Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 957: 4 sea tumbling cloud water anger (1)

On the sixth day of May, Lin'an, thunderstorm.

The Dragon Boat Festival has just passed, and the heavy rain that has fallen suddenly dispels the festive atmosphere of Lin’an south of the city yesterday. At the beginning of the new day, officials from various ministries rushed to the DPRK. The scenery of the city is dull, like the atmosphere of a small court since these days.

In the early hours of the morning, Li Shan came out of his home and took the carriage in the direction of Miyagi. He held the fold that he was going to present today. His heart still harbors worries about the situation in the past few days.

The news from the Han-China decisive battle spread to Lin'an. The atmosphere on the small court has been silent, nervous and depressed. Officials are on the rise every day, waiting for new information and events, private undercurrents, and sneak peeks. In tandem, start playing your own small abacus. Even the sneaky desire to contact the south and the west began to get more.

In order to cope with such a situation, the two forces headed by Zuo Xiangtie and Wu Qimei, who put their heads on the left side, put down their prejudice on the bright side. Yesterday at noon, they also made a big celebration to the heart of the army and the people. Unfortunately, it rained in the afternoon. Come, this Linan celebration of the "competition" of the people has not lasted all day.

The things on these appearances are not important. They will really determine the future of the world, or they will not be able to clearly understand the situation and direction of the parties. The Huaxia Army has already achieved such a great victory. If it really wants to sweep the world with enthusiasm, Linan is thousands of miles apart, and everyone in this has to make some plans for himself in advance.

In this troubled world, there are countless people’s will to show up here, how to choose Dreams, what kind of calculations Liu Guangshi and others are doing, and how will the Wu Dynasty tribes still have strength to consider, northeast The "Fair Party" and the small court in the south will adopt a strategy. Only when this information can be seen clearly can Linan be able to make the best response.

He opened the curtain and looked at the streets in the dark rain, and he sighed slightly. In all fairness, Li Shan, who has been a minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been somewhat anxious in the past few days.

However, he is a disciple of Wu Qimei. These feelings are on the surface and naturally will not show up.

The light of the paper lanterns in front of the carriage was dim, just like the darkness of a heavy rain. The road seemed to be endless. The huge, seemingly seriously injured city was still asleep. Not many people knew that it happened in the southwest more than ten days ago, enough to reverse the whole world. A scene of the situation. When the cold rain hit the hand, Li Shan could not help but think that the behavior of our paragraph is right or wrong?

This problem has not surfaced in the heart for the first time in a few days, but every time it has been suppressed by the obvious answer.

When the Huaxia Junjun rebelled in the past, why did he really consider the safety of the people in this world? They are incredibly powerful, but sooner or later they will bring more disaster to the world.

It is also after the death of Ning Yijun, countless empathy. The Jurchen broke the beam, so there was the shame of Jingping. Then the emperor was already absent. Everyone rushed to hold Zhou Wei as the emperor. Who could think that Zhou Wei was such an incompetent emperor, facing the Jurchen Strongly killed, even directly boarded the dragon boat to escape.

After Zhou Wei’s departure, the whole world and the whole Lin’an fell into the hands of Jurchens. Who could save the people in the city during the massacre? It seems great to be generous to die, but someone has to stand up and bear the burden of humiliation, so that the people in this city can die less.

If the Huaxia Army can be here...

It can be expected that the Huaxia Army is useless.

It is useless to expect the little emperor who is disregarding the overall situation and is self-contained.

Li Shan clenched his teeth and reconfirmed the truth of this series.

Now think of it, when Jingping was shame more than ten years ago, there was another prime minister, similar to today's teacher. It was the Tang dynasty Tang Qin dynasty, the Jurchen was killed, threatened to kill the city, the army could not resist, the emperor could not be the master, so the leader and the party Tang Yan could only take the lead to search for the gold, silver, craftsmen and women in the city to meet Gold people.

This kind of experience, humiliation is incomparable, and even can be imagined will be engraved on the shame column after a hundred years or even a thousand years later. Tang Hao gave his favorite granddaughter to the Jinren, and recited his name, and then committed suicide. But if there is no him, can you live a few people after Jingping’s shame?

The carriage was moving in the rain. After a while, the front finally raised a huge black outline, and Miyagi arrived. He lifted an umbrella and came down from the car. The wind in the early morning rain made him scream. He pulled into his robes and whispered: "I wish to accept the ambition of Tang Qin."

Then I walked in from the half-opened Miyagi side door.

At this time, officials have come before and after, and occasionally some people whispered in a low voice or whispered in the middle of the trip. Li Shan also talked with several officials of the right-hand side. After arriving at the front hall facing the front, after completing the inspection, he saw that the teacher Wu Qimei and the master brother Gan Fenglin and others had arrived, and they had seen it in the past. It was only then that the teacher’s look and mood were compared with those of the past few days. It seems a little different, knowing what might have happened.

He was so upset that he went to the side and asked Gan Fenglin. Gan Fenglin smiled and said: "Go to the teacher's office after the Chao Dynasty, and say in detail." This is also confirmed, and indeed there are good things happening.

After a while, start early.

At this time, the Emperor of Lin’an Xiaochao was a young Zhou’s branch, named Zhou Xu. This is a child who is less than 13 years old. His parents died early and he was hungry and obedient. Every morning, I only sat on the top, and the following was presided over by Tie Yan and Wu Qimei.

In these few days, the small court opened early in the morning, and the ministers who came over every day were waiting for news. So after paying homage to the sire, Zuo Xiangtieyan first told the public a message from the west.

The news involved the big Confucian Dai Mengwei, but said that the old man dressed up as a ghost in the late stage of the Southwest War, with a breathtaking white glove, the white wolf means a lot of material, manpower, military and political influence from Xi However, I did not expect that the war of the Hanzhong Zonghan Xiyin defeated too fast, too simple, he has not successfully seized these resources, the Huaxia Army has won. Qi Xinhan and Wang Zhainan were both in Xicheng County. The Daru mobilized the people of Xicheng County to resist, and the news spread. Everyone said that Dai Meng’s micro-organisms were too smart, and now they are afraid that they will not live long.

For the people of Lin'an, it is extremely easy to judge the direction. Although he blamed the people for their own weight, one of them smashed the members of the Huaxia Army. The other two were too disparate in strength. The three were too close to the area under the jurisdiction of the Huaxia Army. The side of the couch allowed others to sleep. Huaxia Army probably does not need to take the initiative, but Wang Zhainan's trusting troops, ascending a call, in the current situation, there is no way how many troops can really attack Xihua County against the Chinese army.

When talking about this matter, Linan people actually have some thoughts of gloating. These people have to bear a lot of nicknames and have a place in this world. Dai Mengwei’s reputation in the past is not big, his strength is not strong, and he has won a million military and civilians and materials in a blink of an eye, and he even got the world’s people. The name of the people, which makes the mentality of Lin'an people somewhat unbalanced.

Knowing the news of the end of the decisive battle between Hanzhong and China, people can't help but sing a few words when they look pale: You wear a dream to say that you are smart, but look at it, the trick can't be used too much, there is a wounded, and there is a day.


After all, Lin'an is far from the southwest. This is the only thing that can be enjoyed by the people. However, in the information of Zhong Tiyan in the early days of this day, the situation in Xicheng County had unexpected development.

On the afternoon of April 30, it seems that after Qi Xinhan asked the top of the Huaxia Army, a new order was sent from Ning Yi. On the first day of May, Qi Xinhan promised to negotiate with Dai Mengwei. It seems that considering the wishes of the people near Xicheng County, the Huaxia Army was willing to put on a dream path and then began a series of negotiation agendas.

At this time, the genius was bright, and the outside was a gloomy rainstorm. The swaying lights were lit in the hall. Tie Yan’s news of this incredible thought was finished. Some people were stunned, some were dumbfounded, and the fiercely ruined China’s DìDū Army, when did you really pay attention to the wishes of the people, and gentleness is here?

"Hua Xia Jun is not retreating, there is fraud?"

"Dai Meng Wei took over the materials of Xi Yin, and the people did not have a few days. Even if they incited the people's wishes, could they incite a few people?"

"It's hard to imagine in the past, that Ning Liheng actually became famous for this!"

"Is it because I want to make Dai Meng's heart loose, and then attack?"

"When the Huaxia Army wants to attack, why should he relax his mind..."

Everyone said a word to me. Only when the official said that the Chinese army was fighting, he felt that the enemy’s ambitions had extinguished his prestige and swallowed the tail.

Tie Yan said: "This news was sent after the early morning of the second day of the second day of the 800-year rush. The Xicheng County negotiations have begun. It seems that it is not like the Chinese military."

Lin'an City is not a simple spy in the vicinity of Xicheng County. Many of the surrendering forces are inextricably linked with the people in Lin'an at this time. Therefore, the credibility of intelligence is still there. After the iron statue was finished, there were already officials in the hall with a beard and a bright light. Wu Qimei smiled in front and his eyes swept over everyone.

"The black flag defeated Zonghan, and he already has an absolute advantage in the west. He is a knife and a dream, and he is a fish. This knife is not awkward. It is indeed the mood of Mr. Ning. The Xicheng County negotiations will have variables. It is difficult to say at the moment, but the black flag is willing to let go of the possibility of wearing a dream. In the eyes of the old man, it is not without it. The meaning of this, I think there are several adults who have already thought of it."

Being able to stand on this court is an agile mind. When Wu Qimei was at this time, most of them faintly thought about some things. I saw Wu Qimei for a moment before he continued:

"The black flag has many reasons to attack Xicheng County directly, but if you really want to give up the attack, there are at least a few things that can be determined now. First, if Black Flag is not willing to take the site of Daigong in Xicheng County, then It means that he has no intention to advance in at least a few years."

This sentence made the big eyes of the Chaoyang Hall bright up. Wu Qimei said there: "Second, the black flag is not only a martial art, but now he still wants to join me and grab the hearts of the people. This thing is interesting too..."

"The third, it is also possible, that Mr. Ning has noticed that he has taken too many places, but there are too few concentrics. He seems to follow the public opinion and let Dai Mengwei, but actually the black flag is already strong, the power is not strong. The expansion is reflected... In fact, this is also to the south. Wangyuan Bridge has lost 30,000 in seven thousand, and Hanzhong has broken 10,000 in 20,000. The black flag is as bright as the rising sun. But in this world, there are only those situations that hurt the enemy and not hurt themselves. What? The black flag hurts the enemy 10,000 self-destruction 8,000, so the situation is in line with my previous inferences..."

He looked around and talked eloquently. There were lightning flashes across the rain curtains and thunder in the sky. The eyes of everyone seemed to be more open because of this statement. After Wu Qimei finished speaking, many people in the temple had more ideas and they were all over.

"If this is the case, there are so many things we can do..."

"The black flag is the first to win, and the territory under its jurisdiction is greatly expanded. It is necessary to use people, and the available people must be able to write and count. If so, I have a plan..."

"As a result, it’s really cheap to wear a dream. This person turned his hand to cover the cloud for the rain, and it’s a big deal.”

"It can't be evaluated like this. Dai Gong has saved millions of Han Chinese in Xi Yin's hands. It is also a living man. He is an enemy of the black flag, and he has a big righteousness. In the future, he will bear the brunt of the black flag. Not the same person who can make friends..."

The speeches of the people in the temple were bustling. Although today is said to be a group of heroes and different forces, but the important ones are nothing more than the gold and black flags. Now the Jin people are withdrawing from the north, and they will not come to the Central Plains and Jiangnan for a while. Once they can determine the status of the black flag, Linan people will be able to judge the future direction more easily and decide their own strategies. Everyone said a word to me, on the one hand, because I finally saw the clues of the break, and on the other hand, I was also worried about the anxiety and uneasiness in my heart for the past few days.

In the next few days, whether this situation will change or not, we must continue to pay attention, but at the moment, this news is indeed a good news. Li Shan thought in his heart. When he saw Gan Fenglin, he was still wondering. The master brother said that there was good news, and he would like to say it later. Is there any other good news besides this?

He listened to this doubt, and after a while, there was another big news coming, but the relegation army led by Yue Fei had launched an attack on Quanzhou since yesterday. In addition, the entire early morning is a trivial matter.

When the little emperor heard it for a while, he got up and left. The outside looked at the sky and gradually lit up in the rain. The people in the hall under the auspices of the two men, Wu and Wu, discussed the many affairs step by step, and then retired. Li Shan followed a group of colleagues, such as Gan Fenglin, to Wufu. After arriving at Xiangfu, he received a later meal. Wu Qimei also came over and used the crowd to finish the meal and let the next person finish it. The deliberation of the round.

"The news in the west has already been said today, and now let everyone gather here, it is necessary to talk about the South. The former Prince did something in Fuzhou, but now it seems that there is a change. Feng Lin, you Take things and circulate them with everyone."

Wu Qimei said this with a smile, so it is obviously a good thing. In his speech, Gan Fenglin took a stack of things. When everyone saw it, he knew that it was a newsprint made in Fuzhou. This thing Li Feng was also sent in Lin'an, and it was a crowd of people who had accumulated some literary leaders.

After the Jurchen went, Tie Yan and Wu Qimei were also under the control. Most of them were published by themselves and a group of students and friends. They used this as their own name and argument, just because there are fewer professionals in this area. The judgment is also somewhat vague, so it is difficult to tell how effective it is.

At this time, the people took the newsprint and circulated them one by one. After the first person took the newsprint, they changed their faces. The next person gathered around and saw that the above was written in the "Southwest Wars (1)". Zong Han’s message from the Hanzhong to the sand and the fiasco, and then the "Principles of the Realm (Preface)", first talked about Lu Ban, and talked about the various techniques of the Mohist family, and then led to the end of February. Southwestern Wangyuan Bridge...

Everyone was equally stunned and couldn't help but look at the beginning of this newsprint. I was sure that this was Fuzhou's newsprint, and my heart was even more puzzled. The Lin'an court and the Fuzhou court are now opposites, but the two sides claim to inherit the martial arts of the Wu dynasty, and the southwest black flag is not a total enemy - of course, the most important reason is that everyone in Linan knows that they are relying on It’s Jin Guo. If you want to rely on the black flag, you can’t rely on it.

However, it is impossible for Fuzhou to rely on the orthodox name. It is even more impossible to rely on the past. Therefore, the message of the Southwestern War and the Hanzhong decisive battle has been blocked in Lin’an, and it is even more impossible to think of it with the Black Flag. The Fuzhou court, now is actually creating a black flag?

- Do they want to rely on the Huaxia Army?

Former Prince Junwu was radical, he had to take the world by big, and vote for the black flag! ?

Some people think of this, the back is a bit cold, if they really make such a shameful thing, the Wu Dynasty world is lost in the hands of Zhou Junwu, but the situation in the Jiangnan is dangerous and imminent.

Everyone guessed this, and then took a look at Wu Qimei, only to see the right side calm, and my heart just calmed down. To be passed to Li Shan, he counted the news paper. There were four copies of it. It was Li Wei’s two different newspapers. He was sent on the second and third day of May. He looked at the contents of the newspaper and thought about it. When I thought about it, I asked the archer: "Well, I don’t know if there is anything else with this thing?"

"Si Jing thought of it." Wu Qimei laughed and sat down in front of him. "If you say it, you can think clearly why the Fuzhou court is making a black flag. It is good news for the teacher. This is naturally good news!"

The old man laughed and waved his hand: "The former Prince's martial arts sentiment was radical. When the Jianye Temple was still in time, he often confessed to the DPRK Minister. This is because the Emperor Jianye took over the throne, and this is a half-way monk, former Prince. Learning from childhood, is not an imperial emperor's technique. He is still young and the situation is already dangerous. He only thinks that Wenchen is a mistaken country. Therefore, he is focused on military affairs. When he gets a Jurchen, he is active in front of the battlefield and is even more iron-clad. After Jianye Emperor and the Dragon Boat left, he broke the boat in Jiangning and defeated Zongsuke once. Later, Jiang Ning succeeded. He reorganized and seized power and killed many people. Han and Yue Er will take him all the way. Finally When he arrived in Fuzhou, he tasted the sweetness of this statement!"

Wu Qimei waved his hand and his words became more and more high: "However, for the way of the monarch, you can do this! He is the leader of the Jianye dynasty. Jiang Ning succeeded. From last year to now, some people regard it as orthodox, Fuzhou. There are also many people who took the initiative to go to the iron-clad Xinjun, but since he arrived in Fuzhou, his rights have intensified. He gave honor to the big family who came to rely on it, but he was given real power!"

"In Fuzhou, the military power belongs to Han and Yue! The internal affairs he uses the clerk instead of the literary minister! For the big things around him, he trusts the princess palace more than the trust prince! So the martial department directly returned to the The two generals and the literary ministers have no power to set aside. The cadres and the heads of the households have the power to manipulate them. The rites are in vain. The Ministry of Criminals has heard that a group of people from the rivers and lakes and the black smoke are arrogant. The Ministry of Industry has the greatest change. He is not only the master of the craftsmen. Even the chief officers of the top must raise the point of the craftsman to go up... The craftsman will do things, will he manage people? Nonsense!"

Wu Qimei's finger knocked on the table, his eyes were solemn and solemn: "These things have been clues in the early months! Some adults in the Fuzhou court can't see the future. Why is it a thousand miles? Even if it is for the country, you have to keep it. Family? Many people who go to Fuzhou are big and big, and they are asking for a promise. Where is the promise taken from? It is taken from the power of speaking and speaking. But the former prince, on the surface, is naturally Thanks, in fact, give you a seat, don't give you power, fight the country, don't want to fight together. Then... I will report it to the nationals, you don't treat me as a national priest."

He took a cup and took a sip, then let go, slow, and a word: "Zhou Junwu, cold heart."


The rain under the head has gradually become smaller, the scenery in the yard is clear, and the voice of the old man is ringing in the room.

"...These things have been clues, and many people have already prepared for it. At the end of April, the news of the Hanzhong war spread to Fuzhou. The child’s mind is different. Others think about blocking the news. He If you don't, the sword takes a slant, and with the momentum of this matter, you have to reinvent and regain power... You see this newsprint, on the surface, it is the news of the southwest war to the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ actually The word "Ge" is hidden among them, and the word "innovation" is hidden among them. The latter half begins to say Confucianism, which is to open the way for Li Feng's new Confucianism. Zhou Junwu wants to use black flag as his object, Li Dexin wants to use innovation for his new Confucianism. Note, hey, it’s really my note, why is it like me?”

"...In the second day of May, the results of the Hanzhong War were announced, Fuzhou was stunned, and various messages were published in the third day. They were well guided. I heard that there were still people in the private news, and Zhou Junwu and Zhou Pei were studying under Mr. Ning. The news has also been released, so that regardless of the public opinion, Zhou Junwu is invincible. Unfortunately, the world's smart people, and more than Zhou Junwu, Li Dexin, people who see the situation, know that can no longer persuade... ..."

Wu Qimei took out a letter from his sleeve and shook it slightly: "In the afternoon of the third day, someone came to repair the book and was willing to talk about it. By the way, these news papers were provided. On the sixth day of today, Fuzhou, the former Prince is inevitable. I am afraid that there are still a lot of such letters on the road... Hey, young people always think that the world is as strong as a knife, and they are brave enough to go forward, but the world is a cake, it is to be divided, you are not divided, others are I can only eat bread on another table..."

Wu Qimei did not circulate the letter. He stood there, facing the sky outside the window, his face was cold, like a portrayal of heaven and earth, and his eyes in the world read seven points of calmness and three minutes: "...death The way."

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