Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 935: Skylight roaring dark fire (middle)

At dawn, the wind blew through the mountains of the southwest, and above the Guancheng of the Jiange, there was still a flame burning.

The wooden tower has been burnt into the whole body of the focal black in the previous fire. The beams and tiles are peeling off in the flames. Although the open flame has gradually become smaller, the burning black smoke is still rising and rising. The morning breeze smothers the south side of Guancheng completely, but the heat wave is relatively small. The soldiers on both sides will fight between the narrow passages that are not spacious.

After the soldiers of the two sides met, the long-distance assistance temporarily lost its effect. The Jurchen formed a shield and sprinted forward. The ignited fire thunder was thrown out at the rear, and the Huaxia Army also threw a grenade.

The explosion bloomed in the city. People searched for shelters in the hot air. The waves burned and horrible bubbles were drawn on the faces of people. The soldiers of the Huaxia Army continued to move forward and threw grenades on the stairs behind the tower. The previous explosions shook the towers that had become dry and smouldering in the flames. Columns collapsed and the soldiers were buried in coke and Among the wood stones, a large exploding Mars rises into the sky.

"Follow me -"

The sound of the charge was hovering with the morning breeze, and under the gray hills, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army were still coming above the burning Guancheng.

The city of Guancheng, which is surrounded by flames, is daunting, but it really takes a long time to break through it. The Chinese soldiers who boarded the gatehouse were retired, with grenades and flames and black smoke. The fire at the back of the building was not completely affected. Although the Jurchen’s new force was easier to come up, it was in the explosion of grenades. The damage suffered was even greater. After repeated confrontations, the Huaxia Army threw a grenade on the inner side of the small square on the inner floor. The Jurchen retreated toward the distance and responded with arrows.

The small square behind Guancheng is not big. If you go back, it will be a winding mountain road. After the Jurchens have been killed, they slowly recede. The Chinese army is surging. Mao Yishan took the first one to rush to the city and broke into the small square in the city. With hundreds of people boarding the city, some soldiers went down to the rear, and the real counterattack of pulling off the speed came.

A dozen cannons located in the rear of the mountain sounded almost at the same time, and the flying shells and explosions shrouded the Guancheng and the squares here. At this time, the flame spread in the city, and the gate was already blocked by a large number of stones on the inside. The whole Guancheng was like a huge fence. Although the dozens of iron cannons could not cover the entire area, under the bombardment of this heavy firepower, there were more than a dozen Chinese soldiers on the spot who died in the fire.

Two small trebuchets were prepared between the detachment speeds and even the rear mountain roads. The barrels filled with explosives were thrown at the still-fired gatehouse, causing a new round of violent explosions.

The mountain wind blew over, Mao Yishan climbed from the ground and his ears rang. He pulled up the tumbling warrior and began to walk toward the back, drinking in his mouth: "Save people! Look for shelters -"

There was no bunker on the small square, but the dead angle of the artillery was still there. Only then, the companion ran to the corner of the city. The second round of shelling in front of the car was already ringing. The smell of smoke and nitrate was everywhere. Someone asked if you want to return to the rear of the city, Mao Yishan shook his head: "Save people! Prepare grenades! Beware of arrows!"

In a piece of smoke, the Chinese army soldiers who had retreated to the bottom of the city wall had more than ten people. Several injured people were still struggling to roll on the ground in front, but it was impossible to think about it. In the middle, there is an arrow rain.

A group of fighters raised their shields, and then a large slamming voice fell, and the Jurchens were coming in front of the smoke.

"Grenade - ready to punch -"

In the loud noise of Mao Yishan, several grenades were thrown at the rushing gold soldiers. In the opposite army, the same lit fire thunders were thrown. They were thrown at the corner of the wall, but Mao Yishan has already made a step by step and rushed out toward the front.

On the battlefield, the wounded soldiers of the Huaxia Army stood up and swayed. The guns of Jin Bing penetrated his body. Mao Yishan rushed over the side of the soldier who had not fallen, and slammed into the Jinbing. Grenade burst into the formation. The rest of the Huaxia Army soldiers have also rushed to the ground and smashed together with the Jin people in the form of scattered soldiers.

There is a blockade of gunfire in front, and the rear is to withstand the bombing of fire and thunder. Only by choosing you and me to kill you, is the only way out. The veterans who can follow Mao Yishan for the early attack are all able to see such a situation. They use the grenade to blow the other party into a squadron and charge, and once they rush into each other’s formation, they will form a battle. In the local battlefield, each has the advantage of two dozens. The Jurchens are extremely fierce in individual combat, but in the six months of the Southwest Campaign, the elite team often suffers from the scuffle with the Huaxia Army.

Mao Yishan cut down two golden soldiers in the killing. Several people have fallen in the field of vision, and the **** atmosphere has spread. On the rear wall, several Chinese soldiers who have broken through have already come down. After the shooting, they join the battle. There are also several tall, well-guarded soldiers on the Jurchen side. They also don’t dare to invest too much. Soldiers, afraid of dying too many people in the grenade explosion.

Even after the gunpowder barrel was thrown over the city, the rolling smoke was screaming around. The rocket that was fired on the other side also crossed the upper part of Guancheng, flew into the opposite side of the mountain wall, and blew out the thick smoke.

The launch of the Dijiang River has undergone several adjustments, but in the case of inability to accurately measure the distance and the fierce mountain winds, the rockets can not threaten the gold positions in the mountains in such a long distance. After a few shots, you can only do nothing.

The two sides continued to kill in this environment of soot and arrows flying, and I did not know how long it took to kill. Jinbing showed a tendency to retreat. Mao Yishan shouted: "Save the wounded!" In a moment, the shells will be mad. Come.

The people returned to the corner of the wall where the shells could not be blown. The wounded had not yet had time to move to the wall. The second round of the Jurchen attack, they killed again...

A round of hedging and smothering, Jin Bing rushed over and was killed again. The battle on the small square lasted for more than half an hour. Both sides paid the price of more than two hundred people. As the flame above the Guancheng gradually became more and more, the Chinese army was able to stabilize the position on the small square in a pool of blood.

The bodies piled up like mountains.

In this small space that is not spacious enough, the two sides have to fight for more than 200 lives with oil-adding tactics. It is a very fierce battle. Even the Xiao Cang River in that year rarely reached such a strong degree. Kill. Mao Yishan’s position was crumbling several times. A large number of wounded people were evacuated in the first round, and then sacrificed in the second round of killing, but until the end, the Jurchens did not really gain the upper hand.

This is the first hour after the start of the sword gate offensive. The Huaxia Army was crushed to the front of the small square under the city wall, and neither side had to enter. The Chinese military’s war is determined, and the speed of pulling off is not weak. When the bodies were piled up in a small area, everything went to the extreme.

Mao Yishan fell into a pool of blood in the fight. A company commander called the warrior to pick him up and rushed to the wall. He crossed the gate and sent it to the rear. The soldier yelled at the medical team: "Save my head." Perhaps he was not much favored as a head of the team on the battlefield, and more soldiers, because they could not be sent back in time, have already sacrificed on the battlefield.

The fire on the upstairs gradually became more and more, and as the passage was gradually opened, the Huaxia Army began to try to break ahead. However, on the mountain road in the rear, the mountain road that is not spacious will be kept solid. On the afternoon of this day, the Huaxia Army pulled out a dozen iron cannons in the rear with the cooperation of several rockets and tried to attack the mountain road.

Waiting for them is also a stubborn resistance to breaking the boat...


Every country or nation will always have outstanding figures in the face of distress, and in a different way, carry out a round of improvement or resistance.

Of course, or because of the tens of thousands of horses, the rare resistance will show such a special weight.

The horses ran through the ridges and the distant roads, crossed the campsites where the flags were smashed, and when the scouts passed the news of the sword gate to the end of Yan Zonghan, the true-looking veteran who had never been over-moved even if his biological son died. In the eyes, I couldn’t help but shed two lines of tears.

The generals died in battle, and the casualties of any general on the battlefield are inevitable. The loss of a general, even his own son, is just a matter of luck, but one of the generals in the army and one after another defeated and fallen on the battlefield, which represents the national movement of a country. An urgent, critical moment.

When I thought about the three thousand people who started fighting in the same year, who among the three thousand can be considered special? In the battle of a field, thousands of people died one after another, but the true spirits of the women, the death of no one has really affected the overall situation. The diverticulum was later called the female true **** of war, but in that year, he did not seem to be better than anyone else. He only survived in those decades of campaigning. When the diverticulum fell in the northwest and later resigned, Jin Guo felt distressed. On the one hand, they explained that they were precious. On the other hand, they only explained that the rest could not match them.

When I got this battle in the southwest, from 讹里里 to 设马, to Yuyu and Daxie, every break was distressing. Compared with the 30 years before the fight, it was such an emotion. There will be no. Whose death is normal, one general will die, the other will be on the line, but before they can get it, no one can replace them.

The battle of Tanzhou was abolished by silver surgery. It was originally one of the handsome talents who could go to the market after going to Gu Shen. I didn’t expect that due to the shackles of Yan Yanqing, it was folded in the dead of the Han’s generals. Policy. After the silver technique can be broken, the power of his family can still fall on the shoulders of the speeding off--the brothers of the soldiers, one is just fierce, one is steady and soft, and the status of each of them is originally Zhai Lili, Yu Yu, Da Yu and others are higher - with the arrival of the Jianmenguan war situation, Zong Han understands that the pullback will not come back.

However, it cannot be imagined.

Even from the intellectual analysis, the strength of the southwest black flag has been stretched, but the light is in front of the lions in front of the array, Zong Han knows that the danger of the sword, can not stop the demons to be killed from the rear will.

——If there are no more than 20,000 people from Qin Shaoqian in the southwestern mountains, perhaps the other party will try their best to wait for the Dajin to leave and then recover the sword gate. But just because there are two thousand people stuck in the road, the dark dragon in the southwest will surely break through the level. Although it may be subject to certain counter-attacks in the future, the sword gate can't stop the will of the demons, and it can't stop the attack of the new firearms.

If they are arranged in Jianmenguan, if they are not the generals who pull off the speed, the rest will only collapse and fall faster. After the two Chinese troops join together, the return of their own army will only It has become even more bumpy.

Recalling the decades-long journey that has gathered and gradually degraded, Zonghan sighed and put on his helmet and walked out of the big account. The army has been mobilized and assembled.

Before the Jianmen Pass was broken, all the elite forces were concentrated to carry out a major decisive battle, and the so-called Huaxia Seventh Army headed by Qin Shaoqian was surrounded.

This is the only account he can make for the sacrifice of speeding off.


When the sky is dark, people will have to ignite the fire. Sometimes, on the ridiculous land, people can only ignite themselves to wait for the dawn.

This kind of taste, the Jurchen talents have just realized that the people of the Wu Dynasty have already been in it for more than ten years. If the consciousness of Zong Han, Xi Yin, and the speed of separation is still able to show the spirit of reason and consciousness, Burning on the body of Hanshui River, Dai Mengwei is more like a torch with madness and distortion.

To the north, Yunzhongfu, the weather is gloomy. When Li Li love stood on the wall, his fire was also supporting the darkness of the cloud house.

Under the city is the besieged city that has been driven from all directions, including the golden people and the Han slaves. This proves that it is not the Han people in the south. In fact, the style of the horse team and the camp run from afar has already explained this point. All the way back to the Yanmen Pass is the grassland people who were once blocked in the west.

The situation in the siege has lasted for several days.

Among the nearby small towns and villages, the original residents were driven by these grassland people one by one. These people around the city can not invade the city, but for Jurchen, the most injured may be the dignity and face lost after the first experience of this kind of thing. The comrades in the city are constantly clamoring for a fight, but Shi Li loves to hold on to such an idea.

On the second day of the prairie pioneers, the time of love once made a small number of cavalry in the city attack, and tested the other's fineness. This grassland cavalry appeared to be aggressive and reckless, and after a pair of shots, he retreated and panicked. This is the first round of the two sides in the cloud. As a gold warrior who almost conquered the world, it is a matter of course to fight the death of the other party and to defeat the other party. However, Shili love vaguely notices that it is not appropriate. When Mingjin retreated, he realized that his own cavalry was almost taken away by the other party intentionally or unintentionally.

It is a very subtle distance. This cavalry is the elite of the defending army. It will return immediately after the order, and the other party will not follow the attack again. But the time can always feel the love, many eyes under the city are there. Watching him quietly, waiting for an opportunity to arrive.

In the next two days, the old man observed the movement of the cavalry in the city. This can be vaguely noticed. Although the cavalry seems to be wild and difficult to tame, it actually has a very good combat literacy, and the performance of the attack and retreat in the same day. There are subtle differences. If his gold medals are later, the other army may have already followed the cavalry of the enemy to the city gate, and not to say that they can break into the city. The team under their own hands is at least impossible to come back. of.

He is a person who has experienced wars throughout his life. Even though he sees these things, he does not speak with the juniors in private. First, his majesty is huge, he does not have to explain specifically for small things, and secondly, to maintain the rebellion and anger of young people, in many cases, it is also very necessary.

Such a siege lasted for several days, and a battle of big and small was taking place near the clouds. The fourth South Expedition of the Golden State took away most of the elite troops, but it did not represent the domestic The ministry has been emptied to the extent that it is not guarded. Resident troops, security teams, and even veterans everywhere can pull out a large number of troops at any time. Since the Yanmen Pass was broken, the grassland people’s soldiers quickly touched the Yunzhong government. There were one and one force in each place, and they quickly gathered here.

On the way, they suffered a round of arrows and rain. The grassland people's bows and arrows are sturdy and the equestrian is amazing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the case that the main force of the army has already gone south, at least on the horse team, the Jin Guoren can no longer compete with these grassland riders, and these grassland people will never compete with Jin Guo. The army launched any kind of frontal combat. After they encountered the infantry, they shot far away. The infantry team formed a good battle. They left, and then came to harassment from time to time, from daytime harassment to night, and then from night to harassment.

Most of the Jurchen troops who came to help were trapped in the mud, and basically could not reach the city under the cloud. Only two cavalry units passed through the blockade line on April 13 and 15 and were hunted in the clouds by large-scale grassland cavalry. The vision outside the city is far away.

When you stand up, you can't move.

On April 17th, there were already several trebuchets that seemed to be twisted and twisted. They were set up in front of the position. When they were pushed over and ready to throw, the counters on the wall of the city were also ready for counterattack. When Yan Yan and others waited to persuade, they fell in love from the wall, but Shili love only moved to the side of the tower next to the crutches.

"The cloud is renovated, I personally supervised it. A few stones, can't knock this stupid wall. And see what they want to do."

First thrown into the city of the cloud, not a stone...


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