Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 962: 4 sea tumbling cloud water anger (6)

The night is already deep. On the government office, the hand of Lili love pressed the list, and it was silent for a long time. It seemed to be sleeping because of his age. This silence continued for a while, and Chen Wenjun finally couldn’t help but say: "The old man..."

When Lili loved it, he looked up and opened his eyes: "Old age... just thinking about it, how to make this thing more gentle, but... it’s really old, I can’t find a proper rhetoric for a while. For the reason of this, the lady’s heart should be clear again, but the old man can’t find a proper statement, and I will explain it to you so clearly.”

When Li Li’s eyes looked at Chen Wenjun, it seemed that the old eyes had a scorching question. Chen Wenjun took a deep breath: "...I only know that the old man personally promised me."

"The old rotten words, so that these two hundred people died here, far more than being sent to the Valley of Gods and then handed over to kill much better ... Mrs. Wan Yan, this time, the other time, today into the night, reward Nanfang The fire, did you see the lady on the way? The people who were burned alive at the moment were no less than two hundred, and they burned and died..."

When Li Li loves to say here, Chen Wenjun’s lips are tight and his eyes have become firm: “God has a good life, the old man, the south of the fight, killing and killing, no matter how I can’t change my origin, repay the things of Nanfang. I will find it out and publish it! The front defeated and the unarmed slaves in the back are all cowards! I will say this in front of them, let them kill me!"

"Mrs. 帼 帼 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不 不Hannu’s actions will be less. These things can’t be on the table, so it’s a straightforward response. It’s right for you to do this. If someone is disrespectful to you, the old man can play with him. kill him."

The old man slowly said this, and paused: "However, the lady knows well, the whole west, the Marshal House goes down, I don’t know how many people’s fathers and brothers died on this way. It is one thing to expose your murderous anger to face-to-face accusations. In this situation, it is another matter to save two hundred southerners. If the Nanzheng is successful, you will take away 200 people. They put it back, it’s easy, if the lady doesn’t make sense, the convener will rob the five hundred people, and no one dares to tell the truth to the face of the **** of the valley, but at this moment, the situation in the west...”

The night wind blew through the night sky in the clouds, and the sound of the whimpered under the squat of the courtyard. When the lips of the love moved, it took a long time, and he picked up the crutches and stood up in a trembling voice: "... southwest The fierce defeat, the violent fire of the black flag, the sharpness of the military, and the unprecedented heart, the dispute between the East and the West, to see the difference, the overturned disaster is in sight. Madame, you really want to take those two hundred prisoners, Isn’t you thinking about it, you don’t think about it, you’re not thinking about it, it’s your child!”

Chen Wenjun’s eyes were slightly stagnation, and he passed a moment: “...Is there really no way?”

When Li Li’s eyes looked at her, he turned away at this time: “The hero of Valley God, I wrote it back to my wife’s letter, but it’s just a good news and no worries...”

"He said in the letter that if something goes wrong, you can come over and ask the boss."

Shi Li love looked up, hehe smiled, micro-satisfaction: "Gu Shen is broad-minded, ordinary people are difficult, he seems to have forgotten, the old man was born in the same year, is following the martial arts of Marshal Zongwang, and now talk about things and two houses Old and imaginary, but the two princes of Zongfu Zongxi. At that time, the handsome man was defeated by the South, and he was not afraid that the old man would sell the Xifu backhand."

The old man’s speech was almost whispering, and Chen Wenjun took the list on the coffee table over there. In fact, many things in her heart do not understand, just to the moment, when I am lucky, I will love to say the last sentence, but I am looking forward to the old man still have some means to achieve the original promise. But when it comes to this, she already understands that the other party is serious and refuses this matter.

"...If the old man wants to move the Xifu, the first thing is to send the two hundred people to the lady's hand. At that time, the news of the fiasco in the southwest has spread. There will be countless people staring at the two hundred people, asking for the lady. Hand over, ask the lady to kill it by hand. If not, they will force Gu Shen to kill the lady. You, Mrs. Wan Yan, you have been in the North for so long, and you haven’t learned a little bit yet. The alert heart?"

Chen Wenjun folded the list and smiled sullenly on his face: "When the name of the family was shocked, when the Liao Kingdom was destroyed, Zhang Jue sat down first. Later, the Wu Dynasty made three majors and four times, and they came over and invited. The old man, you not only sternly refuses, but also strictly prohibits the descendants of the family from being allowed to leave the official. You later went to the dynasty with the patriarch Maru Shuai, but acted as an official but not biased. ...you are the person who wants to stay in the history of the Qing Dynasty. Why should I guard the boss?"

When Lili loved the crutches, he shook his head and sighed again: "When I was a official, my heart was big, because Jin Guoxiong was a generation, and the general trend was very heart-wrenching. No matter the emperor, the present, or the sect. Dashuai, sticky and handsome, Gu Shen, are all generations of heroes. Mrs. Wan Yan, I am not harming you, I want to hold these two hundred people in my hands, for the reputation of Gu Shenfu, for the handsome, valley When God returned, Xifu still had some chips in his hands to deal with the affair of several princes.

His crutches paused: "In the letter sent back, Gu Shen has already told the old man about the black flag in detail. This time the Nanzheng, the West Road Army is indeed defeated, the development and governance of the black flag. The concept of the military has never been seen before, and it has never been heard before. The old and the dead are in the clouds for a long time. Therefore, for the management of the great coach and the **** of the valley, the development of the great building is also a matter of heart. The ability to defeat the great coach and the West Road Army will become a big money in the future. The confidant, the great coach and Gu Shen have made a decision, to lay down a lot of things, only hope that in the future to fight against the black flag, leaving the greatest strength. Therefore, for the gold country, the old age must also ensure the smooth transition of this matter... ...Zong Fu Zongtang, two princes, got the future, the coach and the **** of the valley, leaving experience..."

In his voice, Chen Wenjun sat back in his chair: "... Even so, I am going to say anything about killing Hannu."

"I want to prosper in Dajin, and I have to use people everywhere. The fathers and brothers of these honoured children died on the battlefield. They are angry with others. Although they are forgiven, they don't help. The lady wants to expose things, and it is beneficial to Daikin. I am in support. Only the two hundred prisoners, the old can not give it to the lady's hands, this is vicious, if swallowed, Gu Shenfu is difficult to get out, and hope that Mrs. Wan Yan can read For these reasons, forgive the old words."

When the old man made a foreshadowing, he said that he still apologized to Chen Wenjun symbolically. Chen Wenjun did not say much more. She has lived in the North for a long time and naturally understands the style of the high-ranking people of the Golden State. Once a decision is being made, no matter who is involved in any relationship, it is difficult to impress each other. Although Li Liai is a Han Chinese, he is also a scholar of the first generation, but his style of action is resolute and vigorous, similar to the hero of the first generation of Jin Guo.

After sitting for a while, at the end of the day, she said: "The old man experienced the ups and downs of the two dynasties and the three parties, but the decision was not missed. Just thought that in the past, there will be such a fight in the southwestern horizon. What about the Han Chinese with black flags?"

Shi Li love shook his head and shook his head: "Mrs. Wan Yan said it, life is a lifetime, and it is not a god. Can you be right? The southerners are weak, and they will not see their eyes when they are old. Nowadays, this is also the view. The emergence of black flags. Perhaps it is the extremes of things that can be reversed. But it is hard to say which step to go to. This is the end of the matter. However, this is not an old-fashioned thing. It should be a matter of morality and ethics. I hope... is a good ending."

He slowly walked over to the chair and sat back: "Life is alive, as if facing the rivers and rivers. The old man's life..."

The old man looked at the night ahead, his lips trembled, and after a long time, he said: "...do your best."


The raging waters of the river finally rushed to the Han people in Yunzhongfu.

The second day was May 13. Lu Mingfang and Tang Minjie finally learned the ending of the Southwest War from different channels. After Ning Yi defeated Yanshanwei and the slanting protection in Wangyuan Bridge, the 7th Army of China defeated the 100,000 army of Sticky and Xi Yin in the middle of Hanzhong City, killing the Yanji set in front of the battlefield. At this time, the soldiers of the West Road Army and the soldiers who followed the Khanhan and Xi Yinnan were not counted. Since the rise of A-Bing, the Jurchen army, which has been in the world for forty years, has finally suffered the most devastating defeat in history in front of the black flag.

The related news has spread among the middle and high level of the Jurchen. At one time, the house in the cloud is full of violent and compassionate emotions. After the two meet, they naturally cannot celebrate, but only in the relatively safe hiding place, the tea is used for wine, and the next discussion Things to do - in fact, such a hiding place has also become less peaceful, the atmosphere in the city has begun to become stricter, catching up and searching for a Han Chinese slave who has a good face to face, they have already detected the wind, and they are clenching their hands. Preparing to hunt a group of Han people and making a fine sentence.

"...It’s still the same sentence. If you want to go south, let’s go early. After some time, the news spread. If there is a Han Chinese appearance in the south of the caravan, I’m afraid it’s not good. Now, the paradise is still Playing the autumn wind everywhere, it may be safer to pass."

The war in the southwest has had a result. The whole policy of the future espionage may change. It is necessary for someone to go south. This is a while, and Tang Minjie emphasizes it again. Lu Mingfang smiled and said: "There are still some things to arrange. In fact, after the incident, the situation in the north is probably more complicated and complicated. I am thinking about it. I will not go back this time."

"Whoever knows you know the whole situation here, these things can't be written on the letter, you don't go back, just the idea of ​​aligning with the grassland people, no one is qualified to convey it with the teacher."

"Would you like to go back to this?" Lu Mingfang poured a cup of tea and said, "You have been here for four years, and you haven't seen it again."

"Lao Lu, it’s not that I brag. I want to talk about survival and mobility. I seem to be a little higher than you."

Listening to Tang Minjie’s unscrupulous remarks about this, Lu Mingfang laughed and laughed. After a while, he said, “I don’t want to go back and see?”

"I can play a bigger role here."

Lu Mingfang said: "With your ability, where to play a big role."

Tang Minjie shook his head: "...The teacher arranged me here, there is a reason."

"It is too embarrassing to say that you are dealing with those Nigers in Liangshan. But I feel that there is nothing to kill in life and death. You are not facing yourself. And I have seen it early. You, this person, would rather die. I won’t shoot for myself.”

Tang Minjie also smiled and said: "If you say this, you can praise me... but I actually know that I have too much means to make a contingency, but if I want to work for ten years, I must not pay attention to fame. You don't know, I am in Liangshan, killing the whole family, taking people's wife and children to threaten them to do things. This has spread, and there are hidden dangers in the past ten years."

"...has it done?"

"There are a few...the brothers of Huaxia Army, who were ambushed in the mountains. The situation is anxious. The hard-core factions of several Nigers refused to say that I kicked their wife and children from the cliff... The place is not high. I broke my leg. You know, the most troublesome thing is that the place is their own. He knows that the place is not high and he can’t fall, so I have to drag people up and cut his son’s hand in front of him. He knows that I am serious, I will say it."

"Don't say... are you cutting?"

"I will cut it from my hand."

Lu Mingfang was silent for a moment, then raised the teacup and the two touched it.

"Are you saved?"

"It’s late, three dead...” Tang Minjie said here, raising his head. "If you can, I can cut my hand."

He showed a smile, some complicated, and some simple. This is a rare smile even in front of his comrades. Lu Mingfang knew that the truth was true. He quietly drank tea. Tang Minjie smiled again: "Do not worry, The boss here is you, I listen to the command, I won’t mess."

"I don't worry about this." Lu Mingfang said: "I just wonder that you didn't kill those people."

"Well? Why?"

"According to your previous style, all of them are killed, can't the news be passed?"

Lu Mingfang said that he smiled. Tang Minjie snorted a little, and he laughed quietly. He smiled and held his forehead. After a while, he looked up and whispered: "... If I remember correctly, Lu Yannian was the treasurer of the year, and he was sacrificed in the clouds."

Listening to him mentioning this, Lu Mingfang nodded: "Father... In order to cover us from running away from the sacrifice..."

Tang Minjie looked at him: "You have been here for so long, and you have seen so many... human tragedies, and the murder of the father, how do you let yourself grasp the scale?" His eyes burned, but then smiled. "I mean, you are more than me."

Lu Mingfang turned his eyes and sat there, thinking for a while: "Probably because... I am not as powerful as you are."


"My father is Lu Yannian, who sacrificed to open up the cause here." Lu Mingfang said, "Do you think... I can sit here and have a relationship with my father?"

"Do you think so?"

"How much will have some relationship." Lu Mingfang holds a teacup and his words are sincere. "So I always remember, my ability is not strong, my judgment and determination ability, I am afraid it is not comparable to other people here, then I You must keep your own line, try to be as smooth as possible, and you can't make too many outrageous decisions. If my father's death, my heart can't hold back the fire, I have to do something like this to retaliate. What should other people who have been placed on me do, and what should they do if they are tired? I have been... considering these things."

"..." Tang Minjie was silent for a moment, raised the teacup and touched it on the tea cup in Lumingfang. "With this, you are better than me."

"After I went south, I was handed over to you here. I was relieved."

"The situation is tense. I have to send people away after two days... I remember the last time I mentioned you, Luoye’s sister?"

"found it?"

"It took some time to confirm ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suffered a lot of crimes, in order to live, loaded with madness, but for so many years, people are basically half crazy. This time the southwest victory, the Han Chinese in the cloud, will die Many, those who live on the streets may be killed when they are killed. The sister of Luoye, I thought about it. I will send it away this time, and the time will be two days later."

"Do you want me to take it?"

"I have arranged people, you don't have to go with you, it's not safe." Tang Minjie said, "But after the Golden Country, you can take care of it."

Lu Mingfang nodded. "What else should I entrust to me? For example, what is the sister in the word, do you want me to go back and visit for you?"

"You are not suitable." Tang Minjie smiled. "The person who runs with his head all day, I am afraid she will be a widow."

"Is there a sister?" Lu Mingfang was bright and curious.

Tang Minjie said: "Dead."

Lu Mingfang will not speak. At this moment, they are all middle-aged people in their 30s. Lu Mingfang has a large head, leaving a messy beard, and his face is printed with the golden lashes. Tang Minjie’s face is thin, leaving Goat Hu, there are traces of yesterday’s fire on his face and body.

Nearly a decade ago, Lu Yannian was killed in the cloud, Lu Mingfang fled all the way, and he met Chen Wenjun for the first time. Soon after, the golden man's messenger Fan Hongji took Lu Yannian's head to the Xiao Canghe demonstration. Tang Minjie was in the classroom at that time. Lu Yannian’s head was seen. He considered how to make a plan to kill Fan Hongji. At that time, Zou Xu in the classroom volunteered to help Ning Yi to receive Fan Hongji. At this moment, he became the leader of the rebellious army in Funiu Mountain.

Time passes, I don’t want to return.

This is the last time Tang Minjie and Lu Mingfang met.

Both of them laughed happily.

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