Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 946: Big battle (10)

At the time of the battle, after the decisive battle near Tuanshan, on the south of the Hanzhong ancient city, the Huaxia Army had already repelled the two rounds of attack launched by Yan Yanxi. The black smoke fluttered in the wind, and the heat wave of the explosion blew the air and the dirt on the battlefield dry. The bodies of human bodies and horses piled up on the ground one by one.

Wan Yan Xi Yin has already noticed that it is wrong.

From the distance between Tuanshan and Hanzhong, various small-scale chaos and slaughter are being carried out one after another. The scouts from Zonghan Bian to Hanzhong were intercepted on the road, near the west gate of Hanzhong City. The two Chinese military companies once again launched a sneak attack on the city gate, causing a wave of chaos in the morning before, and the soldiers who came from the west could not easily enter the city.

But at this moment, the hot air balloon rising from the wall has been able to vaguely observe more than ten years of war and chaos.

At the moment of three o'clock, Wan Yanyue came out from Hanzhong City and arrived at the Jurchen Military Camp in the southeast. When he reported the message to the west of Wan Yanxi, the battlefield was in the interim period between the charges. Riding in the battle immediately, after listening to the end of Yan Yan's speech, and the doubts in his heart confirm each other. Then the old man closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"We will set the battleground here, and the other party will set the battleground in the Tuanshan..." he murmured, then opened his eyes and looked forward. "You mobilize three thousand warriors in the city. Going out of the city to the west, supporting the coach, the defender in the city, Hanzhong, can give in and give up half."

After the end of Yan Yan, he smashed, and then he took the lead and turned away.

The old man put his hand on the long sword at the waist. He has fully understood at this moment that from the morning, he launched two rounds of violent offensives, and the Chinese soldiers on the opposite side of the battlefield were all pushed back in case of insufficient strength.

On such a battlefield, it is not surprising that the opponents repelled several waves of attack with a small number of troops when they were recalcitrant. But what really hit him in Xi Yin’s mind was the attack that the Huaxia Army launched from last night to this morning. They are In the case of retaining reason, only a small number of forces are left here.

The 7th Army of China, even if the entire army went to the west of the attacking group, it was only over 10,000 people.

Something is pounding him in his mind.

This is the clue that I have been aware of many years ago. It was the first time that he started his buds when he turned his eyes to the Xiaocang River in the northwest a few years ago. The rebellious army of the Wu Dynasty, Yu Jun rebelled, and then defeated the Xixia people on Dong Zhisheng. He vaguely realized that this is a potential threat, a bad seed of germination, although in the huge volume of Jin Guo, this one The seed was too small, but he still sent people to the past, recruited the other side, and later destroyed it.

The stubbornness of Xiao Canghe was beyond his expectations. Although he did not go to the northwest, he continued to collect information from there. In the operational experience accumulated in his life, many things displayed by Xiao Canghe made him wonder.

That army should have collapsed.

The Jurchen is also a team that has emerged from extreme adversity, but even if it is replaced by the team led by the original A Bott, the Xiao Cang River is confusing, not to mention the fact that the two armies have very different faces.

Since the end of the three years of the Xiao Cang River, the death of the dim room and the resignation has awakened many people, such as Zong Han. Together with Xi Yin, they took the southwest as the focus of attention, and thus this time the Nanzheng. At this time, they are already veterans who have fought in battle. Some people may only accumulate experience on the battlefield, while others read the history books and intensively study the art of war. However, the appearance of the Southwest China Military Army does not exist in any history books or military records.

The disastrous experience of the southwest has broadened their cognition every time. When it comes to the decisive battle with the 7th Army of China, he can vaguely feel that the completeness of certain things has been revealed in front of him.

These days, this feeling has hit him more and more heavily in his mind, reminding him that he and Zonghan are facing different conditions from any situation in the past - from their first time When knocking on the gate of the Wu Dynasty, the people of the Wu Dynasty may also face similar surprises, but the good-blooded northerners are recorded in many historical books. This time alone, what he and Zong Han face is probably something that has never been seen before in history books.

Such a subconscious, contradictory appearance is banging his head. The opposite side should have collapsed, but no, the opposite should not be the case, but the situation has emerged, he can not predict the consequences of his own operations.

But apart from the decisive battle, it is impossible to think about it.

He is old.

People always learn when they are young, when they are young, and when they reach middle age, the wise man will have a general view of everything in the world. Even those who have never experienced it can do the same thing, just like the one that rises in the hands of Ning Yi in Southwest China. Learning, even though many new things are emerging, but the basic principles, he always understands, it is not incomprehensible.

But at this moment, the outline of the darkness seems to have risen from the bottom of the sea.


He can faintly hear such a voice.

But apart from the decisive battle, he has no more choices.

If you can break through the Huaxia Army position in the South Gate of Hanzhong as soon as possible, you will be able to make a decisive intervention in the battle of Tuanshan.

Let Yan Yanchi lead the elite soldiers in Hanzhong City to leave, in order to give the black flag army outside the South Gate a retreat, they are not many people, when the position here can not support, they enter Hanzhong City, Xi Yin can go straight to the Tuanshan .

He can already do it in the art of war and on the operational plan.

Soon after, outside the south gate of Hanzhong City, another attack began. The most violent rushing came to the sea, and the shells flew and the smoke covered the sky.

Chen Hai greeted him.


The outline of the new era is hitting the door of people's minds.

Finished Yan Xi Yin, struggling to attack.


Tuanshan, the end of the battle, Yan Zonghan also saw the way when the Chinese Seventh Army really launched an offensive.

The huge offense is like a mercury rushing land, stripping the periphery of the Jurchen army, killing and spreading, and a large number of Jinjun soldiers fleeing in the mountains and plains - Zonghan silently observes all this, although many things he had speculation before, but so The massive squadron charge, he really is the first witness.

In the face of the Huaxia Army's charge, the battle has completely lost its effect. Faced with the battle of dozens of people facing thousands of people, the power of the arrow was reduced to a minimum, and when the other side rushed to the near side, they could only organize the team to charge themselves - if you want to stay at ease Standing in the same place, dozens of people on the opposite side threw the fire and thunder and ran away, and they had to lose a large piece on their own.

Can only attack and attack.

However, if it is attacked by a hundred people, after a battle, the team may lose its command. The soldiers who are not entangled in the army will try to find a place to hide or choose to escape after the formation is broken. Soldiers who do not want to escape often gather. A group, this will become the target of the fire, they often can not cope with the Chinese army's counterattack. This kind of lost Jurchen force can't even retreat, and the retreat without formation will be a large-scale rout.

This Huaxia Army does not have such a situation. This is the most basic gap. In the early stage of the battle, the 100-member team of one's own team was thrown out, and some faced up to just 20 people who were killed by the front, and some encountered attack on both sides when they attacked the Chinese army team. The 100-man team quickly collapsed.

Jurchens are not psychologically prepared for the absence of separate troops. In the southwest, they have already experienced similar situations. But at this time, in the face of the rapid and efficient small-scale assault of the Huaxia Army, there have been several levels on its own.

Dozens or even hundreds of points of the charge flow into a mighty tide, but Zonghan can see that the other side is only a few thousand troops. Oneself can throw a number of times the strength of the other side, but the response at each point is not as flexible as the other side.

Of course, he did not sit still, and at the second moment, as the external combat situation began to become chaotic, Gao Qingshi led two thousand iron riders from the north to try to sweep the entire battlefield, while the Huaxia Army had one from the north, the northeast, and the southwest. The reserve team of thousands of people surged in and rushed into the Jurchen.

The two thousand cavalry of Gaoqing’s attack on the Huaxia Army caused serious containment and blows. Although a large number of Huaxia troops in the vicinity quickly assembled and fired back with fire and rifles, several troops were still inundated by the cavalry. The exchange is closer than one.

In the past, this was a ridiculous figure. If it was in the face of the Wu dynasty and even the Liao people, the Jurchen two thousand iron rides could decide the outcome of a war many times, often in the face of large-scale infantry. They will choose to avoid, but as long as the formation of the infantry is chaotic, their impact is enough to kill tens of thousands of troops. But at this moment, facing the scattered Huaxia Army, the exchange ratio of one change and one has become the only killer.

At noon, the impact of the cavalry was curbed, and the Gaoqing people led the team back. Some of the Huaxia army's team was like tearing the onions and tearing the outer Jurchen troops layer by layer, approaching the 8,000 cores of the Jin Bing's lineup. More intense, some of the Huaxia Army troops temporarily stopped, or began to support the side of the companions.

The soldiers were full of turmoil, and there was a burst of explosion. The smell of death was floating in the wind. On the right side of the field of vision, the Huaxia Army fought for an artillery position on the hills of the Jurchens. A team of soldiers went to support. In front of the field of vision, the black flag is gradually gathering into a vast river. On the left side of the mountain, the figure of the rushing soldiers flocked to the mountains. Zonghan stood in his handsome position and did not move. He only spoke to the Korean enterprises on the side.

"Thousands of people can work in a row, disperse and adapt... how do they do it..."

"I heard that they even let every soldier read and read..."

"The war of warfare is mostly useless..."

Since thousands of years ago, various military methods have been born because of the various characteristics of the army. Tens of thousands of people on the battlefield are difficult to coordinate, so it is necessary to plan the pace with drums; when countless fighters set their sights, one person squeezes another, even if someone is timid and wants to escape, they can’t act at all; a few can accept one. The order is then executed as much as possible, and it can become an officer. More soldiers are only being shackled by the army. If thousands of people can move in one direction without chaos, it is often the key to the art of war.

Thousands of people are clumsy in action, and my actions are a little smoother, so that you can get around your side, so that you can't react and get chaos - only the most loyal soldiers and soldiers can get out of the battle without chaos, no Escape, not lazy, they can become scouts. In many cases, scouts also determine the key to winning and losing on the battlefield.

And the Huaxia Army will throw tens of thousands of people everywhere.

They don't need to drum, they don't need the whole team, they don't need to wrap... The past art of warfare is useless from now on. Zonghan knows that everything he has accumulated over the past decades has been lost.

This is not the outcome of the warfare confrontation.

- This is the head of the elite force.

Even the so-called Tushanwei, the first in the world, is now more than the seventh Chinese army in front of him.

He can know what Ning Yi and Qin Shaoqian are doing. He just doesn't understand how the other party did it.

"Where should you start..."

At some point, he opened his mouth dryly, and then paused for a long time, because the sound of the battlefield came from the wind. The Korean company waited for a moment, and passed a moment, saying: "Master, maybe it is time to break through." He saw something clear, many Jurchen generals, in these days, it is not obvious.

Zong Han shook his head, and the screams of the Huaxia Army came from the wind around him. The shouting voice was vaguely: "killing the glutton--"

What sounded in his mind was the scene more than ten years ago. It was the first time for the Golden State to go south. They knocked on the portal of Yanmenguan and marched southward and ruined. The Han people resisted weakly and some relatively tenacious. The resisters were killed and the corpse was smashed. When the army marched to Zhangzhou, there was once a team of assassins, and for the first time, it was almost the only time, and the edge was stabbed in front of him.

It was in a pavilion in Zhangzhou. The leader was a white-haired Han Chinese old man. He waved a big gun and rushed in with dozens of Han Chinese knights. He smashed blood in the crowds of the army. www.wuxiaspot .com~ The old man’s gunshot stabbed him in front of his eyes and almost succeeded, but in the end, these people were drowned in the army’s siege.

"Killing the glutton -" the Han Chinese at that time screamed like this.

Many years later, many people even yelled like this, but Zonghan did not hear it. At this moment, the voice came from far away, as if it had been separated for more than ten years, and it was once again rushed to the front. Zong Han looked up and the flame was burning in his eyes.

"Where should you start... you see..."

He points in the direction of the east.

"That is Qin Shaoqian."

At this moment, the female real army still has an advantage in the number of people. For decades, the old man has never been a weak sheep. Most of the time he has become a lion, but even at a time of inferiority, he never misses any chance.

At noon, the behemoth will move.


"Good boy! With me -"

In the Jin Jun's squad, Wan Yan sang with the old man pulling the sword and roaring.


In the three directions of front, middle and back, the team of Huaxia Army came from one to the other.

The company's longest Niu Chengshu waved a long knife and was covered in blood.

"Killing the glutton -"


The voice of shouting merged into a raging tide, and each of them rushed together with an imposing manner.

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