Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 942: Big battle (6)

The world is colorful.

In a great place, time is like a wave of power, people from generation to generation are born, grow up, and grow old. The form of civilization is vast, and one dynasty sweeps away. A nation rejuvenates and declines, and millions of people live and die. , condensed into a sentence reading between history books.

In a small place, everyone's life is a vast epic. Every second in this world, thousands of people seem to live a little, but their minds and emotions are equally real and huge. Some people laugh and joy, some people are sad and crying, some people are hysterical, and some people are angry. Silently sad... These emotions are like a hurricane and tsunami, driving the ordinary body to move forward.

Every second of our world, if we use different perspectives and intercept different aspects, it will be a huge and true narrative poem. The fate of countless people extends, the cause and effect are intertwined, and they collide and separate. A broken line often brings strange results in the unknown distant place. These intertwined lines are chaotic but uniform in most cases, but at some point we will see countless, huge lines converge in one direction and collide.

In the first year of Wu Zhenxing, on April 23, the sunset outside Hanzhong City seemed to be full of the smell of smoke, and the gray black of the monk was revealed in Yunxia. The sunset is not magnificent, it is just her ordinary and repeats the ordinary face of countless times in this world.

When the city under the sunset was included in the field of vision, the army under the arm was rapidly assembling. Xi Yin rode in the battle, the wind blew through the hunting banner, mixed with the human voice, the huge battlefield began to become orderly from the chaos, the smell of horse manure and vomit in the air.

The atmosphere of the battlefield is becoming familiar with his eyes as always. The battles of decades have been repeated, and the soldiers in the sand field have repeatedly appeared. The soldiers’ breathing has shown a chill and a tenacious breath. This is the battlefield that Wan Yan Xi Yin is familiar with but has begun to be strange.

The speed of the soldiers' assembly and the exquisite spirits in the array made it possible for Xi Yin to quickly understand the color of the troops in front of him. The female real team is mature and terrible under their own shackles. For 40 years, this team has not encountered the same opponents after raising such a spirit. But as the war progressed, he gradually realized that it was the mood many years ago:

At that time, the Jurchen warriors were holding the battlefield with no tomorrow, they were fierce and fierce, but on the battlefield, they could not do what they were today. Ah Gu, Zong Han, Dian Li, Zong Wang and others were hysterical in the battle, and everything was out. Every war was a crucial battle. They knew that the true fate of women was ahead, but they were not mature at the time. They can't clearly understand the direction of fate. They can only go all out and give the remaining results to the highest god.

They learned and matured in battle, and the fate of the fate became more and more clear. In the later period of the Battle of Destruction, they became more and more skilled in the use of the army, and their fate was held by them in the palm of their hand— - They have already seen the whole picture of the world. They once admired the Sinology in the south, and Xi Yin and others who respected the Wu Dynasty gradually saw the pros and cons of Confucianism. There is something worthy of respect in the middle, but on the battlefield. The Wu Dynasty has been unable to resist the general trend of the world.

Time has come to this day, the old people have been quenched and matured in the war, and the army still maintains a sharp edge, but in the few battles in front of him, Xi Yin seems to see the traces of his destiny and disappointment, he can certainly do his best. Go, but the unknown is in front. As for the result of the matter, he has a faint feeling of being unable to grasp.

The only thing is certain: the battle in front of us will once again become the most crucial battle, and the true fate of women is ahead!

"...the position of the Huaxia Army is in the front five miles... near the Lusong Gate... The army of the coach is coming from the west, now in the city..."

After the disembarkation, the army slowly advanced, and the Jurchen general who was called out from the city was enlisted by Xi Yin, and he reported to him in detail about the wars in these days. Xi Yin’s eyes were cold and he listened quietly.

Almost at the first time of the beginning of the war between the Han and the West, Xi Yin resolutely gave up the cofferdam of more than 3,000 people in Xincheng near Xicheng County, and led more than 10,000 troops to board the ship along the Hanshui River. He knew in his heart that before the big battle to determine the future of Jurchen, it was not so important to encircle the 3,000 people in the district.

At the first moment of disembarkation, he called people to call the highest-ranking generals in Hanzhong City at this time to understand the development of the situation. However, the whole situation has already exceeded his expectations. Zonghan led 90,000 people and was almost slain before the 20,000-person charge. Although it seems that Zonghan’s tactics are so powerful, Xi Yin understands that if he has the confidence to win on the frontal battlefield, why should Zonghan use this wheel tactic that consumes time and energy.

The two worked together for almost a lifetime. He could understand how wise and wise man Zonghan was. If he had a chance, he would not retreat. In other words, Zong Han, who was able to kill the battlefield for more than 40 years, was forced to such an extent, and the strength of the Chinese army was evident.

On the banks of the Jialing River, Pu Licha, in the chaotic battle, almost killed the middle and lower generals, such as Meng’an.

On the night of the same day, the squadron of Zonghan was attacked by a force of less than 10,000 people. In the case of falling into a trap, it was forcibly earned, and then the chasing soldiers would be ruthless.

In four days, with almost no more than 20,000 troops fighting against Zonghan’s wheel, the last to be defeated was Zonghan’s team. Some of the broken soldiers gathered in Hanzhong, and the other party could actually use hundreds of people. How amazing is the offensive desire and the decision-making ability of small-scale combat when the size of the Hanzhong South Gate is captured?

"...How did they do it?"

In the course of the war, Xi Yin finally opened his mouth.


"You come from the battlefield, have some ideas for your enemies, do you think... how did they do it?"

"...Humble, ignorant, I don't know... Huaxia Army fought bravely, I heard that they... all retired from the northwest that year, and I have a deep hatred with my Jurchen. I think that the demon enchanted them with the demon, so that they would not Fear of death..."

"..." Xi Yin did not look at him, nor did he speak. After a while, "How many iron cannons, ammunition, etc. are there in the city?"

"Being a good job... can only estimate a rough..."

"When Yan Yan is red." Xi Yin did not wait for the report, directly called the name of the disciple.

The middle-aged general who is in his forties is relying on him: "The end will be there."

"Three things, you will do it for me."


"First, you bring a thousand people into the city, assist the city's officers and men, strengthen the Hanzhong city defense, Huaxia Army is attacking from the Lusong Gate to the north, you arrange the staff, keep the channels, the city walls, if there are other cities, change hands, you and It is the same crime."


"Second, count all the artillery, ammunition, bows, and horses in the city. In addition to the manpower necessary to defend against Hanzhong, I want you to organize the manpower and transport the materials to the battlefield outside the city tomorrow before the sunrise. If the manpower is real. Not enough, you are coming here."


"The third..." The war immediately stunned, but then his eyes swept over the pale sky and earth, or he said decisively: "The third piece, in the case of sufficient manpower, gathers in Hanzhong City. Residents, people, drive them out, and gather at the Huaxia Army position in the south of Lusong Gate. If they encounter resistance, they can kill and burn houses. In the early morning tomorrow, they will fight against the Huaxia Army position in the final battle outside the city. You handle this matter well."

Above the warhorse, Wan Yan said: "Yes." His gaze turned hesitantly, but accepted the fact. In the case of Zong Han’s grandfather’s exhaustion of the Chinese army of 90,000 troops, Xi Yin made a positive killing decision. This decisive decision may also be in response to the news that the leader of the Chinese army, who was known as the devil, had killed the Jianmen Pass.

- If after a few days, the demon comes, things will be more lively and more troublesome.

The two men took the lead.

The front wall spreads. In the sunset, the black flag of the Huaxia Army is included in the field of vision. The spotted blood on the ground outside the wall and the body also show the **** battle that broke out here not long ago. The front line of the Huaxia Army is shrinking. At the end of the Jinren army, there are soldiers of the Huaxia Army who are digging the ground on the ground. Most of the figures are carrying blood after the killing. Some people are bandaged.

Faced with the banner of Yan Xiyin, most of them looked at this side and looked through the telescope. In those postures, there was no fear, only the welcoming battle.

There are blood enemies in this world with Jurchens, not just ten million. But the team that can face the Jin Jun with such a gesture has never been seen before.

They have already been killed for four days, and even the army led by Zonghan has been fragmented.

How did they do it?

Do they still have the strength?

Xi Yin thought about it all in his mind.

For decades, they have walked through the battlefield, learned from experience, learned lessons, and brought everything in this world into their eyes and hearts. Every war and survival has made them stronger. At this moment, Xi Yin will remember countless times of smoke on the battlefield. A bone hit is gone, Wu Hao buys Mi Liu, ancestor, diverticulum, resignation, silver surgery, pull away speed... one after another general Their lives have passed, but this moment of Zonghan and even Xi Yin, on the battlefield is indeed their strongest state.

Time has passed for decades, and at this moment, he can still go all out to give the unknown destiny to the supreme god.


The walls of Hanzhong are not magnificent. There is an ordinary earth and stone wall. The wilderness of the wilderness outside the wall is uneven. The soldiers wear earth-color and greenish embellishments. The **** taste is as unpleasant as ever.

Liu Muxia arrived outside Hanzhong City in the evening. Following the arrival of the company, he was arranged with a position in the company. Someone pointed to the east and told everyone: "Wan Yan Xi Yin is coming. If you fight, You'd better dig a pit in front."

"Is it possible to dig a horse pit?" The squad leader asked the company commander.

"You are responsible for digging the pit tonight, keeping your strength and paying attention to rest. Can you sleep to see the opposite?"

Fatigue and pain are gathering in the body, but within the limits that can be tolerated, when the comrades talked about the Fifth Army breaking through the Jianmen Pass, Liu Muxia looked up and saw the trace of the Jinbing in the east. Even though he is only an ordinary soldier in the 7th Army of China, he also knows that the decisive battle is coming.

So after dinner, he quietly started digging.

He is not afraid of Yan Zonghan, nor is he afraid of Yan Xiyin.

He is a native of the Northwest, and his living environment in the northwest has been rough and rough. Therefore, he has lived in a world full of murderers, horses, and swindlers since he was a child.

The family died very early. He doesn't have much emotion for his family, and similar situations have never been rare in the Northwest. After the Huaxia Army came to the northwest, facing the first victory of Xixia, he went to Xiao Canghe and joined the black flag army that the outside world considered to be extremely wicked and "mixed with a meal."

The interior of the Huaxia Army is a completely different environment from the outside world. He does not know when he was assimilated. Perhaps the day after he joined the black flag, he was in a fierce and excessive training. Down, and the squad leader gave him the bowl of noodles in the middle of the night.

Perhaps it is the moment of cooperation in patrols and trainings.

Or in the Xiao Cang and three years of slaying that he did not expect, he gave him noodles, and also sacrificed the comrades who had supported his back in training.

"...I was originally... 汴梁人, the family is in the village on the edge of the Yellow River, I have a wife, a daughter, and an old man at home... When the Jurchen is here... nothing is there... ..."

He can occasionally remember the beautiful Central Plains that his comrades around him told him.

In fact, he did not touch. In the first ten years of his life, he lived in the chaotic and precarious northwestern frontier. His family died. He didn’t know why he was crying. Is there really such a beautiful thing in the Central Plains? he does not know.

He just likes to live in the Xiao Cang River. They fight side by side in the valley. They kill a wave of enemies that are said to be extremely vicious on the dam. They cheer together. Their existence has a warm inner life. These have once had a strange life. People, become comrades-in-arms and become family members.

They are all dead.

He would think of Xiao Canghe's three years of killing. In the last time, Ning Yi often said things to people when he said goodbye to the deceased.

"...In this world, there are millions of people and tens of millions of people who have died. Before they die, they all have their own lives. What makes me sad is that... their life will be forgotten... The people who are here today, they resisted, they want to live like people, they die, their resistance, their life will be forgotten, the things they have done, the things they remember, are gone in this world, It’s like... never had the same..."

It’s like never before...

Liu Muxia often thinks of the village on the edge of the Yellow River outside the city of Yanliang. The old man in the comrade-in-arms family, his wife, daughter, and comrades-in-arms are also dead. Those memories are never like ordinary things. Including the bowl of noodles that the squad leader brought to him, including their side by side battles. These things will one day be like nothing happened...

There are pains and fatigues on the body, but it doesn't matter, they can bear it. He dug a pit in silence.

The setting sun has gradually fallen, and the sunset has fallen like this every day. The second day he joined the Black Flag Army, he failed to complete the training subjects before the sun sets. The squad leader forced him to run forward in such darkness. Tell yourself in your heart, you can't turn your face, you can wait until tomorrow to steal something and go... This night he was hungry, and the squad leader gave him a bowl of noodles, and even a delicious egg in the noodles.

It was the Xiao Cang River many years ago, and the valley was not even fully built. They sometimes had to be flat on the playground, and the dam was being built step by step. Today's Xiao Cang River is already a barren hill, and the traces of their existence have been erased.

The squad leader waved the knife at the Jurchen.

The Jurchen did not know about it.


This is not right.

The night is coming, the starlight is sparse, and the moon rises in the sky, like a knife, squatting in the sky above the Hanshui River.

On the plain west of Hanzhong, I don’t know when the sound of the cannons sounded intensively, and the warriors’ killings and hedges were hidden in the fire.

The Jurchen troops and the Huaxia Army troops who came to Hanzhong City were interspersed and killed in the darkness.

A large number of Jurchen troops were smashed in the wilderness, and the Huaxia Army’s team was struggling in the dark.

Thousands of people are killed, thousands of people, and thousands of lives and stories.

On April 21st, Wan Yan led the cavalry to launch a fierce raid on the Huaxia Army. He was lucky enough to escape after the injury. At this moment, he led the troops to the Hanzhong. He is the son of Yan Zonghan. After 30 years of fighting with Zonghan, he is relatively inferior to silver, and he is slower than others. Although he is inferior to talent, he has always been faithful to Zonghan’s plan. Executor.

The Jurchen is hard to kill from such a difficult living environment. He fights with heroes. At this moment, he is not afraid to die for the hero.

Zonghan has joined forces with Gao Qing and others and is trying to mobilize a large army to assemble in Hanzhong. After decades of fighting in the battlefield, he was able to clearly feel that the entire army had experienced rapid decline after the previous battles. During the process of spreading from the plain to the Hanzhong, some of the second-gathered troops quickly collapsed under the interweaving of the Huaxia Army. . This night, only the arrival of Xi Yin gave him some comfort.

In the four days of fighting, his troops have been fatigued, and the Huaxia Army is also fatigued. However, Xi Yin, who is willing to work hard, will get the most ideal fighter.

The speed of pulling off is dead, but Ning Yi can't get through.

This evening, looking at the moonlight in the sky, Zonghan sprinkled the spirits with him on the earth, mourning the speed of pulling away.

This long life battle, how many people are dead on the road...

This night, a large number of troops are on the road to risk and kill forward, and the endless set of horses in the dark to try to inspire and inspire morale, the already mature ice wolf, do not want to miss the upcoming World War II.

Throughout his life, he was staring at the heroes of his father's generation. Until the death of his brother, he gradually understood the qualities he needed to become such a hero. At this moment, the strength of the Huaxia Army made him feel stunned and made him really feel excited. Without such an enemy, how could his name be a history?

Some people's stories will leave traces in history, but in life, these stories are not high.

With the Golden Man generals fighting for more than 20 years of Jurchen warriors, in this moon-like moon, I will remember the wife and children in my hometown. Following the Jinjun South, I wanted to take advantage of the last Qizheng, Liaodong people, and monks who had made a name for themselves in the Southern Expedition. They felt the fear and fearlessness in their exhaustion, and they took the mentality of seeking for the rich and the dangerous with the army. Heroic killing, but the southwest of this moment has become an embarrassing slough. The gold and silver belts they plundered did not go back. The joy of slaughtering the looting was turned into remorse. They also had memories of the past, even the families they care about. Warm memories - who will not?

However, many Central Plains people and Northwesters have no family members, and even memories have become less warm.

This evening, one after another, the Huaxia Army, arrived in the Hanzhong City outside the reed gate. They have already experienced repeated killings. Most of the soldiers have a light or heavy injury, but the Jurchen's defeat will give people endless power. Some troops even made attempts to sneak into the west or the north wall. Of course, they did not succeed easily.

The troops arriving at the Hanzhong battlefield were arranged to rest temporarily by the staff, while a small number of troops were interspersed northward in the city, trying to break through the blockade of the streets and attacking the more critical position in Hanzhong City.

After entering the night, Chen Hai went into the staff department and asked the brigade commander Hou Lietang: "The Jurchen troops are all from the north. The Yan Yanxi Yin has arrived at the battlefield, but he does not attack. I don't think it is not wanted. In fact, it can't. Right now. In the flood season, they will sail north, they will have wind and waves, many of them are seasick, so they can only fight tomorrow... I don’t think they can sleep well tonight, I will fight the night.”

"We have considered the seasickness, but do you think that people like Xi Yin will not prevent you from attacking in the middle of the night?"

"That can't let them sleep well. I can let the three battalions in my team play in the round and make a big noise. In short, I won't sleep."

"...It makes sense. Qin Junchang went to the night and I will report to you, you are ready."

"Yes." Chen Hai salute.

Out of the simple staff, the moon seems to fall from the sky, Chen Hai does not laugh, his eyes are the snow that began more than ten years ago. More than ten years ago, he was still young, and Mr. Ning once wanted him to be a storyteller.

"The passage of civilization is not based on blood."

"Jurchens come over, many people are dead, many people are gone. Zheng Yiquan's blood is not left, but when you are dying, you are next to you, you pass him down... try to pass the story down ......"

On that day, Mr. Ning said this with his younger age, but in fact, those who have died by his side over the years, is it more than a Zheng Yiquan? Today, he has a better and more powerful way to pass on their will.

In this world, there are some special moments, thousands of lines will gather toward one person, it will become thin and become important. Some lines will break, and some lines will be carried by the onlookers and move on. The continuation of the blood, the change of the nation, the rise and fall of the country, and the fight for all things have always been like this.

Liu Muxia dug into the horse pit and silently polished his knife.

Someone cleared the thunder and the grenade and passed it over.

Chen Hai took a battalion soldier and quietly went out from the side of the camp.

The checkpoints were replaced. Some people got a rest and they were free to sleep.

"I can't sleep a bit..."

Someone spoke softly.

"I tell you, I still remember the Central Plains more than ten years ago..."

The Central Plains more than ten years ago... From that moment, how many people were crying, how many people shouted, how many people went to the blood in the pain of heartbreaking, and finally came to this step...

Everyone's story is very ordinary. The death of a person is so insignificant among the deaths of thousands of people. But whose life and memories are not an ups and downs epic?

Flames and torments have been violently collided under the ground for many years, and numerous, huge lines have gathered at this moment.

The lava is breaking out -


Chen Hai launched a night attack ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Xi Yin arranged the scouts to slay on the edge of the Han River, shouting to kill the earthquake, a round of continuous.

The Jurchen warriors in the camp were awakened from time to time, and anger and anxiety gathered.

At night, Xi Yin walked up the wall, and the keeper in the city reported to him the raging flames in the wilderness of the west. The troops of the Huaxia Army crossed from the northwest to the southeast, and the Zonghan troops went from west to east. The killing everywhere does not stop. Not only the wilderness in the west, but also the small-scale killings in Hanzhong City, have never stopped. In other words, stifling is going on everywhere he sees or can't see.

Xi Yin supported the city wall and sank for a long time.

"...they don't have to sleep?"

He sighed softly.

The Huaxia Army they faced was only 20,000 people.


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