Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 938: Big battle (2)

When Shen Shigang arrived, among the mountains to the west of Lueyang County, there was a clue to the killing.

Sharp and harsh arrows rose from the forest, breaking the silence of this afternoon. The pioneers of Jin Bing are walking between the mountain roads a few miles away. The pace of the trip has stopped for a moment, and the generals have turned their eyes to the place where the noise appears. The nearby scouts are approaching the high speed.

For elite troops who can really fight on the battlefield, scouts are always the key to war. Soldiers who are released, able to perform missions and return can be reused in that unit. Among the earlier Wushu troops, the scouts were often the guards and family members of the generals. The number is small, the pampering is excellent but it is difficult to cover too far. Once they encounter a sneak attack, they often have no ability to resist.

For the ranks of the Jinren and even Tushanwei, the army marched forward and scouted out. It is normal to have no dead ends in one or two. Of course, when the same level of the army is encountered, the war is often caused by scouts. In the process of gold annihilation, sometimes the scouts smothered, called friends and friends, and finally led to the battle of large-scale decisive battles, and many times.

Of course, the scouts released too much, and sometimes it was inevitable that false positives would occur. After the first sound of the arrow rose, Kim will check the telescope to observe the next wave of motion. Soon after, the second arrow flew up. This means that it is indeed an enemy.

The scouts of the front line turned to the other side and gathered to sweep away. For Jurchens, they are the offensive side, with superior strength. Once they seize the enemy, they can bite and die, and the team responsible for mobile support will continue to come. This will always be their advantage in the case of pulling off the speed guard.

Then the formation of the army in the road changed, and soon the preparations for the war were completed.


The long knife slammed heavily in the air, and the collision of steel sparked. Both sides rushed up without hesitation after the first eye was crossed. The Chinese military’s warrior was a little shorter, but the body had traces of blood. The female really scouted hard to fight three times and saw each other. If you don't stop, you have to go straight to the end. He retreats sideways, and the thick-shouldered knife that screams from the wind has turned down and cut off one of his hands.

The win or loss on the battlefield is only in the blink of an eye. The Jurchen scout has been through the battlefield, and the moment the arm is cut off, it will roll out. The next moment, his head will fly.

The last thing that flashed in his mind was the "military rank" on the shoulder of the Chinese military soldier. This Chinese military soldier seems to be only twenty or thirty years old, looks young, even shaved under the jaw, without a beard, but from the "military rank" point of view, he is already the "head of the Chinese army", in the Jurchen Over there, it is the "Jing'an" leader who led a thousand people.

If you don't see such a rank, the Jurchen Scout will not choose to retreat in the fourth knife. In fact, if the enemy is slightly worse, his hand will not break and his head will not fly. He is on the battlefield, and after all, he is also a veteran who has killed many years.

The thick-backed knife smashed in the air, and the blood sprinkled on the ground, dyeing the grass with a spotted red color. Chen Hai tightened the red silk on his wrist. This film is nearing the end, and there are other Jurchen scouts coming far away. The nearby comrades are vigilant around and lean over.

"The wounded first shifted." Chen Hai looked at the front and said, "Let's go south, notify the first two companies, don't rush to get close, hide yourself, we have too many people, try to get to the muddy beach, talk to them. Focus on one wave."

As he spoke, the observer who rode the horse to the height of the nearby ridge also came over: "Pucha has set aside and looks ready to attack."

"As expected by the staff, the Jurchen's offensive desire is very strong. Everyone bows and bows and walks."

The Scouts gathered a little, crossed the mountains, and turned to the slopes to the south. The golden scouts came up. They shot with strong bows. The range of the Jurchen Shooter is a headache, but the distance is too far. It is fatal, and once it enters the medium range, the strength of the Huaxia Army will make them lose some of their talents.

Of course, the long-range confrontation is not the main course for both sides. In order to avoid the chasing of the Jurchen scouts who discovered the transfer to the muddy beach, Chen Hai led a group of comrades to set aside once in the middle of the battle. Start again.

The muddy beach is not too far away for the Jurchen army. In a short time, the scouting troops chasing after the rear have increased to the scale of more than 200 people, and the number is probably increasing. This aspect is catching up, on the one hand, Explore the main force of the Huaxia Army.

For Jin Bing, although he suffered a lot of losses in the southwest and even damaged the generals of the leading scouts, the number and combat effectiveness of his elite scouts should not be underestimated. More than two hundred people and even more scouts swept over. When they encounter an ambush, they can leave, a similar number of positive conflicts, and they are not without a chance.

Of course, there are questions about scouting. For the Chinese Seventh Army, it is another conceptual matter.

The scouts that the Huaxia Seventh Army can use are, in most cases, about half of the army.

For Chen Hai and others, in the years of survival in Daoyang, they experienced the most, living in the wild, long-distance trekking, or cooperating or single-handed survival in the wild. Of course, these trainings are also divided into several grades. Some of them are really unsuccessful. They will be considered for inclusion in ordinary arms, but most of them will be able to get down.

Because before they entered Dayang, they experienced a three-year battle of Xiao Canghe. While Xiao Cang River is ahead, some of them have experienced the war against the diverticulum in the northwest and traced back. There are also a small number of people in the middle, and they are survivors of Dong Zhisheng.

As a leader of the 30-year-old Chen Hai, he is a young man among his companions, but he has joined the Huaxia Army for more than ten years. He is a warrior who participated in the Battle of Xia Cun.

When the team crossed the mountains and grass slopes and reached the low-lying area called the mudflat beach, the sky was still early, the air was humid and pleasant, and Chen Hai pulled out the knife and went to the side of the border with the sparse woods: "Ready to fight." His The face looks young and the tone is young, but the eyes are determined to be as harsh as winter. Anyone who knows him knows that he never laughs.

The seventh year of the Huaxia Seventh Army is a harsh environment. When the field is tempered, it is extremely normal to not trim the margins. But before the departure of the early morning, Chen Hai did clean himself, shaved his beard and cut his hair. The soldiers under his hand glanced at him and even thought that the head became a young man, only the eyes were not like.

Because he was in his youth, he has lost the eyes of young people.

More than a decade ago, the Jurchen first went south, and Chen Hai was probably one of the most direct witnesses of the war. Before that, the Wu Dynasty still danced and danced, and no one ever thought about what kind of aggression was. However, the Jurchens rushed into their village. Chen Hai’s father died. His mother hid him in the firewood. After he went out from the firewood, he saw the body of the mother who had no clothes. The body was only Dyeed half body black mud.

Soon after, he was rescued by the army. A 40-year-old hunter named Zheng took him and explored the Jurchen in the Vedic gang for several days. The ice surface cracked, and the hunter named Zheng fell into the ice water. There were Jews patrolling nearby. The old hunter was not struggling in the water, so he survived.

Since then, he has cried a few times but never laughed again.

There is no black mud on the muddy beach, the beach is yellow, there is no ice in Hanzhong in April, and the air is not cold. But Chen Hai remembers that cold every day. In the corner of his heart, it is the mud that is devastating.

- Chen Hai never laughs.


At the second moment of Shenshan, in front of the depression in the southwest of Lueyang County, called the mudflat, the friction of the scouts of the two sides further intensified. The remaining scouts of the Huaxia Army joined the battle one after another, gradually expanding the chaotic slaughter to more than 600 people. At the same time, the Jurchen Scout found that the main force of the First Division of the Seventh Army of China was in the direction of the muddy beach on the west side of the Jialing River.

The main force has already appeared. Pucha also commanded the army and rushed toward the muddy beach. The scouts have already taken over the situation and quickly passed to the main battalion of Zonghan.

They don't care about adding oil tactics, and they don't care about breaking into a slap. For the main attackers who are dominant, the only thing they worry about is that the enemy is running like a muddy. Therefore, as long as you see it, it is always wrong to bite first.


Qi Xinyi sat on the horse, watching a brigade under the arm in the afternoon light pushing forward, in the direction of the muddy beach, the smoke has risen.

"The Jurchen wants to make a score before the Sword Court falls. We are afraid of the gunpowder playing like Xi Yin. It’s just that this time, everyone is happy." He spoke to his head. "There was only one big friction last year, Jurchen." It’s not very clear about our strength. I have to use this opportunity well and say that I will be cautious when I play against them next time...”

The head nodded.

"... In addition, we have a good fight here, and the new Han can be better than some..."


The Jurchen Pioneer troops crossed the ridge, and the scouts of the muddy beaches were still fighting in a group. A thousand captains led the Jinbing to kill, and the Huaxia Army also came over some people, followed by the female real brigade over the ridge. , gradually lined up. The Huaxia Army’s brigade stopped and arrayed under the mountain – they no longer marched into the mudflat.

In the Hanzhong in April, the sun set in the mountains was relatively late. Around the time, the main force of Jinbing’s pioneers launched an attack on the Han army under the mountain. Their capacity was sufficient, so they took the iron cannon, but the iron cannon slowly spread in the mountains. .

Chen Hai, on the side of the muddy beach battlefield, has already captured the actual girl’s starting point. At this time, the Jinbing gathered in the muddy beach was about 1,400 people. A group under Chen Hai, more than 900 people have already gathered, and they have completed the task of attracting the enemy into the main force.

"We are here. Take the net and order the charge." He ordered.

Three shots with fireworks rushed into the sky in a very short period of time, and the fireworks were blood red.

Chen Hai pulled the knife.




The shouts that suddenly burst on the battlefield were like spring thunder, and the shouts of nine hundred people merged into one. Throughout the battlefield, the soldiers under Chen Hai automatically gathered into six groups and rushed to the past with the four core points previously observed.

The lady who came down from the mountain, dressed in armor, stood under the banner. Suddenly, she saw three forces rushing toward him from different directions. At this moment, his scalp began to numb. But what followed was the pride and passion of the Jurchen general.

"Put the arrow - kill the enemy with me -"

He waved the long knife. In the white sunset, the knife is straight.

The Huaxia Army threw out the first round of grenades. Then, the scattered soldiers line met, and the Huaxia soldiers who rushed over were the first ones who were pegged to the generals of the Jurchen Army.

Chen Hai wielded a thick knife and smashed the tall, sturdy Jurchen of the war. The soldiers around him were like two tides of hedging, swallowing each other in the roar. The eyes of the Jurchen general are distorted and bloodthirsty, which is daunting, but Chen Hai never cares. In his eyes, there are only the icy snow and the abyss.

The Jurchen general led the pro-military to kill him -


At the second moment of the moment, Pucha led the army, and in the fierce charge, he penetrated the middle road of the main force of the Huaxia Army. This made him feel a little confused. However, it was immediately reacted. In the battle of the genius, the Huaxia Army took the initiative to choose the two wings to unfold and put them in the rear - the rear is close to the Jialing River.

Just thinking a little, Pucha understands that in this battle, both sides have chosen the same operational intentions. He led the army to the rear of the Huaxia Army in order to take the back road of the Huaxia Army. When the reinforcements arrived, it would naturally be able to lay the victory, but the Huaxia Army even made the same choice. They wanted to put themselves in. In the angle with the Jialing River, fight a annihilation battle?

After the victory of the Southwestern China, the Huaxia Army was already arrogant.

There was anger in his heart.

At this moment, the support team led by Sabal should have been on the way, and at the latest, it should be able to get here.

There were a total of 10,000 people in Pucha. At this time, 1,500 people were in the muddy beach, and 2,500 people formed the rear position on the opposite ridge. He killed nearly 6,000 people here, playing Huaxia on the opposite side. The troops of the No. 1 Division of the Seventh Army added up to about six thousand.

This is the first battle, the other side is arrogant, but you need to remember the lessons of the distant bridge, and then the battle can be as conservative as possible, ordering the other side of the mountain troops to advance gradually, with iron cannon support. Hit the dark, and kill the Han dogs.

He already had a care in his heart, and at the same time, he rushed over with the scout of blood. The battlefield of the muddy beach was defeated. The fierce servant Lu was cut off by the Han people. In a short period of time, there were three people. After the death of the gram, more than a thousand people have lost their hearts, and they are fleeing.


The "噗" sound ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a Chinese military soldier who cut down the head of the already dead Jurchen general under the banner of dumping.

"Head, is this head still useful?"

"Throw the dog."

With a half-length of blood, Chen Hai walked through the body of a golden man, holding a telescope in his hand and looking at the golden position on the opposite mountain. The guns were facing the main force of the Huaxia Army under the mountain and were slowly forming.

"The main force of the Jin Bing was separated, and the troops were assembled. Before the dark, we took down the artillery array... It is convenient to call the next one."

Chen Hai said so.

Chen Hai never laughs.


Before dark, the troops that finished Yan Sabai approached the Jialing River.

He heard the sound of the harsh charge...


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