Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 941: Big battle (5)

When the 7th Army of China and the end of Yan Zonghan set the flame in the west of the Hanzhong Plain, the smoke of the Jiange was also burning violently in a few days.

Dian Zhengyan did not complete the scheduled plan to seize the Jiange within three days as scheduled.

In the face of the already dying and deadly ambitions, with an unusually determined consciousness, the speed of the detachment of the squad, the progress of the channel is not fast, and the progress of the mountaineering is not fast - historically, it can break through the front of the city and Xu Xuan is already a unique record, and in the subsequent battles, the Huaxia Army, as the attacking party, has always maintained certain advantages. It is also a miracle one by comparing the strength of the Jiange’s strength with the comparison of firearms. Kind of situation.

In the case that the miniaturization of the iron cannon has not yet achieved a decisive breakthrough, the unit led by Qu Zhengyan is difficult to pull a large number of artillery pieces from the narrow southwest mountain road to attack. The dozens of rockets brought out by the focus can certainly have certain advantages in the long-range attack, but the number of too few can not determine the direction of the entire battle.

At the speed of pulling off, a gun was scattered all over the mountain. Once it was in a downturn, it would ignite the gunpowder barrel and blow up the gun. This resolute resistance made the Chinese army’s intention to attack the artillery and attack it. Difficult to implement smoothly.

In addition to the already few rockets, "Dilijiang", the only advantage of Qu Zhengyan is that the troops under his command are all elites in the elite. Once they enter the melee, they can press the other's troops. Even so, the gold soldiers who have realized that it is difficult to go home and surrender will not have a good end will not easily surrender.

The channel of the channel, which has always been good at walking the tightrope and out of the squad, has given up the plan to attack the squad that is too risky in this battle. In front of the veteran who pulls off the speed, playing with the heart is very likely to make himself fall on the battlefield.

Combining these factors, the battle of the Jiange Court became a fierce but relatively step-by-step battle. The Huaxia Army often identified a point in the attack, and then pulled out a point, step by step toward the foothills, once pulled out of the organization. Counterattack, here is also a calm organization of defense, mutual demolition. Although the righteousness of the channel did not take up too much of the cheapness of the art of warfare, the sudden counterattacks of several organizations, even large-scale artillery, were also blocked by the righteousness of the channel.

Many years later, the offensive and defensive operations of thousands of people commanded by both sides will appear again and again in the history of war. Both sides have made all the solutions in this fierce and frequent confrontation.

This is the last battle in the life of Jin Guosu's detachment. On the one hand, he faced all this with a sloppy attitude, and always calmly stepped back and step by step. The soldiers died. On the other hand, despite the fact that the reversal of the combat effectiveness of the two sides has already been pushed to the front like the peak of Taishan, he has organized fierce resistance and set up clever traps and ambushes in several key points. Countermeasures.

As many as the Jurchen generals who followed the bones of a few decades ago, they were still happy when they were ruined and ruined, but they still took advantage of the situation. In the past, as usual, I resisted this piece of heaven and earth, facing the huge disadvantages and calmly resisting, trying to tear open the vitality of life in this world.

But this time, Qu Zhengyan calmly extinguished every hope of his.

At the same time, the righteousness of Qu Zhengzheng and the Huaxia Fifth Army in the Jiange Court is actually a very anxious psychological situation.

The 7th Chinese Army outside the Jiange has already returned the status and attempt of Yan Zonghan's eagerness to move, and the staff of the 7th Army has prepared for a positive response. On the one hand, this is the last chance for the Seventh Army to confront Zonghan troops on the other hand. On the other hand, it is also to deal with the local defeat caused by Dai Mengwei’s rebellion in Xiangfan and other places. If not, including Qi Xinhan, including that piece The resistance of the Han army will be very uncomfortable.

Ning Yi can understand the necessity of this middle, but on the other hand, although in the earlier combat and tactical arguments, the strength of the Seventh Army is estimated, but the exercise and discussion is a situation, really pulled Another situation is on the rapidly changing battlefield. Twenty thousand playing 90,000, one is not good to fall into the other trap, the possibility of the whole army is over, there are also, and not small.

With the development of the righteousness of the sect of the squad, the forces within the Fifth Army of the Southwest have been mobilized in a glimpse. Ning Yi is like a ghost. He has further diverted the armor structure that was originally extremely tense. On the one hand, he tried to organize more militiamen to go forward. On the other hand, he has more than a thousand people who have been stretched out. Come out and prepare to go to the sword court.

The whole process raced against time, and within three days, the transfer and new arrangements were completed. In the meantime, some unspeakable placements were once criticized in later generations. Ning Yi concentrated his efforts on the guards of several captive camps, and at the same time targeted the armed forces of nearby forces (even strengthening the epidemic once). Power), when the staff report up, it is possible for the captives to seize the opportunity and make a metamorphosis. Ning Yi’s answer is: “If there is a change, then it will be dealt with.”

In the face of the tension and uncontrollable situation outside the Jianmen Pass, such a response shows that Ning Yi has already prepared for large-scale killing of prisoners to a certain extent, especially as he strengthens the epidemic prevention force near the captive camps where the troops are reduced. This speculation is further supported by the act of issuing an epidemic prevention manual. This is in response to the situation when a large number of corpses appeared in the wet mountains. The Chinese military soldiers who noticed this movement increased their tension to another level in the next few days.

At the same time as the mobilization of the troops, Hou Wu and Hou Yuanzhang, who are responsible for guarding the prisoners, consciously revealed the entire event framework to the "leaders" in the prisoners. In particular, Ning Yi’s understatement of “handling out the metamorphosis” was rendered by people in various ways.

The strength of the Huaxia Army is indeed stretched, but the demons have put down their kindness and are ready to take a more cruel response... This news spread among the middle and high-level personnel who are still prestigious among the Jurchen prisoners, so they are captured. The atmosphere has also become more tense and chilling. Death or resistance, this is the last...the choice of some of the golden captives in their lives.

On April 20th, Qu Zhengyan did not attack Jiange as scheduled. Ning Yi once tempered and asked people to pass a message to the front line: "You ask him, do you want me to come?"

The end of the Battle of the Ginger was on the afternoon of April 22nd. The speed of the squad that had been forced to the Jedi allowed the remaining Jinbing to surrender to the Huaxia Army, and then led eight guards to launch the charge.

This is his last assault. The nearby Chinese soldiers have launched a positive confrontation. His guards were slain by the Huaxia Army. A Chinese platoon leader named Wang Wei and his detachment speeded up and arrested him. Both sides were injured in the battle before this, but the speed of pulling off was finally killed by Wang Hao in a pool of blood.

Ning Yi led more than 1,200 people and arrived at Jiange on this afternoon. Jiange is more than three hundred miles away from Hanzhong. Considering the roads and wanting to reach the battlefield, I am afraid that I have to travel for about 500 miles. He ordered more than 1,200 new forces to start first and attack Zhaohua at the fastest speed. : "Telling Yan Zonghan, I am killing."

On the same night, he also received a preliminary report from the Hanzhong Plain in Jiange. Ning Yi and Qu Zhengyan looked stunned: "Just kidding, stick to such a micro-fuck, how to play!"

Qu Zhengzheng does not quite understand the meaning of "micro-operation", but sighs: "The will of this Jurchen is very determined." The war situation is facing a disadvantage, or the strong man is broken, or defeated, but Zonghan does not have such a force. Throw it out and I want to kill the seventh army of China. If such a will is placed on the Wu Dynasty people of that year, there is no second invasion of the Golden State.

"... Zonghan does not want to carry out a large-scale decisive battle, throwing out the troops. Each unit will only have some combat power when it first takes over. Once it is killed, it can only be pinned on these Jurchens who want to go home. How strong the will is. I estimate that Zonghan may have set a medium-term goal, telling these people where to go after being defeated, and then using the middle-level generals to gather and defeat the soldiers, but the strength of the defeated soldiers is limited... I think he At first, people may feel that the troops are constantly flowing, but after a certain degree, the whole shelf will collapse... Qin General also saw this possibility, so simply choose to change constantly, and play slowly once and for all... ..."

Qu Zhengyan speculated on the map the direction of the entire war, the distance is too far apart, such speculation may not be useful, but in general, the Seventh Army did not fall into the trap and directly collapsed, in general, can still calmly fight, how much It also eased the anxiety of Ning Yi.

"This group of defeated families..." When he was so embarrassed, his tone was much better.

In the early morning of the 23rd, before dawn, 1,200 Huaxia Army sneaked into the night and broke the ancient city of Zhaohua, which was guarded by the Han army.

After the Jurchens left, there were about 20,000 Han troops stationed here, but the attack did not encounter any resistance. They seemed to have expected the Chinese military to come. When the Chinese army’s pioneer team climbed quickly with ropes. On the upper wall, there was hardly any killing. The Han army guards in the city had already seen the black flag.

According to the subsequent interrogation, some of the Han army leaders held the remaining gold and silver in the city and escaped from the city last night.

The troops who took down the Jiange Court took a break, and Ning Yi and Qu Zhengyan mobilized eight hundred still powerful forces, and Zhaohui and the striker met in the north.

At noon on the same day, Fan Hongan, the second battalion of the 3rd Regiment of the 7th Division of the 7th Army of China, led the team to deceive the gates of Hanzhong and the south: from a macro perspective, the tens of thousands of troops led by Zonghan were being smashed by the Huaxia Army. The heavy hammer was smashed, and some of the Jin Guo soldiers who had lost their battles fled toward Hanzhong. Since the failure had been considered in advance, the Jurchen could not refuse these failed soldiers.

In a few days, the circulation system woven by Zonghan, in part of the operation, was in fact problematic. Fan Hongan drilled the void and began to build a position after taking the gate. In the afternoon, Chen Hai led more than 700 people. Running wildly towards this side - he is also playing the idea of ​​Hanzhong, but he has only taken a step forward by Fan Hongan.

Since then, Gao Qing’s team has entered the city from Ximen, and Zonghan, Sabal, and Zema have also moved over here. On the afternoon of the same day, Qin Shaoqian also rushed to Hanzhong. The crowd was gathering constantly. The street fighting was started in Hanzhong City, and the preparations for the positional battle began outside the city.

On the evening of the same day, Wan Yanxi Yin led the mighty fleet to appear on the Hanshui River east of Hanzhong. The army he led led to the battle. This is the last time that the Jurchen West Road Army can use it. Knowing the first time of this battle, he put down the plan to attack Qi Xinhan near Xiangfan, and mobilized the fleet to move westward against Hanshui. At this moment, his appearance brought huge to the seventh army on the battlefield in Hanzhong. pressure.

From last year to this year, the existence of Wan Yan Xi Yin is indeed one of the most headaches for the Seventh Army. Even though the Seventh Army is tyrannical, Xi Yin’s response is always the most correct and most difficult part. At the beginning of the seventh army, Yu Qiang attacked Zhaohua and launched a round of killing with Tu Shanwei. However, Xi Yin mobilized hundreds of thousands of Han army cannon fodder, which caused the attack of the 7th Army to return without success. By this year, he manipulated the situation in Xiangfan and made counts. Wan Hanjun smashed the sand after anyway, and even Qi Xinhan marched into the trap with a huge danger, and finally fell into the trap. The resistance of the green forest near Xiangfan was swept away.

For such an enemy, it is the same as Ning Yi. Although there is no fear in combat power, no one knows when it will fall into a pit. In psychology~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In general, there will be pressure. .

But fortunately, another round of news has already arrived.

The Fifth Army of China broke the Jiange Pavilion and killed the speed of separation. Ning Yi and Qu Zhengyan are leading the team and rushing toward Hanzhong. Once the tail is captured by the demons, the defeat of Wangyuan Bridge may be repeated on the banks of the Hanshui River.

On March 24, the Han army teams in the east, south, and Xiangfan areas of Hanshui could not judge from the intelligence whether the 7th Army of China and the Zonghan Brigade had the upper hand, but Ning Yi killed the sword. The news of the door has spread to a thousand miles.

At this time, Dai Mengwei and others have not completed the reception of a large number of Jurchen and the people in the south of Xiangfan. The story of his "saving" of the millions of people is only in the early stage of propaganda. On this day, gathered in Xicheng County, and the various Han army generals who were shortly after Dai Meng’s loyalty to the loyalty met with each other and exchanged news in private.

"The heart of the devil has killed the sword... It’s killing the Hanzhong..."

When people talk about this, their faces and tone are pale and serious...


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