Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 947: Big battle (11)

The midday sun began to become pale and dazzling, and the battle near the south gate of Hanzhong City became more intense in a minute.

From early morning to noon, Wan Yanxi Yin commanded the troops to launch six large-scale shocks in succession. The first two attacks were relatively stable, which was regarded as a test of the strength of the Chinese army. In the case of knowing that the battlefield is in a wrong situation, the next four large-scale attacks are almost like a storm like a thunder. According to the feeling on the battlefield, tens of thousands of people in the opposite army have taken turns and participated. In the offense.

There is only a slight gap between each round of offsense, that is, a thousand people of the Jurchens are retreating under obstacles, and the next thousand teams rushed up for a short time.

The sound of the explosion and the killing came from far away. Chen Hai climbed up from the pool of blood, and his body was already staggering. The attack on this position was repulsed, and the battles in other positions continued.

The thick blood dripped from his hair. He reached out and wiped it. The nose was bloody. The bodies on the side of the land were piled up into pieces, some were Jurchen, some were companions. The three battalion commander Chen Kuiquan fell there, his stomach was opened by the enemy, and the internal organs flowed out, sticky and greasy.

No matter how long it took to kill on the battlefield, people couldn't adapt to such a sticky feeling. Chen Hai stretched his hand and wiped his eyes, and then wiped it with a relatively clean right hand sleeve because of **** eyes. He squatted and closed Chen Kuiquan's eyes. This is the oldest comrade who followed him. When he became the squad leader, Chen Kuicquan was one of the soldiers in the class. Now the class fighters are not in front of him.

The sound and breath in the ear then became real. The running figure, looking for the wounded soldier, someone ran over and reported: "...the second battalion commander died." The second battalion commander Chang Feng is a big face. Personal.

"...the battalion commander sacrificed to the top of the company, and the company was dead, and the platoon leader replaced it."

Chen Hai said this quietly, and then walked up to the side of the small earthen bag: "There is a quicker bandage! There are statistics on the number of battalions! The golden dog is coming soon! Look at the comrades who are away from you! They are How can we repay him for our death-"

He tried his best and shouted the last sentence. The voice that was always quiet and indifferent was even rare and hoarse.

The battlefield was dyed red in the body and blood pool, and the people who were still alive were mostly sticky and greasy red. People experience more and it is difficult to adapt to this sticky and greasy touch. Only some people will spit out because of pain, and some people will choose to throw such a huge pain back to the head of the perpetrator.

So in people's bodies, there is more power to kill.

In front of the Jurchen array, a thousand teams that had been confused in the previous killings have been withdrawn, and Yan Yanyin looked ahead. He has already seen the whole situation of the opposite. The strength of the Huaxia Army is only about 4,000. After five days of fierce battles, they have repelled their own elite attacks.

The midday sun is a bit dazzling, just like this offensive and defensive, it makes him feel a little disgusted. The soldiers who have left their own battles are already struggling to kill, but everything that is presented in front of them is just because the opposite line of defense is too tough. Xi Yin can only look at his superior forces and rush into the front of the opponent, and then retreat in repeated kills. , chaos and even partial collapse. The other party actually did not take up too much for the work.

The fighting in Hanzhong City is actually continuing. Some of the Jin national army rushed out of the Han people from the inside. The Chinese army built a barricade on the streets with debris, and the crowds will be difficult to move forward. The small-scale Huaxia Army troops crossed the crowd and rushed into the city, causing a lot of confusion. Most of the soldiers in the city were defeated on the battlefield, and the war was unsuccessful.

The old man frowned, although it still looked calm, but the blood of his forehead was still arrogant from time to time. Twenty miles west of the west, Zonghan is fighting on the decisive battlefield. In the first time to confirm this news, Xi Yin originally had several options to do, such as giving up this position and letting most of the troops go from Hanzhong City. Going around, supporting Zonghan, or boarding the fleet, going up the Han River - of course, this is the most inefficient, and now the Han River is in a flood season. After the Hanzhong, the water flow is more urgent, take the road. I am afraid that no one has gone fast. At the time of landing, it may also be attacked by the Huaxia Army.

These deductions don't make any sense, because if this unit can't defeat the four thousand people in the middle, then many things will become meaningless.

Zong Han is not a child. He does not need to feel that the other party needs to be rescued when he knows that the other party is attacking - especially when 30,000 people are attacked by more than 10,000 people, and there are still many scattered soldiers on the battlefield. The one that is farthest away from the other side of his own, does not need to rush to rush. Zong Han will not be too erroneous in tactics, because the middle meter is either ambushed and eats the other party’s big loss...

He defeated this Chinese army with a fierce attack and then supported the battlefield, which is the most correct way to fight. If you can beat each other best at an hour, one hour can't work, then it will be half a day, but half a day has passed. The toughness of the other side finally made him feel a little anxious.

If the entire 7th Army of China is such a combat force, what will the Tuanshan battlefield look like?

"Tula." He will wave the flag. "It's your turn. The Chinese army is already at the end of the battle... penetrate them."

The name of Tula’s Meng’an was ordered, and the drums became more intense in the midday sun.

Zong Han is not a child, he will not have tactical mistakes.

And yourself, you must win here to determine that the entire battlefield can win.

He looked at the daylight.

There is another hour, you can beat them.


With another round of military rushing out, the old man waved his sword and shouted.

Then there was the cry of thousands of Jurchens, like a Thunder, swept across the entire battlefield, and the continued joining of a living force brought new morale to the Jurchen soldiers who were still struggling on the battlefield.

Chen Hai slashed a long knife and greeted the enemy who was killed. A small soldier who was summoned was sent out.

"Tell Lin Brigadier, my regiment has no reserve team."

He did not ask for support, because he could probably guess it because of the other party's answer. Lin Dongshan probably said: "I don't have it, you keep it for me." But he still wants to tell Lin Dongshan about this message, because if he is dead here, Lin Dongshan will have to look at it.

Soon after, the soldier came back with Lin Dongshan’s reply, and the position was already in the tide of strangling.


The pale sunshine overlooks the earth, from the Hanzhong West Gate, to the road to Tuanshan, a field-scale friction is also happening.

There are not many soldiers dispatched by the Huaxia Army here, but from the morning, there are two company soldiers who have been spinning around the Hanzhong West Gate. They are either killing the Juror of the Journey, or retreating to the Hanzhong. The soldiers beat the autumn wind. They even launched two rounds of attack on the city gate. The fire was so intense that the soldiers who defended the city closed the gates and basically did not dare to go out.

After the embarrassing time, Wan Yan was led by more than 3,000 people from Ximen, and was prepared to go to Tuanshan. He was also attacked by these two teams in the first time. They relied on the mountainous terrain to rely on the Jurchen troops who walked the road. Launched the offensive, and even launched two iron cannons that did not know where to seize them. They bombarded Yan Yan’s army, and they had to send cavalry to expel them. The two companies quickly hid into the forest. In the middle, there is a gesture of refusing to resist the delay.

Among the 3,000-strong team of Wan Yan, the cavalry is nearly a thousand. If there is no problem in annihilating the two Chinese troops, but he knows the purpose of the other party, he has to use the cavalry to launch a rocket, ignite the woods, and let the infantry hurry. by.

From the middle of the Hanzhong to the west of Liuli, a small collection called Qingyangyu, this time has been occupied by a battalion of Huaxia military soldiers, around noon, more than two hundred people found the killing of Yan Yanchi, they built a fortification . The end of Yan Yan and the red will also open the offensive, killing half an hour with the other side, but the opposite defense is extremely strong, he finally decided to leave from the next side of the road, first to the Tuanshan, so as not to be dragged by more than two hundred people, Can't reach the battlefield.

Soon after passing through Qingyang, some people on the road touched it. Three Chinese soldiers were hiding in the grass on the side of the road. When the Jurchen troops passed, they threw out three grenades and then ran away. They crossed the small side. The ditch, then plunged into the small river not far away, and grew away - this is obviously a strategy based on the terrain, the nearby cavalry quickly catch up, but still failed to shoot them before they fell into the water.

He has been following Yan Xiyin and has never participated in the war in the southwest. He only officially started to fight with the 7th Army of China in the middle of Hanzhong. He also learned about the Huaxia Army through the battlefields on the battlefield, but this moment, For this force that seems to be no matter how many people dare to attack him, it’s finally boring.

Longer than wilderness scouts, there may be weaknesses in frontal combat. With such an idea in his heart, he turned his eyes to the Tuanshan in the west...


At this moment, southeast of Tuanshan, between the hills and the lowlands of Hanzhong, the smothering is boiling into the storm.

It was just past noon. The most stubborn wave of counterattacks led by Yan Zonghan began.

Under the sky, there are a large number of broken soldiers in the area of ​​the circle. The body is left unattended on the battlefield. The smoke is still rising on the position after the shelling. In the core area of ​​the inner circumference, fierce killing is taking shape. Yan Zonghan launched the core elite of the 8,000 people, and rushed to the Qin Shaoqian troops on the hills in the northeast.

After half a day of killing, the peripheral army has collapsed by half, and the remaining thousands of teams have been compiled. After experiencing the defeat and escaping, it is only a number. Only 8,000 people in the inner circumference still maintain the will to fight. The middle and high-level generals who led these soldiers have been promoted by Zonghan’s many years of patriots, and Zonghan’s in-laws and near-in-laws, along with Zonghan’s call, these People also understand that they finally reached the moment they needed their sacrifice.

At noon, the first thousand people led by the Jurchen Mengan Chaeeng violently charged the battlefield in the northeast. This is a veteran who followed Zonghan from the beginning of the fight. Fifty-five years old, tall, just because the right hand little finger is a little deformed, the early years are not good - it is also because of the early days of the Golden Age, the nebula - he followed Zong Han for many years, the eldest daughter married to the oblique guarantee Although these years are older, they are full of energy and brave martial arts. It is reported that there are countless squatting rooms in their homes, and they are not tired when they sing night and night.

After determining the position of Qin Shaoqian, after setting the target, he was the first to come out and ask for the charge. Zonghan looked at him and nodded.

The veteran veteran wielded a big axe, and then led more than a thousand people under his hand, rushing toward the Huaxia Army on the hills ahead.

The strength of a battalion of Huaxia Army ushered in from the front. This is more than 200 people from the first battalion of the 3rd Brigade of the First Division. With the blockade of a battalion, the second battalion was immediately killed from the side, and the squadron responded. The hills and the chaotic world first danced with arrows. Then there was a sound explosion. After the two sides met, the throwing of grenades and fire thunders still did not stop. In a blink of an eye, the establishment of both sides was torn apart, and a large number of Huaxia Army The soldiers smashed the Jurchen general who wielded the big axe.

Compilation of a chaos, even if the Jurchen is elite, can see a small number of soldiers after the loss of restraint and subconsciously fleeing to the side, Zong Han summoned the cavalry of Yan Sabai: "Execution of the military law! The rout killed!"

With the cavalry rushing out, Zonghan ordered Mengan to complete the Yantu map and lead another thousand people to press. This is the cousin of the establishment of the horse and the oblique protection, thirty-two years old, attacking the county count, fighting Wu Yong. I have to press it to the front.

The voices of shouting and killing are confusing, and some of the women’s troops are still orderly. However, the Huaxia Army, which has been killed from all directions, seems to be a mess. Most of them have experienced one or two battles. From the number to the physical strength, they are not comparable to their own. But the problem is that even if the number is superior, people on their own side just throw it out on the battlefield. After being disturbed, the basics could not be grasped, and the Huaxia Army opposite was still able to charge.

The second thousand-man team of Wan Yanzhen was blocked by the chaotic soldiers, and the support was not yet in place. Thousands of people led by Jammu have been shattered in the Chinese military’s staggered offensive, and the guards gathered toward Jammu. Trying to protect the generals from the retreat and the end of the real picture, two grenades were thrown over, drowning the crowd in the smoke, and several Chinese soldiers were killed in the crowd.

Killing a mess, through the vision of the telescope, Zonghan can also see the figure of the savvy and savvy who wielded the big axe. A Chinese soldier rushed over and slammed him on the ground to check his body shape. After getting up, draw a knife and fight. The Chinese soldiers also rushed up, and the pro-guards of Jammu killed him nearby, and the Chinese soldiers were forced to step back. The other two Chinese soldiers also had already been killed. Already bloody. I don't know who threw the fire thunder, and the rising smoke obscured the stinging figure.

The third array rushed out along the flank, and Zonghan’s line was all over the front.

When the battle hit this moment, the so-called military strategy and conspiracy tricks have been difficult to show their effects. Or, these things are just the basic functions of the command. Both sides can only hold their own pieces and do their best to devote themselves to the board. Once they enter the game, they will only fight one after another.

A branch of the army is widening the way ahead. In the third moment, Zong Han’s entire army entered the battle, and the two huge vortexes had merged into one piece, violently swallowing each other.

Before this, although there were also Korean companies waiting for others to say that Zonghan could not be personally insured, they were dismissed by Zonghan one by one.


The arrows are flying in the sky not far away, and the explosion sounds occasionally. The humming of the horses, the screams of the human voices, and the resounding of the explosions, like the whole world, have already fallen into the fight.

The general with a blindfold stood on a small dirt **** and looked around with his one-eyed eyes. The mighty impact of the Jurchen was on the front.

The Jurchen defeated in the fierce slaughter is like the evaporation of this huge vortex, escaping to the periphery, and a small-scale Huaxia army team is crossing the village and the forest, trying to make a piece. The long line of the article, the core team of the Jurchen.

The attack on the south was particularly strong, so that the middle section of the Jurchen army had been smashed and distorted. The entire brigade led by Qi Xinhan had been broken up, but he gathered a regiment in the south and was trying to still have thousands of people. The Jurchen is cut into two pieces.

As for Qin Shaoqian, the movement of killing has almost extended to the present. There are more than 4,000 people including Zonghan who are pushing all the way to this hill. In front of them is a group led by Xiao Xiaohu. There are about six or seven battalions and even scattered to the company. Attacking towards the end of Yan Zonghan's position, such an offensive delays the speed of the Jurchens' advancement. It can be said that this giant beast is moving forward while being stripped of flesh.

Qin Shaoqian's position is less than 100 meters from the striker's front line. Occasionally, there will be a forcible stunned archer who shoots at this side. There is only one guard on his side who has hundreds of troops. There are probably several companies nearby in the nearby hills and mountainsides. The camp is active. After the Yan Yashang led the cavalry to break through and circled the rear of Qin Shaoqian. On the one hand, he must stop Qin Shaoqian’s retreat. On the one hand, he may also face the hillside at any time. Launched an attack.

Fortunately, this hillside is a rough stone, and it is not difficult to deal with cavalry.

"I have already informed Ni Hua of Yamashita to stare at Yan Sabai. He has a battalion that can be used by his battalion. The number is insufficient. I asked him to recruit him on the spot..." Chief of Staff Chi Wenguang came over and looked forward with Qin Shaoqian. The battlefield, "...you said, when can Zonghan get here? Make a bet?"

Qin Shaoqian put down the telescope: "...he will never kill."

The offensive of the Huaxia Army is just like a blade. It cuts off the flesh and bones and pierces the body of the Jurchen army...


Zong Han has not experienced the feeling of rushing for a long time.

He has been in a high position for a long time. From the middle of the era of extermination, what he needs to consider is basically a matter of war. On a large-scale march and siege, they launched an offensive on the battlefield and then killed each other.

In the past few decades, there have not been many opponents with Jurchens. Few people can stab the blade in front of him. In the past, if there is such a situation, he will generally choose to move first and even It is a breakout.

The situation in front of us is not the same.

The Huaxia Army is brave, but there are not many in number. The soldiers led by them have not been good enough recently, but the strength of the First World War is still there.

Once transferred, Jurchen will lose all opportunities, and only he will take the lead and bravely move forward. On this afternoon, perhaps Heaven can give the Jurchen a blessing.

The handsome flag moved forward in the mighty shouts, and a group of Jurchen soldiers were struggling to kill. The cannon was pushed forward and slammed into the sky. Zong Han marched under the guards of the soldiers. Sometimes there were even bows and arrows, and the squadrons flew over. The guards tried to surround him, but they were drunk by Zong Han.

I don't know when the Chinese army's offensive has begun to affect the artillery's position. Zonghan divided 200 people to support and defeated the Chinese military company's offensive. But shortly afterwards, a small team of Huaxia Army was killed from the side. Come in, this is the inevitable situation after the flank situation has been disrupted. If it is a Jurchen squad, it is difficult to provoke courage to directly come in from the outside, but the Huaxia Army team is keen on this, and some of them are already in existence. Ten feet away, when they encountered the thousand people around Zonghan, they were killed again.

The military array that participated in the attack at the forefront has been shattered. Jammu was the first to be killed by the Huaxia Army. After the battle, Wan Yanzhen was cut off by a soldier of the Huaxia Army with one leg and one leg. A few knives were rescued by the guards, and they were dying. Before and after, the Huaxia Army’s squad smashed through a chaotic military squad, and the team around Zonghan was also involved in the killing of a field.

"Follow me -"

Zonghan took the sword forward, and his flag really inspired the young soldiers who were not girls, so that they would gather together after the defeat.

A team of Huaxia Army was killed from the flanks. The shot of the bow crossed the crowd. On the armor of a soldier on the side of Zonghan, a "beep" was made. Some people threw a grenade. After the explosion, there was a rolling smoke. The front guards greeted him and started to fight. Several guards rode over the horse and tried to block Zong Han from the possible attack, but Zonghan waved the whip and let them leave: "Don't be fooling! They threw the fire, you all have to go wrong --"

In the smoke in front of the side, the figures are staggered, and one soldier is falling down. The blood is sprinkled in the sky with the knife and thrown in the smoke. Zonghan heard someone shouting: "Ghost is here-"

"killed him -"

"--killing ham!!!"

The smoke was rolling in, leading a Chinese soldier who was a strong and sturdy cow. He turned his eyes to Zonghan and smashed in the fight. Zonghan waved his sword: "Go kill him! Enjoy 100 rewards!" "There are knights rushing up, but on the side of the battlefield, there is a small Huaxia Army team appearing in the field of vision. It seems to be in response to the call to "kill the glutinous", rushing over to stop the rider, both sides smothered together.

The Chinese soldier who was shaped like a cow raised the wounded companion in the chaos not far away. He took the knife and came over here. Someone shot an arrow. He blocked the shield and looked at the blood. Zonghan looked at his side. Look at the hillside not far away, where there is a mighty fight, he took up the sword: "Listen to my command!"

He shouted: "killed them -"

The formation pushed forward, and the soldiers in the rear row lit up the fire and threw it over there. The Huaxia military soldiers of that area were only a dozen, scattered around, squatting away, some people rolling in the mud ditch, some people hiding Behind the stone, some people were blown up on the spot. Among the thick smoke, the soldiers in the front row rushed, and Zonghan saw the Chinese soldier who was thrown out of the dust behind the stone. He slashed one of his guards and squirted blood. The body of the body flew out two or three feet. The soldier then squatted under the attack of two Jurchen soldiers and squatted back. But as a Chinese army wounded came to help, the soldier immediately opened the neck of a Jurchen warrior.

"it is good--"

Zonghan Zema rushed over!

His heart was full of blood, and the horse was like a thunder. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the Chinese military soldier.

The body of the Chinese military soldier rushed out, with a long knife in the body, and smashed a knife on the leg of the Zonghan war horse!

The blood was praised, and the Chinese military soldier was taken by the war horse, and the body rolled on the ground. Zong Hanlian took the horse out. Because the distance of running is not long, the speed of the horse is not the fastest. Although the front leg has been smashed, but it has just collapsed, Zonghan immediately turned down from the war, he threw away the hands. Long sword, the surrounding soldiers are calling: "Great coach!" Zong Han opened the cloak and threw it away, and picked up a big knife from the ground and rushed forward.

When he was in his prime, he was good at making knives. In these years, he basically only gave orders, so he changed his majestic sword, but in the current situation, it is not good enough.

In the early days of the Golden Kingdom, I was able to play the famous Jurchen generals. All of them were warriors on the battlefield. Even if they were old, they were still keen to stage the drama of the 35th Five-Year Emperor. Things, but when it comes to the contest, for example, Yan Yanzong, who has a reputation in history, one or two will be shackled by him. The same is true of Zonghan, who has been in the military for decades, but his martial arts training has never fallen. At this time, he has long been the best fighter and hunter among the Jurchens.

He is tall and tall, and he has the power to hold it all the year round. He accumulates the majesty and momentum that far exceeds the average person. At this time, the knife is in hand, and the murderous murder is enough to smother the heart. The sturdy Huaxia army soldier climbs up from the ground and faces. The upper and foreheads were all rubbed with bloodstains, surrounded by the Jurchen escorts, and Yan Zonghan rushed to the front. www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes passed a touch of fanaticism, and two rows of teeth were exposed. Like a **** laughter -

He exerted his strength on his legs and greeted Zong Han. The name is shocking, the murderous countless Jurchen will be a knife, like a butcher to the prey, short of his half-headed Chinese army soldiers from the bottom up, fully greeted up! The knife shines into the sky.

"嘭 -", the two steel knives collided in the air, Zong Han's full force, at this time was smashed hard, his body retreat a half step, the Chinese army soldiers entered a half step, the knife In the air, his eyes were fanatical, and the mouth of his mouth was bleeding, and the snoring sounded in front of Zonghan.


Killing people is going to be festive.

After more than ten years, the first squad of the Second Division of the Second Division of the 7th Army of China, the second battalion of the Second Battalion, Niu Chengshu, and the knife fell to the face of Yan Zonghan. On the one hand, the seemingly insignificant Chinese soldiers, on the one hand, the Jurchen hero who brought the shadows of the world for decades, the blades are smashed together, and the sparks of flying dance are coming out in the air. In a blink of an eye, Yan Zonghan constantly retreats and falls. Into the crowd.

The next Jurchen soldier was drowned -

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