Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 959: 4 sea tumbling cloud water anger (3)

In the evening, at the Viagra Palace, you can see the sunset and the mountains.

The cart full of wheat is coming in from the road outside the city. The road was rebuilt after the war. It was built soon, but it seems to be more spacious than before the war.

"This is the last 30 cars of wheat. After one hour, the winter wheat is counted. If it weren't for the grassland scorpion, it would have been a good day in April."

This is the observation deck on the side of the celestial palace. Lou Shuyu put down the monocular in his hand, and the evening wind is blowing warmly. Standing next to Lou Shu, there are two high-ranking military units, Yu Yulin and Wang Juyun. Since the beginning of two years ago, the power of the tiger king and the power of the people led by Wang Juyun have successively confronted the Jin Bing, who invested in the South, and Liao Yiren, who has invested in gold. Now it has been completely integrated.

Among the two sides of the confluence, Wang Shuyuan, the pseudonym of Wang Juyun, was the Shangshu of the Yongle Dynasty. He was well versed in the details of handling, religious means, and military operations. After the demise of the Yongle Dynasty, he secretly saved some of the generals under Fang Lazhao. In the middle of the refugees in the frontiers, he once again began to promote Bailian and Maitreya, who were "equality of law", united a large number of refugees, and called for help. In the context of the Jurchen's four degrees south, he has turned his back to the front line of anti-gold. He has not been arrogant and solemn, but his selfless attitude has won The respect of everyone around.

After understanding its idealistic side, Jindi was relatively cautiously merged with it. In fact, Lou Shuzhen’s resoluteness in the past against gold, his contribution to the promotion of the land, and his lack of self-sufficiency and self-interest have greatly promoted the merger.

Since the humiliation of Jingping, the Central Plains has been in a state of chaos. Wang Hao traveled to the north, perhaps because he could not bear the suffering of the people, and he was here to teach and save people. But in fact, he chose the development of the displaced people south of Yanmen Pass. The place is extremely unsatisfactory. Basically, they can't afford the base area, and they can't gather too much material. This is the merger with the Jindi. Temporary place.

On the other hand, Lou Shuzhen had dealt with Lin Zongwu in the past, and he won the title of a descended woman in Maitreya. Later, he kicked Lin Zongwu and the religious framework obtained for the stability of Jindi. Sticky. However, in fact, Lou Shuzhen crushed Lin Zongwu in the intrigue of political operation. After all, the essence of religious operation was not very skilled. After Wang Hao joined, he not only helped Jindi in politics and military affairs, but also The operation of the “Big Guangming Education” of the land has greatly inspired and helped Lou Shuzhen. The two sides cooperate and exchange each other's needs. At this time, they have achieved the effect of one plus one and two.

In March, a group of grassland mercenaries raged and burned the wheat fields in the Jindi area, which caused some troubles for Lou Shuzhen and others. Fortunately, in early April, these gangs of gangs went north into Yanmenguan and directly killed the clouds. Before going, I also settled the problem of Liao Yiren for Lou Shuzhen. So in mid-April, with the harvest of wheat, the Tiger King’s forces were continually regaining lost ground and reorganizing the surrendering troops. It was said to be a happy, and the subversive news that came to the end of April’s Hanzhong decisive battle, everyone Even in the emotional complexion, Jindi is not a big win.

The relatively smooth situation and the good news that followed will make people happy, but they can't cover the rationality of Lou Shuzhen, Yu Yulin, Wang Wei and others. Zong Hanxi Yin is defeated by the hands of China, but the North is returned. On the way, it is inevitable to have a friction with Jindi. This friction will determine the appearance after the promotion of the land.

In theory, the Jindi at this time has a huge leap forward compared to the real-time period of the field two years ago. On the surface, the loss of a large amount of materials and the reduction of soldiers have seemed to have ruined the entire force. In fact, the unruly ones of the two sides and three knives have been thoroughly cleaned up, and the two years of killing and training, the remaining, They are already elites who can fight, and Lou Shuzhen and others have accumulated great prestige in the decision-making in these two years. In fact, without the involvement of the Mongols in March and April, Lou, Yu, Wang and others had planned to launch a large-scale offensive at the end of March and early April to tie Liao Yiren.

Nowadays, this accumulated power can become a counter-attack against the Jurchen West Road Army, but there is still not much confidence in whether or not they can win. On this day, Yu, Wang and others gathered in the outside to basically complete the training, only to take time back to Weisheng, and discuss the further major events with Lou Shuzhen.

"After the end of the year, they were all running outside. The two generals worked hard. This batch of wheat was put into storage. The winter wheat was almost the same everywhere. Although it was previously ruined by the gangsters, it looked at the entire Central Plains. As for our sturdy side, we must have some confidence in what we have to do."

Looking at the road between the west foothills, Lou Shuyu smiled, the sunset set a golden color here, and she later converges her smile.

"The only thing that can be considered, I asked the people in the military. I also wrote a letter with the two generals in private. I still have no confidence in winning the battle against the Jurchen.... The news of the Hanzhong battle has been Spread all over the world, but we can't even deal with the incompetence of the Huaxia Army's men and women, so can we really explain to the people?"

She said this and her eyes were serious. In these years, in the Jindi, Lou Shuzhen’s management is mostly government logistics, but the two years of the war have gone with the army, and there is no understanding of the army. The seriousness at this moment cannot be called reprimand, but more privately. The sense of urgency.

Wang Juyun frowned, serious and even worse. Yu Yulin did not swear, and sighed: "In these years, watching the Ning’s army, there are many innovations that are obvious. Wu Dynasty is heavy and light, afraid. The military’s arrogance of force is self-respecting, so the temperance of the army is intertwined. As a result, the generals have no power and the army is weak and hard to return. In the past few years, the strategy of all parties has been to decentralize the generals, such as the rebel army in the south. The power of the Prince separated the balances of the outside parties, and only then did some combat power under the iron and blood management army of Yue Pengju. This is one of them, and the Huaxia Army naturally is even more so.

"This condition is not difficult. Our army has also developed in recent years. Especially in the past two years, many ills have been removed during the war. The small households in the original Jindi are inevitably reaching out to the army. It’s an idea for myself, and in fact, the army can’t fight it. We’ve cleaned up in the past two years. But this condition is just the first threshold...”

Yu Yulin paused: "Into this first threshold, the army is like an army, but the Chinese army is really powerful. It is the intensity of training and the military discipline. All the soldiers of the Huaxia Army have been private soldiers in the past. The standard of pro-education, the birth of the production, the daily training is only for war, the military law is prohibited. This kind of soldier, everyone wants, but can not afford, can not afford, Huaxia Army's approach is to support the army with all strength With Mr. Nain’s business method, selling arms and buying food is all-encompassing. In many cases in the middle, I still have to be hungry. If I did it ten years ago, I wouldn’t raise it.”

"If the army is hungry, it will have to reduce morale. If you don't listen to the order, you have to violate the military law. But what Mr. Ning is really good is that he can keep the army hungry while maintaining the severity of the military law. The reason for the name of 'Huaxia', but we can't keep it here. If we want the military law, we have to have food, and if we don't have food, there is no military law. There are also middle and lower generals..."

"As a result, the Huaxia Army is not different from me in any aspect. In fact, there are differences in all aspects. Of course, I have never felt that the difference is so great until the battle of Wangyuan Bridge and the Battle of Hanzhong. The war report came. The 20,000th Army of the 7th Army of China defeated Zonghan’s 100,000-strong army, but it must be said that I can wait for the remnant of Zonghan Xiyin, and indeed... there is no evidence."

After Yu Yulin finished this, he was silent for a moment: "This is the difference between me and Huaxia Army today."

Since the meeting between Luliangshan and Ning Yi more than ten years ago, Yu Yulin’s attitude in front of the Huaxia Army’s name has always been cautious. At this moment, the three or two people in private are quite honest. Wang Juyun nodded aside and waited until the eyes of Shu Shuan swept over, only to open.

"The power of the First World War, the power of the number of battles, but there can be, although not necessarily able to win, but not defeat."

Lou Shuyi nodded: "... at least one dozen is OK, it is also a good thing."

For the wars that may occur next, all aspects of the measurement have actually been summarized. Basically, more than two years of struggle have made the military strength of the Jindi army stronger. With the gradual unification of ideas, more resilience increase. Even if it is impossible to say that it will defeat Zonghan and Xi Yin, even if it is invincible, it can carry out follow-up operations calmly and continuously, relying on the terrain of Jindi, and returning Zonghan and Xiyin back, not too Big problem.

This situation makes people cry, but they can't laugh. After Lou Shuzhen finished speaking, there was some silence between the three people, but then the woman smiled and said: "So, it is no wonder that the people in the southwest are proud to be okay."

Yu Yulin thought about it and laughed: "How is the exhibition of the five masters?"

"After the Hanzhong battle, he came over several times, one of which sent Ning Yi's letter." Lou Shuzhen said faintly, "Ning Yi told me about the future situation in the letter, talking about Zonghan and Xi Yinbei. The problem, he said: the fourth invasion of the Jurchen, the East Road Army victory, the West Road Army defeated, after returning to the Golden State, the dispute between the East and the West, the fear of seeing the difference, we sit on the mountain and watch the tiger, for the disadvantaged Zong Han, Xi Yin troops, may wish to take the opportunity to fight or not, and if you can not try to fight as much as possible ..."

"Oh, he is quite considerate..." She smiled slightly, with a lazy sarcasm. "I want to be afraid that we can't beat it, give it a step."



Yu Yulin and Wang Juyun looked at each other.

Wang Juyun said: "Can you still say something else in the letter?"

Lou Shuzhen took the letter out of the sleeve and handed it over: "Yes, he played his own small abacus, I hope we can borrow a batch of grain to those in the east of Liangshan... Shandong is hungry, thousands of miles last year, grass root bark They are all eaten up, winter wheat, and seeds are not enough, so although it is at the time of harvest, I am afraid that I will not be able to collect a few grains. It will not be long before I will see the bottom again."

The letter written by Ning Yi is very long. Even if I keep it in my hands, I can’t see much at the same time. After Shu Shuzhen finished, Yu Yulin said: "The Golden Dog East Road Army returned to the Yellow River. Once you passed Shandong, I am afraid I can't let Zhu Xi, Wang Shanyue, Liu Chengzong and others. The wheat has only recently received, they can find it now. It should be no problem for a while. Ning Yi is sure to let them over the Jurchen East Road Army? What he wants to borrow is the food in the future?"

Lou Shuyu nodded: "How Liangshan smashed in front of the Jurchen East Road Army. He never said more in the letter. I asked the exhibition five, there are probably several ways, or simply give up Liangshan and first hide on our side. Either look for Wu Hao to buy fast, die in the mountains, or simply ask Zong Fu Zong to lay a living road? I am lazy to guess..."

She said that she had a meal and then lazily said: "He invited me to wait south in the letter - defeated a Jurchen, and he was very proud. In June, he would start a heroic conference in Chengdu. I chose the Green Forest lord and said that I would like to talk to the people of the world about the idea of ​​the Chinese army. As for the sale of food, I can talk about it at the same time. It seems that we are not afraid of our price..."

Listening to her saying this, Wang Juyun, who is reading the letter, looks slightly moved ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned two pages backwards, Yu Yulin also looked at this side, naturally knowing that if there is such an invitation The rest of the information is about to become a fine detail. Lou Shuyi turned and walked closer to the female wall at the edge, looking at the scenery in the distance.

The three men were quiet for a while, Yu Yulin looked at Lou Shuzhen and said: "Are you ready to go?"

The evening wind blows up the skirt, and Lou Shu is back to the side, looking out into the distance.

"... Although not reconciled, but some things are on the top, we are indeed much worse than the southwest. Just like those who are said by the big brother, it is worse, we have to change, but how to change it, we have to be prudent. I can go to the southwest. It’s a good thing, not to mention that Ning Yi is asking for me. If you can go southwest, many benefits can be taken down..."

"...but Zonghan, Xi Yinbei, the battle is imminent..."

Lou Shuzhen pressed his hands on the female wall, looking at the distant eyes cold, the mouth said:

"How come I go?"

She stated the facts calmly and coldly. Sneeze.

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