Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 972: Diffusion of Light and Fog on Earth (6)

The wounds on your hands have been bandaged. Do n’t disturb them. Some of them should be avoided. For example, the wounds should be kept clean and the gold sore medicine should be changed every three days. Trouble, you may die ... say, don't touch the wound ... "

The afternoon sunlight also seemed a little dazzling. Hundreds of people are gathering here to watch the first round of selection of the "First World Contest" in the unfinished martial arts stadium in the north of Chengdu.

Throughout the ages, the economic foundation determines the superstructure and also the social appearance. Although Chinese civilization has a long history, and there are many exciting events and grand events, the essence of the elite system has not changed since the Wu Dynasty thousands of years ago. People talk about what a society is and what achievements it has. It mainly talks about the appearance of less than five percent of the upper class, and the bottom layer that waits for it has never been meaningful.

In the past of the Wu dynasty, although the three religions, nine streams, and green forests have always existed, it must be said that their existence has become concrete. Many reasons must be attributed to the bamboo storytellers in these years-although they do not It may cover the whole world, but the story they tell is classic, and other storytellers have imitated it.

After the process of more than ten years, the concepts of rivers, lakes and green forests have been relatively concretely established in the minds of some people. Even many original martial arts practitioners are conscious of themselves, but they are just practicing with others. The self-defense "bar-style", after listening to the story of the story, I probably understand that there is a "green forest" and a "river" in the world.

Such a name makes them consciously have an identity.

Twenty years ago, Zhou Quan, the so-called Yuquan Pavilion, was just a boxer who played well in the eyes of many people. Many rural warriors would not even hear his name. Only when the martial arts reached a certain level Level, you will gradually hear what the Holy Father and what Yunlong are now, and then you gradually enter the circle of green forest, and this green forest, in fact, is also a very small circle of people whose concept is not clear.

It was Zhu Ji that everyone knew Zhou Zhou, and it was Ning Yi who unified all kinds of bandits who had previously killed themselves into a "green forest" through Zhu Ji. In the past, green forest competitions were witnessed by dozens or dozens of people at most. People competed, slaughtered, and exchanged in a small area. Most of the gatherings were only for killing and robbery. It was spread in the mouth.

For martial arts practitioners, the biggest official event recognized in the past was martial arts. Once a few years, the people actually did not care about it, and most of the historical materials circulating in the future did not record the names of martial arts champions. Compared with people's pursuit of the number one champion, the number one champion has almost no reputation and status.

Chengdu's "First Competition in the World" is now an unprecedented "green forest" event. On the basis of Zhuji storytelling, many people have also made various associations with it. In the past, the Huaxia Army opened inwardly. The conference was a military contest, and this time it was finally open to the whole world. During this time, some of Zhuji's propaganda staff also worked out the stories and nicknames of some famous people in Wulin, demonstrating the atmosphere of the city of Chengdu. The good times are free. , Could not help but come and glance.

The Huaxia Army defeated the West Army at the end of April. Considering the long distance with all parties in the world, it will take time for news transmission and people to come over. The early stage was just a hype of thunder and rain. Beginning of the first round selection in June, that is, let the first-come, first-entry warriors perform the first round of competition to accumulate victory, let the referees test their quality, Zhuji storyteller should write more stories, and wait until July when people come almost , And then close the registration to enter the next round.

By that time, everyone in the world will be integrated, and cultural elites can quarrel in newspapers. Tacky ones can watch fighting and roaring carnivals at sports games. They can also visit Jurchen prisoners of war and demonstrate the military force of the Huaxia army. The first round of business cooperation was basically finalized, making a fortune together, and everyone was happy. In this atmosphere, the National People's Congress was established and the Huaxia People's Government was officially established. Everyone witnessed it together, legally and effectively, and celebrated universally. This is the basic logic of the overall situation.

Of course, since there are not many people coming in, the beginning of the knockout game, after the heat of the previous few days, the audience is not very much. It is now posted in the long shed outside the stadium, with various portraits of the masters with names, nicknames, and achievements, which attracts a large number of people every day. People gathered in nearby restaurants and tea shops often say eloquently Rumors from a certain master:

"This XXX nickname XXX, do you know how to get it ..."

"This XX and XXX competed in XX three years ago. At that time, only XX was present as a witness ..."

Or is it:

"Do you know Lu Tuo?"

"This list is deliberate by Hua Xiajun. If we say that today's world number one, there are about five people who can participate in the competition. The most powerful one is possible. You know where Mr. Ning's reputation for **** hand slaughter came from ... "

"But he said that Lin Zongwu called him" Piercing the North Legs of the Forest "here in the Huaxia Army. Why? This man is tall and thin, and his legs work ..."

All kinds of news and discussions have formed a warm atmosphere and enriched people's amateur cultural life. In the stadium, the fourteen-year-old teenager doctor only routinely stopped bleeding, wounded and told them to pay attention to hygiene for a group of green forest heroes named XXX.

Frankly speaking, if I really want to talk about competition, it's really nothing to look at. He watched those fights intently and enthusiastically a few days ago. Recently, he completely turned into a pie with a routine and tired eyes.

The real martial arts masters each have their own strengths, while the martial arts are low-handed, and most of the dishes are a mess. For Ning Ji who has seen more red mentions, watermelons, and killings, and has been sharpened for a year or two on the battlefield, the 看台 in front of him has seen a lot more, which is really awkward and uncomfortable.

Unable to make a standard shot, he can only review standard medical knowledge to balance this uncomfortable. Seeing that a sweaty brave man is about to stretch out a bandage manually tied, he stretches out his hand and pats it.

"... I said, don't touch the wound, you sweat a lot, try not to exercise in the next few days ..."

"Ah!" The strong man was not very willing, "You little doll is a lot of words. My martial arts people, of course, will sweat, of course, they will be injured in this way or another! What a little knife injury is, what do you think? Dao scar, and this one ... Just bandage it for yourself, it ’s not enough for you. Look at this little doctor, you have thin skin and tender meat, and have not suffered hard! Tell you, the real man, exercise more and eat well It ’s more, hurt a little, what ’s the matter, and it ’s dying to live ... We martial arts people, rest assured, be patient! ”

I'd rather look at his scar with an expressionless face: "You scar just became like this if you didn't handle it well ... It's also your luck before, no accident, there are all kinds of things around us that you can't see anytime, anywhere Small bacteria, the more dirty the place, the more this kind of bacteria, if it enters your wound, you may get sick, and the wound will become bad. You bandages are all boiled with water ... Give you this bandage, do n’t open it, change it Turn it on again! "

"Thin, what is it?"

"Bacteria." I would rather be bored anyway, watching the clearing up of the Yantai site, I would accompany the strong man to say a few more words, "It is a living animal, but it is very small, we ca n’t see it, we entered The wound began to eat your flesh and blood, which is the invasion of foreign evils. You just blocked the knife with your hand, and the knife opposite is not very clean. If something happens in the future, you may get fever or die.

"How small are you seeing? You said that you couldn't see it ... forget to fight with your little baby, your bag is pretty good ... when it comes to blocking the knife by hand, I just said that The trick of a trick, do you understand the little baby? "The strong man turned away from the topic, his eyes began to glow," Forget it, you definitely can't see it, I'll tell you, he can come away with this knife. , But I traded him for injuries, and he was immediately afraid. I traded him for a knife, so I won. This is called the narrow way to win the brave. And I said to you, baby doll, that he competed. It was the moment that I hacked it. I did n’t have time to think about it. At this moment, I decided to exchange injuries with him. This kind of response requires a lot of courage. I am today, and I said that I must win ... "

"... It really takes a lot of courage ... Congratulations."

Rather than repeating it without expression, carrying the medicine box to the other side of the platform, took a seat and sat down. I saw the bandaged man patted the bandage on his arm and got up. He first looked around and seemed to find someone for a while, then walked around the ground bored, and then came to Ningji.

"Hey, I said you little baby, you are a doctor at such a young age?"

Rather than look ahead: "Older people are on the battlefield to kill enemies, younger people should be doctors, shouldn't they?"

"That's right, you are also a black flag, the black flag army is a real hero, and I say Meng Lang." The brave man looks rough, and occasionally whispered words come out in the discourse. Chao Ningji bowed his hand and sat down next to him, "The soldiers of the Black Flag Army are true heroes, but ah, the people above you have problems, and something will happen sooner or later ..."

Ningji's gaze moved to the corner of his eye, gave him a glance, and then returned to his original position. The strong man also seemed to feel that he shouldn't say these things. He sat bored for a while, and looked at the doctor who would rather be ordinary to the extreme. "I think you are going to do things at a young age, probably not a good family. I also respect that your black flag soldier is indeed a man. Here I would like to say that my master learns to be rich in five cars, and everything he said is correct. He was not talking nonsense. It was said in private that I was afraid of your black flag. The bustling field is empty ... "

"Who is your owner?"

"Don't be angry with your baby. All I say is my words ... My host is also good for you. I didn't say anything bad about you. I think he is right. If you can do this for a long time, Wu Dynasty Zhugong Why are n’t many ordinary characters like many of you in the tunes like you? The method on your side can only last for three to five decades, and there will be chaos. The Wu dynasty used Confucianism to talk about China, China, and China ... ”

"... the mean?"

"Yes, you little baby have read books. You can only be two or three hundred years old with the golden mean ... You see, this makes sense. Jin Guoqiang was defeated by the black flag for thirty or fifty years. Defeated ... Is it difficult to tell in three or fifty years? The main thing is to say something like this, if you have any reason to remember it ... I think it makes sense. Hey, you, the little girl, can really fight Have you ever seen any of them? Who are the heroes? Let's hear them. I heard that they will play next month ... I'm not asking for myself. My head, martial arts is much better than me. This time, he is going to win the ranking. He said that he ca n’t get the first recognition, at least the first few ... I do n’t know how he will fight against your heroes. In fact, the trick on the battlefield is not It must be great one-on-one ... hey, have you ever been on the battlefield, you little baby can't be better ... "

The two were sitting there looking at the platform. Ning Ji's shoulders had collapsed in his voice. He said a few moments of boringness, but he was unexpectedly more boring than him. Recently, the Huaxia Army opened its doors to welcome outsiders. Arguments were also allowed in the newspapers. Therefore, it has also made three orders and five applications internally. Military personnel are not allowed to hit people because of some other words.

At the moment, I can only change the place while holding the medicine box. The strong man also knows that the children are angry, and they do n’t chase after sitting there. Soon, it seems that someone appeared from the field and beckoned to the strong man. The strong man waited for his companion to leave the field. I would rather glance at him. The person who came to him was calm and probably had some homework, but I lost half of my hair. This is a dark injury that accumulates in the meridians. I don't know if it is the other boss who is ready to win the ranking.

The stupid chanting on the stage decides the victory and defeat. The shouts from the outside seats are occasionally heard. Occasionally some minor injuries appear, and I would rather run over to deal with it. The rest of the time is just sitting loose and dreaming of myself. Kill someone on the few tricks. Towards the end of the day, the sprint race ended. The elder brother sat in a shabby-looking carriage and waited for him outside, probably something happened.

"Find a roast duck restaurant, the noodles are very well made, and the sauce is good. Today I will take you to explore and eat something delicious."

Ning Xi recently found Ningji. Eight or ten times he went to find delicious food. People who did n’t know thought he was looking for food all day in Chengdu. In fact, I would rather know that the elder brother is busy. Although he is only eighteen years old, there are many things on his shoulders. He just likes to ask people about food, to find out that he is in his heart, and only go together when he meets with his family. If so, It's so delicious, it's often praised, and it will fill up your belly silently.

The two chatted in the car. Ning Xi asked Ning Ji what he had heard in the contest. Did any famous master appear? What level did he appear in? Then he asked if he was tired at the conference recently. I would rather be a little more lively in front of my elder brother.

When we arrived at the roast duck restaurant, the two brothers called a single room upstairs. The single room overlooked the street, and they could see roads, pedestrians, sunlight, trees and distant rivers and lakes shimmering in the golden sunset. Before the duck came up, Ning Xi took out a stack of dossiers from the bag that he carried with him, as well as ink and writing brushes.

"There are ten copies here, and you sign and draw at the back."


"You don't have to worry about it, just sign and draw."

"Let me see……"

Ning Xi poked his lips, and would rather take a few glances. The files are almost the same. They are all about Zheng Qiming and a group of people telling Ning Ji's performance on the battlefield. Everyone at the back has also signed: "This is ..."

"Of course it is useful. It has something to do with my current situation. You do n’t need to worry about it. Signing and drawing is a sign that you are right ... I didn't want to find you, but there is a step. You sign and the duck will come up. . "

"What is it?" Frown rather than frown.

"Can I tell you? Military secrets."

"Is it my third-class work?"

Rather than looking at Ning Xi, Ning Xi held her forehead: "..."

"... Brother, I heard that Dad would not give me that third-class merit. He also wanted to protect me. If he didn't give me, I wouldn't want it."

"... You sign first, and they are not telling lies. You should give it if you don't tell lies." Ning Xi said this, seeing Ning Bo still hesitated, and said, "And it was Daddy I helped you to complain, it shows that he is willing to give you this work, I know you regard the name of the work as dung, but this has to do with my face, our face, I have to appeal successfully ... I ran to death these days Now, none of these confessions can be done, but you don't need to worry about it. I'll do the rest. "

Ningji sighed and drew in pieces: "I really do n’t want this third-class work, and, in this way, I won't send it to Dad, and he will call back, and you will be free. Busy, I don't think you should waste time ... "

"You don't understand. After going through the procedure, Dad will recognize it. He takes this step very seriously." Ning Xi said, "Although you have been a doctor recently, you know what Chengdu is going to do?"

"Established a congress, showing the world?"

Ningji would answer this way before Ning Xi had to speak. The second little boy sent the roast duck in and stopped temporarily. It would be better to return the painting to my elder brother after the drawing was finished there.

Ning Xi closed the dossier and opened the door after the room door was closed: "Opening a congress is a purpose. In addition, Zhu Ji and Su Shi must be reorganized, and everything must be rubbed together under the brand of the Chinese People's Government. In fact, the heads of various parties already know this matter, how to change it, how to rub it, how to move staff, and all the plans have already been made. However, when the congress is held, it will be reorganized through this congress. "The proposal was passed, and then passed, and then rolled into the government, as if the idea was conceived by the congress, and all people did it under the command of the congress."

The roast duck in the shop had been filmed before it was delivered, and Ning Xi started to wrap up a copy of his brother: "The congress gave advice, the experts did the solution, and the people's government was responsible for the implementation. This is something that Dad has always emphasized, and he hopes for the future. Most things follow this step, so that it will become the norm in the future. So the appeal is the same, it is troublesome to appeal, but as long as the steps are reached, Dad will be willing to let it pass ... well, delicious ... anyway You don't have to worry ... this sauce really tastes good ... "

Ning Xi began to talk about food. The food was delicious, and the evening wind came in from the window, bringing the aroma of food on the street.

Ning Xi occasionally asked, "Little taboo, don't you really participate in this contest?"

Ningji said, "It's nothing bad. If I participate in the juvenile field, I will have no more fight."

Ning Xi stopped asking. In fact, family members have always had some doubts about the decision not to participate in this contest. Many people worry that they would rather not relax their emotions after visiting the widows of their comrades-in-arms with their mothers. But in fact, there is already a more open plan in this regard.

He has already made a decision. When the time is right, he will grow up and be stronger. He will be able to leave from Chengdu, leave the world, and see the world ’s martial arts masters. Therefore, before this, he did not want to compete in Chengdu. Such a scene reveals his identity.

Going to other places later, would rather this status will eventually bring him more danger than ordinary people. Although he is still young, he has seen many lives and deaths on the battlefield and will not blindly arrogant. In contrast to the identity of a warrior or a well-dressed male brother, a doctor who travels the world can go farther and safer—after all, no one will kill the doctor casually—this is also his recent practice of medical practice, healing and healing for people. s reason.

Of course, these thoughts in his mind will not be brought up with his elder brother for the time being-they will not be disclosed to anyone in the family, otherwise there is no possibility of leaving in the future.

He thought of it, and broke the topic: "Brother, have any strange people approached you recently?"

"What?" Ning Xi thought for a while, "What kind of people are weird?"

"Well, for example ... what a beautiful girl. You are the boss of our family. Sometimes you have to show your face. Maybe there will be girls like this to seduce you. I heard Grandpa Chen said they were beautiful. Plan ... don't let down your first sister. "

He was only a 14-year-old young man, and he was a bit of a mature man when it came to such things as beauties. Ning Xi heard a slap in the end and slaped his head, preferring to shake his head. Brushing over: "Oh my hair is messed up."

He trimmed his hair, and Ning Xi couldn't help crying: "What a beauty ..." Then he warned, "Frankly, you have seen something recently."

"It's nothing, I'm just guessing. And the last time Dad and Aunt Gu went to my side, I mentioned it when I ate, and said that it should be time for you and your first sister to get married, and you can have children. Lest there be such a bad woman close to you. Dad and Aunt Gu also said, afraid that you and your first sister are not married, you are pregnant with a child ... "

Ningji originally talked casually and spoke naturally. At this moment, he suddenly realized what he was doing. He slightly stunned, a flash of red flashed on the opposite side of Ning Xi, and he slaped it again. On the mind of Ning. Ning Ji held his head, his eyes slowly turned, and then looked at Ning Xi: "Brother, you and the first sister will not really ..."

Ning Xi stomped her foot, preferring to kick her legs, and even a chair and a chair slid out two meters away, went directly to the corner, and blushed and said, "Brother, I won't say it ..."

"You, you, you know what you know, just talk blindly, me and your junior sister ... you come here, forget me I won't hit you ... we will tell you innocently ..."

"I learned medicine, I should have known it long ago." I would rather have a red face around my neck and be proficient in adult topics. I want to ask a few more words, but I still dare not move. I moved the chair and leaned over. "Forget it, I won't say it. Don't hit me when I eat."

"Eat the duck." Ning Xi also turned away from the topic.

The brothers then talked about trivial things, finished eating a whole roast duck and various side dishes-they have been doing homework since childhood, and they have consumed a lot of meals-they would rather occasionally glance at their brothers for a taboo I was curious and decided to meet her junior sister next time and secretly give her a pulse. Unfortunately, when he followed the countryside to the countryside, he was only a baggage assistant. Later, he was used to treat trauma in the army for a long time. However, Ximai never really numbered, and he did not know if he could number it. If the number comes out, you have to warn them to get married soon ...

But what should I say? If I said in front of my first sister, I would inevitably be beaten again, especially if she had a baby, she could not fight back ...

The two brothers each had a mischief at this time, and after the dinner was over, they went their separate ways. It would be better to carry the medicine box back to the yard where it still lives alone.

At this time, the sunset has sunk down the west wall, and the lights in Chengdu are lit. I would rather change my clothes in the room, come out of the room with a small waterproof package, and then turn over the side courtyard. , In the dark, stretched his body and walked towards the nearby stream.

There are many rivers in Chengdu, and the name of the river not far from the courtyard where he lives has not been inquired. It is still summer. He used to swim here a while ago, but today he has other purposes. He went to a nowhere near the river, put on water-resistant water, and wrapped his hair. The whole person turned black and went straight into the river.

In the distance, there is a lighted boat floating on the water. It is better to paddle a dog and go past the water smoothly. After a while, it turns into a lying dead body. After a short while, he is on a relatively remote river bed. Ashore.

Taking off the water, letting go of his hair and shaking off the water from his body, he was wearing a thin black coat, covered his face, and leaned to a yard not far away.

Entered skillfully through the wall, prefer not to walk in the shadow of the backyard, and after a while, walked along the wall, climbed to the roof, and inspected around. This is a three-in house for the rich. It seems that there are not many people living here. The courtyard at the end is an embroidery building. There are maids and lads who raised the hot water to two. Floor room, I would rather watch for a while on the roof.

"Take a bath so early ..."

He muttered under his heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then remembering things like having a baby with his brother today, he climbed down from the top of the building, found a foothold on the outer wall of the second floor, and probed to the window. Look inside.

The observation position is good, not only can you see in the window, but also many things in front of the yard.

The hot water for bathing in the room has been put away-rather it is strange that women still need hot water for bathing in summer, but remembering that the woman in this embroidered building always looks gloomy, her body must be very Poor, can also be medically explained.

Not long after, a young girl with snowy skin and eyebrows came to this room. She is about two years older than Mine would rather be. Although it looks beautiful, there is always a melancholy temperament in her eyes. Don't go. It's no wonder that the bad guys will always die when they come to Chengdu. She probably knows that she will inevitably die here, so she is scared all day.

Since this woman has been treated as a dead person, she would rather be curious and watch it secretly outside the window ...

Then, among the courtyards in front, several people came together in jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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