Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 975: Mianzang Splendid Sword and Knife (2)

After the famous post was sent in, before the teacher greeted him, Yu Hezhong's heart was actually full of nagging.

Under the background that the Huaxia Army defeated the Jurchen West Road Army and achieved a victory that made the whole world focus on it, as a middleman, came to negotiate with the Huaxia Army for a technical sale that seemed unpopular anyway This is one of the biggest events in Yu Hezhong's life.

He is not afraid of participating in major events, he is just afraid of eating behind closed doors and messing things up. How can he be with himself in the future?

I did not give him much time to prepare for such a big thing. Let him talk about it in the past, and then come to the teacher-teacher relationship. Has the emotion between himself and the teacher rise to such a degree? Can I control it? Give more time to develop, wouldn't it be bigger?

This idea didn't have a chance to be spoken. Yan Dao Lun and others pushed him to the table, but the situation facing him seemed to be the last game. He stayed in the public gate for many years. Of course, if the success of the project was carried by people, it would be self-evident.

On the other hand, despite having many years of feelings with the teacher, he also had the idea of ​​leveraging the strength of the other party to go up, but he was not naive.

In the early years, the Yanshi Division was exquisite in the alum building. At a glance of many people's minds, she has been active in the Huaxia Army for so many years. The real thing is coming. The last time Yan Daolun said hello and left, maybe nothing, this time simply the two leaders of the ambassadorial group came over. The name looked at it for what she could not count. As long as the answer "no time" is answered, all possibilities on my side will be blocked.

I should have made it clear before, it takes time ...

This is the moment that determines his luck in the second half of his life. He was uneasy in his heart, and he could only compose his face calmly, but fortunately, the teacher greeted him with a light blue dress. The two sides greeted each other and then went inside.

白 White clouds flow in the sky. It is a small wooden table next to the Capricorn pool. Due to the special identity of the two who followed and came this time, the teacher's expression also looked more formal this time, but he faced the peace with a soft smile. With the idea of ​​stretching heads and shrinking heads, it was a one-size-fits-all idea. Yu Hezhong directly communicated to the teachers and hoped to find some relationships and explore the inside story of the Chengdu conference before the formal negotiations.

Yan Shishi will listen to He Zhong's words and sit on the chair over there, thinking for a long time with solemn expression. She looked at the two leaders of the ambassador, but in the end, her eyes were fixed on Yu Hezhong, her eyes were solemn.

"At this conference in Chengdu, many people are looking for relationships in private. I don't want to be too passive, I know. But ... Yu Xiong, if you participate, how much danger will there be, do you think clearly?"

Wu Yu and Zhongzhong frowned slightly: "It's ... slightly noticed, but ... if this thing is good for both, I'm ... it's difficult ..."

The teacher's eyes looked at the other two, and his solemn eyes changed for a while before they softened: "Xie Xie and Brother Shi, both of whom have long been known, the teacher and a female streamer are responsible for the cultural and entertainment front-line work in the Huaxia Army. I should n’t have been involved in these things. However, this time the situation is special; the second is that it is not easy for you to find my elder brother ... I can say a few words for the two, can I do it without saying, but I There is a requirement. "

上次 The last time she met with Yu Hezhong, she showed only her sister-like tenderness. This time in front of Xie and Shi, she was already speaking quickly and smiling sharply. The faces of Xie and Shi were astonished: "As the teacher and the girl ordered."

"No matter what, please be sure to protect my brother."

一 As soon as she said this, Yu Hezhong Yi settled down, knowing that her position among Liu Guangshi's forces had been firmly established. On the other hand, she was stunned. According to her, it would be as if the intervention would cause death. Is it really so serious?

Mr. Xie and Mr. Shi looked at each other, and then said: "This nature, Brother Yu is being reused in our side, how can I wait to put him in danger ..." so promised.

The teacher nodded and smiled, "I'll help hand out a message, find a character in the key, and let you talk in advance. But today, the two gentlemen must also understand that I Huaxia Army do Bureau, want to make this sale, who entered the game, want to take the lead, although I am happy to see this situation in Huaxia Army, the division can help a little, not to be taboo. However, those who are outside the bureau Right now, people are all red-eyed, and they don't want to make this sale. "

She paused: "Since it is my elder brother who brought you here, then I have to speak plainly in front. Once you enter the field, you and I will win, and in private, the news will spread. At that time, the rush will be sharp. Does the Liu family have this psychological preparation? Shumei bluntly said that without this psychological preparation, my words would be passed on in vain. It would be better to follow the rules than to quarrel in private, and it would hurt kindness. "

一 As soon as she said this, Yu Hezhong understood it all. Ning Yi threw out a big bait such as grid technology to attract all parties. Naturally, I hope to see people from all walks of life eager to show their intentions. Liu Guangshi wants to enter the market, take the lead, and even want to be determined. Ning Yi Happy to see it happen, but the news must be released in private to heat up the atmosphere. Of course, he will give General Liu some benefits, but on the other hand, these people will inevitably become the target of criticism. Dai Mengwei, Wu Qimei and others who can't enter the scene will not know how to verbally criticize themselves, even some "enthusiastic people." "It's hard to predict what will happen.

It is for this reason that the teacher first said that he must protect his brother's safety.

She was really interested in herself ... thinking about it that way, her heart became hotter.

Xie and Shi communicated with each other with eyes, and they were silent for a while: "I have a natural idea in this matter, but the specific situation is not easy to say. And the teachers and girls must also understand that we will not admit anything in public. As for Privately ... it's OK. "

Negotiating such things should not be too frank, nor can you make promises casually. The two face each other with distress, and their words are cautious. The division had already clapped her hands and smiled: "Since you are prepared, it's not about the little girl ... Xiaoling!" She began to call the female soldier in the yard, "Go to the staff, and look for Lin Qiulin's staff, Let him come over as soon as he is free, something is wrong. "

I heard the name, Xie and Shi looked at each other, and they felt a drama. This young officer named Lin Qiu is not a high-ranking officer in the Huaxia Army, but he is one of the core staff responsible for pragmatic work. The ambassadors came here for a few days and often saw the reception of senior officials, but most of them were haha ​​for specific work, pushing two or five. As for the officials responsible for the operation of specific affairs in some core positions such as the General Staff and the Secretariat, they have very few external contacts. They occasionally can inquire about one, but there is no way to contact them.

The female soldier named Xiaoling returned and returned, and a moment later, a young officer in a black military uniform ran over to this side, wanting to come is Lin Qiu. The division pleaded guilty and walked over. The officer gave a salute under the eaves. The division talked to him a few times. Occasionally he looked at the lake shore. Lin Qiu frowned. At first it seemed a little difficult, but a moment later , Seems to be persuaded by the teacher, or smiled and nodded.

Yan Shishi waved towards the lake: "Hezhong, come here."

Yu Hezhong walked over, the teacher introduced him to Lin Qiu, and later wanted Lin Qiu to introduce him, but he used a motto and described it in a rather personal way: "This is my childhood brother, I have n’t seen it for years. This time I'm just a man ... "Yunyun. That Lin Qiu immediately called his brother-seems to consider the name of the teacher-Yu Hezhong was flattered.

After saying hello to Yu Hezhong, Lin Qiu went to the lake. Yu Hezhong and the teacher stayed under the eaves. His thoughts were complex and warm, and it was difficult to say. With this incident, his career in Liu Guangshi was no obstacle. At this moment, he really wanted to go to Huaxia. The army, since then, took care of each other with the division, but with a little rational consideration, they discouraged these thoughts, and they couldn't speak for a while with a thousand words in their chests. When they saw the division smiling at him, they even wanted to reach out their hands impulsively Go and hold each other's tenderness in your palm.

But the indescribable temperament of the teacher finally made him dare not take action.

I saw the teacher looking over the lake shore, and smiled slightly, "I have already taken the matter, and it is no longer suitable to get involved in it, but you should go as far as possible. You have to sit and watch, don't have to speak, Lin Yau got my advice and will treat you as his own. As long as you are present, they will naturally head you. "

Wu Yuzhong looked at her: "I ..."

The teacher smiled: "Go, the business matters, otherwise, it may be better to talk about it later. However, this time you can be present, but you must not stand at the front desk on the bright side. The situation in the city is complicated, and anything may happen. They Got my advice, when it won't hurt you like this, but if you have such clues, you must also be careful ... Come to me if you have something. "

"Yes." Yu Hezhong and Zhengzheng turned their heads slightly, turned around and turned to the wooden table on the shore of the lake. The teacher stood under the eaves and watched for a while, and then told Xiaoling to prepare lunch for four and a convenient single room. That's why he left because of something.

Wu Yu and Zhong knew that she didn't want to really be involved, and had no choice but to regret this day. After all, he is a man, although he will be emotional for his children's personal feelings, but his career merit is the most important. Lin Qiu got the guidance of the teacher. He and Xie and Shi first talked to each other at random and stayed in the room. Only then solemnly took out a thing. However, this is the list of technologies that the Hua Xia Army is preparing to release this time for all parties to bid.

In addition to various commercial technologies such as glass, perfume, papermaking, and weaving, a lot of popular core technologies such as iron smelting, artillery, and gunpowder in the military are listed, and the specific values ​​of these technologies are marked. One or two steps. It really makes people feel that Ning Yi is really crazy.

的 The weight of these technologies is difficult to estimate with money, the purchase methods must be various, and delivery is not easy. Once things come, negotiations must be prepared for a long time, which is why Liu Guangshi's side wants to seize the opportunity. And since they are willing to stand up in response to the call of the Huaxia Army first, it can be regarded as a big help for the Huaxia Army. Under the condition that the conditions are not outrageous, it is by no means impossible to set one or two technologies.

Wu Yuzhong understood the meaning of the transaction, and became very hot, and then devoted himself into it.

At the same time, the teacher went to another courtyard by the lake and had a simple lunch with Ning Yi in a pavilion by the lake.

"The Liu family is here."

The first sentence she came over was like this, and then she talked with Ning Yi in detail about the process of meeting, only when occasionally mentioned in the middle, there was some regret between the words. As a friend, she didn't really want to be drawn into this vortex with China-although the other party seemed to be elated, but in the current situation, ordinary people can hardly get out of the way.

"He is not your son."

Wu Ningyi said this, the teacher reached out and hit him. Ning Yi smiled and shook her head.

"A man is in his forties. If there is a career, it is normal for the greater the risk and the greater the return. Even if you analyze to him all the possible possibilities next, I am afraid he will make the same choice. So, it is not necessary This kind of meditation. In fact, Yu Hezhong entered the game this time, and he picked the biggest bargain.

"You prepared for the Liu family to enter from the beginning?"

"The Liu family is the most suitable, don't you think?" Ning Yi laughed. "Jindi has a relationship with us from the beginning. The Zuo family has a relationship with each other, but behind him is Fuzhou. The court will certainly not be the first to emerge in the Ming Dynasty. The remaining forces are too small to give them the benefit. They may not swallow the whole. Only Liu Guangshi, the octopus, and everyone have contacts. This is the target of criticism. He took the lead and carried it best. "

He said that he paused here, and then smiled ironically: "When it comes to the lead, Xie and Shi are on the surface embarrassed, they must secretly laugh and break their stomachs. At this conference, you cannot enter the market with Dai Mengwei, Headed by Wu Qimei, whoever takes the lead in dealing with us will come out and scold them. But privately, Liu Guangshi and Dai Mengwei had an agreement earlier, singing red faces and singing white faces. What can the Liu family get, and Dai Mengwei is indispensable. So, Liu The generals are not afraid of being reprimanded at all, and they certainly feel that they have taken advantage in private ... "

"He took advantage." The teacher gave him a glance. "You really sell weapons and technology. In fact, you are a little scared in the army. You are afraid to teach your apprentices and kill Master in turn."

"Selling technology was originally an intrusive process." Ning Yi knocked on the teacher with chopsticks. "It has been said in previous years that the basic thinking mode of our Chinese land is metaphysical thinking, the order of thinking It is to first consider the whole and use the whole to guide the details. The basis of lattice science is to gradually expand from part of the cognition to the whole. One, one, two, and two cannot be imagined. Technology is second, and the way of thinking is It is the main body. Without this way of thinking, we will always lag behind when we learn technology. Of course, we can't take them now and can't digest them. Let them help us to do some preliminary work, and it will be more convenient to reform our thinking in the future. "

"Li Hengzhen just can't see metaphysics ..."

"It's not that you can't look down on it. Each has its own characteristics. Metaphysical thinking starts from the whole, so the old ancestors discussed heaven and earth from the beginning. But what does heaven and earth look like from the beginning, do you still guess? Sometimes I guess correctly, sometimes I guess wrong, more often I can only try again and again ... Metaphysics thinking has a certain benefit and originality in philosophy, but it is very specific in many specific cases. Terrible ... "

Ning Yi waved his chopsticks and beeped in front of himself: "Just as metaphysical thinking is most prone to various high-level theories that seem unclear, it is the easiest to produce the tendency in the first impression. For example, we Seeing business people chasing money, they say that it leads to greed, and once they have the first impression of greed, they want to completely kill it. Not many people can think of these factors as greed. It ’s good to study the laws that are not bad, and what great effects they will have in the future. "

Master Shi thought for a while, "Will there be no humans?"

Ning Yi breathed in his throat in a sigh of relief: "... will produce a future called capitalism. Forget it, don't say this you don't understand. But you have already seen the future of Geology, we used to say that some people want to be lazy, think To create a labor-saving tool, it is Kiki skill, but the technology itself is not bad. The beginning of the Tao Te Ching says that heaven and earth are indifferent and all things are ruminant dogs. Heaven and earth have no tendency, which is the basic of all things in this world. The principle is not inclined. You have studied them thoroughly, and you can do good or bad things. But metaphysical thinking is that when you see a disadvantage, you have to knock down a series of things and block a way. "

"Another example is that the dramas you have done recently make you write better and look better, and you will say kitsch, what is kitsch? In the final analysis, it is not the study of the laws in people's hearts? Everyone has basic laws in his heart. It has been thoroughly researched so that you can know what people of every age, class, and category in this society will like, how can you talk to them, and how can you let them go from ignorance to knowledge, from Stupid enough to be smart ... "

"But they don't always please them. You don't even write poems ..." the teacher muttered.

"Now is the time to study the laws, Mr. Li, do you know how much work will be done in the future? In the past, one percent of the people in the world were literate and they would take the initiative to read. Once one day all people read and literate, Our job is how to make all people improve. At this time, the book should actively attract them to approach them. The first threshold in the middle is to find a way to connect with them. From 1% to 100%, this job How big is it? Can we use the previous method? "

"The law of the human heart, the objective law of how a person matures, is the lowest level of logic developed in the two major categories of education and culture. A six-year-old child likes to eat shit. Why? A 16-year-old child likes to see women. Why? Everyone liked vulgarity in the beginning, why? What objective reasons are determined and how can it be changed? If a cultured person puts vulgarity aside when he says vulgarity, then he can't do anything. It ’s either vulgar or vulgar. What's reflected in it is the laws of human nature. It needs to be sliced ​​and dissected ... well, you don't need to worry about what the dissection is ... "

The noon sun shone outside the gazebo, like a hanging curtain. Ning Yi snorted and said a word, the teacher kept silent and gradually showed a sloppy smile. In fact, ten years ago, Ning Yi took her to the Xiao Canghe afterwards, and there were often various arguments and noisy between the two. At the time, Ning Yi was more generous and enthusiastic. Now, ten years later, his consideration of many things has become more detailed and complicated.

Of course, sometimes teachers and teachers will wonder why it is so complicated. The Hua Xia Army has not yet entered the Central Plains, and the ability of the paper mill has yet to be improved, but he has already thought of the situation after everyone can study, as if he had seen it in person.

For the teacher, if everyone in this world really eats and reads, it is almost the same as the Datong world. Why should he consider so many issues? Is there really such a big difference between metaphysics and grids?

"... in Xiaocanghe ten years ago, if you could talk about this, I might not leave."

Speaking of this sentence, Ning Yi paused for a while and smiled slightly. He looked into the distance on the lake: "... I wanted to be a rich man twenty years ago ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Step by step, I had to form a Liangzi with Liangshan, hit Liangshan, and said that he would help the old Qin a little bit, and he could n’t help but went south to hide, but nothing was so easy. Killing the emperor was nothing more The opposite thing, the more you go forward, the more you find out ... "

He tapped his chest lightly: "The laws in the human heart, the law of reason, the difference between the grid and the metaphysics, from the whole to the part or from the part to the whole ... It will ultimately determine the appearance of a world, which is already subconscious in the entire ethnic group At the level of thinking, for so many hundreds of years, the so-called progress is actually a process of fighting against this kind of thing ... Damn, I ’m a real estate salesman, why bother ...

最后 He finally shook his head and muttered a few words, and the teacher stretched out his hand and covered it. The warm wind blew through the trees by the lake, and the figure was blurred in the chaos of trees ...

Why such a good weather, why should I watch fools compete here. What happened to Qu Longquan and Wen Shoubin's **** dogs ...

时 In the afternoon of the same day, I would rather sit at the meeting place of the contest and get bored when I heard the call from the rear.

"咻! 咻咻!"

With a flat face and Ning Ji turning his head, the fool strong man who was wounded by the knife yesterday was making such a sound to him: "Little doctor, little doctor, come here, come here ..."

Ningji didn't wave the tired and lazy eyes on his flat face, turned his head back, and ignored him.

Then the brave man turned inside ...

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