi Yin shouldered his hands and walked all the way. At this time, he said: "Dai Gong’s remarks are unheard of, but they are really thought-provoking."

"Gu Shen Ying Rui, you can know the helplessness of the old, but no matter what, now the black flag is what you and I have to do and have to do. In fact, in the past, Ning Yi talked about the elimination of Confucianism, everyone I feel that it is only the crows of the younger generation, but the **** of the valley, since March, the situation in this world is different. This is a strong and strong horse. Perhaps it has won the sword in the southwest, but you can go further. Step by step, it will be more difficult to multiply. Confucianism has been thousands of years in the world, and Confucian scholars who have not risen up to compete with it before will begin to confront it. This, Gu Shen can wait and see."

Xi Yin turned his head and looked at the battlefield: "So, you really have a reason to cooperate with me. Oh, I will double the things I have already accepted. Just after we leave, wear You don’t have to live for a long time, you must have thought about it?"

"The old man is not cherished, but he also believes in the gods of the valley god. As long as Gu Shen will hand over the manpower, food and materials that the southwestern army has already taken, I will allow dozens of millions of Han slaves to stay and use materials to fight disasters. Let a million people in this thousand miles survive, then I will give birth to Buddha. If the Black Flag Army wants to kill me, then kill it, just let the people of this world meet the face of the Black Flag Army. Let this The people of the world know that they call the Huaxia Army, but they are only fighting for power, not for the well-being of all people. It is a good thing to die under their swords."

Xi Yin silent for a moment: "The grain and grass, the heavy weight, the ordnance will not be given to you. I will give you the city of the Dajin West Road Army. I will give you the Han army under my account. I grabbed more than 800,000 Han slaves who were going to be sent back, and I will give you all of them. I will not kill you. I promise you that when I withdraw, if there is no reason, my Dajin army will never arbitrarily kill the city. To vent your anger, you can explain it to the outside world. This is an agreement between you and me... but these people today..."

He pointed to the battlefield.

Dai Meng's gaze is calm: "Today's descendants, as my Han dynasty Han people, but colluded with black flags and chaos, sin is unforgivable, read his abandonment and surrender, pumping three kills one, to succumb to the effect. The old man will do this well Please ask God to rest assured."

"Well..." Xi Yin nodded. He looked at the front and wanted to say something, but at the moment, he couldn't think of too many words, and waved people to bring the horses.

"Since today, Dai Gong is the next Liu Yu. I don't agree with Dai Gong, but I have to admit that Dai Gong is much more difficult than Liu Yu. Ning Yi has an enemy like Dai Gong... indeed some Unlucky."

"I am a million-strong people on the south of Nanjiang River. I thank you for not killing the gods."

"That doesn't have to thank me."

Xi Yin answered this question, and there were also scouts that brought intelligence. That is another situation change on the battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Tushanwei army of the Bingji Road is being wrapped up with the puppet army on the edge of the Han River, blocking the way of Qi Xinhan and Wang Zhainan troops. Wang Zhainan’s troops have low combat power. The black flag army of a brigade led by Qi Xinhan is a real hard bone. Even if it is blocked, it will not be embarrassing.

From the news reported, I saw Dai Meng’s enemies, and all the roads around it were difficult to get through. Qi Xinhan, who was once deceived, has narrowed the scope of action and began to build defense lines with terrain. It seems that it is necessary to use three thousand main forces and cooperate with Wang Zhai. The tens of thousands of Han Chinese troops in the south hand, according to the ground.

In the same situation, it happened more than ten years ago. It was the Xia Cun defensive war that took place during the first battle of the sacred sects. It was also in that battle that shaped the military soul of the entire black qi army today. Embryo. For this case, the Black Flag Army is clear, and Yan Yan Xi Yin is no stranger. Therefore, he is not willing to let this battle be dragged into a long, anxious rhythm.

Fortunately, Dai Mengwei has just rebelled. Wang Zainan’s troops may not be able to gain the trust of the Black Flag Army. What they face is not the constant victory of Guo’s pharmacist, but Tu Shanwei who led himself.

After Xi Yin left, Dai Mengwei’s gaze turned to the entire battlefield on the side of the body. It was tens of thousands of compatriots who fell down, ragged, numb, pale, desperate, and turned to sink in the hell, even in the vicinity. The soldiers who were coming were looking at him with hateful eyes, and he was not moved by them.

Tianli Avenue, what do you know about fools? What is the death of tens of thousands of people compared to the lives of millions of people?

At this moment, the old man is one of the most powerful people south of Hanshui.

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