Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 956: Wave (below)

May night has already made people feel a little bit of heat. In the royal study room, the words of the young kings are screaming and vibrating. For a time, the audience on the scene reveals the meaning of the sorrow.

The night wind blew in quietly, blowing the curtains and the lights, and the room was silent for a moment, and the boat and the people looked at each other, then handed over: "...there is nothing to say."

"Your Majesty has this insight, and the country is fortunate."

Zhou Pei on the side also nodded, and Li frequency arched, but did not immediately lead. Jun Wu’s hands pressed on the table and breathed several times before he sat down slowly. Seeing the following people exchanged their eyes and asked: “What is the problem?”

It’s a step forward: “It’s enough to lay down the general policy of the Wu Dynasty in the future. In my opinion, it’s a good thing. The situation about the Han-China decisive battle is inspiring, and when you say you want to let go, let’s put it. Going out...but before that, the minister has a word to say."

Jun Wu blushes: "Say."

"Yangxia Mingjian, the battle of the southwest to the Hanzhong decisive battle, the Chinese army defeated the woman really news, as long as it is released, it must be a big heart, my Wu Dynasty was bullied by the Jurchen for many years, the Wu Dynasty people died in the hands of the Golden Man countless, blockade news also It really does not fit the way of Renjun. Therefore, the minister has the decision to support his majesty, but in the general direction of this decision, there are some minor problems. The minister believes that it is impossible to see."

The people heard the news: "One, while the people know the news of the Hanzhong war, how should we let them know the reason for the victory of the Chinese army; second, what is said today, the light is upright, the vibrations are stunned, and the words are left. The willingness to forge ahead and to break the boat is also the cause of a country's rejuvenation. Then, let us release the news of the southwest battle, whether it is pure fun with the people, or hope that they will feel the news and feel gratified at the same time. With the same sense of urgency and urgency, according to Wei Chen, if you want to achieve the best results, you have to make some modifications..."

His words are not fast, and the words are arbitrarily. For a long time, Jun Wu’s temperament was relatively modest, conservative, and good at swearing. Although life and death are generous, it is just doing what should be done. It was so impassioned today that it was obviously inspired by the Battle of Southwest China and had a real sense of the word for progress.

Whether it is the way of the monarch or the strategy of a country, many times radical and conservative are not wrong, and more importantly, the helm has chosen a direction, and then proceeded with a correct series of advancements. Although Junwu’s choice seems to be difficult, it is by no means unreasonable. Even in the deepest part of my heart, everyone is more willing to move in this direction.

Wen Wen has said that here, Jun Wu has slowly sat down and his eyes lit up: "It makes sense. I just recklessly said that I had a drink. I have a lot of room for this... ”

Wen Wen nodded: "Huaxia Army in the Battle of the Southwest, the Battle of Hanzhong defeated Jurchen, the meaning is that the world is not a transition, then, how to turn, we want to turn to the world? For example, the past has always wanted There is a lot of resistance to the education of the things, and there are many people who do not know the benefits of the things. That is an excellent opportunity..."

"It makes sense and makes sense..." Jun Wu tapped the table and then got up and took several wooden models on the back wall. "These days have been in the air, and the Chinese army used it in the battle of Wangyuan Bridge." What is the weapon? In fact, the principle is that it is a big two kicks, but their filling is more powerful, flying out more accurately, Huaxia Army is using this, with 7,000 people to take 30,000 Yanshanwei..."

In the sky is a woven star, Fuzhou City's night amphibious, also in this quiet background, the emperor in the royal study talks about the study of the object, the eyes are already lit, the whole person can not help but jump, he has Realizing something, the mood is more exciting. Zhou Pei walked out of the room and told the next person to prepare the porridge rice for staying up late. In the study room, the sounds of Cheng Zhouhai and Li Pin also occasionally sounded.

"...With regard to the advancement of the Ministry of Industry, this is also an excellent apology..."

"...For the concept of the Chinese military army, I can also deduct it..."

"...this matter needs to be quick, but it needs to be comprehensive and well prepared..."

"... In addition, it is worthwhile to let General Yue take Quanzhou quickly and don't have to wait..."

The discussion in the room was awkward, and after a while, there were other aides who were called to discuss more things. Zhou Pei walked out of the yard and went to the quiet courtyard next door. She was on the candlelight, and all the intelligence information about the entire southwest battle was taken one by one, and it was read one by one. I have been seeing the death of the singer, and the murder of Zong Hanxi Yin.

Then I sat quietly for a long time.


The early morning of May was gradually over, and the sea level in the east rose slightly. The curfews were lifted, the fishermen began to prepare for the sea, the officials of the port and the docks carried out some shackles, and the refugees gathered in the east of the city waited for the morning porridge and the beginning of the daytime work in the city. The city seems to be busy again. On an ordinary day, Li Feng, who was washed and washed, took a carriage through the streets of the city.

The voice is noisy.

There are so many emotions in his heart that he is brewing, his fingers are gently kneading, and the names are counted.

Returning to the courtyard where he lived, he immediately summoned the descendants, the staff of the newspaper, the Confucian students who sat here and helped from time to time, and quickly began to give orders and arrange work.

Some people are arranged to take care of the meal, some people have to go to the car and horses immediately, more people take the list one by one, and start to gather people everywhere in the city... This is the reserve of people who have been paying attention in the past few months, most of them They are all young people with young age and radical thinking, and some older seniors with active thinking, but they only occupy a small part.

The people who took the order left the courtyard of the newspaper and joined the bustling crowd, just like the water droplets coming into the sea. For Fuzhou, where hundreds of thousands of people are gathering at the moment, their total is not much, but there are some things that have been brewed in such a deep sea...


The sun gradually rose and the city was slightly hot.

It’s going to be a big deal...

Chen Chen will go through the streets of Fuzhou and arrive at the Fengheng Academy in the west. Chen Yuji feels a different atmosphere, and many Confucian students have gathered here. They have old knowledge of each other. Even if they don’t know each other, they can see that many people have extraordinary temperament. They all got Li Zhao’s call and gathered, and Li frequency is near the emperor. The red man, the rush between so many people, is obviously a big move.

People who are familiar with each other communicate with each other, but they have not obtained it for a while.

Around the time, it is estimated that there are hundreds of people coming to this side, only to see Li frequency coming from outside. He first greeted the people roughly, then went to the steps in front of the compound - the inner courtyard of the college is a closed structure with four sides, and the speech is clearer - he stood at a table and waved to calm everyone. The handed hand converges with a smile: "You can use this party as an imperial examination."

This sentence is very heavy.

After that, the crowd in the yard was like a quieter part of it. People thought that the emperor would use people.

Of course, many years later, more people will remember what they heard later on this day.

Li frequency looked around in silence and then said: "What I want to talk to you today is something very important. You will be surprised and shocked. Because there are so many people, I would like to ask everyone to have a preparation. No matter what kind of news you hear, please don't be embarrassed for the time being, don't talk to each other. From today, there will be countless hours of discussion... Then, I will start to talk."

He pressed the table with one hand and immediately stepped on the stool to the head of the Eight Immortals. He stood on a high place. He continued to speak when he could see clearly at the last party of the courtyard:

"What I want to talk to today is that it happened in the southwest, the Huaxia Army and the Jin Guoxi Road army battled... On this matter, the piecemeal news, these months have been passed down in Fuzhou, I know that everyone in the room has heard a lot, but the situation is chaotic, and all kinds of news are strange. You don’t necessarily hear it. For some reasons, before this, the temple did not elaborate with everyone. These messages... But from today, these messages will be announced, including the news before and after the entire Southwest War. The information received by the Chaotang Hall will be shared with you, and then through the articles you wrote, Tell the world people through newsprint!"

The crowd faintly uttered a shrill voice, but then it was quiet. Li frequency took a breath: "I can tell you first that the battle in the southwest has already been finished. April 20 Fourth, the end of the decisive battle between Hanzhong and Zhongyan Zonghan and Wan Yanxi Yin attacked 20,000 people led by 100,000 troops and was killed by 20,000 people! Qin Shaoqian chopped his son in the face of Zonghan. Ma, Zong Hanxi Yin fled and fled, since then, the Jurchen West Road army has been defeated in the process of the South, there are not many people left..."

"... quiet! I know that you are very curious. All the information will be shown to you afterwards... After receiving such news, there are actually two ideas on the court. One of them is of course the blockade message. The Huaxia Army’s embarrassment, everyone knows, some people think that this news should not be said. This is the long enemy’s ambition to destroy their own prestige, but in the early hours of the morning, his Majesty said something...”

"You! Your Majesty said this -"

Li frequency went up for a ceremony at the table, and then began to retell the words of Jun Wu. This has its own modifications and deletions, but the ambitions of the best efforts to catch up are all spread in the words. Someone couldn't help but speak, and the yard was a thin "beep" sound. After Li Feng rehearsed, he waited for a moment.

"You! Your Majesty said this, it is the language of Mingjun and Shengjun, but what is the profound meaning of His Majesty? In these years, the Wu Dynasty did not defeat the Jurchen, the Chinese army in the southwest defeated, and the text was not advisable! They can To defeat the Jurchen, there must be their reasons. We can fight against the Huaxia Army. But we can't ignore this reason. We must not open our eyes to see why they are powerful. Good things must be learned. Insufficient things must catch up! This world is changing. I am sitting with you all these days. One thing is clear. It’s not clear that the rules are not working--"

"Why should I release the news about the Southwest? I told everyone that many adults in the court are not willing, but we must face up to the Huaxia Army and learn from their benefits. This can be done in two days." It’s not clear in a few words. So from today, I hope that a group of people with flexible thinking can begin to learn to face it and analyze it...”

"You have to find out the strong reasons for the Huaxia Army. Use your articles to tell the people of these reasons! You have to tell the people in the world, how can we do it? At the same time, you can't think that the Chinese army won the gold country. So as long as the Huaxia Army must be good, you have to look at the people of this world. What are the problems and shortcomings of the Huaxia Army? You have to tell the people of the world, what can we do, why not?"

"Everyone is a wise man, and he has a lifelong literary text. He hopes to serve the country with a useful body. You, martial arts, two hundred years to today, the Wu Dynasty is in danger. We have arrived in Fuzhou, and there is no way to retreat. Many people have left. Lin’an Xiaochao’s court fell, and countless people squatted. The Huaxia Army retired the Jurchens at a time, but they were extreme. They killed the emperors, they wanted to destroy my Confucianism... Their roads could not get through, and our The road must be corrected. We must look at it, learn, learn the benefits of him, and avoid the disadvantages of it!"

"Next, you are not only looking at the intelligence of the Huaxia Army, but why are you gathered here today? Where is Fengheng College? Some of you know, some don't know. The courtyard next door is the Jiangning Institute. After the branch office, the Huaxia Army promoted the study of the object and learned the rules of the heavens and the earth. For this battle in the southwest, various strange weapons, firearms, and objects appeared on the battlefield, especially during the battle of Wangyuan Bridge. The institute has already begun to deduct and study it. This is the most important thing about the Huaxia Army and about the future of this world. Everyone will have the opportunity to see and understand them."

"And you understand, you can tell the world, the so-called things in the southwest, what is it."

Li frequency paused: "On the southwest, Hanzhong war report, it is expected that the newspaper will start to be released tomorrow. You see and think about it today. Of course, if there is a good article, you can hand it to me tonight, maybe tomorrow. Can be seen first in the newspaper. But in general, don't worry, you write this war according to your thoughts, write the truth and lessons in the writing, but if you write well, the next month, months We will all put it on the newsprint, and will distribute it to the world one after another, even if it is a book, your words will be seen by countless people, and even your Majesty will see your article..."

"Next, if you have any thoughts, you can tell me, privately, publicly, you can."

The sun has risen, and the city’s busyness is as usual. Li Feng’s voice in the yard is exhausted, and sweat has already appeared on his forehead. After a while, various voices have sounded one after another, and he has started again and again. Answer ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ gathered here, but the first batch of people he can think of, there may not be many users, but it does not matter, there will be more people coming over. A clue to innovation is emerging. Of course, not many people at that time could think of its meaning.

When Li Feng said these things in Feng Heng Academy, Jun Wu had personally asked about the various things about the museum, including how to introduce the principles of the objects to the scholars who visited them, how to choose words, how to be alarmist and scary. In the court, the arrangement for the innovation of the Ministry of Industry is brewing. In private, Cheng Zhouhai has taken over the work of spreading various public opinions and rumors. The people of the world are certainly qualified to know the news that the Jurchens are defeated in the southwest, but it does not mean that they must build momentum for the Chinese army. This is the world of adults.

It was instructed that Yue Fei stopped the sluggish negotiations and quickly seized the orders of Quanzhou. He also flew along the road with the horses.

There was a heavy rain in Lin'an, and there might be thunder.

A few days later, Wu Qimei and other talents received news and learned about the unusual movements that took place in Fuzhou...

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