Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 944: Big battle (8)

On the morning of April 24, a chaotic and fierce battle has begun near the ancient city of Hanzhong.

The first to start the exchange of fire is the scheduled battlefield near the south gate of Hanzhong City. The main body responsible for this defense is the first brigade of the First Division of the 7th Army of Huaxia, the guns directly under the First Division, the Corps of Engineers, and a regiment led by Chen Hai. According to later statistics, their number is about 3,300 or so. The ones they face in front of them are the 13,000 people who have finished their lives with the gods, and the first step into the Hanzhong City. More than 10,000 gold countries have broken their troops.

In terms of proportion, they are faced with about eight times their own enemies.

This is the most tragic battle that will occur in the entire Hanzhong battle.

At the first moment of the gunfire, the Huaxia Army’s position quietly did not respond, and the soldiers hiding behind the bunker and the position had already understood the combat mission and operational purpose.

They must cooperate with each other and there will not be too many reinforcements. They will end the army of Yan Xiyin in the east of Hanzhong City, thinking that the main force of the high-speed westward army will strive to complete the precious time of its strategic goals.

The first time the cannon sounded, the sky was drifting through the early morning clouds, and the explosion raised low dust, and the soldiers behind the bunkers looked at the sky.

"I said, our combat mission, why not cut Yan Xiyin here, there are more than 10,000 people on the opposite side..."

Some soldiers spoke, and the surrounding soldiers heard and laughed.

Not long ago, the company commander threw the bandits and squatted on his head.

This is a small piece of debris at the beginning of the exchange of fire.

At this moment, Wan Yan Xi Yin has not been able to know the changes that have taken place in the opposite military camp. Fifteen miles west of Hanzhong City, friction has begun.


The first to fight is the scouting of the periphery.

In this battle, the steps are normal. The main force of Yan Zonghan’s main force is nearly 30,000. At the time of the army’s advancement, the scouts will be released for nearly two miles. The feedback of the news naturally has a time difference. But in the near future, the intensity of the killings rose in several different directions.

In the days after the start of the Hanzhong war, the battle was chaotic and fierce, and both sides of the army had been dismantled into countless small pieces. With the completion of Yan Zonghan's dismantling of his own army into small teams, the Huaxia Army also launched a small combat unit.

Unlike the Jurchen army, when the Huaxia army team is separated from the brigade, they can still maintain a clear direction of war and a strong will to fight based on a large goal. The result of this situation is the number of Jurchens in the past few days. From time to time, there will be a scouting of the scouting squad.

Sometimes the Chinese soldiers who met the Chinese soldiers were the squadrons of the company and the battalion. These teams even lost the position of the core units of the Huaxia Army, and they rushed to this direction for the purpose of “killing the glutinous” – on the way. Of course, they will suffer various attacks, but even the troops have magically broken through the defense, and they will extend the front of the army to Yan Zonghan. They will then lurk and watch, and the harassment will not be able to escape after a wave of sight.

In some cases, the scouts outside the Jurchen may even encounter several situations in which the Chinese soldiers who are good at cooperating with each other sneak out after leaving the team. They did not expect to assassinate Yan Zonghan, but instead set traps on the periphery, specifically to capture the squad's and jealous Jurchen soldiers, and then transfer after murder.

These Chinese soldiers are active and highly motivated. The Jurchen soldiers are occasionally yin and don’t chase after them. If the scouts here are smashed and gathered to force them to hunt down, those Chinese soldiers will even They tirelessly dragged them around in the mountains. Anyway, they didn’t have many people. It was victory when they caught attention. On several occasions, even the false alarms caused the tension of Zonghan’s army.

The Jurchens also had a large number of elite scouts, but with the end of the Southwest War, Yu and other generals died in battle, and the power of scouts has dropped to the lowest point ever. From April 19th, the five-day high-intensity combat, of course, the first to be thrown out is also these elite. By April 24th, the task of the Jurchen high-level scouts has even become a conservative defense and awareness. For the friction of the periphery, they are no longer encouraged to actively chase and kill the enemy, because there have been too many situations encountered in the past few days.

Among Zonghan’s nearly 30,000 people, at this time, more than half of them have already suffered defeats. Some of them have returned from their own initiative, and some have just happened to meet the route of Zonghan’s army and rejoined. In this regard, the Korean company first waited for people to have first-class internal affairs, not only quickly adjusted the leadership of the returning soldiers, but also a team of Chinese troops who were disguised and prepared to confuse the Jurchen squad, and were sifted out. - They underestimated the ability of the Korean companies to control the army first. They only thought that under such chaos, the Jurchens saw the same squadron, and it was inevitable that they could tell who was who. Simply naive.

In a sense, in addition to several highly concentrated areas of the army, the wilderness near Hanzhong has become a huge scouting sandbox at this time. The frictions of big and small are every day and every moment. occur. Even if the Jurchen defeated the will to fight and wanted to find a direction to flee, it may have been intercepted several times inadvertently. The small team of the Huaxia Army also encountered enemies from time to time.

When Yan Zonghan and others in the battlefield were informed of the fighting messages uploaded in several directions, the scouting network in the southeast direction has been broken by nearly half, and fighting has taken place in the east and the north.

Originally scheduled to be in the vicinity of the South Gate of Hanzhong City, there are of course two possibilities for attack. At this time, there are two possibilities for attacking the Chinese army. In order to make it impossible for them to reach Hanzhong, they have launched a large-scale operation on their own side. The harassment is either the main force of the Huaxia Army and has already rushed over here. Zong Han denied the former possibility with intuition in the first time.

With his pride, there are some things that are deeply hidden in my heart. In the result of the five-day battle in Hanzhong, in terms of results, he has not yet reached the time of defeat. Although a large number of troops have been defeated in combat, the Jurchen army will not fall to the bottom of the valley for a time. In such an operation, The 7th Army of China is far more tired than it is. After the other party is smashed into a strong battle, the two sides will once again make a big decisive battle. On their own side, they will not lose.

This is the most special battle he has encountered in his life. This Chinese army has a strong ability to attack and is almost a desperate devil. If the two sides are eager to start a battle, they have already experienced the defeat of the southwest. Only taste the bitter fruit similar to the guardian up to the post. He can only maximize his own temporary strength in this way. Strategically speaking, this is true.

I still maintain the power of World War I, and with the arrival of Xi Yin, the Huaxia Army has also set a fierce fighting posture in the south of Hanzhong City. From the beginning of the war to the present, the 7th Army of China under the leadership of Qin Shaoqian has just fiercely The style of combat has never changed - but as the intensity of the external scouts continues to rise, the Jurchen veteran of this life and his life finally reacts, and his lights are black.

The arrival of the Huaxia Army was not a simple distraction, and a small number of troops to curb their own progress, so that the western troops they led could not reach the Hanzhong battlefield. However, in the battles that have been running for several days, the Xiyin troops, who are less than the number of people but full of enthusiasm, have already fallen to a low point on their own side, becoming a weak point on the battlefield and becoming an "opportunity" in the eyes of the Chinese military. ".

In the numerous battles that have been going on for decades, no one will despise Yan Zonghan. No one can despise Yan Zonghan. The area he is in is the strongest and most terrible place on the entire battlefield. Therefore, until the rest of the morning, he did not consider such a possibility - perhaps in his reason, there is such an idea, but it has not yet formed, it was covered by his pride.

This moment is like a good drink, blood in his mind, he felt the humiliation and shame, followed by great anger. He seems to be able to see the scene of the warfare in the Huaxia Army Staff Department: "Come here, there is a soft persimmon called Guhan, let's pinch him." Just like in Zhenjiang City, Yuefei desperately wants to break through Xiyin. The insults and anger that Xi Yin felt when he was in the military.

Of course, the expression on his face was calm at this moment, and no one knew that he had experienced a tsunami in his heart.

"...ready to fight."

Soon after, Hua Xiajun confirmed his thoughts.


Only from the back to the front, people can feel the key and heart-warming atmosphere of a certain decisive battle, but at the time of the battle, all this does not exist.

The 7th Army of China has experienced five days of complicated and high-speed operations. Although Xi Yin has set a fierce posture in the south of Hanzhong City, how much relationship can they have with them on the battlefield? This is just a lot of games. Another fight in the fierce battle.

From the first few days, they have been fighting constantly and constantly moving. Until last night, Chen Hai’s madman is constantly attacking Xi Yin’s camp. By this morning, the rested troops began to move to the northwest. , start the attack. Only Xi Yin’s stupid fork will be regarded as a key battleground.

Just like playing chess, the two sides will always join each other. Once they will not die, they will come to the next time. In these few days, the two sides of the decisive battle are nothing but the future.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, the **** breath is rushing along the sparse woods. Even Chang Niu Chengshu looks at the scattered Jurchen Scout running through the woods. He pulls up the strong bow on his back and shoots an arrow toward the far back. . Strong bow was recently robbed and failed to shoot. The soldiers in the company stopped at the edge of the forest, and they could even see the outline of the Jurchen army not far away.

Niu Chengshu estimated the time: "Xiao Sun, riding the fastest to tell the regiment, we have broken through the periphery, ready to fight."

The entire group was not far from the area, and the correspondent Xiao Sun quickly rode away. Niu Chengshu looked around.

"I will say it again for the combat mission, give me a little cleverness, a row!"

"To!" The platoon leader stood up.

"You are responsible for attacking! As long as there is a chance, give me a rush! Grenade is thrown into the enemy formation in batches, and it is fried! But you don't have too many grenades. Pay attention to batches and reserve three times for me. opportunity!"


"The second row is prepared to deal with the cavalry. If the enemy cavalry comes up, I will hand it over to you. If you really fight, a grenade will not lose money for a horse. If they really don't want to die, the horse team is very dangerous. Don't hide it for me. Kneeling!"


"Three-row reserve team, responsible for the general attack, once you open the gap in a row, you will press on me. Hack the dog dog! I understand it -"


"The only thing to note is that if the enemy fire is fierce, we will hide, pay attention to find a place to protect ourselves! Once the enemy fires away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we will make the momentum bigger, let them pay more attention to us! Just stare at us and other brothers can give them trouble!"

Niu Chengshu’s body is also like a cow. He said that while his hands and feet were moving in front of everyone, his voice was still ringing. On the nearby hill, there was a fireworks with huge sound and flying into the sky. Subsequently, in the sky in the southeast, there were also fireworks rising.

"The whole group is in place! Everyone, today is a big day, all give me the spirit. Our people have already surrounded Yan Zonghan. I have to invite him to dinner today! I am still saying that, watch carefully! Fight calmly. Killing - to celebrate -"

Together, the fireworks are rising in the refreshing summer sky, representing a unit of at least a battalion-based combat unit to bring the enemy into the field of vision. Above the battlefield, the Jurchen’s huge military squad is whistling, moving, The huge beasts have been low-lying, and the Huaxia Army’s team of more than 7,000 people has surrounded this imaginary army of nearly 30,000 in the first time. The rest of the horses are still coming. .

When the time came, the time was not up, and the battle was launched.

The ant colony cuts to the behemoth!


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