Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 949: The tangible elephants fly far and silent, the giant dreams roll red dust (on)

The wind and the hustle and bustle, the buntings are adoring, and the summer sun is revealing a clear atmosphere. On the south bank of the Han River on April 25, there were crowds of people rushing through the mountains and rushing toward the small county town on the bank of the river.

Dressed in youthful, trembling old people, children following their parents, scholars, soldiers, shackles... This moment is moving in the same direction, the mountains are rolling, the green world is full of vitality, the official Some people on both sides of the road even knocked on the gongs and drums. A few thin and faint scholars met and pointed to the surrounding scene, and the lively scene.

The former convenience is Xicheng County, where Dai Mengwei is located.

In the small county town where the original 20,000 or 30,000 people lived, the crowds at present are as many as 150,000, and it is natural to count the soldiers gathered from all over the country. Xicheng County only calmed a "rebellion" before, and the war continued. Even the massacre and treatment of the "rebels" in the east of the city had just begun. In the south of the county, a large number of civilians gathered together. This small county town, which was originally a beautiful mountain, has a bustling view of the big city.

Most of the civilians gathered at this time came to thank Dai Mengwei for his life. People sent banners, plagiarized, and propped up the umbrella of the people, to thank Dai Mengwei for the virtue of the whole world.

Xicheng County is not big, Dai Meng’s micro-years are already high, and there are not many people who can be interviewed. People will choose the old and high-ranking emperor as the representative, and will send the gratitude of the heart. Outside the gates to the south, people who can't get into the city gather in the grassy slopes and mountains, dragging their children, and bowing to the city's Daifu.

In the past one or two years of looting and killing, the Jurchen West Road Army has divided many cities into their own sites. A large number of people, craftsmen, and slightly beautiful women are being held in these cities. The purpose of this is naturally It was taken away together in the north. With the defeat of the Southwest War, Dai Mengwei’s deal took back the “ownership” of these people. In the past few days, news of their release and subsidies has spread throughout the towns south of the Yangtze River. Public opinion has begun to ferment under deliberate control.

The Jurchen is killing this way. If everything goes well, it can bring back to the north, but it is only a few hundred thousand people, but it is so many people affected by the military disaster. A large number of cities and towns were controlled by the Han army after the ravages of the military, and the Han army was attached to the Jurchen, saying that it was not an exaggeration under the rule of Jurchen. When the Jurchen war broke out, Cangbei went to the north, and people could not take it away. But it is very possible to put a fire or a massacre on a person who does not leave.

At this time, the old Dai Mengwei Dave stood up and said something to the face of the Jurchen Valley God. In the end, not only the people were kept in full, but even the food and materials that the Jurchens did not take were not destroyed, but they were all handed over. Dai Mengwei's hands. In this way, after the release of the people, they can even retain some objects and restore their lives. Such a kind of grace, in the south of the Yangtze River, to say that the Buddha lives in the Buddha, it is never too much, even enough to say that the saints did.

Of course, some of these actions are questionable whether they are correct or not. For example, there are tens of thousands of black flag scorpions. Although they are equally resistant to gold, they have been counted as a bargaining chip by the dream, but they are already afraid of it. For those who have spent more than a year in embarrassment, such awkwardness is insignificant.

People in the stunned and fearful thoughts that no matter who defeated the Jurchen is a hero, but at this moment was rescued by Dai Mengwei, suddenly felt that Dai Mengwei can still persist against the black flag, it is a reasonable Confucianism, saint, no Wrong, if the black flag kills the emperor, why is the Wu Dynasty here? If they have forgotten their past faults because they resisted the Jurchen, what is my generation?

Xi Yin handed over the population, materials, and Han army's temperance on the south bank of the Yangtze River to Dai Mengwei for several days. Although the generals of various military forces have their own ideas, they are inevitably convinced by Dai Mengwei's masterpiece. In theory, this method is so hot that it will be one of the most important cores of the south of the Yangtze River, and it will be the propaganda and arrangement of the first few days. Everyone has done their best, and a wave of messages has set the image of this saint.

People in various places have been worried about being slaughtered in the past and will be taken to the north by Jurchens. When they heard that the southwest war was defeated, they did not feel relaxed, but the fear in their hearts was even worse. At this time, they finally got rid of this terrible shadow and listened. It is said that there will even be material returns in the future, and there will be a government office to help restore the people's livelihood. The feelings in the heart are hard to say. The distance from Xicheng County may be slower, but the residents of the two large cities in the vicinity are coming to Xicheng County, and the small county town is blocked.

There are also a large number of ignorant Confucian scholars gathered here, one to appreciate the love of Dai Mengwei, and secondly, I want to take this opportunity to point out the mountains and sell what I learned in my chest.

Dai Mengwei’s reputation in the past is not clear. At this time, all the movements are known to the world. Since then, the natural scenery has come, and it has come earlier, maybe it’s appreciated, and it’s possible to mix the dragon’s merits.

These things have just begun, and Dai Mengwei has not stopped the gathering of the people. He just ordered the granary to open under the granary, and in the porridge shop outside the city, try to let the people who came over eat it for a while before leaving. On the bright side, the old man does not see too many outsiders every day, just according to the habits of the past. In the Daijia private school, the daily teaching for half a day, Confucianism, the wind, bones, spread to the outside world, it is heartbreaking.

On the twenty-fifth day, although the east of the city had begun to kill and kill the "insurgents", the county town was still lively and stable. In the morning, a funeral was carried out in the back mountain of Daijia. After the burial of the children of Dai’s family who died in this great operation, the old man began to lecture in front of the grave mountain. A group of Dai’s children and relatives were nearby and listened respectfully.

The mountain winds are refreshing, and only the smoke in the sky to the east of the county seat is black, which is the smoke rising when the bodies of the insurgents are burned. The scenes of the two deaths are combined with the atmosphere in a strange way. The old people follow this scene to start to talk about the world's general trend. They also mention the discourse in The Analects and then extend to "Moral" and begin to talk about "the soldiers, the weapons." Also, the saints have no choice but to use it.

Everyone is bowing and listening.

When this lesson was about the same time, there was something to do with it, and I whispered some news to Dai Meng. Dai Meng nodded slightly, let the people disperse on their own, and then went to Zhuangzi over there. After a while, he saw a lightly dressed big man, Liu Guangshi, in the Daijia study yard.

Liu Guangshi saw the ceremony with Dai Meng, and Dai Mengwei also returned a ceremony: "I don't think Liu Gong actually came in person."

"This kind of big event can be handled by the next person. Moreover, if you don't come in person, you can see the Daigong live a million people and the people's heart return to the grand occasion." Liu Guangshi's tone is not high, natural and sincere. "The Jinguo West Road Army was frustrated and returned to the north. These millions of people have lost their lives and paid much attention to food and grass. If they are not wearing public, there is no such treatment. Dai Gong Gaoyi will be worshipped by Xiaoyi."

"Liu Gongyan is heavy." Dai Meng slightly supported him. "The old man is ruined, unable to resist the enemy, but he has to make a hole, and he has only a little power. The plot can not be long, the world is turbulent, this world is a big event, still It is necessary for Liu Gong to hold up such a military. Today, it has become a place where everything is burning and life is difficult to continue. If there is no more innovative method, it will be dragged for three or five years, but it will not only drink and quench thirst."

"Dai Gong said very much." Liu Guangshi nodded. "Liu’s heart is also worried about things in recent years. When he was in troubled times, Wu Sheng was weak. In order to fight against Jurchen, I had to rely on those military laws and mountains, but these people did not teach. Rough and unspeakable, entrenched in the land to eat the people, never for the sake of the welfare of the people, chaos and chaos, Dai Gong ... like Dai Gong, such a book and a family passer-by and will not come out of the world, too little. ”

"Liu Gongzhen praised it."

"Dai Gong can afford it." Liu Guangshi complimented and looked at Dai Mengwei's old face that was not moved. He sighed. "Going back to the truth, Dai Gong, Ning Liheng has been killed from the sword, or there are still a few days." Can you arrive in Hanzhong... How is the situation in Hanzhong, may you see the clue?"

"The battlefield between Hanzhong and China was previously tangled under the command of Khanhan. In the evening before, Xi Yin rushed to outside Hanzhong City. It was already fighting yesterday. In the case of the previous Hanzhong war, it is not easy to win the game. Qin Shaoqian The 20,000-strong soldiers are strong, but they are both savvy and Xi Yin. This victory is unpredictable... Of course, the old age does not understand the military affairs, this judgment is difficult to enter the ears of the family, specifically how, Liu Gong When you look more clearly than the old ones."

Jin Guo and the black army of the 7th Army of the Black Flag, the world is eye-catching, Liu Guangshi must also arrange the spy in the past, returning information at any time, but he secretly moved to Xicheng County, the intelligence feedback is inferior to the nearby Dai Mengwei People are quick. So a few words, Dai Mengwei people took the information recently sent, handed it to Liu Guangshi, Liu Guangshi looked at the room in detail.

At noon, the sun shines on the outside yard, but there is a breeze in the room. The well-dressed people come in and add tea. It is inevitable to look at the majestic and steady guests with curious eyes.

Although Dai Jia’s family is a family, the tutor is very strict, but when it comes to the level, it affects several small states and counties nearby. In recent days, the actions of the homeowners have shocked the world, not only to reach the female gods. The agreement and the banner of the flag against the black flag have won the support of all parties and the parties have come to the DPRK. Although the Fuzhong people have been strict and have improved their temperament, they are still shocked by the identity of the guests who have secretly come over these days.

This Liu Guangshi Liu General, in the past, is one of the best generals and big men in the world. It is said that he has mastered a large number of sites. The plain is to guard the earth for the Wu Dynasty. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to cut the land, but in In front of his master, he turned in personally, visited and negotiated. The people of Xiaoshi are also shocked and honored.

Liu Guangshi read the information on Dai Mengwei in detail and took a sip of tea. In the past few days, the situation in the Hanzhong war was fierce. Even if it was sticky, it was difficult for Xi Yin to grasp the whole picture. The news of some spies who were inspected around it was even more chaotic. On the way, Liu Guangshi took some information and compared it with Liu’s information. He knew that the details of the news were all unreliable, and only the general direction could be speculated.

"Guihan, Xiyin led the army, Jin Guo's strength is more than 100,000, and there is Tushanwei among them. Qin Shaoqian's strength is only 20,000. If in the past, I said that they can face it, I can hardly believe it, but after all... Waiting for the stalemate, Qin Shaoqian... oh..."

Liu Guangshi sighed. He remembered Qin Qinyuan, Qin Shaohe, and Qin Shaoqian more than ten years ago. At the beginning, Qin Yuyuan was a powerful man with a wrist, and he was able to compete with Cai Jing and Tong Guan’s wrist. Qin Shaohe inherited Qin Yuyuan. The clothes, all the way to the sky, and later facing the sticky and observing Taiyuan for a year, is also respectable, but Qin Shaoqian as a Qin family two, in addition to the character of violent and arrogant, there is no point, but how can not think of it, Qin Yuyuan After Qin Shaohe’s death for more than ten years, the Qin Jiazi, who took the road to the military, pressed the **** in front.

More than a year ago, Jin Guoxi Road attacked Jingjing defense line, Liu Guangshi was on the front line to supervise the war, especially for the greatness of Tu Shanwei. The internal turmoil of the Wu dynasty army is rampant, and the relationship is intertwined. Liu Guangshi and other children of the family understand it best. Zhou Junwu took the world by himself and offended countless people to practice a reciting army that is not allowed to intervene. Faced with Tu Shanwei. More defeat than less. Liu Guangshi can't help but sigh. Yue Fei's young and flamboyant means is not smooth enough. He often thinks that if the same resources and trust are placed on him, Jing Wei may hold it.

Of course, such a thing can only be thought of, can not be said, but also because of this, he understands the greatness of the army and understands the power of Tu Shanwei. At this moment, it is difficult to find out in the specific information that Qin Shaoqian’s seventh army of China is a powerful law.

"...the power of the Huaxia Army is still in the body of Mr. Nanning. The Wangyuan Bridge has broken 30,000 and 30,000, and the squadron has been stunned, and it has scared the courage of the West. After the withdrawal, now he killed the speed of separation, out of the sword, sticky or good, Xi Yin, will not want to confront him at this time. Sticky to fight, is the tired, under the confidence of no positive battle, Procrastination, but delay is only for the decisive battle, Xi Yin has arrived, and will inevitably pursue the early completion of the battle. Qin Shaoqian is fierce and almost sturdy, I am afraid it is also positively welcoming..."

Liu Guangshi analyzed: "Dai Gong said that it is good. According to Liu, this war will also have a result in a few days... Sticking to 100,000, Qin's 20,000, if the demons are not, It can only be a loss of both sides. The question is, how terrible it is to play, or when to stop."

"Liu Gong thought, will stop?"

"Guihan, Xi Yin palm 100,000 army, although I hope to destroy Qin Shaoqian in the first battle, but before reading the news, Qin Shaoqian's strength of this army is really earth-shattering. With Qin Shaoqian's thoughts, I hope I also want to kill in Hanzhong. Xi Yin, but I want to think like this, Sticky Han, Xi Yin, and even the people, even though Qin Shaoqian is a hero who has finished his life, but he is not a stepper to the Tiandi Emperor... This battle is already terrible. In my opinion, the two sides used Hanzhong as the battlefield and struggled for a few days. If they were uncomfortable and Qin Shaoqian did not die, the two sides would suddenly go out of battle and lose both sides. It was the most likely result... In fact, it is now both lost, but only in China. The military can push the sticky to such a degree. In this world, it can be said that no one can match."

Those who have seen countless big worlds, although Liu Guangshi said that no one can compete in the seventh army of China, but the tone is still calm. After all, this world is not the trend of one or two invincible troops, this world is strong and weak, It is often not clear in a few words. Dai Mengwei looked slightly sad and nodded. "As the Beijing-Chinese public said, this Chinese army is a strong and easy-to-follow image, and they have less trouble."

He has a plain tone and a slight sarcasm. Liu Guangshi smiled slightly and smiled: "How does Dai Gong think?"

"The old age is not so optimistic, the Chinese army is as proud as the Asahi, and is determined to make progress. It is awesome. Ning Rentu is also known as a generation of people. It is just a generation of people. The road is too radical, the stronger the Chinese army, the world. In this turmoil, the longer it will be. For more than ten years of turmoil today, the Central Plains and the Jiangnan Han people have suffered more than 10 million deaths and injuries. The Chinese army is so radical and wants to eliminate Confucianism. There is no death of hundreds of millions of people in this world. ...the old ignorance knows this, and can’t stand up and stop it.”

Liu Guangshi was slightly puzzled: "I still want to see Dai Gong in detail."

Dai Mengwei immediately rehearsed that day and Xi Yin’s remarks. Liu Guangshi got up and looked at it again: "Today, I know that Daxian is here, compared with Dai Gong’s heart and chest, the capital city is all good, but the clown is clowning... ..."

Faced with the rise of the Huaxia Army, the confrontation method chosen by the Beijing Wu Qimei and others is a piecemeal reason to explain the harm of the Huaxia Army to the great tribes, families, and separatist forces everywhere. Those remarks can certainly confuse some people, but in Liu Guangshi et al. In front of the big forces, Wu Qimei’s patchwork of arguments and the incitement to others are actually ingenious, weak, and weak. It’s just that the enemy is present and the enemy is the same, and people will naturally not refute it.

Relatively speaking, at this time, Dai Mengwei’s words started with the overall situation and made a lot of persuasive power. The Huaxia Army’s annihilation of Confucianism can be used as a joke in the past. If it is really implemented, the series of actions of 弑君 and 灭儒, the chaos of the world, is the result that can be seen by a few people. Now that the Huaxia Army defeated the Jurchen, such a result was forced to the front, and Dai Mengwei’s words were equivalent to setting the platform and starting point against the Black Flag Army at the highest level.

With Liu Guangshi’s insights, I naturally understand that many of the great tribes have pushed the boat in the city, pretending to be convinced, but Dai Mengwei’s remarks have been proclaimed, and the knowledgeable people from all walks of life will truly believe and have a sense of mission. of.

He will treat Dai Mengwei with a compliment, and he has already considered many operations in his heart. Now he will also tell Dai Meng that he is not arrogant. In the past few months, he saw the Jinguo West Road Army withdrawing from the north, and the Huaxia Army was sitting on the big, small and squatting. The leaders of the various parties have also had various plans. Today, they have to come to Dai Gong one by one and ask for advice... In fact, the world is in turmoil, and how many things I can save in the Wu Dynasty depends on the present..."

At the moment, he plans to connect the various families in series, and to cross the Jingjing and the Rehabilitation Liang. One of the participants, one of the participants, is also one of the warlords of "Da Ming" in Dai Mengwei. If the situation is chaotic today, it will be too big to see the black flag. The position of Liu Dai and the two are considered to be the side of the black flag. The reason for joining hands is extremely sufficient.

What's more, Liu Guangshi is well versed in military affairs, but after all, he lacks the most professional structure and vision for the structure of the literary work. In the future situation, even if he can recover the shackles, he can only construct a slogan, but the structure can not be relative. A healthy little court; Dai Meng has a meticulous and detailed vision of the literary affairs, but the binding force of the next military sergeant is still not enough, and it just needs the joining and balance of the collaborators.

Liu Guangshi was quite frank, although Dai Mengwei’s expression remained unchanged, but Liu Guangshi immediately revealed what he thought. In the past, the Wu dynasty was smashed, and all kinds of relations were intertwined, so that the literary generals of Wenchen tend to be rotten. At this moment, the enemy is present, the parties must jointly talk about the interests, but they also have the opportunity to break through. The military commander of the road warlord said that they have just experienced the shadow of the golden man and the black flag. The request is not too much. It is the time to eliminate the military discipline, reform the military system, and strengthen management.

As for the Wenchen system, the old framework is now in chaos, and it is precisely the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to promote the promotion and promote the cold door. The opportunities of the dynasties are all at the time of the founding of the country. Although they have to draw a large family of people from all over the world, there are many vacant positions. It is easy to reach a consensus when a strong enemy is in front. If it can really recapture and rebuild the order, a full The energetic new Wu Dynasty is worth looking forward to.

Dai Mengwei is now in the hearts of the people, and he is also very concerned about this change. Liu Guangshi exchanged with him and he did not win. At this time, it was noon, Dai Mengwei ordered the next person to prepare the dishes and drinks. The two of them continued to talk while eating. During the period, Liu Guangshi also said the problem of the Black Flag Army: "The Qin army is now in Hanzhong. A force of more than 3,000 people was still besieged nearby. Regardless of the situation in Hanzhong, when the Jurchens retreat, the habits of black flag must be reported, I am afraid that they will not go to sleep with Dai Gongshan. For this matter, Dai Gong can cope with it. Law?"

Dai Mengwei just smiled calmly: "If this is the case, the old man will wait for him to let him go, so that the people of this world can see what the Chinese army is."

He saved "hundreds of thousands of people" from the Jurchens. Now that the momentum has risen, the possibility of revenge for the Chinese army is just generosity and death. Liu Guangshi shook his head quickly: "Oh, you can't do this. You can't live without the hope of the world. In the future, everything in this world can't be separated from Dai Gong. Dai Gong must not be so arrogant. This matter should be considered for a long time."

Dai Mengwei said: "Let him come, no problem."

The two then discussed the various details of the joint one by one. After noon, it was no time. After three o'clock, the intelligence of Hanzhong arrived.

At the moment of the intelligence, the city of Dai Mengwei could not change his face. He confirmed the information twice, shaking his hand slightly, looking at the scouts coming from the communication, and looking at Liu Guangshi on the side. After a long time, I took a long breath: "I didn't expect that the old man would one day hope that Jurchen..."

He said that the lips were not trembled, and the information was given to Liu Guangshi. Liu Guangshi glanced at him and looked at the scout: "...really?"

In terms of time, the scout is coming too fast. This first-hand message, without time confirmation, is also very likely to be reversed. That intelligence is not a bad thing. After all, the two sides of the war are enemies for them, but such intelligence is too heavy for the meaning of the whole world. The meaning for them is also heavy and complicated.

On April 24, the Jurchen West Road Army and the Huaxia Seventh Army launched a decisive battle outside Hanzhong City. On the afternoon of the same day, Qin Shaoqian led the seventh army with more than 10,000 main forces, and broke the main force of the Khanhan in front of the Hanshan City West 15th. Ghost escaping to Hanzhong, Qin Shaoqian's tail chasing and killing, and the son of the glutinous glutinous man is also on the way. When the message is issued, the war is burned into Hanzhong, and the Jurchen West Road Army is 100,000, which has nearly collapsed...

too fast.

Liu Guangshi’s brain screams ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He can’t notice too much detail in this fashion. For example, this is the first time that Guru has been killed in the past few decades, such as the sticky two. The sons have all been killed by the Huaxia army. For example, the Jurchen West Road Army is coming in a mighty way. If the army is defeated, what will happen to the world... There is only one sentence in his mind. It’s too fast, and the enthusiasm of the genius and the half-day talks have become boring for a while.

Dai Mengwei’s brain is also somewhat empty.

The sun was falling outside the courtyard, and there were birds calling. Everything seemed to have never changed, but it seemed to change in the blink of an eye. The past, the present and the future are all new things.

The two were silent in the hall, and the outsiders walked around. The crowds in Xicheng County were still bustling, and the scholars pointed out that the crowds outside Shantou were still full of mountains and valleys. The message of the transformation of the world is exploding on the hidden side of the world, and many people still do not know what happened...


"Dai Gong..."

I don’t know when Liu Guangshi stood up and wanted to talk...

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