Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 969: Diffusion of Light and Fog on Earth (3)

In the afternoon of June 13th, Chengdu Daquan Xinquan Inn, Yu Hezhong sat in the elegant room on the third floor facing the street, watching the middle-aged man facing the blue shirt pouring tea for him, and quickly stood up to pick up the tea cup Ever: "You Mr. Yan Yan."

"Sit. Mr. Yu has been here for a few days. How is the rest?"

The middle-aged look of the tea-poured blue shirt is simple, smiling, and embarrassing. This man's name is Yan Daolun, but he is a very famous squire leader in the Dongting area. He has given advice to Liu Guangshi's account these years. He was trusted by the "smart man". Official Yu Hezhong entered the curtain, and then came to the southwest.

After the Southwest China Army defeated Jurchen, it was announced that it would open the door to the outside world. General Liu Guangshi, known as the "Men Shuai", responded most quickly. On behalf of Wen Wu, Wen Wu sent a team of people to Chengdu. The argument inside is quite grand: "The Ningli Hengzhi Army has a set, it is always okay to look at it."

In the past, when the Wu dynasty was still focusing on ethics, due to Ning Yi's blood feud against Zhou Zhen, there were countless hidden trades between the two forces, but no one dared to come forward. Nowadays, it is not so particular about it. Liu Guangshi was the first and was considered by some to be "atmospheric" and "smart." This general Liu used to have the most friends and the widest relations among the generals. After the Jurchen was removed, And Dai Mengwei became the closest force to the Huaxia Army.

At this time, Dai Mengwei had already pointed out the attitude of not sharing the sky with the Huaxia Army. Liu Guangshi was soft, but he was regarded as a necessary act of "knowing the current affairs." No one outside came out to condemn him. After all, the Huaxia Army defeated the Jurchen and declared that it was willing to open a door to do business. As long as it is not a gimmick, there is no need to go out at this time: Who knows whether to buy him something in the future?

Yu Hezhong was not on the mission team on the bright side. After obtaining the order, as the businessmen's team came over, Yan Daolun told him the task of secretly collecting real information about the Huaxia Army when he set off. Presumably, the situation will not be so simple.

He may be able to speculate on a possibility, but the time passed is short, and the literati who have lived in the inn for a few days are still hard to be at ease, and can not find enough information for a while. He had also proactively talked about the woman beside Mr. Ning when others mentioned various gossips, but he couldn't hear the expected name.

Today, Yan Dao Lun contacted him, met alone in this inn, and Yu and Zhongcai played drums in the heart, vaguely felt that a message was about to appear.

"... A long time ago, I heard people say that Mr. Yu of Shishou was a romantic figure in Yanliang in his early years, and even had a great relationship with the teachers and teachers who were famous all over the world. In these years, the world has been turbulent. Are you still in touch with the teachers? "

Sure enough, after asking a few words and asking too much about China's views on the Huaxia Army, Yan Daolun on the opposite side raised the matter. Even though there was some preparation in her heart, but suddenly heard Li Shishi's name, Yu He Center still felt a shock.


Then he kept shaking his head indifferently.

"In recent years, he has been reluctant to bring this up with others. Only Mr. Yan asked and did not dare to conceal it. Yu ancestor lived in Jiangning. He had some childhood friendships with Li Li as a child. The Ministry of Households made up a shortcoming, and she became famous in the alum building. When she met again, she had some ... friends. It wasn't that Yu Wencai was so popular that she got on the table of the alum house in the past. Ashamed ... "

He stated in this way that self-sustainment is not enough, just some private relationship. Yan Dao Lun, on the other hand, blinked his eyes and nodded again and again: "Oh, oh, what ... then?"

"Oh, it ’s funny. Later, this Mr. Ning Yunjun rebelled and led the teacher away from the capital. I was more or less implicated with a few friends. Although I did n’t even sit, I could n’t stay. Yu moved a few relationships and escaped from the Jingshi to avoid the disaster, so he avoided the catastrophe during the Jingping years. After years of tossing and turning, he settled in Shishou. This is what Mr. Yan saw. Now. "

Yan Daolun sighed with a smile: "Over the years, there have been repeated wars and chaos, and countless people have been displaced. Mr. Yu, who has experience in the account department and has seen the world's most talented people, is covered by the dust. It will be reused in the future ... But then again, I heard that Yu Xiong and Mr. Ning Huaxia have also met? "

"Ning Liheng also lived in Jiangning in his early years and was not far away from the courtyard where I lived. Mr. Yan may not believe it. He was dull when he was young. He was a nerdy head and his family was not very good. Alas, but I did n’t know why, but I returned to Jiang Ning with teachers, teachers, and other people that year. When he reunited with him, he already had several poems, which boasted the reputation of Jiang Ning ’s first genius, but because of his redundant identity. It's inevitable that someone else will be ignorant of him ... I waited for this reunion, and later he assisted the right-hand man to enter Beijing, and then he had many meetings in Yanliang again ... "

Speaking of "I once talked with Ning Liheng about laughing and laughing", Yu Hezhong looked calm, Yan Daolun nodded from time to time, and occasionally asked: "Later, Mr. Ning raised the anti-flag and built this black flag army. Didn't Mr. Yu ever rise up? Is Xiang Shengju's mind? "

"Mr. Yan is inferior to that. Although Yu is now a small official, he also grew up in the sage books in his early years, and was righteous in Taoism, timeless or forgotten."

"It's Yan Menglang."

"And ... Speaking of Ning Liheng, Mr. Yan may not have known him before. It may not be clear. In his early years, he was poor and had no choice but to gain fame, but his ideas were quite extreme and he was slightly arrogant. Teacher ... She is the first person in Alum House. She has been used to fame and fortune, and she used to attach great importance to her old feelings. She often called me to wait for her. She wanted to meet some old friends, but Ning Li Heng waited for me, but not too much. Sometimes ... he also said some ideas, but I waited and didn't agree with it ... "

"So it is, so it is ..."

"Of course, though, there are still some friendships. If Mr. Yan wants Yu to see Ning Liheng again, there shouldn't be much problem."

"In the future, there must be something to rely on Mr., but for now, Mr. Yu and the teacher ..."

"Ning Yi stunned the junior, and walked away from the Xiao Canghe. The teacher was taken by him and said that she thought she would enter the Ning family's door, but then I heard that the two went out of business and the teacher left Dali-- I heard the news and confirmed it, but later ... I did n’t deliberately inquire about it. It seems that the division has returned to the Huaxia Army and has been running away for several years. The specific situation is unclear. Yu Hezhong smiled and sighed, "I came to Chengdu this time, but I don't know if I will have a chance to see it."

Yan Daolun raised the small teapot to add tea to Yu Hezhong. After a while, he laughed and said, "I have the opportunity to meet with Brother Yu today, and it was for this reason."

"Oh, Brother Yan knows what's happening with Master?"

"The Shishi girl is still unmarried." Yan Daolun looked at him with a smile. "Now her relationship with that Ning Liheng is not clear. She did run around for the Huaxia Army in the early years, and now she has a lot in this army. Influence. Just say last year, the Huaxia Army and the Jurchen West Army started fighting. The internal plains of Chengdu were uneven. It was the six ladies of the Ning family and the female marshal who overpowered the sword to clean up the rear. Matters are written one by one, black and white, and they work well together. "

Yan Daolun drank his mouth tea: "Li Jingshen, Nie Shaotang, Yu Changqing ... these are the deep-rooted members of Sichuan Fourth Road, and they won the mediation of the teachers and girls. Only in this battle did they avoid There was a misfortune. This time the Huaxia Army commented on merit and rewards. What kind of representative meeting was going to be held. Several people were on the representative list. Today, the teacher and girl entered the city, and Nie Shaotang immediately went to see ... "

Yan Daolun said here, the tea cup in Yu Hezhong's hands was trembling, he couldn't hold back and said, "Teach her ... in Chengdu?"

"I heard that this is the city where I entered this morning. One of our friends got old with Nie Shaotang, and got this news. Several representatives this time said that the teacher girl ’s affection was tied to the teacher girl. It ’s all together. In fact, Mr. Yu, maybe you do n’t know yet, but your young plum horse is now an incredible hill in the Huaxia Army. "

"..." Yu Hezhong was silent for a moment, and then said, "She was a long-sleeve dancer in Beijing, and was very decent in dealing with people. Now she is responsible for this in the Huaxia Army, and it is considered to be the best use of her. And ... Maybe it ’s Ning Yi ’s idea to accept her feelings. The outside world has long said that the teacher is Ning Yi ’s imprisonment. Although she is not known today, I am afraid that the speculators who rely on such statements may not It will be less. "

"Brother Yu is wise and broke his mystery in a single word. Haha, in fact, the secrets of official affairs and the know-how of human relations, I understand very well in the past, just disdain multi-line means, for such a clean style, Yan Mou here Replacing wine with tea, I respect my brother. ”Yan Daolun raised his glass, praised China and took the opportunity. After putting down the tea cup, he just said slowly,“ In fact, from last year to now, there have been many subtleties. I don't know if they are betting this time, is it smart or stupid? "

Yu Hezhong frowned: "What does Brother Yan mean?"

Yan Daolun said: "The Chinese army is extremely capable. When it comes to fighting, whether it is the front line, the logistics, or the division and girl responsible for lobbying last year, it can be regarded as an extremely important and critical errand. Fang, these forces have also accepted her favor, if there is any matter or request in the future, the first contact will naturally be the teacher and girl side. However, at the end of April this year-that is, Ning Yi led his troops northward, During the time when Qin Shaoqian defeated Zong Han, behind the Huaxia Army, there was a new round of post assignments for girls and divisions. "

Yan Daolun looked at Yu Hezhong, his body flexed forward, and lowered his voice: "They adjusted the teacher girl back from the mission, let her write the script to the rear, and engage in cultural propaganda. These two tasks are high. Low, it goes without saying. "

Yu Hezhong thought for a while: "Maybe ... the Southwest War has been decided. For foreign missions and lobbying, she is no longer required to be a woman to mediate. After defeating the Jurchen, the Huaxia Army has a tougher attitude on Sichuan Fourth Road. I'm afraid no one dares to come forward. "

"This is naturally a saying, but in any case, since the first mission was done by the teacher girl, leaving her in a familiar position can avoid many problems. Even if you step back 10,000 steps, write back Script, what is the important thing? Is it necessary to suddenly pull back the teacher girl from such an important position, so ah, outsiders have a lot of guesses. "

He smiled and poured tea for himself: "One of them? They guessed that the teacher and girl wanted to enter Ning's house, and they almost had their own mountain here. The other ladies of Ning's house were very scared, so they took advantage of Ning Yi. Going out has taken her out of foreign affairs. If this is possible, her current situation is very worrying ... Of course, it is also possible that the teacher girl is already a member of the Ning family. It was a last resort to let her show up when there were too few people. After emptying her hands, Mr. Ning's people had a bad relationship with them here and there, so they pulled people back ... "

Yan Dao Lun was very slow, talked arrogantly, and Yu Hezhong heard the part of Ning ’s harem battle after he was inexplicably anxious, and could n’t help saying: “I do n’t know what Mr. Yan called today, specifically what it means ...

Yan Daolun paused, looked at him, and clasped his hands: "Many things don't need to be concealed from my brother right now. The Hua Xia army has been lying for ten years. At first victory, everyone in the world is curious about things here. Innocent, General Liu ordered Yan to choose someone to come to Chengdu, also to see carefully, what is the current Huaxia Army, what is it good for. What ca n’t be hit is the future, today ’s purpose, Just to see. Yan chose Yu Xiong to come over, and now, that is, Yu Xiong's friendship with the teachers and teachers, and even the past with Mr. Ning. "

He reached over, patted the back of Yu Hezhong's hand, and then smiled: "Put your heart and your lungs. Please also brother, don't mind."

Yu and Zhongda felt useful, and arched, "I understand."

"It's a little late today. Shishi and the girl entered the city in the morning and heard that they were staying at the Welcome Hotel over Capricorn Lake. Tomorrow you and I will come together and visit Yu Xiong, a sweetheart. Yan wants to borrow his face. I met everyone, and then Mr. Yan resigned. Brother Yu and the teacher girl arbitrarily narrated the old without any purpose. But for the advantages and how to deal with these issues, the commander will have to rely on his brother in the future. Place ... that's all. "

Yan Daolun looked at Yu Hezhong with a smile, and Yu He center settled down. The Huaxia Army claimed to open the door. He came over to find old friends, and he did n’t need to do anything directly against the Huaxia Army. That would not be dangerous at all. . And now that there is a teacher-teacher relationship, when he returns to Shishou, he will definitely be respected and reused by General Liu. At the moment, Su Rong said, "But by the instructions of Brother Yan."

Yan Daolun laughed and got up: "Still, don't be nervous, and don't need to be deliberate. Tomorrow will pass. Yu Xiong can say that you and I are colleagues of the past, and come together. Yan sees everyone at the teacher and will leave. Bother you ... With this relationship, Yu Xiu will be promoted under Liu Shuai's hands, and it will be smooth sailing. In the future, you and I will be courtiers, and Yan will have to take care of his brother. "

Yu Hezhong said a lot of thanks to the other side for her support.

He is not a gimmick in officialdom. He was in Yanliang that year. He and Chen Sifeng and others often interacted with teachers and affiliates, and they knew a lot of relationships. They still had ambition and enthusiasm in their hearts. After Ning Yi Junjun, he was frightened every day, and quickly left the capital to avoid the scourge of Jingping, but since then, his spirit has also lost. In the turbulent world, he has seen countless people's white eyes and contempt. He had no chance in the past, and now this opportunity has finally fallen into his eyes, making his mind boil.

He did not consider the possibility of joining the Huaxia Army. One of the reasons was that his family and children were among Liu Guangshi's forces, but the main reason was that he had heard of this army ’s fierce outside world, and he still ca n’t see it now. The shape of this force-but it must be necessarily different from the outside world. He is almost forty years old. Even with the care of a division, it may be difficult to get ahead in the Huaxia Army, but the rules of General Liu Guangshi and Liu are very clear.

General Liu has a lot of friends and is most particular about the various kinds of relationship management in private. He had nothing to do with in the past, but now with the background of the Huaxia Army, he can be sure that he will be able to sail smoothly in the future. After all, General Liu is not like Dai Mengwei. General Liu has a soft body and an open-minded vision. The Huaxia army is strong. He can be indifferent to the snake and accept it first. Once he has broken through the joints of the division, he will be responsible for Huaxia on the side of General Liu. The purchase of materials on the military side may be uncertain, this is the brightest future he can seize.

With this in mind, he said goodbye to Yan Daolun and left the inn he met. At this time in the afternoon, the streets of Chengdu were full of sunlight, and he was full of sunlight. He only felt that the tourists on the streets of Chengdu were like weaving, and they were similar to the style of the stern beams of that year.

Then I thought of Shi Shishi, who hasn't seen each other for so many years, what happened to her? She's getting old. Does she still have the same temperament and beauty that year? Probably not ... but anyway, I still treat her as a childhood friend. What kind of relationship is she with that Ning Yi? At that time, Ning Yi had some talents. He could see that the teacher liked him a bit, but there was no result between the two people for many years. Will it ... in fact, there is no possibility anymore ...

He already has his wife and children, so despite the constant exchanges that year, Yu and Zhong always understood that they had no fate and could not be together in this life. But now everyone is dead. Based on the temperament of the teacher, the most important thing is that the clothes are not as good as the new ones. Will she ... need a warmth ...

That night he was restless on the inn's bed, thinking a lot of things in his mind, and it was only a short while before Tianming. After eating breakfast and dressing up, I went out to meet Yan Dao Lun at the agreed place. I saw Yan Dao Lun's unpretentious gray coat, and his appearance was extremely ordinary. Obviously, he was determined to pay attention to him.

The two went all the way towards Capricorn in the city. This Capricorn Lake is an artificial lake in the city of Chengdu. It has been a famous place for recreation in the city since the Tang Dynasty. After the Huaxia Army arrived, a large number of wealthy households moved out. Ning Yi instructed Zhuji to purchase a whole street of Capricorn West Street. This time, the entire street was renamed Yingbin Road, and many residential courtyards They are all used as welcoming hotels, and Huaxia soldiers are stationed outside, and the atmosphere is truly calm for outsiders.

This time, the Huaxia Army suffered a horrible ten-year hiatus, defeating the Jurchen West Army, and the subsequent conference did not need to explain too much to the outside world, so there was no step in political consultation. The first round of deputies was elected internally, or they were internal personnel of the army, or administrative officials retired from the army. For example, only a handful of places were awarded after helping the Huaxia Army with the mediation of Li Shishi and others.

Ten years of iron and blood, at this time not only the soldiers standing guard outside with a murderous body, even if the representatives who live here, come in and out, even though they laughed and laughed at each other, they seemed to be kind. Before Yu Hezhong came to think of it, it was at the Yingbin intersection ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that I suddenly felt the terrible atmosphere. In the past, I talked with the soldiers of Weiyi calmly and calmly.

Fortunately, a female soldier came out from behind and greeted Yu and Yan. The teacher and a group of representatives lived in a large courtyard. There were many people waiting in the outside meeting room. They all seemed to have their own origins and their status was not low. The female soldier said: "The division, division and girl are meeting guests, and will come later, telling me to let the two of them wait here for a while." He offered the tea enthusiastically and emphasized, "Don't leave. ".

In this waiting room, it is estimated that there are other people who also come to visit the instructor. When they saw them coming in, they could cut in the line, and some people cast their eyes on the inspection.

Outside figures came and went, and soon after, I saw a woman in light white plain floral pants and white floral shoes coming out from the inside. This is an extremely casual home match, and it looks kind. Li Shishi was here. Even after all these years, she was still warm and charming. When she saw Yu Hezhong, her eyes narrowed, and then she made a smile that was extremely memorable and nostalgic.

"——Yu Hezhong!"

She tilted her head and said hello to him without paying attention. At almost that moment, Yu Hezhong's eyes heated up ...

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