Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 948: Big battle (end)

The wind in the afternoon blew the leaves of the mountains, and the sound of sobbing was like singing an elegy.

Even after many years, the end of Yan Yan can remember the sound of the wind outside Hanzhong City that afternoon.

After many years with Yan Xiyin, he grew up with the prosperity of Jurchen, witnessed and participated in countless victories and cheers. In the mid-rise of the rise of the Golden State, even if he encounters occasional embarrassment and frustration in the battlefield, he can always see the pride and unyielding in the bones of the Golden Team. The troops that have been killed by the Agang hit the river shop have already engraved their arrogance. The deepest part of the heart.

The Jurchen is not full, and it is invincible.

Therefore, on this afternoon, he first saw the scene he had never seen before.

The closer to the battlefield of the Tuanshan, the more Jin Guo soldiers who collapsed in the field of vision, the Liaodong people, the Khitan people, the monks... and even the Jurchens, the tidal waters scattered in twos and threes.

The troops without the sergeant gathered at random, and the wounded soldiers helped each other. In the direction of Hanzhong, there were also scattered soldiers who lost their orders. They took the weapons and walked freely. They saw anyone as a bird of surprise. Finished Yan Chi tried to gather them, but due to time constraints, he could not spend too much time on this matter.

A part of the soldiers remitted to his ranks and continued to go to the mountains.

Wan Yanzhao asked about the situation of the Tuanshan battlefield. He also inquired about the troops and past experiences of the soldiers. First, they were relatively weaker than the peripheral forces. But soon after, there were members of various units, and Tu Shanwei When the core members told him about the situation on the battlefield, he was only noticed that he was a tall and tall Tushanwei warrior.

"Those who are black-flagged... they don't want to die... If they meet on the battlefield, remember that they can't face each other... They work very well, and... even if they are three or five people, they will not die... ...they killed the leader, my team Puqi (team is), 鞑莱左孛, was besieged by three black flag members to death..."

"Left?" asked Yan Yanqi. Tu Shanwei is an elite in the army. Among them, the officers are mostly Jurchens. They know a lot about the Yanyan and the Red. This is the name of the 辇 孛 孛, the battlefield is very brave, and the temperament is bold, Have an impression.

"Yeah." The soldier nodded and then continued to talk about the impression of the Chinese army on the battlefield.

In these years, Tu Shanwei has a brilliant record, and most of the soldiers are elite. After the defeat of the soldiers, the soldiers can sum up this impression and have been able to serve as an officer in the ordinary army. But what he narrated - although he wants to calm down as much as possible - is, after all, a lot of frustration.

The part of the Tushanwei squad that was gathered after the combination, a cruel reality contour, was quickly formed in his mind - he was unwilling to believe in the first time of this formation.

Tushan Wei, led by Zong Han, is already on the front of the battlefield and was killed by the troops of the Huaxia Army.

Nearly 100,000 people led by the coach in Hanzhong have experienced many small-scale killings and wins in the past five days. Despite many losses, but because of the large-scale operations that have not yet begun, most of the most powerful and most elite gold warriors are still waiting for a large-scale battle.

Xi Yin led the soldiers to the reinforcements in Hanzhong, and the decisive battle situation opened up, which invigorated the military heart, so that the Tushanwei soldiers here can re-open the offensive against the Huaxia Army. But half a day before, the battle in Tuanshan finally defeated the fantasies of these Jurchen warriors. The contrast between the winners and the players on the battlefield was so strong and clear that the Jurchens directly felt the crushing of power.

Large-scale rushing can not form a force, and the formation becomes a target. Non-scoring into a fine sand-like walk and killing; but in the small-scale combat, the Chinese army is better than one's own side; The various tactics in the past did not work. The entire battlefield was like a rogue, and the Chinese army forced the Jurchen troops to be at a loss...

In the past, it was only a vague dream, a nightmare that could be fortunate. On this day's battle of the Tuanshan, it finally landed. Tushanwei struggled with struggle. Some of the Jurchen warriors launched repeated charges against the Huaxia Army, but their generals. After dying, such an assault is only a futile fight. The strength of the Huaxia Army only seems to be scattered, but within a certain range, it can always form a large and small system of preparation and cooperation. The Jurchen troops that fall into it will only be ruthlessly strangled. .

If you put it back in the future, the end of the time, Yan Yanchi has not been able to completely digest all of this. The troops he led have entered the inner circle of the Tuanshan War. At this time, his majesty was 3,000 people gathered from Hanzhong, and more than half of them were defeated or transferred to soldiers in the vicinity of Hanzhong in the past few days. During the process of gathering and defeating the soldiers, these soldiers The military heart has actually begun to scatter.

Time is not allowed to think too much. When he arrives at the battlefield, the battle between the hills in the distance has already reached a feverish level. Zonghan Dashuai is leading the troops to the place where Qin Shaoqian is located. The cavalry of Sabal is copied to Qin Shaoqian. After the road. It’s not a mediocrity. He arranged the military squad in the first place, then ordered the rest of the troops to charge toward the battlefield. The cavalry followed the side and was ready to go.

Those who greet the three thousand people on the front are the troops of a nearby battalion of the Huaxia Army. They quickly organized defenses on the top of the mountain. Three cannons blocked the road. The end of the Yankee commanded the troops to rush up and level this. At the top of the mountain, the two sides have not fully entered the battle. In the distant vision, the chaos began to appear.

In the fifteenth year of the Tianhui, on the afternoon of April 24, Zeng Han began to break out in the battlefield of Tuanshan. Before that, he had already put all the troops into the confrontation with Qin Shaoqian. At the moment, even him, even the guards around him, have already invested in the ranks of the Chinese soldiers. His troops are constantly close, but every step forward, this behemoth is bleeding more blood, the battle at the core of the battlefield is like the Jurchen **** is burning his soul, at least at that moment, everyone Wherein I will fight the fight with all mys, I will continue to sip a little blood, or murder Qin Shaoshi, or be smashed by business.

But Zong Han finally chose to break through.

The end of the huge chaos began to witness the beginning of this huge chaos, and this may be the moment when the entire Golden State began to collapse. Above the battlefield, the flame was still burning, and the face of the charge was smashed. The cavalry under his command began to stop, turn around, and began to collide with the position of the Huaxia Army. This fierce collision was to bring the evacuation to Zonghan. The gap, and soon after, several troops that seemed to have combat power began to disintegrate during the fight.

Wan Yanfu waved his arm. At this moment, he began to cross the blockade with thousands of cavalry and tried to open a path for Yan Zonghan.

Soon after, various shouts sounded on the battlefield. Huaxia Army shouted: "The Golden Dog has lost -"

"Standing to escape -"

"Killing the glutton -"

In the sound of the charge, there is a red-hot pass on the battlefield. The fireworks are rising. It is a signal that symbolizes victory and chasing. It constantly points to the direction of Yan Zonghan in the sky.


The red fireworks rise like an extended, burning blood mark.

From the Qingyang dynasty, which was a few miles away from Tuanshan, the soldiers who had fought against the end of the Yankee Red began to gather after seeing the red fireworks in the distance. In the field of vision, the fireworks spread in the sky.

In the past two miles, on the shore of a small river, three Chinese soldiers wearing wet clothes walking along the river saw the red command in the distant sky. After a brief glimpse, they talked to each other and they were excited by the river. After a few jumps, the two soldiers first jumped into the river. A soldier at the rear found a piece of wood in a dilemma. He walked across the water and struggled to face the opposite side...

There are one team after another under the sky gathering together.

A few miles away from the battlefield of Tuanshan, the wind and rain of the end of the set of horses led by thousands of troops, is coming quickly to this side, he saw the blood red in the sky, began to lead his majesty to kiss, crazy road .


When the cavalry opened the way, the breakout of the Jurchen troops was like a storm. It was rushing out of the battlefield of the Tuanshan. The attack of the Chinese army was surging. The defeat of one and another Jinguo troops was taking shape, but after all, due to the small strength of the Huaxia Army, The core of the squadron is difficult to intercept for a time.

Qin Shaoqian rushed up the hillside with a horse, watching the small Chinese stocks of the Chinese troops marching from all directions, pounced on the end of the Yan Zonghan, the expression is somewhat complicated.

"If there is a chance, I really want to ask Zong Han, what do you think?"

Judging from the strength of the previous troops and the intensity of the offensive, it is beyond doubt that Wan Zonghan will not hesitate to kill himself. Once again, the entire battlefield will end in the most intense confrontation, but in Zonghan, he will Investigating the next moment in the offensive team, he suddenly chose to break through like a big man.

Gamblers on the table usually don't choose to stop at this time because it's too late. As a general on the battlefield, he has already invested everything, and this sudden abandonment is a bit early – and hehe. In all fairness, even at that moment, Qin Shaoqian had already believed that Zong Han’s purpose was not to endless, and therefore, there were some surprises about his sudden breakout.

But it is only an accident.

Thousands of Huaxia Army are gathering together under the command of fireworks. For the rushing gold team, a wave of interception is carried out. On the battlefield, there are Jurchen generals who cannot bear to see this defeated scene. They still lead. The troops launched a desperate impact on the direction of Qin Shaoqian. Some of the soldiers seized the war horses and began to assemble under the command, passing through the hills and plains in the direction of Hanzhong.

"Take the sticky! Catch him! Kill him!"

Qin Shaoqian issued an order and went ahead. In the afternoon sun, there was a calm wind in the wilderness, the explosion sounded, and there was a whistling sound in the ear. In the past few decades, the woman who is the strongest is fleeing. This era is talking to him. He remembers the evening of many years ago. He led the team to go out and prepared for the death of the battlefield and the wrap of the horse. He and Liheng sat in the sunset, the sunset of the Wu Dynasty. The father is in the right phase, the elder brother is in the prefecture, and everything in the beam is prosperous and prosperous.

He is willing to give life to all of this.

"Wu Chao owed money..." He remembered Ning Yi’s speech at that time.

He asked: "How many people can fill in?"

The wind was rich and the wind blew, the magnificent girl collapsed into the ruins, the brother died, the father died, he killed the emperor, he lost his eyes, they walked through the hardships of Xiao Canghe, the northwestern strangled, countless people screaming, The brother's wife fell in Jinguo for more than ten years of torture. The little child was even used as a beast to pick up his fingers for more than ten years.

How many people can fill in?

"The Golden Dog is defeated -"

"--killing ham!!!"

He led the army to pounce on it.


The news that the fireworks have risen like blood, and the smashing of the fleeing has made many people feel surprised and horrified. For most of the Chinese military, it is not a predetermined result.

The killings in these days are equally fierce. The battles of the group battles are not necessarily a decisive battle in the expectation. If Zonghan chooses to break through and turn in, the Huaxia Army will also kill all the way to Hanzhong, and then Hanzhong City as Psychological preparation for the next round of battle.

People expect victory, but at the same time, if the victory is not so easy, the Chinese Seventh Army is also ready to bite Zhan Han's endless life - I am not finished, you don't want to go back!

In the immediate battle, the psychological expectation of such a fierce to the extreme is necessary. Although the Seventh Army of China experienced several years of training with hatred, the Jurchen is rarely defeated before, if only with an optimism The mentality of the battle, but can not break the boat, then on such a battlefield, the loss may be the seventh army.

Therefore, as the fireworks rise, the scouts of the communication rushed all the way to Hanzhong, and they will flee and succumb. When the orders of the teams are fully intercepted along the way, many people feel that it is also a dreamlike surprise. .

Liu Muxia even had a little sorrow, and this moment he flashed a lot of things in his mind. Then, under the leadership of the squad leader, they rushed to the predetermined defensive line.

The scouts are still smashing in the mountains and in the wilderness. The squadrons led by the squadron are all the way forward, and some of the already defeated soldiers are brought together. This unit is like a storm sweeping through the wilderness, sometimes it will stop for a while, sometimes it will Opening the road, a branch of the Huaxia Army troops gathered in the vicinity and rushed over, the horse team is constantly entangled in the running.

The appearance of the sun shows the moment in front or the afternoon, in the wilderness of Hanzhong, Zonghan knows that the evening glow is coming.

He commanded the army to flee all the way, fleeing from the direction of the sun, sometimes he would be slightly lost, the fierce killing is still in front of him, the female veteran seems to have become white-haired in the blink of an eye, his hand did not mention Knife.

Before the hills, Qin Shaoqian's front line was the first time he had been in the battle for more than ten years. The long-lost breath rose in his heart. The memory of many years ago became clear in his heart. He knows how to fight, know how to kill, and know how to pay for this life... When he was in front of the Liao people many years ago, he made countless lives and crushed the enemy under his teeth.

On this day, he once again went to battle, to make this life, like a forty years ago, in this world, there seems to be no way to fight to kill a path, he has captured the two Chinese soldiers Kill. Forty years have passed. In the moment of the killing, he finally understood that the Chinese army in front of him was a special force. This understanding finally became true at the moment when the blade intersected. He was the most keen hunter of Jurchen. At this moment, he saw the outline of the behemoth opposite the snow.

He gave up the charge and turned around and left.

At least at this moment, he already understood what the consequences of the charge were.

not now……

"...the Chinese military's gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger, and the future battle will be different from the past millennium...Ning Yi's words are very reasonable, and it is necessary to pass on the entire grand building...not only the grand building... If you want me to wait for you Soldiers can lose their formation on the battlefield without chaos. They must be prepared before the war... But it is especially important to promote papermaking so that soldiers can read... No, it’s not that simple...”

When the war horses went all the way, Zong Han and the neighboring Han enterprises first waited for these words. Some of them sounded like ominous words. Some people tried to interrupt Zonghan’s speech and he shouted back and forth: “give I have heard this clearly! Remember these! Huaxia Army does not die, if you can't go back, I will know when Dajin understands these things! This world is different, and the future will be different from before! Ning Yi's set I can't learn, I don't have a big gold country... Unfortunately, I am old with Gu Shen..."

He said this, some people came to report the approach of the Huaxia Army, and then someone came to the news, and set up a horse to lead the guards from the northeast to rescue, Zonghan said: "He ordered him to immediately support Hanzhong, the king does not need to rescue! ”

Soon after, a branch of the Huaxia Army was killed from the side, and the horse was also rushing in and slanting into the chaotic escape route.

"Who dares to hurt my father--"

He led the team to kill, so brave.

Zonghan Chuan: "Let him roll -"

The sunset spread in the sky, thousands of Jurchens fled in the killing, the Chinese army chased all the way, the chasing chasing troops rushed over, and fought the last strength, trying to bite this lingering behemoth.

Liu Muxia followed the brigade and strangled forward. The squad leader was covered in blood and shouted in front: "Killing the glutton! He smashed him--" They bite all the way to the handsome flag in the distance, surrounded by chaotic conditions. The small cavalry rushed over and the soldiers searched for grenades on the body. Most of the grenades were already used up. Someone found two fire mines from the body of the Jurchen soldier. When they came to the horse, they threw them out and had cavalry. Rolling down the horse, surrounded by chaos.

"Rescuing them, catching the sticky--" the squad leader shouted in the killing, he and the Jurchen are the **** vengeance of the family, seeing the woman really handsome flag for a while, this time is also hysterical blood on the brain. It is no wonder that since the Jurchen went south, how many people broke the door and took the opportunity to be so close to the knives and guns, how many times in their lives?

"I killed you! Han people like dogs -"

Around the smoke, there are also Jurchen generals among the enemies on the opposite side, and the martial arts around them are also good. Liu Muxia armed with a knife and a shield, killed a person in the opposite shouts, and then with the comrades next to the front pressed, he is a veteran in the 7th Army, not as an officer just because they do not like the commander, but the battlefield The skills of killing and cooperating on the whole camp and the regiment are a handful of battles. While fighting, he is still saving physical strength and protecting his comrades.

The two comrades he was carrying with him rushed forward in the middle of the shout, a small shield composed of three shields flew a Jurchen soldier, and the squad of the squad leader "killing the cock, rushing..." However, it was already wrong. Liu Muxia turned his head and saw that the squad leader was wearing the belly of the Jurchen general who was wearing armor. The long knife was twisted and pulled out.

"Han dog is going to die - tell my father to go! Don't care for me! He is a woman, I can die, he wants to live-"

The blood was sprayed on the armor of the horse. He waved a steel knife and ordered the guards to the side. Seeing the Huaxia Army soldiers on the side rushed up, he greeted him with all his strength!

On the other side of the battlefield, Zong Han looked at the set-up horse that entered the battlefield, and he also ordered it. Then he took the soldiers and rushed over to the side to meet with the troops of the horse.

"Go tell him! Let him transfer! This is the order. If he doesn't leave, he is not my son-"

Liu Muxia and the Huaxia Army soldiers next to him rushed to the end of the set of horses, and several Jewish guards around him also rushed up. Liu Muxia killed a Jurchen escort, and the shield slammed into the set horse, and set the horse back two steps. Liu Wuxia released the shield, and the body shape dive, and the knife was set on the leg of the horse. It was also set a step, and opened a member of the Huaxia Army who was rushing. Only then turned back, Liu Muxia waved The big knife, from the air, slammed down, slamming a loud bang, sparkling, and the knife was on the helmet of the horse, just like a sap.

In the brain of the horse, there was a bang, and he still had a knife. The next moment, Liu Muxia slashed his mind behind it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huaxia military steel knife is quite heavy, set the horse A sweet mouth, a long knife fights back.

There are guards around and they will come over. The Chinese soldiers also pounced on the past. Liu Muxia and Sethan also worked together for two knives. They suddenly rushed back and took two or three steps. Set the horse to be stumped by the stone behind, Liu Muxia caught up with the long knife and slashed, and the horse was already in chaos. He squatted on the ground and climbed up from the ground. He also waved a knife forward. Liu Muxia waved a knife. As he slashed over his shoulder and neck, when he reached the fourth knife, he set up a half body, and the armor had opened his mouth, and the blood came out from the blade.

Liu Muxia fell again with a knife, and the horse swayed and staggered and took a step. He also fell down. He also wanted to dance backwards. The handsome flag of Zonghan was moving towards this side. Liu Muxia would like him. The gap in the body was bigger, and then it was a knife.

In the sunset, Zonghan watched the body of his son in the chaos and was smashed by the Chinese soldiers.

"Ah, ah, ah ah ah ah ah"

In the wilderness, the old man’s screams like a tiger screamed, his face was distorted, his eyes were horrible and terrible, and the soldiers of the Huaxia Army were rushing in the same fierce gesture-

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