Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 971: Diffusion of Light and Fog on Earth (5)

The conference on cultural propaganda was held in the rain for one morning. The first half of the time was the speeches of Yong Jinnian, Chen Xiaoxia, Shi Shi and other principals, and the second half was Ning Yi talking.

The weight of the meeting is actually very heavy. There have been rumors and clues about some important things. The direction of this meeting is more clear. The attendees kept burying their notes.

For a long time, the outline of the Huaxia Army has been composed of several huge systems.

The cause and effect of these systems, if traced back, must be pushed back to the beginning of Jun.

After Ning Yi's rebellion, with the training of Qingmu Village and the countermeasures of Wuruiying, he formed the initial framework of the Huaxia Army, and the military and political system took shape in Xiaocanghe. Outside of this system, there are two other systems that have been established in the past to assist and cooperate with it.

First, Ning Yi leveraged the strength of the Department of Secret Investigation and the Right Prime Minister's Office to gradually mature the business system "Zhu Ji". Since the beginning of the rebellion, this system has included various forces such as spy newspapers, propaganda, diplomacy, and entertainment. Although it seems to be just a combination of some restaurants and caravans, the internal operating rules were in the disaster relief event of the year. , Has been polished mature.

The second is the Su family, which has been managed by Su Taner, based on cloth behavior. Although the Su family originally had a small position in Jiangning, but after Ning Yi entered Beijing, the system has developed once. Ning Yi's various arrangements for industry were initially carried out in the framework of Su's. This includes papermaking in cooperation with the royal family, including the manufacture of telescopes and hot air balloons, as well as a series of military prototypes such as flare guns and artillery improvements.

The third system is the dagger system that has always stayed in Miaojiang. Although the two communicate with each other and learn from each other, the Huaxia Army moved south after the Xiao Canghe War. At the beginning, the dagger was also the first army to fight for Liangshan Stand, but this army has never carried out a relatively thorough military reform of the Huaxia military. It has always remained in the hands of watermelon, Chen Fan, and others. It is not unwilling to do so, but it is really unable to make a move. It makes a round of modernization.

Among these three systems, although the China Xia Army's spies, propaganda, diplomacy, entertainment, military industry and other systems also have a basic framework, the systems in it often overlap with Zhu Ji and Su's.

In the past ten years, the Huaxia Army has been in a relatively tense environment. After the transfer of the Xiaocang River, Ning Yi conducted another "de-Ningyi" anti-risk exercise in the army. In these processes, the entire system Yu Yu, who has been thoroughly combined, has never been. Of course, since the military and civilians under the Huaxia Army have never been over one million in the past, the cooperation and operation between Zhuji, Su's and the Huaxia Army's direct system has always been good.

But after swallowing the Chengdu Plain and defeating the Jurchen West Army, the number of people under management suddenly expanded. In the future, it may still face greater challenges. All these things are rolled into a highly unified system called "Hua Xia". Became something that must be done.

The immediate work after the war is aftermath. In the process of aftermath, the clues about the major internal adjustments are already spreading. Of course, at present, the territory of the Huaxia Army is suddenly expanding, and people are lacking in various positions. Even if major adjustments are made, it will only be a reward for the people who have become accustomed to the Huaxia Army. It's just a mental boost. Few people are scared or scared.

"... For the future, it will be very bright for the time being. Our place has expanded. There are more people to manage and serve. In the future, you may all be assigned to important seats ... But don't forget, ten years. We only defeated the Jurchen once-only for the first time. Mencius said that he was born in sorrow and died in peace. Next, our work is to deal with the enemy outside, those with ulterior motives, and summarize our previous experience And those hard-working, disciplined, and excellent experiences have to do better. I will fight these comforts hard. "

In the rain, Ning Yi spoke to the end, darkening his face seriously, and his eyes were extremely unfriendly. Although some people have heard that this is the normal situation for several days, it was a bit daunting when they arrived at the scene.

"... Don't foul, don't inflate, don't delay Yale. We said before that we have to do this anytime, anywhere, but today we close the door and I have to remind you that my heart will be extra hard next time. It is possible to take the lead. If you make a mistake, I will take care of you! This may not make sense, but you usually tell people the truth. You should all know that the tone after the victory is the most critical. The newly formed disciplinary inspection will stare at you. I am prepared to deal with a few people ... I hope that no comrade will run into it ... "

After the meeting, it was close to lunch time. Due to heavy rain outside, the dining room was arranged in the courtyard next door. Ning Yi kept his black face and did not participate in the dinner. Instead, he called Yong Jinnian, the teacher, and other people to have a luncheon in the room. They were also discussing the adjustment work that followed. I won't go out to eat with them, scaring them. "

After the lunch meeting, Ning Yi left here, and after a while, someone called Li Shishi. She walked from the side of Mingde Church to the side entrance. There was a long row of houses in the dazzling rain curtain. There were groves, open spaces, and a pavilion on the open space, facing the rain curtain like a capricorn pool in the ocean. Going to the view of prying eyes, the two boats on the lake floated and sunk, presumably the guards. She walked along the eaves, and in the long row of houses next to it were various books, antiques and other things. The middle room was packed into an office study, and the room was lit with lights, and Ning Yi was at his desk for approval.

The teacher went in and sat on the side hospitality chair. The tea table had been filled with tea and a plate of biscuits. The teacher sat around and looked around. There were several bookshelves behind the room. The books on the shelves seemed valuable. After the Huaxia Army entered Chengdu, although it did not disturb the people, it accepted a lot of places for various reasons.

After sitting for a while, Ning Yi, who had approved a document there, said, "Mingdetang is suitable for a meeting, so I asked someone to take it out temporarily. Some would fit here and I do n’t have to. Run on both ends. "He looked at the teacher and smiled," You don't need to be polite to pour the tea. "

The teacher turned around and looked around, and laughed, "No one is around."

"Those I said before I went to look at Yuanqiao ..." Ning Yi paused with a smile, "... I don't dare to keep people."

Shi Shi put her legs together, pressed her hands on her legs, and silently watched Ning Yi didn't speak. Ning Yi also looked at her for a moment and put down her pen.

"Girl Shishi ... how many years have we known?"

"We have known each other since childhood."

"That doesn't count, I have forgotten the previous things." Ning Yi looked up and recalled, "However, since Jiang Ning met again later, it was almost twenty years ..."

"Jinghan nine years in the spring," said the teacher. "By this year, nineteen years."

"Yeah, nineteen years, a lot of things have happened ..." Ning Yi said, "I thought about the conversation before going to Yuanyuan Bridge, mainly on the way to Hanzhong, and I won. I have been unknowingly thinking about a lot of things ... a lot of things when you were in Liliang more than ten years ago, you helped a lot in disaster relief, and you also helped a lot of things. Admired ... "

"Have Liheng ever been?"

"I ..." Ning Yi laughed and thought carefully. "... Of course it happened sometimes."

The teacher looked at him with clear eyes. "When the man ... was seductive, or vanity, and wanted to put me in the house?"

Ning Yi laughed and watched her "Of course there are such things."

The teacher crossed his hands and did not speak. Ning Yi narrowed his smile. "Later, I killed Zhou Yan and carried you away. When Xiao Canghe was always noisy, you moved to Dali. Twenty years , Time shifts easily, we are now in a very complicated position, teacher ... we really have a good relationship between us, but many things, there is no way to deal with it like the story ... "

He pondered carefully, and when he said this, his mood and atmosphere were more or less depressed. As two people who have a certain age and are in a high position, the relationship is not as simple as ordinary people. Ning Yi naturally has many things to consider, even for teachers and teachers, Wang Yuan Bridge can be aroused before. The courage to say those words is so real that there are countless things to worry about.

She listened to Ning Yi's words, her eyes were slightly red, and she lowered her head, closed her eyes, and arched, as if uncomfortably silent. The room was quiet for a long time, Ning Yi shook hands, and guilty to speak, intending to say something about gagging to let things go, but the teacher laughed.

"... I really can't speak ... At this time, people are gone, lonely men and women ... what can you do directly? ..."

When she said this, she smiled slightly in tears, raised her head to look at Ning Yi, and Ning Yi spread her hands to look around. "Can't say that, look here ... there is only a table."

Both laughed, and after a while, the teacher tilted her head and straightened up. She took a deep breath. "Li Heng, I will ask you two things. Do you dislike me, do you think I am, after all Already old ... "

"Nothing ..." Ning Yi said.

"Then, do you think that I just want to marry your Ning family, be a princess or something ..."

Ning Yi shook his head. "Then you didn't have to argue with me ..."

Shi Shi looked at him, and Ning Yi spread his hands. After a while, I heard the teacher slowly say, "I wanted to leave the Alum House more than ten years ago, and I thought about marrying you from the beginning. I do n’t know because you are a good husband, or because you have great skills, I ’ve misunderstood you a few times ... You hosted the Secret Investigation Division in Beijing and killed a lot of people, and there are some very vicious wanting to kill you, I do n’t know if you are a hero or a hero; I misunderstood during the disaster relief Passed by you, and later thought, you are really a rare hero ... "

"... Later, you killed the emperor, and I couldn't figure it out. You went from being a good person to being a bad person ... I ran to Dali, became a nun, and after a few years I heard that you were dead, I felt uncomfortable in my heart Stay, and come out again to find out, at that time I saw a lot of things, and slowly recognize you again, you have changed from a bad person to a good person ... "

"But good and bad people, after all, can't talk about feelings." Ning Yi interjected.

The teacher didn't bother him. "It's really going around, and it's been more than ten years, and when I look back, I've been looking at whether you are a good person or a bad person for more than ten years ... I might have thought about it in the beginning, I determined whether you are a good person or a bad person, and then thought about whether to marry you. It was ridiculous. At the beginning, I just wanted to find a husband, like a normal, lucky girl in the blue house, and finally find a home. If it's not good for you, it's the other talents who are right, but in the end, it's been almost twenty years, and I only saw you alone ... "

The corner of her mouth smiled coldly, with a little irony.

"... Twenty years ... Slowly and slowly I see more and more things. I don't know why. The matter of marrying people always seems very small. I always can't take care of it. You seem to be ... over the age that is suitable to say these things ... I sometimes think, really, so the past is okay. In February, suddenly you have the courage to tell you, if you want to say whether it is impulsive, Of course there are ... I hesitated for so many years and finally spoke out. In the past few months, I'm also thankful for the impulse ... "

The teacher was silent for a moment, picked up a cookie, bite a small horn, and then held the remaining cookie in her hand. She looked at her finger, "Li Heng, I think I'm almost old, and I ... … It ’s been two or three years. I ’ve been traveling for so many years. I missed what I should have missed. I ca n’t tell who ’s fault. If it was that year, I do n’t seem to find it and we will be there. For the same reason, would you marry me then? I don't know ... "

Her tears fell down "But to this day ... Li Heng, I have seen countless people dead. Many in the Huaxia Army and outside the Huaxia Army, many of them were young and died with regret. One day You and I may be dying too. I have been watching you for almost twenty years, and may continue to be like this in the future. We are in this position again. I do n’t want to worry about anything anymore ... When I do n’t want to die, I ’m really old. When it's over, there is still regret ... "

She was silent for a while and shook her head. "I don't want to say anything else ..."

There is still a rain curtain outside the room. Teacher Shi looked at the rain curtain, and of course she has more to say, but in the mood of the past two decades, those realities do not seem to be important. Ning Yi picked up the tea cup and wanted to drink tea. It seemed that the tea in the cup was gone, and then he put down "It's the first time I've seen you talk so fiercely for so many years ..."

The teacher stood up and took the kettle to add tea to him.

Ning Yi sighed. "Such a large Chinese army. In the future, executives will become a family. In fact, it will be a bit of a headache. There is a bamboo note and a Su family. Others are already laughing at my harem management. Your future booking is To manage the cultural propaganda ... "

"You don't have to pity me. I don't think I can find anyone today. I don't want to regret it ... It's not so regretful. It's over. If you don't like me, you don't need to comfort me.

"Who can dislike Li Shishi ..."

"Is there someone who likes to be together ... different from others?"


"That's enough."

The teacher pushed the tea cup to him, then walked behind him, gently pinched his shoulders, and laughed. "I know what you are concerned about. To this day, if you marry me into the door, there is no harm in it. I There are many things that can be done. I ca n’t let it go today. I ca n’t go to your house to embroider. In fact, I just annoyed them in front of Taner, Yunzhu, Jiner, and Shuai Liu. People, I keep thinking about these things ... "

"I hope you have a better home ..." Ning Yi raised her hand and held her right hand.

"Isn't it picking at first. Seeing Liheng mistakes for life."

The teacher laughed. She wrote a lot of scripts recently and talked with Ning Yi a lot. Ning Yi was very strange. He always had strange and strange “love” thoughts in his mind. . Their relationship was strange, and Liheng's view was inevitably perfect. If you want to talk together more than a decade ago, there is always something missing between the two. Until now, all kinds of emotions, even regrets, have been mixed together. Shao Guang is fragile. The reason for coming together is: Now it seems that it is gradually becoming full.

And for her, there are more things that seem perfect to her. She lived in turmoil throughout her life. Although she received preferential treatment in the hands of Li Yun, she lost all her family since she was a child. She was close to He Zhongzhong and Chen Sifeng. Why not try to catch something that is "inherent" and look for a symbol port? She also strives for perfection, otherwise why should she repeatedly examine Ning Yi for more than ten years? Fortunately, in the end, she decided that he could only choose him. Although it was a bit late, at least she was 100% sure.

In fact, the fear of Rootless Ping accompanied her all the year round, and it only eased a little after she was truly integrated into the Huaxia Army. To this day, she can finally be certain that in a future day, she can truly move towards home—with a certain She truly identifies with her family. As for other things, there is not much to be picky ...

For these emotions, she does not want to tell Ning Yi for the time being. She plans to talk to him when he wants to make him happy someday.

In order to temporarily relieve Ning Yi's entangled emotions, she tried to embrace him from the back. Since she had not done it before, her body was slightly trembling, and she said in a joke, "Actually ... the ones that I studied in Alum House more than ten years ago, I almost forgot ... "

"You may not believe it, I am very good at those." Ning Yi laughed and touched his nose, looking a little regretful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But today, there is only a table ... "


Since there is only a table and the two need to communicate more, the two then just chat.

The rain became smaller, but it was still raining. The two held up an umbrella and went to the small pavilion in front. The teacher and Ning Yi told the story of Qu Qing. Ning Yi sighed that Xu Shaoyuan had lost his love. . Later, the teacher talked about the meeting with Yu Hezhong.

"... He Zhong's vision is flat, as is more than ten years ago. It can't be a big thing, but it can't be a big evil ... The one who came with him is called Yan Dao Lun. He was in charge and secretly managed by him. He came to see me without changing his name. His intention was obvious. Of course, I also said that Hua Xia Jun opened his door to do business and welcomed cooperation. He should come back with a clear intention afterwards ... "

They chatted in the gazebo in the rain for a long time, after all, Ning Yi still had a schedule, so he had to make a difference for the time being. The next day they met again for a long time, and did something else in the middle. When I met for the third time, I found a place where there was more than just a table. Adults are always boring and boring, so I will not describe them for the time being ...


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