Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 963: 4 sea tumbling cloud water anger (7)

The summer night glows with lead, and in the small county under the night, the flame is burning, the voice of the people is chaotic, accompanied by the crying of the woman and the child.

The black flag is in the exhibition, just in the middle of the night, only in the place where the fire is shining, people can see the flag.

On the shore of Taihu Lake, the small county town on the north side of Pingjiang Prefecture, after the military disaster last year, there are not many people. At this moment, the attacker came again. It was a evangelist named Fair Party. After entering the county seat, it did not start to burn. It was only the home of several local gentry and heroes on the west side of the county.

At this moment, the flames and killings continued, and a group of people raised their flags and came over from the wilderness outside the county. In this night, the two sides played the same banner, and the people who took the gates of the county town were in the night. In the middle of the exchange with the other side, a few words, I know that this team is very high in the fair party. They dare not stop, until the other party is closer, only someone recognizes the identity of the middle-aged man who seems to be thinner in front of him. The **** near the city gate called the "fair king" and they all fell.

"Fair King" is He Wen. After the exchange was completed, he entered the country. The direct soldiers under his command began to take over the defense of the county. Another law enforcement team entered the county town and began to shout: "If there are innocent people, kill!" Troublesome people, kill! Insult women, kill..."

He Wen led the guards and went in the direction of the burning of fire. There was a mansion in the family. In order to keep the house, it seems that both sides have also experienced some offensive and defensive killings. At this moment, with He Wen stepping into the house. You can see the bodies that fall between the courtyards and the ground. Among the corpses, not only the young and strong with the swords and knives, but also the women and children who were slashed and killed during the escape.

He did not speak, and all the way forward, there was a deputy who led a man to come to visit the shrine. This is a black scarf and a leader of the fair party in his 30s. The status is not high. This time, he is a glimpse of this county. The defense loopholes temporarily summoned the nearby helpers to break the city. After the Jinren left, there were no livelihoods in the south of the Yangtze River. There were people who were ruined everywhere. They could be begging in the city and they could be awkward. During this period of time, the party’s momentum gradually rose, and the core team that He Wen had mastered was still under construction. The outside world heard that the name was followed by the forces that had been fought, so there were so many.

Slightly speaking, after the incident, the leader began to talk about the resentment of these ethnic minorities during the attack, which led to the death and injury of many brothers on his side. He Wen asked the wounded about the situation of the wounded and asked: "What about the outside of the patriarch?"

The leader was hesitant: "Several old things, recalcitrant, rather than die, have to... kill."

"Where to take me to see."

"... 祠 祠 祠 那 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Gold and silver objects, there are countless, I let people also carry to the side of the temple, do not dare to greedy ... that, three children, you come over to talk to Mr. He, talk about the way to open the grain warehouse, the rabbits I still want to set fire to the food..."

When everyone said that they were walking, they could see the dead body inside, and the gold and silver in large and small wooden boxes were piled on the side of the temple. The head collar immediately opened the box to He Wen. . He Wen went to the pile of corpses and looked at them. Then he went to the pile of gold and silver, took out a few gold pieces to play, and then asked about the grain.

"Call the brothers who have invited you and participated in this call. I have something to say to them, thank them."

At this time, his expression and tone were mild, and the leader took the deputy out to call people. In a short while, the other leaders were summoned to come to see "Fair King" Mr. He, He Wen saw them. A few eyes, only waved.

"Go to the weapon, look at it first, then let it fall."

His orders have been made, and the deputy in charge of execution has also waved the flag. Some of the people in the courtyard shouted, some people pulled the knife in hand, and some movements came out of the court, but because they had already given the elite on hand. Prepared, the turmoil soon subsided, and a number of guards in the yard surrounded the leaders. Some people bluffed and the leader of the fair party had collapsed. He Wen looked at them.

"If you kill a family, you will vent your anger, and you will kill all the people. There are even women's bodies outside. After being insulted, you can't catch them. The animals are doing it! Whoever did these things did not do it, after all? I will find out that in a few days, you are being judged in front of all the people! Do you want to be a fair party? This is the fair party!"

Some of them were picked up: "Pseudo-gentlemen! We worked hard for you, and the brothers died. You are like this to us! We look at the people, and the people outside are not committed! The people here are full. House gold and silver, grain and grass, you look at how good they wear, it is the people who are anointed by the people, you are a fair party hypocrite! It is to want to **** these things, regardless of the benefits -"

He Wendao: "Well dressed is the bad guy? Everyone in the world wears a broken rotten to kill people! You said they are evil people, what evil did they do? Which year and what month? Where is the suffering? So much The dead, who did the evil thing? Is this old man doing it, or lying outside the 10-year-old girl! If you don’t say it clearly, you will kill, you are a robber! This is not fair!"

"They are so rich, the people outside are starving to death. The bad things they do, as long as they are inquisitive, must be there. It’s all in front of you, Mr. He, don’t try to understand the mess--"

"The little girl outside has done it too?"

"The squad can be so clearly--"

"-take it!"

In the middle of the night, there was a period of chaos and turmoil. The flames in the great courtyard were finally extinguished. He Wen went to look at the food stored in these heroes' homes, and let the soldiers converge on the remains. Then they came together with this. The deputy and relatives gathered in the outer courtyard. Some people talk about those foods, and they also mention the outsiders and famines. Some people say that this leader can restrain the displaced people from disturbing the ordinary people. They have done a good job. He Wen ate some dry food and smashed the bowl in his hand. The ground fell on the blue bricks in the yard, and the courtyard was silent.

"Which village did you live in, which street did you have in the street?"

He said: "I usually do it leisurely, do not do things right, have the opportunity to go to this home to fight the autumn wind, as long as there are good things that are not worth the effort, the kind of people who are inevitable. This kind of person is not the murder of the goods, nor does it not care about others' eyes. The desperate, they are living next to you, as long as they can be a little good, they find reasons and arguments, a set of ..."

"This kind of splash has a characteristic. If you are jealous or desperate, maybe one day you can make a home, and the skin will never make a home. They will be cheaper in their lifetime, and they have no rules in their hearts..."

"Today you smashed this big yard and saw that it was all gold and silver. It was all food. Ordinary people couldn’t see so much in their lives. Look at it again, hey, these people are dressed so well, people are fat, I am fair. Party, for the heavens, you fart -"

He Wen waved his eyes and shouted.

"These people have not been wrong? What should I do if I am wrong? You have not thought about it! Because there is a reason to kill the wrong one! No one can kill a few old and weak women with a squad! You can find a reason to find things, who can't find it? But do If you look back later, you are pointing to the cheaper skin! Once you point to taking advantage of this, you can't do anything big in the future."

"Want to do something big, do something real, your heart, just! Get it! There! Rule! Moment!"

He Wen stood in the courtyard and said a word.

The fire was swaying in the night, and in May, the party that had been expanding for a period of time began to differentiate internally and began to produce more mature programs and guidelines.

At the same time, among the ruins of the famous temple on the north bank of the Yellow River, there is a black flag floating quietly. At this moment, the south bank of the Yellow River, the army of the Jurchen East Road, who is returning to the north, is considering a proper river crossing strategy.

From April onwards, the two armies of Huaxia and Guangwu, which once huddled in Shuiboliangshan, began to come out of the base in batches, and had several frictions with the Yanyanchang troops who had secured the way to the east of the East Road. Although this Several operations were on the verge of death, but several units led by Zhu, Wang Shanyue and Liu Chengzong clearly demonstrated their future operational intentions: once the Jurchen army is ready to cross the river, they will never let go of these attacks. The opportunity for the ferry.

In the past two years, these units of Liangshan have shown a tenacious will to fight. Although the Jurchen East Road Army is very powerful, but the hundreds of thousands of Han people captured in the north are bloated, this is East. The weakness of the road army. Once opened, the chaotic situation that will be encountered will inevitably lead to Zong Fuzong’s headache.

But at the level of the hegemony, the headache is not a serious problem.

Facing the decisiveness of the Liangshan troops, Zongfu Zongtang has assembled an elite force to prepare for the Yellow River and launch a war. At the same time, there are still Yan Chang, the speed of the tens of thousands of troops from the north. Come. In the middle, Wan Yanchang used the soldiers to be dense, and the speed of the insemination was like fire. The style of the soldiers on both sides echoed each other. So in mid-May, as many as hundreds of thousands of East Road Army will launch the Tianluo network and remove the last nail on the way to Beigui.

The news of the defeat of the Jurchen West Road Army and the disastrous defeat in the Hanzhong battle was also poured on the land on both sides of the Yellow River at this moment. On the north bank of the Yellow River, Zhu Xi, Wang Shanyue, Liu Chengzong and others were motivated and determined to play a beautiful battle here. For this purpose, the staff has made countless plans and deductions for many days. Although there are not many people on their own side, they are experienced veterans who have been cruelly killed. The other party’s camp is bloated and eager to go home. Only to find out the weakness, ants may not be able to bite a terrible wound on the elephant.

On the south bank of the Yellow River, Zongfu Zongyi is looking forward to demonstrating that he is different from Xilu Army and Xi Yin in such a battle and victory. In the context of the fiasco of the southwestern battle, as long as you can bury the black flag army of Shandong, which has been tested in the past, on the banks of the Yellow River, the domestic military and people's hearts will be alive.

In this context, on May 15th, in a deserted village west of Daming on the north bank of the Yellow River, Zhu Xi, Wang Shanyue, Liu Chengzong and others temporarily met and they greeted the messengers coming from the southwest. , Zhu Ji's "big treasurer" Dong Fangxian. Zhu, Wang and Liu Xiang Dong Fangxian generally stated the next operational ideas. On the afternoon of this day, Dong Fangxian began to relay some words that Ning Yi wanted him to bring.

"Mr. Ning asked me to bring an idea, just an idea, a specific decision, made by you. Moreover, after you have prepared for the full battle, such an idea can have practical significance."

After Dong Fangxian finished speaking, Wang Shanyue had already laughed: "Is there any bad ideas for Lao Ning? You said."

"Negotiation, talk and."

Dong Fangxian looked at Wang Shanyue and said calmly. The scar on Wang Shanyue’s face immediately became unsightly. He sipped a slobber toward the ground.

"It's just a reference choice. As for the final decision, it is up to you." Dong Fangxian repeated it.

Wang Shanyue raised his head and reached out and shook his head in Zhu Xi and Liu Chengzong: "There are many people here, decide... how to do it?"

"We will listen to your opinions to the maximum extent. Mr. Ning said that he can even vote in the military." Dong Fangxian is a little fat, and he has a lot of white hair on his head. He seems to be harmonious on weekdays. The smoldering eyes are calm and calm, and there is no half-cracking. "When he came, Mr. Ning said, at least a little Wang Gongzi can rest assured that there is no such thing in the Chinese army."

Wang Shanyue stared at him for a moment: "You said, I listen."

Dong Fangxian nodded: "On the north bank of the Yellow River, the Huaxia Army and the Guangwu Army add up. The current lineup is less than 30,000. The advantage is that they have all beaten and can be guerrilla through the land. All the rest are disadvantages, the Jurchen East Road Army. 200,000, plus Yan Chang, speed, they really wear shoes, have to fight, not worth the loss, but if you really want to fight, you have the chance to survive ... not high, this is a very polite statement ""

Wang Shanyue said: "First, we are not afraid of death. Second, Zong Fuzong is anxious to go back and fight for power, which is also our advantage."

Dong Fangxian said: "The first one is not afraid of people. We are talking about how to die. Second, under the premise that the West Road Army has been defeated, if Zong Fuzong is really going out, they can go back and put 200,000. The army is left to Yan Yan, and you are finished in Shandong. They are not dead, they are very troublesome, but at least they will not be more ugly than sticky."

Dong Fangxian’s gaze turned to Zhu Xi and Liu Chengzong: “In the most troublesome speculation, you have been annihilated by the whole army, bringing huge losses to the Jurchen’s East Road Army. They brought hundreds of thousands of Han people from the north in this battle. There are tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of deaths. As for the possibility of killing Zongfu Ancestral Hall in a decisive battle, it is not without, but very few. In terms of combat power, you are lacking in materials and even hungry. For a long time, the frontal battlefield should still be better than Tushanwei."

"After all, it’s not on paper." Liu Chengzong said, "But... you can say it first."

Mr. Ning thinks that the first crux of the situation in Shandong is that neither side believes that the other party has the possibility of retreating. Wang Gongzi has been in Da Mingfu for so long, and he has already lived and died. He wished the brothers two years ago. The speed has not retreated, facing the crisis of the famous government, it is still resolutely coming to save people. Our past record has already explained that the Chinese army is not afraid, and death is not afraid..."

"I am not a Chinese army." Wang Shanyue inserted a sentence.

Dong Fangxian smiled: "It is also because of this, Zong Fuzong does not think that he has the possibility of easily crossing the border. He must fight because there is no choice. On our side, we also believe that Zong Fuzong will never let go of Liangshan. But Mr. Ning I think that in addition to playing, we have at least two choices, such as the ability to leave, give up Liangshan, and go to Jindi for a turnaround..."

"We have been running this for a long time, and we have already played a powerful role..."

"If you want to fight, these operations will be difficult to continue." Dong Fangxian said, "There is another option. When you are ready to fight, I will cross the river and talk to Zong Fuzong." Come, both of us, in a certain form, a certain step, give each other a way. Considering that Jin Yu’s Wu Hao buys the gas, and the East Road Army’s lineup is bloated, Zong Fu Zongyi is likely to promise. Such negotiating conditions, and you will retain the possibility of development at the moment, and become a pioneer in the Golden State one day in the future."

Wang Shanyue was silent. Dong Fangxian said: "Shandong has been smashed before. Last year, there were no wheat sprouts in winter wheat. Your rations are only enough for one or two months. Mr. Ning and Jindi have borrowed food. By the seedlings, after this pass, you will slowly recover. And in Shandong, you will really open the business..."

"What about the hundreds of thousands of people who have been brought by the East Road Army?" Wang Shanyue looked up.

Dong Fangxian said: "Are you saved?"

"If we attack, some people can escape."

"... There will be some people running away, more people will die, then, you are dead, the faceless army will seize all the people who can catch and send it to the north."

"Because we are avoiding this, how do people in the world look at us in the future?"

"There is no good choice here. Which one is worse is harder to judge. So Mr. Ning said, you can make your own decisions. If you decide to play, I will do my best to cooperate with you. If you decide to talk, I will Just try to talk. Everyone is a martial artist. Of course, we all know that many times we take back our wrists in order to punch a bigger punch on the enemy’s face..."

His fat arm was shrunk. When he came out, he also had a lot of strength: "There is a battle here, which can inspire the hearts of the people. It is even possible to actually meet Zong Fuzong on the battlefield and kill them. This is the simplest and simplest choice. If you go back today, you will have a regret in your heart, and even one day will be turned over, even leaving a name. After five or ten years, are you likely to use it? It’s hard to say that you have to work hard to get into the Golden State.

Wang Shanyue looked at him: "It is also possible that you are a fat man crossing the river. Zong Fuzong is not a fool." You become a sacrifice we sent to them, and you burned the flag first."

Dong Fangxian laughed: "It is very possible, but such a thing allows others to talk about it, and probably can't talk about it. Only the fat man can't run it for me."

His words are calm, and of course it is the fearlessness of life and death. In fact, all four people in the field had already met and had dealt with each other more than ten years ago. Even though Wang Shanyue was quite upset about Ning Yi’s thoughts on him, he also understood that the idea was raised. It is not because of fear, but because the fighting and losses experienced by the Liangshan army in the past two years are indeed too fierce. At this time, the vitality has indeed not recovered. After another fearless fight, they can certainly tear off a piece of meat from the Jurchen, but it only ends there...

The Yellow River flows down the river, and the sun gradually falls to the west. www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu, Zhu, Liu and others talk to each other and consider the next choice. Among them, in the barren hills and mountains where they are dozens of miles away, Luoye and others who are already somewhat thin are doing the maintenance of weapons in the sun. Not far away, the troops led by Sheng are resting, and Lu Junyi is active with the scout troops. In a farther place. They have already prepared for the cut off of a dog's head in the next slaughter.

In the same context, more than a hundred miles away from the south of the Yellow River, there is another team of envoys with a negotiating mission, approaching the Jurchen East Road military camp on the river bank. This is a negotiating ambassador sent from the Lin’an Xiaochao court. The head of the court is the ceremonial Shangshu Huang Zhong of the small court. This is one of the most respected left and right hands of Zuo Xiangtie, with clear mind and eloquence. The purpose of this is to impress Zong Fuzong, so that the two female real princes, in the immediate situation, put back some of the Lin’an people who were captured by them.

This is the inspiration for the Lin’an Xiaochao after knowing the story of Dai Mengwei: After the fiasco in the southwest, in order to maximize the balance between the Huaxia Army, Xi Yin has left a lot of benefits to the anti-Huaxia Army’s Dai Mengwei, and the days of the Lin’an Small Court are also It’s hard to say that in the foreseeable future, the Black Flag Army will become the most terrible force on the land of the original Wu Dynasty. As one of the determined forces against the black flag, they also hope that the two princes of Zongfu Zongtang can leave. Try to give them some support before.

When the East Road Army left, the land continued to take away hundreds of thousands of people in the south of the Yangtze River. If they can convince each other, they can at least release 10,000 or even thousands of people who belonged to Lin’an. People will be famous, and Tie Yan and others will be more firmly ruled by Lin'an.

They are thinking this way.

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