Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 934: Skylight roaring dark fire cross (top)

Before the Guancheng of Guane is a narrow ramp, there are mountains on both sides of the ramp, down the ramp, the road to the southwest is not spacious, and there is even a narrow plank road that is cut into the mountain wall.

When Jin Bing withdrew from this road, it had already destroyed the plank road, but by noon on April 16th, the flag of the lone star on the black passed through the originally destroyed road and appeared below the ramp in front of the sword court. The Huaxia Military Corps, which is longer than civil engineering, has a set of precise and efficient standard equipment. It was repaired in less than half a day for the mountain road that was not completely destroyed.

The incoming Huaxia army team gathered outside the range of the artillery. Because the road was not spacious, the team that appeared in the field of vision did not seem to have much. The slopes and mountain roads in front of the Jiangeguan Guancheng are filled with heavy materials that the Jinbing can not take away. The vehicles, wooden frames, cut down trees, damaged guns and even used as guns are even used. The shovel and the wood thorn of the trap are generally blocked by the hill.

Jin Bing is looking out from the front wall. The hot air balloon is tied with a rope and floats on the sky at both ends of the city, monitoring the movement of the Huaxia Army. The weather is fine, but everyone can feel a pale, burning scent.

"Tiangong is beautiful." Qu Zhengyan arrived at the front line in the first time, and then issued an order, "Give these things to me."

The arrow was fired and shot at a large amount of materials piled up in the mountains and on the road. For a moment, the flames were lit up. After a while, there was an amazing explosion. It was a dynamite barrel buried under the supplies. Was ignited.

The fire burned, the black plume rose up into the sky, and some of them were still drifting toward the Jiange City Pass. The queue of thousands of Chinese Huaxia troops is even more than two miles long in the mountains, occupying almost everything that can be accommodated. The engineering team made the board according to the order, and the box containing the rocket and the launcher was lifted to the front line to select the position. The channel was called to scout the troops and searched and patrolled the rugged mountains.

"If you find the lurking of the Golden Army, try not to stun the snake."

The city gate of Jiange has been blocked, the mountain roads in front are blocked, and even the plank road is destroyed. At this moment, the Jinbing, who still stays in the southwestern mountains, will never lose the possibility of defeating the attacking Huaxia Army. However, according to the observation and judgment of the speed of separation in the past, the Jurchen general is very good at bursting in the long-term, violent and violent attack. The city defense of Huangming County was collapsed.

In the boring attack of two months, the second division was given tremendous pressure, which also caused a fixed mindset. Then, after a trick, a sufficient bait was buried to break the city defense of Huangming County, which once covered China. The victory of the army in the rainwater stream. At this moment in front of us, thousands of people were stuck in the mountain road outside the squad, and the channel was unwilling to give this "impossible" opportunity to realize.

The task of preventing the sneak attack of the small enemy forces from the side of the mountain was arranged for Qiu Yunsheng, the head of the Fourth Division and the Second Brigade, and the task of the first round of attacking the Jiange was arranged for Mao Yishan.

In front of it was a raging fire, and everyone climbed the nearby mountain wall with ropes. The channel is leading the Mao Yishan to the fire in front.

"Jianmen is in danger, its outer layer is this tower, breaking through the tower, and it has to hit the main peak all the way. It is difficult to take advantage of it in the ancient times with ten times of troops. No one has taken advantage of it. Today's strength is estimated on both sides. Almost, but we have rockets. Before we took out all the furniture, we took a few shots from the hands of the various units and didn’t have time to use them. At present, it’s seventy-one, and we’re going to kill them. Speed ​​off..."

While the people looked at the head of the Jiange City on the hill, the Jurchen generals wearing armor and white towels were looking over from there, and the two sides looked at each other across the fire. On the one hand, the Jurchen Sutra, who has been in the world for decades, has always been a sorrowful arrogance after his brother’s death. His soldiers have been greatly encouraged; on the other hand, the black flag iron army is full of vigor and determination. Qu Zhengyan and Mao Yishan set their sights on the generals of the flames. More than ten years ago, this level of Jurchen generals was the legend of the whole world. Today, everyone is already in the same position and considering how to put each other. Frontal killing.

"The castle building of Jiange is not too troublesome. Now the fire in front has not burned out. When it burns almost, we will start to blow up the tower. The top is wooden, you can point it up, the fire will be big, you take the opportunity to Before, I will arrange for people to blow up the city gate. However, it is estimated that the inside has been blocked. But in general, the problem of charging to the city can be solved. When the fire on the city is slightly reduced, you can go to the city, can you pull it out? Standing firmly in front of speed is the key to this battle."

Mao Yishan looked over there, and then said: "To take the first opportunity, you must go to the city in the fire."

Some of the rocket's explosives are bitter and sour. It can make a raging fire on the top of the city. It will inevitably make the city head unable to set foot for a while, but as the flame weakens, who can get into the fire first? Can take advantage of it. The channel just nodded. "It's not easy. I've got people to take water. Before the attack, everyone wets the clothes first."

“It’s good to be able to go straight to the city.”

Mao Yishan stood there and opened his mouth and smiled. It has been more than a decade since Xia Cun, and his smile is still very generous, but there is already tremendous power in this moment. This is enough to face the speed of pulling off.

After that, I discussed the details for a while. Mao Yishan went to the draw to decide the members of the first team. He also participated in the draw. After the personnel were transferred, the wooden boards prepared by the engineering team had begun to move forward, and the frame of the rockets was racked up.

Inside the Jianmenguan, the speed of pulling away also mobilized the man, waiting for the arrival of the first round of the Chinese army.

Near the evening, the scouts who went to the nearby mountains still did not find traces of enemy activities, but this mountain is rugged and it is not easy to completely determine the matter. The righteousness of the channel was not taken lightly, and Qiu Yunsheng still tried his best to defend.

The sunset burned the sunset, then the darkness swallowed the horizon. The fire was still burning before the sword gate closed. The sword gate closed silently. The soldiers of the Huaxia Army sat on the side of the roadside and rested. Only occasionally, the sharpening stone was sharpened. The voice, some people whispered, talking about the children at home, trivial mood.

"When they are beaten, they should grow up..."

"My dog, five years old this year..."

"I have seen it, it’s not like you..."

"I was broken, and I was hungry a few years ago..."

"I want to eat and hang the pie of Chenjiapu..."

"I have to cut the head off the speed, when the ball kicks..."

"Ha ha..."

The flame burned with the night wind, and the sound of the whimper came out. In the early hours of the morning, dozens of figures in the depths of the mountains began to move, marching silently toward the valley with faint fire. This is the attacker who stayed in the Jedi by the speed of separation. Most of them are Jurchens. The prosperity of their homes has been **** with the whole big gold. Even if they are desperate, they must be in this place. , made a desperate fight against the Huaxia Army.

The open flame gradually went out, but the embers still burned in the mountains. In the early morning of April 17th, near the ugly, Qu Zhengyan stood at the mountain pass and gave orders to the technicians responsible for the launch.

Two rockets broke through the night sky, and everyone saw the trajectory of the flame. Between the rugged mountains in the gap with the Jianmen Gate, the Jurchen members who were climbing from the dangerous peaks saw the flames that bloomed in the distant night.

The whole glory was illuminated by the two flames.

Soon after, there were two bright tail flames, and then two more... On the gatehouse of Jianmenguan, the flame spread and turned into a torch of dancing in the night.

"Fire fighting."

At the back of the closing building, the long-awaited pull-out speed and calm command were made to push the waterwheel that had already been prepared to the tower. In such a flame, the wooden tower is not guaranteed, but as long as you can pay more for the other firearms, you will get a point advantage.

While the soldiers pushed the waterwheel and carried the bucket, two firearms whistled over the top of the tower, and they fell into the corner of no one. They blew on the road and flew two or three soldiers. Pulling off the speed is just a calm treatment: "The black flag army's firearms are not much, don't worry! It will win!"

The huge torch continued to burn in the night, and there was no gold soldier in front of the tower. When it was near Tianming, the fire gradually showed signs of decay. The soldiers in the Maoyishan group had risen and were responsible for the first batch of thirty. The people drank the warm rice wine and approved the soaked coat. They walked past Mao Yishan.

"Your mission is to safely reach the city wall, lay a board for the hard-to-reach places, make sure there are no traps, and the general attack will immediately follow."

"Head of the team, this time is the first to be envious, don't be too envious."

Someone said this, everyone laughed. Channel Zhengyan also came over and took everyone's shoulders.

"Are you ready?"


"--set off."

The mountain wind passed through the forest and snarled and roared among the mountains. In the middle of the night, the soldiers carrying the wooden boards stepped over the ashes and rushed to the still burning city tower. There was a bleak fire above the mountain roads, but their figures spread along the mountain road.

At the moment of the moment, in the defensive area set by Qiu Yunsheng in the rear, the explosion of the mines was heard, and the Jurchen who was preparing to attack from the side was sharp and fell into the encirclement. At the moment of the second moment, the moment of the whiteness of the fish is white, Mao Yishan leads more soldiers, and has already extended toward the wall. The ladder has already caught the flames and the haze of the city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soldiers quickly climbed up the ladder, and hysterical shouts came from the walls. The Jurchen soldiers who were also driven up carried the rolling wood and threw them from the burning wall.

The first Chinese soldiers were slammed into the clogs and fell. Someone shouted in the darkness: "Chong--" The soldiers on the other side of the ladder greeted the flame and speeded up!

Mao Yishan waved, the sergeant blew the charge, and more people took the ladder through the hillside. The channel was commanding the launcher of the rocket: "Put - the rocket flew across the sky, crossed the gate, and The rear of the building fell down and made an amazing explosion. Pulling off the speed and waving the long gun: "Follow me -"

Mao Yishan passed through the long hillside where the ash was flying, and ran all the way to the ladder. Soon after, they would meet the flame in the flame.

This is the collision between steel and steel, the impact of iron felt and heavy hammer, and the flame is still burning. The warriors who clashed in the screams and shouts, and the warriors who forged in the abyss, will take a chance for their future.

On April 17, in this most fierce and fierce conflict, the eastern horizon will be dawning...


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