Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 961: 4 sea tumbling cloud water anger (5)

In the clouds, the sunset is swallowing the sky.

The vocals accompanied by the raging flames seemed to be chaotic and fierce under the skylight just entering the night. The shadows in the flames rushed and cried, and the air was filled with the smell of flesh and blood being scorched.

In the slum area where the Han people gathered in the Yunzhong House, a large number of shacks gathered here. At this moment, a fire is spreading and the fire-fighting water dragon car has come from afar, but the setting of the reward south square is confusing. There is no rule. After the flames rise, a little water dragon can't do anything about the fire.

The total capture of Dudalu stood in the nearby street and looked at it all. He heard the voices coming from far and near, and some people rushed out of the fire. They were already black and black and fell into the sewage outside the market. The last shouting voice was incomparable. Reward South Square is a part of the Southerners who have been redeemed. Many gold people in the nearby market are watching the lively and talking.

Mandudaru is coming over to talk to nearby gangs. This is a gang-based gang. Seeing the fire and raging, helping the people go out to save people from fire and inquire about the news. He watched for a while on the side of the road. The deputy and several of the city’s catchers had come over and whispered, “Hey, what’s going on? It’s a big deal...”

Mandudaru is one of the city’s total catches. The management is a matter of wide-ranging and widespread, and the raging fire does not know how many people are going to burn – although they are all Nanren – but after all, the impact is bad. If you want to manage it, you have to check it.

"Go help, just ask."

Mandudaru said this, several of his men’s catches were scattered around, and the deputy could see that his face was not right. The two walked aside and said: "Head, this is..."

"The fire is from the three yards at the same time. Many people have not responded yet, and they have been blocked by both ends. There are not many people noticed at the moment. You should leave a **** first, and you may have to arrange a statement in the future..."

The deputy turned to look at the flame: "This burns at least hundreds of burns, such a big thing, let's..."

"Do not worry, no one has asked after two days."

"..." Mandaluru's words have complex meanings, neither sad nor joyful. The deputy's mind turned for a moment, remembering the rumors heard today, "Head... the rumor from the south... no It will be true..."

Mandudaru was silent for a long while: "...it seems to be true."

"How is that possible!"

The deputy called, and someone on the street looked over. The deputy took the sullen eyes back. When the man turned his gaze, he hurriedly said to Mandu Daru: "Head, this, etc... How could it be true? He is handsome and handsome..."

Mandu Daru’s hand snapped on his shoulder: “Is it true? I will know it in two days!”

"...these things can be covered up."

"This is not... no cover."

Mandu Daru’s gaze looked at the piece of fire, and the wooden archway in front of Renanfang was already burning in the fire. He said: “If it is true, what will happen next, you should think.”

"If it is true..." The deputy swallowed a mouthful of water, and the teeth grinded in the mouth. "Then these southerners... one can't live."

The flame is raging, and the sparks rising into the night sky are like countless flying butterflies. Mandu Daru remembers the figures that he saw before. It was a few of the honoured children in the city, and they were all drunk, and after seeing the fire burned, they hurried away. Going - his heart is not without grief for these southerners in the fire, but considering the recent rumors and the possibility of vague disclosure after this situation, there is no more embarrassment to put the grief on the slave. .

Looking back at the siege that took place last month, the war continued in the west. He lamented that the recent big money is really a disaster...

When the raging fire had been burnt from the night, when the fire was slightly controlled, the burnt wooden shacks and houses were burned out, and most of the streets were turned into embers in the flames, and the light flew into the sky, the night The cries and cockroaches spread into pieces.

The hair was burned to the ground, and the gray-faced Tommin Jay sat on the side of the street for a moment, surrounded by the smell of burnt meat. Seeing that there was a catch on the road, the number of people who got through the door gradually increased. He climbed up from the ground and staggered away from the distance.

When he got a scald medicine in a nearby medical hall, he went to the hiding restaurant for a little bandage. At the moment of the Hai, Lu Mingfang came over and saw his injury. He said: "I heard that... Big fire, you..."

"I'm fine, there are two informants, I was burned to death."

"What happened, I heard that the fire is very big, I saw it at the end of the city."

"What I said yesterday... The Jurchen is over, the wind is not right..."

"I might be in the south, completely defeating the Jurchen..."

"It’s time to count..."

Tang Minjie sat down in the chair. Lu Mingfang saw that his injury was not serious, and he sat down and guessed the possibility of some things.

From the beginning of April, the situation in Yunzhongfu became tense, and the flow of information was extremely unsmooth. After the Mongolians broke through the Yanmen Pass, the news channel between the north and the south was temporarily cut off, and the Mongolian people surrounded the city and the Yunzhong government martial law. This stalemate continued until the beginning of May, when the Mongolian cavalry raged and retreated toward the northwest. The curfew of the Yunzhong government was only lifted in these few days. Lu Mingfang, Tang Minjie and others are constantly piece together the information. If this is not the case, they will not meet in the situation yesterday.

"The news on the side of the Prairie is confirmed." Each thought for a moment, Lu Mingfang only opened. "In the third day of May, 2,700 people of Gao Muyu were defeated in the southeast of Fengzhou (after Hohhot). The purpose of the grassland people is not in the cloud. In Fengzhou, they robbed Fengzhou’s armory. At the moment, there is still playing, and Gao Muzhen is going crazy. I heard that Li is also in a hurry."

"...no wonder." Tang Minjie blinked.

The Jin people had had friction with the grassland people a few years ago. At that time, they led the speed of the artillery. In the early stage of the battle, they even ate a little bit in the attack of the grassland cavalry, but they soon found it. Go back to the field. The prairie people did not dare to easily commit crimes. Later, the Xixia people were defeated in front of the black flag. These people took Yinchuan with the strange soldiers and then destroyed the entire Xixia.

Before the fourth national levy of the Golden State, the national power was at its peak, and the slashing of the squadron was more than 200,000 yuan. The strength of the Western Court was actually maintained as Yu Yu. At this time, the main force for preventing the west was led by the general Gao Muyu. The Fengzhou army. This time, the grassland cavalry attacked the Yanmen Gate and surrounded the clouds. All the troops came to the rescue. The result was defeated by a group of defenders. As of the end of April, Gao Muyu of Fengzhou finally couldn’t help but wave the rescue cloud. in.

The grassland cavalry ran into a branch, and lost more and less, but always escaped in time. In the face of this constant lure, Gao Muyu finally got on the stage in early May, sending too many soldiers to the air defense of Fengzhou City, being prairie Seeing the opportunity to seize the city, his army rushed back, and was defeated by the main force of the Mongols on the way. At this time, the army was still being sorted out, trying to win the heavy town of Fengzhou.

"...If this is the case, these grassland people are very deep on the Golden State. They broke the Yanmen Gate, surrounded the clouds, and surrounded the points to lure Gao Muyu, and after defeating Fengzhou, they turned their heads and defeated him... I’m not going to take it for a few years..."

After hearing Lu Mingfang finished the information, Tang Minjie thought for a moment, then said: "This hero hero can cooperate..."

"I am thinking about this." Lu Mingfang nodded, and then said, "I will ask for a book to the southwest, but it is the most important thing at the moment. I am afraid that the news from the southwest side will be the fire of the South Square tonight. It’s not so normal, I don’t think it’s normal. In addition, I heard that Zhongyong Houfu killed three Han people for no reason today.”


"...what can be, there is no such thing as the Han master in the north."

"...that he has to pay a lot of money."

Tang Minjie whispered, and for some things, they had speculation, but at this moment, some even dare not guess, and the atmosphere of Yunzhong is even more complicated. Both of them were silent for a while.

Tang Minjie said: "If you really win in the southwest, this two-day news can be confirmed. This kind of thing can't be sealed... When you have to go back, the idea of ​​alliance with the grassland people is not needed. Write it back."

He paused and said: "... In fact, I think I can ask the lady of the Valley Gods first. If this news really determines the situation of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yunzhongfu, I don't know. What will it look like, if you want to go south, go ahead, maybe it is safer."

Lu Mingfang smiled and said: "This kind of thing is not arranged well in a day or two."

They did not talk about this later.

At almost the same time, Chen Wenjun was meeting with the old man at the time of his love. Her face was embarrassed, and even after careful dressing, she could not hide the exhaustion of the eyebrows. However, she still took out an old list and placed it in front of her.

"Come here today, because I can't wait any longer. This group of people, when they entered the winter last year, the old man promised to give it to me. They had to delay on the road. It was only possible to start the spring, but in February and so on. April, March, etc. April, now in May, many people on the list have already... No. Old man, you have promised two hundred people, you have to give it to me."

What she mentioned in her mouth is the problem of the Han Chinese captives who were escorted from the south before and after the winter. In order to highlight the achievements of the West Road Army on the Nanzheng Road, the 500 people were either soldiers who resisted the army in Xiangfan and other places, or the officials of the southern officials and defeated generals. The winter is cold in the north, the road is difficult, and the **** of 500 people took many hours. It was officially delivered in the cloud in the spring of this year. After that, the parade was displayed and tortured. Two hundred of them should have been handed over at the end of March. Chen Wenjun, but Shi Li loves to change temporarily, and does not submit the person's business. Now, Chen Wenjun finally can't help but come up.

Shi Li love stretched out his hand and pressed it on this list. His eyes were low, and he seemed to be thinking, passing for a while, and he seemed to sleep because he was old. The silence in the hall lasted for a long time...

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