Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 937: Big battle (1)

"Everyone, when the battle is over, it is already here."

On April 19, Dalong Mountain near Kang County, the moonlight in the early morning was white, and it was seen through the window of the wooden house.

There was a burning torch in the wooden house, not big, and the fire and the stars merged together. Qin Shaoqian mobilized against the seventh army general who had just gathered.

"It has been more than ten years since the time passed," he said. "In the past ten years, the Central Plains has fallen in the flames of war. Our compatriots have been bullied and slaughtered. We are the same. We have lost our comrades, and everyone here. Most of them have lost their loved ones. Do you still remember yourself...the look of your loved ones?"

Outside the room, the soldiers of the 7th Army of China have gathered in a piece of bonfire.

"I still remember what I looked like," he said. "When the Wu Dynasty was a good place, I was the lord of the dynasty. In order to defend the shackles, I offended the emperor and eventually died on the road of exile. My brother. It was a nerd. He kept the Taiyuan for more than a year. He refused to send troops to save him. He was finally smashed by the Jurchen, his head hanging on the wall, and someone sent his head back... I didn't see it."

"Districts... For more than ten years, they look like they are clear. I remember very clearly what I look like. My brother’s widow is still a small radish head. He grew up in Jinguo. The golden man licked a finger. For more than ten years... My little child at that time was walking around the city all day, but the children now have to be licked by their fingers. He said that he grew up on the Jurchen side. He didn't even dare to say anything..."

The big cart pulled by the horse and the donkey turned down from the mountain, and the car was armed with iron cannons and other ordnance. Far away, some people have come over and watched on the edge of the mountain.

Qin Shaoqian had one eye and looked at the generals.

"Some people say that they will be beaten behind, we are beaten... I remember that when the Jurchen first went south, more than ten years ago, I spoke to Liheng on the side of the road, as if it was an evening - the evening of the Wu Dynasty. Heng said that this country has already owed money. I asked him how he still returned. He said that he has to return his life. For many years, I don’t know how many people have died. We have been paying back the accounts, and now it is..."

The wind blew through the bonfire outside, and it reflected the straight posture. There is a sigh of breath in the air. Qin Shaoqian’s eyes swept over everyone.

"From Xia Cun... to Dong Zhijun... Northwest... to Xiao Canghe... Dayang... Come here again... Our enemies, from Guo Yaoshi...to the court's old men...from Xixia... ...to the dim room, resigning... From the three years of Xiao Canghe, to today’s Wan Yanhan, Wan Yanxi Yin... How many people are standing by your side? They are charging with you, falling down On the road..."

"After more than a decade ago, we talked about Jurchen people, like a myth. From the river shop to the guardian Dagang, they defeated the incomparable Liao people, each time with less wins, and we Wudai I heard that the people of Liaoguo came, and they all felt headaches, not to mention the incomparable Jurchen. Tong Tong led more than 100,000 people in the Northern Expedition in the past, but he did not beat seven thousand Liao soldiers. He spent tens of millions of dollars and bought Yan. The four states of the cloud sixteen states are back..."

He recalled that year, he smiled and laughed: "Children, ah, the only person who covered the sky in the past, all of us have to kneel in front of him, until the end of the death of Zhou Wei, Tong Tong blocked in front, Li Heng slap On his head, others flew up and their heads hit the steps of the Golden Temple, oh-"

"In those days, we looked at the prince, and the prince Wang looked at the emperor. The emperor stared at the Liao people. The Liao people looked at the Jurchen... Why are the Jurchens so powerful? In the summer village, we didn’t know, 汴Liangcheng Million Qin Wangjun, who was beaten by tens of thousands of horses by the ancestors, was a disparity in the gap. Many of us have practiced martial arts for a lifetime, never thought that the difference between people would be so great. But! Today!"

Qin Shaoqian’s voice fell like a thunder: “Is there still a gap? Who is afraid between us and Yan Zonghan?”

Outside the door and window, the fire swayed, and the night wind was like a tiger, wearing a mountain.

"...our fifth army, who just defeated them in the southwest, Mr. Ning killed the son of Zonghan, in front of them, killed the scorpion, killed Daxie, killed Yu Yu, Chen Fan in the pool The state killed silver, and then, the brothers of silver surgery can pull out the speed, and will never leave the sword! These people's hands are covered with the blood of the Han people, we are coming back with them little by little. ——"

"The Fifth Army has already confronted Zonghan in the most difficult circumstances. The defeat of the Chinese army, the strength of the Chinese army, their strength, has been very tense, pulling away from the fast-paced swordsmanship, do not want our two armies to form a piece, Zonghan I thought that as long as they separated the swords, they faced us on this side, they were superior forces. Their main force was nearly 100,000. We only had 20,000 people, so he wanted to take advantage of the sword, defeat us, and finally give this battle. An account..."

His eyes flashed and killed: "The Jurchens are in the southwest, they are already defeated, their spirits have been lost, but Zong Han and Xi Yin do not want to admit this. So for us, there is a good news and a The bad news, the good news is that what we are facing is a bunch of defeated troops; the bad news is that the batch of invincible troops that were born in the past and laid down the Jurchens are no longer..."

"Our Seventh Army of China, how many tempering has gone through today. Why is there a big difference between people? We put people in this big stove to burn, let people run on the tip of the knife, turn over in the blood, eat The most bitterness, after the hardest grinding, you are hungry, succumbing to pressure, swallowing charcoal fire, running through the sand, going here... If it was in the past, if it was in the guardian, we would finish it. A bone hit, alive and killed in front of the military array..."

"But today, we can only eat cold food."

He said that the tone was not high, and there was a **** repression in the mouth. The generals in the room were sitting in danger. People held their fists. Some people gently twisted their necks and made subtleties in the cold night. sound. Qin Shaoqian paused for a moment.

"Think about this road coming, people who are already dead! Think about the murderer who is doing these bad things! They have 100,000 people, they are coming to us! They want to take advantage of us and there are not many people, it is cheap! Then let them take advantage of this! We want to break their last reverie, we have to finish the Yan Zonghan, the head of the world's great marshal, into the mud!"

"-all have!"

The generals in the room stood up.

Qin Shaoqian’s eyes swept over them.

The cold moonlight outside the window was sweeping through the mountains of this world. Some of the influences were pushed away like waves. The generals went to the soldiers and mobilized one after another. Then the scouts began their actions first, followed by the main force and heavy weight. The Seventh Army is different from other armies. They have no superficial fanaticism, and blood only burns in the body. The moment of the decisive battle has arrived.

"We - go out."

The Bingfeng is like a big river breaking the bank, and it is starting to rise!


Zonghan has rarely thought of the Linhai and Xueyuan.

Tiger Water (now Harbin Acheng District) has no four seasons. The snowfields there often make people feel that the four seasons described in the book are an illusion. The Jurchens who grew up there have not even known where in this world. There will be a different season change than the hometown.

Knowing too much is a pain.

Zonghan is the eldest son of the national phase. Although Jurchen is a poor little tribe, as a son of the country, there will always be such a privilege. There will be a knowledgeable shaman telling him the truth between heaven and earth. He is fortunate. I can go to the south to see and enjoy the taste of Liaoguo summer.

This is a painful taste.

For a while, he even thought that Jurchen’s life in such a snow and ice is a curse that God gave them. At that time, he was still young. He was afraid of the snow. People often walked into the snow and ice, and did not return after the night. Others said that he would never return.

There are wolves and bears in the snow and ice. People teach him how to fight. He is not afraid of wolves and bears. He is afraid of the invincible snow and ice. It is full of malicious giants in the sky. His Steel knives and guns can't damage this giant. From his childhood, the people in the tribe taught him to be a warrior, but the warriors could not harm this world, and people could not defeat unharmed things.

Even as the strongest warrior, in front of the enemy, he is still a helpless ants.

Until the age of twelve, he participated in the second winter hunting with the adults, and he was separated from the adults in the snow. The murder of the sky ubiquitously squeezed his body, his hands frozen in the snow and ice, his knife and gun could not give him any protection. He walked all the way, the wind and snow, and the behemoth would engulf him a little bit.

Until the last glimmer of light in the sky, he found a small house with a small pile of firewood under a tree. That is the place where I don’t know which Jurchen hunter is piled up and rested for a while. Zonghan climbed in, hid in a small space, and finished the last drink he carried with him.

Outside the firewood, the wind was raging, and he shrank in the space and curled up into a ball.

He stayed with the wind and snow for one night. I didn't know when, the outside snow stopped, and everything went quiet. He climbed out of the room. When the snow is cleared, the time is probably in the early hours of the morning. There is a starry sky above the woods. The night sky is as clean as a wash. At that moment, it seems that there is only one person in the whole world. His side is a refuge for small piles. He seems to understand that heaven and earth are just heavens and earth, and heaven and earth are not giant beasts.

The next day, Tianming, he set off from the woodpile and took his knife and gun. He hunted a wolf in the snowfield, drank the blood of the wolf, ate the meat, and found another before dark. A hunter's hut, got to the direction.

Everything is clearly placed in front of him, there is a crisis between heaven and earth, but there is no malice in the heavens and the earth. People only need to travel between one firewood and another, and they can overcome everything. Since then, he has become the best fighter of the Jurchen family. He is keenly aware, cautiously calculating and bravely killing. From a firewood, go to another firewood.

For a long time, Jurchens have lived in such a harsh world. Excellent fighters are always good at calculating, calculating and calculating death.

A few years later, A bones wanted to raise their troops against the Liao Dynasty. The Liao Kingdom was a huge giant with a million troops. The soldiers who could be led by Agu Tsao were only over two thousand. The people were afraid of the power of the Liao Dynasty and their attitudes were relatively conservative. Zong Han, chose the same direction as A-Bing.

If this world is an enemy, then all the soldiers can only sit and wait. But there is no evil in the heavens and the earth, and there are powerful dragons and elephants. As long as it will be hurt, there must be a way to defeat it.

Soon after, Agu hit two thousand and five hundred people to defeat the 10,000-year-old navy, killed Yerxie 10, captured Ningjiang, and began a brilliant journey for decades...

Back in the past, this is already 40 years ago.

During this period, he rarely remembered the snow of that night. He saw the mood of the behemoth running, and then the starlight was like water. Everything in this world embraced him gently.

Sitting on the hillside, Zong Han opened his eyes. In front of it was a spreading camp. The sky was like a woven fire, the warm land, and the mountains that seemed to be completely unscrupulous. Here, people don't have to go from one firewood to another, and don't have to find the next cabin before dark, but in the early morning of the walk, he finally saw the whistling north wind.

If you calculate the distance from the next cottage, people will die in the snow.

Forty years ago, the juvenile clenched the spear. In this world, he has seen countless grand scenes, killing countless dragons and original elephants, and the snow is white. He will also remember the companions who came from this blizzard, such as 劾里钵, Yingge, Uya bundle, 阿骨打, 斡鲁古, 宗望, 娄室, 辞辞...... The figure of the Tao has been left in a place where the snow is raging~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the Jurchen will continue to look for the next shelter from the snow, and he will kill the behemoth on the way. Suck its blood and eat its meat. This is the truth between heaven and earth.

On the morning of April 19th, the scouts in front of the army observed the direction of the 7th Army of China, and tried to escape from the south. However, in the afternoon, it proved that this judgment was wrong. In the absence of three moments, the two armies of the army were on a large scale. The dam was involved in the battle, and the nearby army was immediately attracted to the attention and close to the support.

However, not long after, Jinbing Pioneer Pucha took over the enemy near Lueyang County, and the first division of the 7th Army of Huaxia was along the Qinling Road. The two sides quickly entered the battle zone and launched an attack almost simultaneously.

Zong Hanbing scored a road and launched a rapid round-up for the 7th Army of Huaxia. He hoped that before Jianmenguan was defeated by Ning Yi, he would play more and less and lay a partial advantage outside Jianmen. He is the main attacker. In theory, The 7th Army of China will retreat and defend as much as possible before four times its own strength, but no one expected: the Seventh Army rushed up.

On the afternoon of this afternoon, the Huaxia Army’s charge number resounded through the mountains near Lueyang County, and the two giant beasts tossed together—


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