Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 943: Big battle (7)

Under the starry light, on the wilderness outside Hanzhong City, the soldiers slept in rows and rows, and the knife and gun were placed beside them, and the black flag was flying.

This is the land that has become a battlefield, but in addition to the occasional patrolling soldiers, the camp in the middle of the night still shows a quiet atmosphere, even if someone wakes up from sleep, rarely speak. Someone was stunned and slept without heart.

After years of stifling, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army have been extremely tired, but under the pressure of being attacked at any time, most of the soldiers will wake up from time to time during their sleep. Sometimes it is because of the sound of strangulation or explosion in the distance, and sometimes because the surroundings are too quiet, but the snoring will suddenly stop. The soldiers wake up and feel the movement around, and then continue to rest. .

For the attack on the Jurchen camp not far away, it was continually ringing in the early hours of the morning, and occasionally a wave of hustle and bustle. The sleeping soldiers woke up and thought: "Chen Hai is a neuropathy." Then he went to sleep quietly.

The battle initiated by the friendly forces ensures that everyone on their side can have a relatively safe resting space. If it wasn't for Chen Hai's troops to launch an attack outside the Xiyin camp all night, then it would be this side of the night to encounter a surprise attack. Therefore, while Chen Hai and others are fighting overnight, they must seize the time and restore their strength to cope with the upcoming war.

Even in the quietest hours, many things have not stopped. Among the cities, Wan Yanzheng is dismantling a large number of iron cannons and ammunition boxes, transporting them from the southeast direction of the city gate and sending them to the Xiyin Camp in the south. On the one hand, Chen Hai launched an attack on the camp on the other hand. On the other hand, he also found this movement. He made a request for war to the rear command.

The command rejected his relatively risky plan.

"... Chen Hai, this neurosis..."

In the southwest corner of the Huaxia Military Camp, the light in the camp was uninterrupted. Qin Shaoqian and several staff officers, brigades, and regiment-level cadres still gathered here. The oil lamps in the tents were dim. There were simple battlefield maps on the wooden boxes. Most of the flags were chaotic and disorderly. For some of the flags represented by the troops. Location, they are just guessing, not very sure.

"Chen Hai has less than a thousand people. From last night to now, he has twice proposed to attack He Yin at all costs. He is thinking about putting a thousand people into it and replacing Xi Yin with a tired soldier... ”

"Chen Hai is very forward-looking. He has already seen it. After the dawn, the battle is not good."

"A head of the team should also be responsible for the soldiers under his command. If you want to sacrifice yourself, it is not good."

The commander Qin Shaoqian, the brigade commander Hou Lietang, the Xiao Xiaohu, the staff Lin Dongshan and so on gathered here. The night was already deep. When talking about these things, the tone of the people was not high. After replying to Chen Hai’s request, everyone started to make the final strategic decision around the map.

"... In short, Tian Yiliang, Xi Yin troops will try to launch a general attack on us. In Hanzhong City, they will drive out the people, Xi Yin wants to do their best, Zong Han is also from the west, toward Hanzhong Come over. Then, you can't be dumb, in the big direction, they want to fight, we can fight, but in tactics, we have to focus on our own..."


At the second moment, the stars in the sky seemed to be hidden. The sound of the explosion came from the night in the east. Liu Muxia took the scabbard on his side and suddenly opened his eyes and then looked to the side. The squad leader came over and woke up the soldiers one by one.

"Keep quiet, change black, prepare the whole team, open the dial..."

They turned over and put on the military uniform, revealing the black side. Afterwards, they walked westward under the guidance of the squad leader. The instructions were made on the sidelines and determined by the soldiers' mouths.

"The first division of the 7th Army of China, the two brigades of the two brigades, immediately after the order, went to the northwest, arrived at the filial piety in Yuchen, prepared for offensive and defensive preparations, and must pay attention to concealment in the early stage of action. The missions of each regiment and battalion are as follows ......"

A group of soldiers accepted the order and had some discussion before leaving the camp.

"Going northwest, we came over from there yesterday."

"We are gone, what about Xi Yin?"

"The three brigades have also been dialed, are you going to give up here?"

"No, the artillery regiment and a brigade have left..."

After leaving the camp, the screaming order was down and everyone stopped talking.

One after another, the black figure left the camp outside the Hanzhong South Gate in the night and began to disperse in the northwest direction. More scouts and commanders had already been on the road.


The sky was bright, and the stretchers were carried into the camp. The doctors began to treat the wounded, and there was a fuss in the camp.

Chen Hai’s body was full of blood and gas, and led his soldiers to return to the camp. He asked some soldiers to start looking for a place to rest. They almost sat on the ground and slept. The next moment when the eyes were picked up, he stood up again. I looked up and looked at the situation in the camp.

"what happened?"

A staff member came over and reported to him the decision made by the headquarters in the early hours of the morning. There were all kinds of thoughts on the face of Chen Hai. When I finally got a fist, I waved it: "Good!"

He then said: "I have to take a break, please tell the command, my people will stay here, and cooperate to stop Yan Xiyin."

The staff paid a courtesy and turned and went. Chen Hai looked back to the east and was harassed by the night of the Jurchen soldier camp. He had already begun to wake up...


In the 22nd miles west of Hanzhong, near the small county town named Tuanshanji, in the main camp of Yan Zonghan, the soldiers had already gotten up for breakfast, and the first team came out.

This night, Yan Yanzong Han slept for two hours, recharge his batteries.

He has fully confirmed the situation near Hanzhong, including the occupation of the South Gate by the Huaxia Army and the confrontation with the Xiyin troops. The decisive battle is at the moment in front of you.

In the past few days, nearly 100,000 troops have been broken up within a radius of a hundred miles, but his majesty still gathered nearly 30,000 horses. And a large number of squadrons are also gathering in the Han Dynasty.

Similar to his own situation, more than 10,000 people in the 7th Army of China have been scattered and are in the direction of Hanzhong. Since the two armies chose the same road, more than a dozen battles and frictions broke out last night.

Xi Yin had already seen the opportunity at the first time of his arrival, and Zong Han also recognized this opportunity. In the early hours of the morning, a large number of scouts were released. Their task was to launch all the squadrons that could be contacted, and gathered in the southeast to fight in Hanzhong!

And Ning Yi, who broke the Jiange, is at least three days away from here.

The Huaxia Army is also doing similar actions. The behavior of the Zonghan Scouts is slightly different. The command of the Chinese Army Scouts is not to let all the troops gather in the Han.

This morning, including the troops that the scouts contacted, including the troops who had arrived in the south of Hanzhong City and secretly set off for the west, were tens of thousands of people, and they were gathering on the road west of Hanzhong.

Finished Yan Zonghan, is coming.


"...In the past few days, in order to avoid the failure in the large-scale decisive battle, and to use the means to fight the wheel and add fuel, he has nearly 100,000 people, and he has to go round and round. It looks like a mountain, but the battle. The force has been worse than the round. Now, when we are tired, they are really losing their hearts..."

"...When Yan Yanxi is different, more than 10,000 of his people have not invested in the battle, and the military has not lost. We are already very tired. We will fight with him and fight for the enemy with a short period of time. We have to look at it separately. To deal with Xi Yin, we take the defensive, try to delay, and use Hanzhong as the partition, on the other side, we launch the general attack!"

"...In the past few days, Yan Zonghan has tossed up his 100,000 people. It seems that there is no real defeat. With his arrogance, once the Hanzhong decisive battle is started, his main force must come to this place at full speed. We mobilized all the troops that could be mobilized in this area, and decided to fight west of Hanzhong! Before their Gu Shenxi Yin reacted, they forced to eat Yan Zonghan-"

"The most difficult thing in such a decision is to stay here in Hanzhong, responsible for blocking the troops of Yan Xiyin..."


April 24th.

The dewdrops were hung on the leaves of the wild grasses on the riverside, and the white belly began to appear on the horizon. Then the wind swelled and the sun rose from the mountains in the east. In the military camps on both sides, the squadrons were all prepared for breakfast, and the smell of meat permeated the morning breeze.

The soldiers under Chen Hai are still sleeping.

Wan Yan Xi Yin looked at the iron cannon of a door and was loaded and then pushed to the front of the battlefield. The Jurchen soldiers under his command were harassed by Chen Hai’s attack for a night. Many people’s eyes were bloodshot, which made them killing and rushing to kill all the black-flagged troops on the opposite side. The military heart is available, which is also a good thing.

The one-sided flag was in the wind, and the army opened its way and began to move forward gradually. On the opposite side, the Chinese soldiers stood silently watching it after standing on the mound they had built. Xi Yin rode in the battle, listening to the morning breeze blowing from the ear, the Han River came from the distance of the horizon, rushing. Suddenly there was an impulse in his heart that he wanted to talk to the other party.

After the defeat of the southwest Shiling and Wangyuan Bridge, Zonghan and Ning Yi had had a negotiation. The content of Zonghan had already told him through a letter that he had a lot of thoughts about the development of the object. Maybe you can say something different.

In front of me, it is also a crucial battle. He has something to talk to the other party. Some questions want to talk to each other. It is a pity that the opposite is not the Ningren.

He has experienced countless battles throughout his life, and this is the first time he has come up with the idea of ​​"talking", but it is just an idea. The cruel battlefield, after all, is not the story of the book's mouth. He let this idea stay in his mind.

The prelude to the war, perhaps because of the accumulation of pressure, always makes people feel abnormal silence and silence. Soon after, Xi Yin waved his hand and the cannon rumbling forward, then the gunfire drowned the other's position...

Chen Hai woke up from a deep sleep, squinted and looked at it, then held his hand on his chest and slept.


Shouts tear the earth -


Near the Tuanshan, the army under the death of Yan Zonghan marched for several miles in the morning breeze. The scouts of the army strikers discovered the traces of the Huaxia Army.

It may be a disbanded army that is gathering in Hanzhong.

- The first thought at the time, he thought so.

If the army led by Yan Zonghan is still like a behemoth at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, the troops of the Huaxia Army are more like a group of ants that seem to be disorderly. They are divided into several groups, large and small, from different directions, to the end of Yan Zonghan's journey to Hanzhong.

At the second moment of Chen Shi, Wan Zhanhan found the traces of the Huaxia Army’s stay in the three directions.

After several confirmations, the Jurchen veteran who had been in his life was not surprised. He just silenced for a moment and then thought about everything.

"...ready to fight."

He said.


Thousands of Chinese troops are marching through the wilderness, over the mountains, and into combat positions.


The Jurchens have passed through the forty years of change.

In front of them, the attack came.


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