Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 967: Disperse human light and fog (1)

On June 12, the third day of returning to Chengdu was still a meeting.

The morning session will be exhausted. The second session of this day's meeting is a summary report on the battlefields and the list of candidates for the awards. This is a conference where he only needs to listen roughly and does not need much to speak, but he drinks hot tea. I still found out the third-class performance report from the list.

The summary of the awards for military merits has begun shortly after the stop of the Great War. For the first half of the year, there have been countless stories of pre-war, logistics, and enemy departments. Some heroes have even died, in order to make these people’s achievements and The story is not obliterated, and the active struggle of the various forces in the show is encouraged.

After that, after nearly a month of comparison, the overall list has been fixed. Ning Yi listened to the summary and not a few bites, and nodded to the list, only to the name of Ning Ji: "This three If the work does not pass, the rest will do."

The following people looked at each other and hesitated for a while. After a while, Li Yi, the chief of the general staff, said: "The third-class work of Ning Ji has been discussed several times internally. We feel that it is appropriate. The original plan is to be declared second. He fought a lot of battles in this war. Among them, there were women who really centurion, won two puppet generals, killed the scouts of the Jin people, and once they fought for a group that fell into the dangerous land. A few injuries... This is not the case. He is in the medical team, he has a lot of medical skills and saves a lot of people. Many soldiers remember him..."

Li Yi said that he picked a stack of files from the table and handed them to Ning Yi.

After the end of the Southwest War, Ning Yi and Qu Zhengyan quickly went to Hanzhong. After more than a month of war, Li Yi presided over most of the specific work. It has obviously been considered for a long time. Ning Yi took the file and looked at it, then pressed his forehead.

"He was only thirteen years old. He killed more than 20 people on the top of his head and gave him a third-class merit. It is not in the sky..."

"This is killing the enemy..."

"Yeah, what the hero is..."

"I want to encourage..."

A group of people began to groan, Ning Yi’s eyes swept over and was responsible for the Hou Houdao in the rear: “In fact, the militia behind also reported the third-class merits of the two children. One of them found the big deserter, and quickly alerted the police. Later, he was paralyzed. The iron fork is inserted one, and the age of Ning Ji is similar..."

"Yeah, in fact, the 13-year-old in the countryside also came out to be a master..."


Ning Yi glared at his forehead, and his heart was a little tired: "Oh, others have made meritorious deeds. They are all trapped in the Jedi. He is a 13-year-old child. His record is beautiful. Actually, he is accompanied by an elite team. In the aftermath of the distress, several military doctors first guaranteed him, to the front line, he did not follow the military medical camp, is the elite team brought by these people with Zheng Qiming. He made merits of having people around him, and his comrades died. More or less, he can’t get rid of him. He can’t take this credit.”

Say it or cross the name of Ning Bo:

"Who has opinions, come to me again."


Four meetings were held in the morning.

At noon, Ning Yu came over. At the end of March this year, the 18-year-old young man was dressed in a black military uniform and was tall and straight. He was very energetic. The father and son sat together for lunch, and Ning Yu first explained the working conditions he had been responsible for for more than a month. I talked with my father about the taste of a few foods, and finally mentioned the things that I would rather be.

"...The second brother was withdrawn from the front line in early May. I wanted to persuade him to go back to the school as you said, but the parties were not finished yet. He refused. He only promised to resume all aspects of the fall. Then I re-entered the school... At that time, he still had the mood to fight with me, but then she arranged to take him to visit the strict doctor and other family members who had sacrificed the warrior. You know, the atmosphere Not good, after he came back, it was somewhat affected..."

"Is the impact big?"

"I don't know, it's a bit dumb, not cheerful."

"The second child was quieter than you."

"No, oh, it’s the kind of silence that has something to worry about. You think, his 14-year-old child, even if he sees more blood on the battlefield, sees it as an impassioned side, the first formal contact with the family. The problem of resettlement is still related to him... I am definitely uncomfortable."

"Where is it arranged?"

"It’s still a military doctor. Didn’t the primaries of the recent contest have begun? I arranged to be a doctor at the venue and watch people fight every day.”

"He didn't say he wanted to participate?"

"Oh, this is very strange. I thought about it at the beginning. This kind of excitement is that he definitely wants to get together, and he has made a young boy. But I have not advised this time, it is his own imagination. I said that I didn't want to participate. I arranged him to be treated in the venue. He didn't show any excitement. I put a cold **** on my face..."

"and then?"

"We talked a few times, only one thing, the second brother performed quite happily."


"The military medal is ah."

"...I didn't think you were coming over to give advice first."

Ning Yu looked at the wooden table and looked at it. Ning Yi looked at him but he was a little laughing.

I only listened to Ning Yu and said: "The second brother’s credit on the front line is really hard to spell out from the knife. The original second-class work is not too much. It is considering that he is your son, so he is pressed to the third class. This credit is a recognition of him for more than a year. Hey, he killed so many enemies, and he has so many comrades in his life. If he can stand on stage once, stand with others and get a medal, it is very big for him. Identity."

Ning Yu's temperament is cheerful. At the beginning of the chat, there is still some feeling of laughter. At this time, when talking about this business, words and expressions are also serious. Seeing Ning Yi nodded, but did not speak, he continued to add.

"Hey, you have to withdraw his credit this time. I can guess the general idea. The first is to be afraid of the following gossip. The second is to protect him. I don't want him to go to the cusp and become the target of others. Or, you still worry...something else."

He said here, his hands are gently gripped, and the tone is discretion: "For example... you may be worried, after he enters the vision of others, some people who are interested...not only want to harm him, but also, he will be tempted by him. Doing a provocation... Some people carry it, not even hostile, it will be goodwill..."

Ning Yu’s words are slow, and obviously he is also carefully considering the words. Ning Yi, who has been watching him from the opposite side, picks up the chopsticks and laughs: “It’s also... politics, mind, emperor’s school, you have been in contact for some time. ......"

"Oh, I have the confidence, the children of Ningjia, will never fight in these respects. I know that you have always hated these things, you always hate to involve us in these things, but since we surnamed Ning, some tests are after all The military medal to be experienced is what the second brother deserves. I feel that even if there are hidden dangers, it is also a good advantage. So... I hope you can consider it."

After he finished speaking, he licked his mouth and looked very sincere.

After a moment of silence in the room, Ning Yi took a sip of food and looked up: "If I still refuse?"

"The reason for dismissing the medal in the morning is that the second brother's credit is not true, and he has too much light for his comrades around him. I also participated in this saga. Many questions and records were made by me. As a big brother, I want to fight for him. As a person I have this power, I have to file a complaint and ask for a review of the comments on the removal of third-class merits. I will invite people back and let them do another test for the second brother."

Ning Yi nodded and smiled: "Then go to appeal."

"If I complain, I will recognize you here."

"Not necessarily,"

"Then I will also appeal."

The father and son talked about the official business in this way. After eating the rest of the food, Ning Yu also mentioned a few recent interesting things before he left. It is probably to fight for the third class for his brother.

The time has not yet passed, and there is bright sunshine falling from the outside yard. This is the midsummer of Chengdu, but it is not hot and the climate is warm and pleasant. Ning Yi walked in the yard for a moment, moved a chair and sat down under the huge golden nan tree on the side of the courtyard. The light shone through the shade of the tree and fell on his hand.

"Summer is not hot, just like fake..."

He looked at the light falling from his hand and muttered a whisper. In retrospect, Chengdu, which was spent in the last world, seems to be hotter than it is now? But the memory of temperature has been blurred in the distance, I can't think of it.

Some emotions at this moment, recalling the past. On the one hand, naturally, because of Ning Yu, he has not left a child in his past life. It is also a new experience for him to teach and train children. It’s just that he has been busy for more than ten years. It’s already eighteen years old. I think that at this age, the body is less than forty years old, but Huo Ran has an old feeling.

The most important thing is because in Ning's discourse, "You always hate to get us into these things." This discourse should be Taner talking to him, but more or less, let him be at this time. The mood is a bit complicated.

Under the shade of the trees, he recalled the state of mind when he first arrived in Jiangning. The time turned his eyes for the past twenty years. At that time, he thought with a tired heart to calm down in this strange dynasty, and then found it. Quiet. Jiangning's spring rain, humming, the sound of the Qinhuai River, the awning boat on the water, the rut on the winter snow, the people who are simple and stupid and not slipping away... originally wanted to live like this for a lifetime.

Going to the present, I am in this situation again... He looks at the light and shadow on the palm of his hand, and it is a bit funny... The war of more than ten years, once and for all, desperately, until now, it’s still a meeting, receiving people like this, reason It is clear to everyone. But to be honest, I didn’t plan to do this at first.

He thinks in his heart that the exhaustion is mostly, and the second is to ridicule and vomit for himself, but it will not be confused. But there are some things in it, which he is very jealous and subconsciously want to avoid: I hope that several children in the family will not be affected too much and have their own path.

He is mostly rational, and he has a sensible tendency. At home, only Tan, Yunzhu, etc. can see clearly. And as long as he returns to the level of reason, Ning Yi is also well aware that it is impossible to go to this step and want them not to be influenced by themselves. Therefore, Tan Er and others teach how to behave at home. How to manage, how to understand the world, or even the doctrine of some emperors, Ning Yi does not exclude.

If you don't become an emperor, you can't become a prince, but as a successor to the family power of Ningjia, most of the burden will fall on his shoulders. Fortunately, it is better to be sensible, and the temperament is like water, in most cases. Even if he is not there, the problem of protecting his family's safety is not great.

But for the next few children, Ning Yi more or less wants to put a fence for them, at least not let them enter the area similar to Ning.

The boss can basically understand some reasons for not giving the second army a good medal. Although he will not be an emperor, it is inevitable that he will be in power for a period of time. Most of the outside and even the internal staff will have a clear belief in such a concept before a formal new power exchange. Even if you don't have a name for a while, you will be considered a "prince" by someone who cares, and once you are strong and enter the forefront, many people will regard him as a competitor of Ning Hao.

The external bad heart is well prepared, but once the interest cycle is formed internally, the two children will be affected more or less. Their feelings are strong, but what about the future? I would rather a 14-year-old child, once being touted and being jealous? At the moment, Ning Yu has confidence in everything, and can roughly sum up it verbally, but ah...

How many worlds of darkness have you seen in an 18-year-old young man?

He sat under the tree and thought about all this. On the one hand, he knew that he thought it was superfluous, on the other hand he couldn't help, and he couldn't help but sigh for his own.

At this time, the outer city of Chengdu must be full of enthusiasm. Outsiders, scribes, warriors, all kinds of ghosts or well-intentioned characters have gathered in the land of Sichuan and Chongqing.

Several propaganda and debates in the city that carry various ideas have already begun. Ning Yi has prepared several newspapers, starting with the reasons for slamming the Confucianism and the martial arts, promoting the reasons for the victory of the Chinese army, and then accepting the various rebuttals. One day in the city of Chengdu, the atmosphere of big discussion was set off. With such discussions, the framework of the design of the Chinese military system has also been released, and it has also received criticism and questioning.

The news that the Huaxia Army opened its doors was released at the end of April and early May. Due to the road, all of this was only seen in June. With the first great victory in the battle against gold, many scholars and scribes, political ambitions, and conspirators have gathered curiously even if they are malicious in the Huaxia Army. The daily debates are published. Newspapers have become a paradise for these people. Yesterday, even the rich and powerful people asked about the direct purchase of a newspaper and magazine and the price of the skilled workers. It is probably that the foreign tyrants see the Huaxia Army’s open attitude and want to explore and establish themselves. The mouthpiece is gone.

Someone wants to play next time. Ning Yi is welcoming. He is afraid that he is not energetic enough and he is not busy enough. The main route of the Huaxia military regime in the future is to promote capital expansion by productivity. The idea in the middle is only an aid. In the lively quarrel, the evolution of productivity will destroy the old production relations and create new production relations, thus forcing various supporting facilities. The development and emergence of ideas, of course, it is still early to say these things.

Forum-style newspapers have become a paradise for scribes and elites. For ordinary people, the most striking thing is probably the registration of the adult and junior groups of the "World First Competition Conference" that has already begun. This competition is not a single contest. In addition to the competitions, there are several projects such as long-distance running, long jump, throwing bullets, and squatting. The sea elections are conducted. The official events are mainly in July and August, but even if they are warmed up. Some small events have already caused a lot of discussion and pursuit.

In the final analysis, this time defeated the Jinjun is the Huaxia Army. In theory, the entire world, the Huaxia Army is the most capable force at the moment, able to emerge on the platform of the Chinese military territory, for the entire world of warriors, I am afraid It will be an attractive thing.

Ning Yi did not have much time to participate in these activities. He returned to Chengdu in the early ninth, and he must grasp the progress of all things in the general direction. He can only participate in a boring meeting.

And because it has already defeated Zonghan, he was able to sigh with exaggeration in the gap between these meetings: "Why am I suffering?"

Sitting in the shade of Jin Sinan, there was no time for a nap. There were only two meetings in the afternoon. After the second meeting, the time was not yet passed. Ning Yi asked someone to ask where he would live. He then called the killing team to leave the station and went over there.

The security problems of Ning Yi and others after entering Chengdu were originally considered. The temporary selection of the station was still secluded. After the outing, there were not many pedestrians on the road. Ning Yi opened the curtain and looked at the scenery outside. Chengdu is an ancient city. It has been a state and county sanctuary since the beginning of the dynasty. The Huaxia Army did not cause much damage during the process of taking over. The afternoon sun was falling, the roads were lined with ancient trees, and some of the trees in the courtyard also protruded from the walls. The branches come, and the leaves are handed over to Ke, and the sinking is refreshing.

Ning Yi saw it for a while, and said with the killing: "There are fewer people who want to kill me recently?"

The back knives sitting on the side of the killing laughed: "Of course there are still, really dare to do it."

"Under the windy days, the martial arts began to smash. When you look at the secrets of the Detective Division, Megatron..." Ning Yi’s fake sighs, waving his sleeves and making old scholastic memories of past styles. .

The murder also laughed: "At the time, the Secret Intelligence Department was still in the seedlings... In fact, according to the outsiders, you are now in a situation where the assassination is late and you can’t kill it. Now they are more If you want to make a decision, you still prefer them to these children. There are not many ways for Jurchens to play, their character is a little reckless, and it is difficult to go to the north, but when it comes to the southwest, what is the way, the Ghost Valley, 诡Changed the technique, I have heard it many times recently. This time, many whimsical people come to Chengdu."

Ning Yi had no idea about these whimsical people. He only asked: "Is there any color from the recent martial arts people?"

"I haven't heard much." Dudger spent most of the years as Ning Yi as a bodyguard, and the exchanges with the outside green forest gradually decreased. At this time, I frowned and thought about it. When I said a few names, Ning Yi was mostly unimpressed: “It sounds like there aren’t a few powerful ones? What’s the name of Cui Xiaolu’s name?”

The killing but laughed: "The older generation of greenwood people are folded in your hands. In the past few years, the original ruined Jurchen raging and died a lot. Today, many of them are in the battlefield or escape. If you spell it out, there is something, but now it’s different, they’re a little famous, and they’re not far from how far... and you’re talking about how many years old the old calendar, before the rebellion, the Cui girl is A rumor that a girl was taken care of and was framed. After a night of whiteheads, it was not true. It’s hard to say that no one has seen it anyway."

"Ah." Ning Yi paused slightly. "In the few masters who rumored that year, there was only she and I have never seen it. These years are still very much looking forward to. You said this, we are really old. ”

"A new generation of new people, not to mention the red-and-white head, said that the sages, Yunlong nine now more than ten years ago, and Sikongan who died in Chen Fan's hands, how many people can remember now? And you As I said before, when the musket is out, the era of Greenwood is coming to an end. Every day you care about the big things in your country... How come you suddenly get to the martial arts?"

Ning Yi sat and smiled: "There was still a lot of feelings in the past. When I was in the Secret Investigation Division, I thought about giving them a few heroes. By the way, I suppressed the world for decades. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten up yet, think about it. The name of my **** handcuffs...not loud enough, it was all taken away by a Zhou Yi. Forget it, this kind of feeling, said you don't understand."

"...I don't understand." Dudger calmly spit out. "In fact, you have to say Greenwood. The two ladies in your family are the best masters. You don't need to pay attention to the young people in Chengdu today. There is also Xiao Ningbo. According to his current progress, in the future, it will be very big to cross the green forest and hit the world. It will be the one that you can best fight. You have what you think, and he can help you."

"Don't kill... Do you think I am the kind of person who will give the dream to the child to achieve?"

Ning Yi’s face was solemn and solemn, and Du Chen looked at him and frowned slightly. After a while, the two old men laughed in the car. Ning Yi thought of the first feelings of the day in the early years. Most of the people who were relatively close to these years had heard it. When the mood was good, he would come up with a Said, such as the killing and other people will naturally not take it seriously, and occasionally the atmosphere is harmonious, will also come up with a shot of his shots to kill Lu Tuo's record for a while.

The team walked for half an hour in such an atmosphere, which was close to a yard in the east of the city. The forest outside the courtyard could see several soldiers dressed in casual clothes guarding it. People are following the guards around the watermelon, and they all know each other. Obviously, watermelon is visiting the children inside. Someone wants to go in and inform, Ning Yi waved his hand, and then let the killers wait outside and push the door.

Arranging the courtyard that I would rather live in is a wasteland that has been abandoned for a long time. There is no luxury in the interior, but the space is not small. In addition to the Ning, the upper part is also prepared to arrange the other doctors of this contest. It is only a time. Not properly placed. After Ning Yi went in and circumvented the vestibule, which had not been completely cleaned, he saw the wood on the other side of the backyard, all of which were opened by the knife. Ning was sitting under the eaves and talking to the watermelon.

"...killed on the battlefield, slashing out, never leaving force, you have to kill the enemy in a knife. Many fancy ideas in the knife can't be taken care of. I have tried many times, I know. The saber that was built in the same year was really powerful. It was light and heavy, and the arc was closed. Although there were not many tricks, it was very powerful. I have thrown wood from all over the place. As long as you can see your hand fast, you can open it all in the air. As a result, you may be able to come up with a useful set of knives... I don’t know what you think, you can create such a knife... ”

I would rather mention it at that time, naturally it is the saber-like saber that my father built in the past. Ning Yi listened to the outside comfortably. The knife was built for the test, but because there was no supporting practice, he did not use much. I couldn’t think of the son’s admiration.

In the room where the rest of the room was neglected, there was no armor on the side, and the watermelon in the water blue dress shook his head.

"...the battlefield is the battlefield. You have the help of your comrades on the battlefield. It is the strongest blood brave in a short time. You can do everything in your own right, but you will have to fight on the battlefield with people in the future. The emperor has also, what is the use of the strongest knife for a child? You will encounter the green forest fight in the future, maybe there will be dozens of people to assassinate you, you can open a person's head with a knife What can you do? Other people will kill you when they embrace it!"

The face of the watermelon is like a frost, and the words are severe: "The more extreme the characteristics of the weapon, the more moderate it is, the weaker the sword, the more serious it is. The gun only hurts the front edge, so it is most appropriate to attack and defend, the knife is overbearing, the taboo It’s how many years of experience can be put in. If a martial artist repeatedly asks for a knife, he will die if he doesn’t play a few times. How can there be a future? The predecessor’s Zuo Zhuan’s "cloudy……"

Watermelon has not been reading since childhood. Over the years, it has also been a big brow, but when it comes to the knife, it has a decent master style. It is also the foundation laid by my father-in-law Liu Dazhao. Ning Yi listened for a while and saw that both of them found him, and then they went in. I would rather get up and salute, and I screamed, but the watermelon just stood up and licked my mouth. I haven’t trained the child yet. You come to make up the feeling of excitement.

Ning Yi touched his son's head. Only then did he find that he had not seen him for two months. He seemed to grow taller. "You have a knives in the world, and you still have to listen to her words." This is nonsense. Ning boo all the way to grow up, the master experienced the red watermelon, from Chen Fan to the killing, the original is the training of these people. Relatively speaking, Ning Yi in the martial arts, but there is not much can directly teach him, It can only play an stimulating role similar to "Fan Tianyin killing Lu Tuo", "Blood hands and people to learn the lesson Zhou Yu", "shocking the Buddha Buddha".

After saying this, I thought about it, but decided to teach the child some really useful truth.

"But to talk about it, experience can be learned. The truth in "Knife Sutra" must be considered and used. There must be a distinction. You must know that the more things in the world, the more they develop, the more they will produce. People can't understand, but they feel very powerful, so the more they sound unclear, the more vigilant they are. On the contrary, the more such things are studied, the more they understand the way they can state it, even the more Will only become a collection of data..."

"The same is true of martial arts. If you want to remind you, it is the direction of martial arts should be comprehensive. Don't be addicted to one direction, but how can you make the strongest punch and cut the most powerful knife? This kind of exploration is of course It is also useful. After that, we may count the exercise of a martial artist from small to large. If you eat something, the strength of your hand will become the strongest, and what kind of angle will be used to cut it. The fastest, but at the same time we have to count, how to use these experiences, people's response is the most agile, while agile, we may have to think about it, if we balance, we must stay the most while maintaining agility and strength. The endurance, how is the most reasonable..."

"At that time, Xiwu was not mysterious at all. So, the problem with "Knife Sutra" is that there is too much expression in the middle of the mysterious and mysterious... forget it, you can remember it first..."

Ning Yi said here, rather than knowing what to understand, his head is at the point, the watermelon on the side of his mouth flattened his mouth, rubbed his eyes, and finally could not help, came over and put a hand on the shoulders of Ning Bo: "Okay, you I know what kind of knives, [] teach children here, I don’t dare to say bad things about Knife."

Ning Yi looked at her and then laughed: "I don't mean that "Knife" is really bad, but the times are improving, and everyone's perspective on the problem will change."

"Before you say that you are cheating on others, but when the child is practicing the knife, don't teach him!"

"What is the teaching, I also have the experience of the knife, you come over, I want to educate you."

Ning Yi smiled and walked aside, waved his hand, and watermelon went over: "...what do you have, you have a snack..."

"...When I was in Hangzhou, I practiced hard and improved quickly. I cut a soup with a knife..."

"...I can lick ten soups with empty hands..."

"...this is not...not right, you brag about you, soup has been dead for so many years, there is no evidence, and it was very powerful that year...well..."

Ning Yi and the watermelon are facing each other, the voice is coming over, and the **** for tat.

"... Anyway, you are chasing children..."

"...what do you know, when it comes to making a knife, you may be a little bit more powerful than me, but you can talk about teaching people... In these years, Red and you are giving him a foundation, red to teach him swordsmanship, you Teach him the knife method, Chen Fan teaches him to make the boxing, kills them and teaches the knife method, Xiao Hei has nothing to pass him. Thirteen Taibao crosses the golden bell, and Yu Wenfei also pulls him to shoot. The other masters are counted. He is a little child to follow, who can he get it clear... If I haven’t taught him basic discrimination and thinking, he has been taught by you..."

"...then you shouldn't ruin the Knife..."

"...is to go beyond it to see things..."

"...and make me a little bit better than you."

"...opening the dye room...single heads..."



"...who is afraid of you..."

"……kill you……"

The sun on the horizon turned into the blush of the setting sun. The couples on the other side of the courtyard were smashed, and the words shattered. The man even pointed his finger over the woman's chest to make a provocation. Ning bogey here for a while, finally turned his head, he went a little farther, only to open to the other side.

"Hey! Gua! Listen to me and persuade!"

The couple turned their heads.

"Hit a fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The teenager made a sincere suggestion.

Ning Yi stunned slightly, then laughed in the yard in the sunset, the face of the watermelon was red, then the body screamed, the skirt moved, and the wooden blocks on the ground flew toward Ning.

"Agua, teach him."

Ning Yi gave instructions to the thugs in the laughter. What happened in the yard was the scene of a pair of parents teaching the children. When the sunset was deeper, the three people had eaten together in this courtyard. For dinner, the smile of Ning Ji is a little more.

After dinner, there were still two meetings waiting for Ning Yi in the city. When he left the yard, he went back to his busy work. Watermelon is here to test the martial arts of the school, staying for a long time, and leaving near the middle of the night, is about to find Ning Yi to get back to the daytime.

I would rather think about it, but I feel very extraordinarily interesting: my father has had very few shots in front of people in the past few years, but after all, his cultivation and vision are very high. I don’t know what it would be like to fight with me.

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