Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 958: 4 sea tumbling cloud water anger (2)

The world is too big, from the Central Plains to the south of the Yangtze River, one after another between hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles apart, the spread of news is always lagging behind. When the people in Lin'an first discovered the world and were still waiting for development, the negotiations in Xicheng County and the innovation in Fuzhou were constantly moving forward.

The negotiations in Xicheng County were initially regarded as the strategy of the Huaxia Army to retreat. The people with the hatred and hatred and want to kill Dai Mengwei dreamed that the Chinese military would show their views after the public opinion. Xicheng County, killing Dai Mengwei, but as time progressed, such expectations gradually smashed.

This may be the development that Dai Mengwei had never thought of before, but his heart was not fortunate, his actions did not stop. On the one hand, people advertised that tens of thousands of people in Xicheng County were forced to retreat from the black flag, and they spurred more public opinion and let more people gather toward Xicheng County.

The people are blind. Those who have just left the shadow of death are afraid to defeat the black flag of the Jurchen army. But they can hear the people outside the Xicheng County, and the murderers like the Black Flag can’t help but give back the story. People’s In the heart, it is inevitable to raise a heroic feeling - we are on the side of justice, can we be so invincible?

People enjoy this kind of emotion, so more people come to Xicheng County and confront the Black Flag Army. When they realize that the Black Flag Army is really reasonable, the "justice" in people's minds is even more stimulated. The confrontation may be the light spot of their life.

These scenes later became the political influence of Dai Mengwei, and in the alliance with Liu Guangshi, he was able to get more initiative. At this time, he also got the same, and even finished the promise of Yan Xiyin on the Liangliang and other places.

The world is most bizarre, just like the impression of Wu Qimei and others. In the past, Dai Mengwei was only a ruin of Confucianism. To say that influence and network of relationships, and anyone who boarded Lin’an and Fuzhou’s political center would be inferior to many people, but who It can also be thought that he has been able to climb the core of the whole world with the repeated operation of giving flowers to the Buddha. Even the powers of Jurchen and Huaxia Army have to give in to his face. In a sense, this really gives people a sense of time and space.

Later, some people lamented that in the past, the military strength of the Wu Dynasty was weak, and they played with their hearts and minds in Jinliao. They thought that they could use some strategies to calm the gap between their strengths and eventually lead the fire and the country to break the family. But now it seems that However, those people who have tried to play too badly. If there is a seven-point skill in wearing this dream, I am afraid that the Wu Dynasty will not be in such a situation.

The resignation of the Huaxia Army gave the full face of Dai Meng, and under the appearance of this multi-help, most people could not understand the persuasion and initiative of the Huaxia Army in agreeing to the negotiations. For more than ten years, people have become accustomed to seeing the truth between the swords and guns as the invaders. They regard the seemingly peaceful persuasion as a guilty and incompetent mouth gun. Some people have adjusted their evaluations of the Huaxia Army. Some people also Going to Hanzhong, I directly protested to Ning Yi and Qin Shaoqian.

One of the representatives of the protesters, Jin Chenghu and Qiu, who responded to Juyi at the initiative of Flow.

After arriving in Hanzhong, they saw that the Huaxia Military Hanzhong camp did not have much festive atmosphere because of victory. Many Chinese soldiers were helping the people to clean up the mess in Hanzhong City. Ning Yi met them on the day of the seventh day. They conveyed to them the Chinese military's willingness to follow the wishes of the people, and then invited them to Chengdu in June to discuss the future direction of the Huaxia Army. Such an invitation touched some people, but the previous views could not convince Jin Chenghu and the people like Jiang Yan, they continued to protest.

Ning Yi listened quietly to the top and silenced for a long time.

"I was also a deceased with the predecessors of Fulu. Before the war, I invited him to go out and appeal to the Greenwood people to participate in the fight against gold. He came here with joy. Now the victory in Hanzhong is over, I can't see him, I am very sad." He said, " For Xicheng County, I know that many of you can't figure out what to do. I don't know why Dai Mengwei can easily kill. We don't kill, I don't know how to condone how he can comfort the heroes who died. But in Han To the south of the water, there are millions of people living. They don’t know why the Chinese army came. They don’t know what the Huaxia Army is. They want to live a good life. Today they killed Dai Mengwei. They will always feel that they are following Dai Mengwei. Can live a better life."

"... Of course, the real reason is not limited to this. Huaxia Army is named after Huaxia. We hope that every Chinese person can have his own will, have a mature will and be able to live with his own will. Ten thousand people, of course, we can also choose to kill Dai Mengwei and make the truth clear, but the problem now is that we don’t have so many teachers, we can make things clear and clear, it can only make Lao Dai manage a place, we Governing a place, and let the two sides understand the truth in the future. At that time... the account is to be returned."

"...I know that you don't necessarily understand, and you don't necessarily agree with me. But this is already a decision made by the Chinese Army. It cannot be changed."

He paused a little: "You, there is a truth in this world. It is hard to say that everyone is happy. Each of us has our own ideas. When the concept of the Huaxia Army is implemented, we hope that more people will have more. There are many ideas, but these ideas should be condensed in one direction through a way. Just like the Huaxia Army you saw, they can gather together to form a rope, which distracts everyone from fighting the enemy. It will be able to defeat 100,000 people in the Golden State."

"...the whole summer in China, we hope that we can do this. Everyone knows why they live, so that everyone can live for themselves. Then when the enemy calls, they can stand up and know what they should do, not like In the same year, the millions of people shivered in front of the 100,000 people in the Golden State. When the butchers were cut down, they did not dare to move. After the killers left, they went on the streets and splashed on their own people who could not resist. feces."

"...how to become like this, how to weigh when everyone's ideas are in conflict, how will a future regime or the court do these things, we have had some ideas in the past few years, and we will be prepared in May, six It will be announced in Chengdu in the month. All of you are heroes who have participated in this war, so I hope that you will go to Chengdu, find out, discuss, have any ideas to say, even wear dreams, when we also I can talk about it again."

He said this, there was a whisper in the room, some people understood some, but more than half of them still seem to understand. After a while, Ning Yi saw a man with a knife in his face standing out.

"Mr. Ning, I am a rough person. I don't understand any country, court, or so. I have something. I want to tell you today."

Aside from the side, he suddenly leaned over and said something in Ning Yi’s ear. Ning Yi nodded: "I want to talk about the Eight Lords."

"When the name of the Eight Lords is not allowed, Mr. Ning calls me the old eight is... Some people in the room know me, the old eight is not a hero, and the green forest is doing the next three activities of collecting money and helping people to write off their accounts. I have been evil for a long time. It is a pity when I die. But the golden dog has been killed. There is also some blood in the old eight chest. I have a letter from the brothers and sisters around me, and I have killed the Jurchen since last year. !"

Half of the people present are Jianghu people. At this time, someone is drinking:

"It's a man."

"Hero hero!"

Ning Yi listened quietly, and the old eight arched his hand: "At the beginning of this year, Dai Mengwei’s old dog faked gold and summoned everyone to Xicheng County. What happened, everyone knows, but there is a time in the middle, he resists The golden name was exposed, and the golden dog said that he would kill a pair of children secretly hidden by the old dog. We got a letter, and with several brothers and sisters, regardless of life and death, to protect his son and daughter from the predecessors of Fulu and the heroes. At that time, the old dog’s son colluded with the Jurchen, and the army was called to surround us. The former Fulu predecessors...that was at that time to cover us and fall behind...”

When he said this, the words became difficult, and many people in the room knew this thing and looked solemn. His face bite his teeth and said: "But there are still some small things in the middle that you don't know."

He said: "Dai Mengwei's son has colluded with the golden dog. Does his daughter have it? We don't know. On the way to **** the brothers and sisters, we were killed several times. On the way, his sister was robbed. One of my little brothers went to the rescue and went to the rescue. They took a few days to find us and meet with the brigade. My little brother, he doesn't like to talk, but people are really good people, and there are no golden dogs. A total of hatred, I have saved my life in the past..."

He said that the tone has been sobbing.

"... At the time, Dai Mengwei, the son of the dog, was enemies. The Jurchen army had already been surrounded. He wanted to confuse people to surrender. Fukuda’s predecessors slapped him. His sister didn’t seem to know whether he knew it or not. Next... my little brother, then I was in front of the woman, the golden dog will be killed, and the woman’s benevolence is not allowed! But I can see the eyes of my little brother... I am small Brother, he is real, he is moving..."

His face was **** and murderous in his life. At this time, his face was stunned, his eyes were red, his tears fell, and his teeth were cut:

"...I am a little brother, he is real, he has moved his heart..."

The hall was silent, some people wiped their eyes, and the face did not say the next story, but it can be developed here, and everyone can guess what will happen next. Jin Bing trapped a group of Greenwooders, and the blade was close at hand, and it was too late to discern that the woman wearing the house was an enemy or a friend. In fact, it is useless to distinguish. Even if the woman is really innocent, there will naturally be will. The stalwart regards her as a way out. Under such circumstances, there is only one choice that people can do.

In the more than ten years of Jurchen's south, similar stories, everyone has heard of one or two.

Looking up at Ning Yi, his eyes narrowed and the tears flowed down his face.

"Mr. Ning, when you rebelled against you, it was because the faint prince had no way to marry a good man! You said that your heart is difficult to flatten, and you will kill the emperor with your hand! Now you said a lot of reasons, but I am a thick old man. People, I don't know what you are saying in Chengdu, it doesn't matter to me! Don't kill Dai Mengwei, my life, my heart is hard!"

His fist knocked on his chest, Ning Yi's eyes quietly looked at him, did not say anything, lived for a moment, his face slightly handed:

"You don't kill him, I kill myself! Dai Mengwei's whole family up and down, I vow to kill myself. You go to Chengdu, talk about China!"

He turned and left, and more people turned and left. Someone spoke to Ning Yi and spit.


On the seventh day of May, the interviews with Jin Chenghu and Yan face were only a small episode in the past few days. Some things are moving, but it is difficult to shake the trajectory of the world.

At the end of April, there was still a lot of optimism in the 7th Chinese Army stationed in Hanzhong after defeating Zonghan. This kind of optimism is what they have won by themselves. They are also more qualified than anyone in the world to enjoy the optimism and ease at the moment. However, after seeing a large number of fighting heroes on April 30 and chatting with them for half a day, on the first day of May, serious meetings have already started under the auspices of Ning Yi.

The problem of Zou Xu's corruption and transformation was placed in front of the high-ranking officers. Ning Yi then began to count the troubles of the Huaxia Army to the top officials who survived the Seventh Army. The place is too big, the staff reserves are too small, once a little slack, the corruption problem similar to Zou Xu's general will appear greatly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once immersed in the atmosphere of enjoyment and relaxation, the Huaxia Army may have to be thorough Lose the future.

The real test will come true after every staged victory. This kind of test is even more difficult and difficult to overcome than people's considerations on the battlefield.

At the same time as the unifying thoughts unfolded at the same level, the surviving troops of the 7th Army of the Huaxia Army also began to enter the Hanzhong City in large numbers, helping the people to carry out systematic reconstruction work. This is to defeat the self-health after defeating the strong enemy on the battlefield. The practice of slackening emotions.

On the one hand, Ning Yi seized such practice statistics and dealt with the military problems in response to various details. On the one hand, he also began to explain the preparations for the Chengdu Conference in June in the southwest. At the same time, he suggested the future of Jindi and the situation in the next Liangshan. The treatment has also reached an imminent degree.

Zong Hanxi Yin has already been a defeated soldier. It may be relatively good to deal with the return of the land from the Jin Dynasty. However, the Eastern Road Army of Zongfu Zongtang has already passed the Yangtze River. Soon after, he will cross the Yellow River and pass through Shandong. It was only in the summer that the two armies of Liangshan had not even got a real respite from the massive famine, and the army of the East Road was strong.

This war is close at hand.

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