Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 939: Big battle (3)

The sun is on the west side of the horizon, leaving only the last touch of light. The mountains and the land in the vicinity have already begun to darken.

The sound of the horse humming, the flames of the spotted spots between the mountains and the shoals are burning, and the sound of the squadron is on the land near the night, far and near, and people are somewhat indistinguishable.

The explosion sounded on the ridge, and the flames rushed with the smoke for a moment. It was particularly dazzling on the dark earth. The half-blood and the Chen Hai walking on this position were almost blasted, and a few steps were taken. The body of a gold soldier slammed, fell to the ground and climbed up according to the head of the body, full of sticky blood.

"Hey Changqing! Look at my gun and count it -"

Chen Hai shouted loudly the name of the battalion commander and gave the order.

It was originally the battle on the position of the Jinbing Iron Cannon.

The iron cannon, which was manufactured and promoted by the Huaxia Army, is an epoch-making weapon. For the intensive battlefield, its power is endless. However, since the appearance of iron cannons, grenades, etc., the Huaxia Army has actually been knocking out the intensive square array. The Seventh Army certainly has to go forward and other square training, but mainly to increase the discipline and integrity of the army. It is implied that in the actual combat drills, the other side will be directly blown up with explosives, and the other side will also be rushed by scattered soldiers. The small-scale cooperation at any time and place is the focus of the Seventh Army.

Pucha’s 10,000 striker brought a total of more than 20 iron cannons. If faced with a whole rush of soldiers, it can cause tremendous damage. The amazing explosion is a kind of Shocked. However, this kind of shock is basically ineffective for veterans in the 7th Army of China.

If it is time to develop some, on the relatively modern battlefield, it is often the recruits who are afraid of guns, and the veterans are afraid of guns. More than 20 cannons, if you want to shoot someone to kill someone, there is not much problem, but no one will do so. For individual soldiers, the meaning of more than 20 cannons is probably not as good as twenty arrows. At least the arrows are shot, and the archers may also aim at someone. The cannon is not launched for a certain individual.

Chen Hai organized the soldiers under his arm, and used the class as a unit to lightly circumnavigate along the side of the mountain. Afterwards, the attack was launched wave by wave. The cannon did not play much role in blocking. The two sides attacked each other with grenades and fire ray. Then he smashed it into a piece between the iron gun positions. The Huaxia Army began to carry out the beheading tactics, and the Jinbing also organized a tenacious resistance.

As a force that once pressed the world for thirty years, despite the recent defeat and defeat of the generals, the morale of the Jinjun has not been defeated. The pride and the predicament in the past are superimposed, although some people are afraid to escape. However, there are also many gold soldiers who are provoked to be brave, at least in the small-scale killing, still worthy of praise.

So that Chen Hai took the position and took a lot of effort, and even at the moment when the battle was almost fixed, there was a Jurchen soldier who launched a desperate attack with a torch. The previous explosion was a Jurchen warrior. The blast of an ammunition barrel on the artillery position caused the explosion to spread. Two nearby cannons were also smashed and they could not be used.

"Treat the wounded!"

"Building a defense line -"

"Test Gun -"

Chen Hai walked on the position and issued orders one by one. Someone came from afar and carried a human head: "Head, killing a fierce."

"Throw the dog!"

He said so, the defeated soldiers on the battlefield below are still fleeing. On the far side of the Jialing River, the killing on the main battlefield continues. On the east side of the field of vision, the movement was quiet. Chen Hai raised the telescope, and a piece of fire appeared at the end of the eastern horizon. It was separated from the hills on the muddy beach, and the horse's torches were connected.

"Sabai is coming. Cannon is ready!" Chen Hai calmly ordered, "With the rifle, the engineering team, go down and support the Brigadier."


Finished Yan Sabai did not enter the battlefield in the first place.

He led a total of 20,000 support troops, of which more than 3,000 were cavalry. His army is not far from the team of Pucha. It can be put into the battlefield in half a day. The speed of the cavalry is certainly faster. This time was originally sufficient, but what was not expected was the war change on the side of Luyang. The situation will be fierce to this extent.

On the way to rushing over, he received five times of information on the battlefield. The first two were normal, and the next time he was more urgent. The last soldier was simply defeated on the battlefield. The Huaxia Army’s offensive was so severe that it caused the scalp to numb. He led the cavalry and put the battlefield into the first moment of his vision. He stopped the team.

In front of the field of vision is a chaotic scene of defeat. Seeing the torch on the hills here, some of the escaped Jinbing came over here. Sabal ordered the guards to pack up the soldiers and asked people to come over and ask about the situation. Soon after Then, one after another, the information gathered.

Pucha’s 10,000 striker troops were on the verge of collapse. A large number of soldiers were rushed away by the Huaxia Army. He took the guards of this line and turned to the Jialing River, trying to back up the river to defend and attack the sorrowful soldiers.

In the words of the soldiers, Pucha is waiting for the rescue on the Jialing River in front of him. In front of the field of vision, the position of the artillery has been taken by the Huaxia Army. The Jinbing’s collapse in this night is disorderly, and the Huaxia Army’s The combat team has clearly formed a torrent of one after another. In such a chaotic operation, they are subconsciously gathering and holding groups. These groups are not big, but for the broken Jinbing, every group has Like a beastly beast, it is consuming the power of every wave of rebellion in the field of vision.

One of the largest clusters has apparently discovered their arrival. They are gathering in a long line under the mountainside with guns. The rifles are gathered into forests. A row of soldiers in front of the guns seems to be madly digging the ground.

This infantry team was only two or three thousand. They were preparing to fight with the cavalry in the first place, blocking their own rush to Jialing River to save people, but Sabal naturally understood that such a fast and determined team, It is quite scary.

There is even more terrible information about the cause of the rapid collapse of the Pucha troops, which has been initially organized by him, making him feel that the roots are somewhat pantothenic.

If ten years ago, he would not hesitate to put his cavalry on the battlefield.

Of course, there is not much time left for him to hesitate and wait.

He quickly reached several orders. One of them was to order the escorts to gather and reorganize the escaped soldiers to restore their combat power. The second was to quickly rush to the Jialing River to communicate, so that Pucha could not hesitate any more. Quickly break through the east road and meet with you. At the same time, he called the most dependent one of his own soldiers, let him quickly return to the rear camp, let him convey the problems and discoveries of this battlefield to Zonghan.

"Come on, no longer."

He said so.

Looking back, on the battlefield between the mountains, the woods, the depressions, and the shoals, the sparse and sparse fires are a little bit of light, and the sun has completely fallen. For the cavalry, of course, it is not the best time to rush. But I had to rush and had to look for the flaws in the movement.

This is the only way out -


It is dark in the night.

The battalion of Zonghan erected a camp between the mountains, and the horses flew in and out, and the night was rendered lively.

The war has begun relatively smoothly in an unexpected way. The war was started in the afternoon. The first battle occurred in the mountainous area in the direction of the Yangba. The scouting of the scouts was expanding, but the two sides did not clearly capture the other side’s main force. Soon after, it was the Jialing River west of Lueyang County. After the battle came, Sabal began to support.

The main force that Yan Zonghan can use this time is about 90,000 people - this is basically the last home of the West Road Army. 90,000 people were divided into five groups. Pucha led 10,000, sprinkled 280,000, Gaoqing 20,000, set up 10,000, and finally more than 20,000, led by Zong Han personally, as the Chinese army.

The troops of Pucha and Sabal entered the army from the North Road. The southern part of the army was mainly responsible for the Gaoqing people. The army of Yima came from Zhaohua, and was responsible for supporting the Gaoqing people. The second was to block the road of the 7th Army of South China. The five armies are now moving within a distance of a hundred miles, separated by tens of miles. If they want to support, they can actually be quite fast.

The total number of Huaxia Army is 20,000. The combat power is amazing. However, the Jurchen is sitting in the town, and most of them are generals who can be independent. The offensive and defensive have rules and regulations. As long as it is not too big, it should not be eaten by the Huaxia Army.

Zong Han, Han Qixian and others are of course thinking this way. From the perspective of military law, there is naturally no big problem.

After the night, the information was transmitted from time to time. There was still no major breakthrough in the direction of Yangba. The soldiers of Gaoqing’s army were only based on the principle of stability. While expanding the search, they were wary of sneak attacks – or the Huaxia Army suddenly attacked the sword. In the direction of Jialing River, the battle has already started.

"...If the estimate is good, Pucha is mainly based on conservative operations on the Jialing River. At present, it should have been entangled in this Huaxia Army. Sabalang should have arrived at the moment. Now it is unclear that Yangba never Really fight, whether the main force of the 7th Army of China will be concentrated in Lueyang, and want to use the superior strength to defeat this road in our north."

At night, the Korean company first analyzed this possibility with Zong Han in the big account. Zong Han also expressed his approval.

"Hua Xiajun is now most concerned about the battle situation of the Jiange, but the reality is virtual. Qin Shaoqian simply puts the main force to the north, and it is not impossible." Zonghan said, "But the Saskatchewan has always been stable and good at reviewing the situation. Even if Pucha is not defeated by the 7th Army of China, Sabal can still stabilize its position. We are not far apart. Once we receive the report, we will start the army in the early morning, and we will be able to bite Qin Shaoqian tomorrow."

The bonfire burned in the big camp, and it didn't take long before dinner. A new round of war reports came, and it was determined that the Huaxia Army in the direction of the slightly Yang was between 7,000 and 10,000. Pucha was not willing to say the opponent. Too little), and the other side is fierce, Pucha is ready to entangle the other side with conservative operations.

This round of the war report was sent to Sakai and then to the big camp. The delay has been a long time, but after listening to the description of the battlefield, Zonghan and Han enterprises all thought that Pucha had made a correct response and was relieved. But not long after, the squad of Sabal rode on the horse and rushed into the camp at high speed.

Zong Han and Gao Qingzhi listened to the guard in the big account and talked about the scene when Sabal arrived at the battlefield: In the afternoon, he was just picking up the enemy, and at the moment, the 10,000 army led by Pucha was almost completely defeated. More than two thousand people were forced to be on the banks of the Jialing River, and they went to the situation of so-called ruined boats. That is to say, around two hours, under the policy of conservative operations in Pucha, 8,000 people have been defeated.

"How can this be--"

Zong Han has already patted the table and stood up.

The pro-guard is there: "...the general is letting me come back to return the coach. The Chinese army and the battlefield are very good at fighting. The general with General Pucha is the 7,000 of the first division of the 7th Army of China. Among them, all the soldiers can fight from the brigade. When the generals enter the battlefield to gather and defeat the soldiers, thousands of people under the generals of General Pucha will not be defeated. The reason is that the army is slamming and murdering, but the commander is almost Huaxia. The soldiers were checked out one by one, and all the killers were killed. Our soldiers had no heads and could only flee, and the Chinese army, almost no fear of beheading, such a warfare, before...previously, generals, if this matter No other party, my side... hard to win..."

The guards sighed with sorrow, and what he showed was also the anxiety and fear of Satan. At the first time of discovering this feature, Sabal had faintly felt the horror of this matter.

The Jurchen West Road Army entered Jianmenguan. When it was killed in Zhangzhou, the Fifth Army of China had to rely on Guanyu defense. In addition, there were also some new recruits. The pure dagger battle mode has not yet fully manifested itself. However, when De Zonghan took the initiative to launch an attack in the wild, the two sides no longer kept their hands or played tricks, and all the cards were opened.

The modern military system's crushing advantages over the ancient military system have been directly pushed to the eyes of Zonghan and Han enterprises. Zonghan and Han enterprises stood up slowly. They looked at the icons inserted on the map. For the deduction of the battlefield, at this moment, it was necessary to completely modify them.

Layers of goose bumps spread with the coolness of the bottom of my heart.


On the banks of the Jialing River, Pucha, who was attacked by two brigades of the First Division of the Huaxia Army, did not break out to the place where he joined the Sabal.

The two men who were in charge of blocking the Eighth Cavalry were led by the brigade commander Hou Lietang. Together with Chen Hai on the side of the hillside, they would stop for a moment on the way to the retreat of Pucha.

The team led by Qi Xinyi and the pro-guard of Pucha were killed. The Jinbing was broken and there were chaotic scenes everywhere. The cavalry of Sabal could not break into the golden soldiers to save people. The vision of both sides can see each other. When he arrived, the Chinese army smashed Pucha and ignited his handsome flag.

When the rescue failed, Sabal removed decisively toward the rear during the movement. The infantry that he had left was now coming together.

In addition to the collapsed gold soldiers, the strength of the eight-handed hand is three times that of the other party. He even took a cavalry, but at this moment, he was hesitant about whether or not to take the initiative to attack.

In the night, the golden soldiers scattered in the night, he gathered more than 4,000 in an hour after the arrival, some soldiers did not lose the will to fight, they can even play, but among the four thousand, there is no middle and high-level generals... ...

From the fierce to the murder, the leader of the 4,000-strong army was killed by the Huaxia Army in a constant combat shock. Some soldiers were suddenly rushed out after being unable to find the commander. They still don't know the horror of this matter and feel that they are willing to continue fighting...

In the middle of the night, the Huaxia Army across the mountain fell in the eyes of Sabai, and the bottom of his heart was cold. It was like a scabbard of a demon knives, with a **** breath, eager to try, at any time to choose people and devour. He has killed half his life and has never seen such an army.

The seven thousand people should be, completely mad.

"Ready to attack..." He said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The night wind screamed, it extinguished some flames and blew other others.

In the mountains in the direction of the Yangba, the battle is about to begin.

"If Ning Yi comes over, he will say that we are a loser." Put down the telescope, Qin Shaoqian, who is in the dark mountain, whispered and said, "But the generals died in battle... the ten years of the heroes..."

The death of my father and brother, for more than ten years...


On April 19th, a scene that the Jurchen did not expect was already in front of them. Faced with the encirclement of more than 90,000 people, the Huaxia Seventh Army, with its unspeakable view, launched an unreserved hedging posture. The amazing knife has already collapsed, opening the epidermis, cutting off the blood and tearing the muscles. Out, it went straight into the depths of the bone marrow and rushed in -

This is the beginning of a decisive battle.


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