Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 976: Mian Tibetan Splendid Sword and Knife (3)


The contest was still in the primaries, and the number of people who came to watch it every day was not large. The strong man showed the player's waist card, and pointed to Ningji, and was then allowed in by the guards next to him.

He was only injured yesterday. Today, he came over with no bandage on his arm. Some noise, but came to buy medicine from Ningji.

"... Brother, I tried it yesterday. Your wound medicine and this cloth are really good. It's a pity that only a bunch of killers will disturb the medicine. I spilled the medicine. We walked in rivers and lakes and were often injured. This is a good thing, so I wanted to come over and buy a little more from your brother, and keep a spare ... By the way, get to know Huangshan, the peak of the mountain, who is unknown by his name ... "

壮 This strong man is 叽叽喳喳, and obviously has no bath, and is sweaty. I'd rather glance at his wounds and see that the bandages are dirty and disgusted—he was dirty before he studied medicine, but only after practicing medicine—when he was dead: "wounded The medicine is not sold. "

"Hey, brother, don't say that. Everyone walks the rivers and lakes, and depends on their parents to go out and rely on friends. You help me, I help you. There are many ways for you. You see, I don't want you for nothing. Silver ... you see that your gown is old, and there are patches. I do n’t think you are a big family. The medicine in your army is not usually used casually. This time I sell it to me. I ’m here, Sanguan. How much money can you buy ... "

Ningji looked at the money, turned his head, and hesitated for a moment, then looked at: "... there are a lot of three consistency, you need to use this yourself?"

"That's not it, 俺 This is ... also bought for the brothers and sisters who came from the same road this time, walking the rivers and lakes, always prepared, according to my injury, the amount of 20 people, three consistent, how?"

"... the Chinese army has a lot of medicines. My family did not have the job they had to do without me. For the sake of discipline, I will not do it."

Ningji shook his head, and the brave man had to talk, and he could only listen to one of his hands, and said, "Add money. At least five."

"... you child, the lion speaks ..."

"Then you go to the pharmacy outside the door and buy it, it's similar."

"That pharmacy ..." The strong man hesitated for a moment, then said, "... Yes, Wuguan, twenty people, OK."

Wu Ningji nodded: "The amount is too large, it is not easy to get it now. Since you are participating in the competition, you will stay here until at least September. You must pay the usual deposit first. Before you leave in early September, we will clear the money and the goods."

The strong man could not help but hesitated when he heard this, and his eyes rolled several times before he said, "You ... this business has also been dragged on for too long. I waited for a group of brothers to stay here for two or three months to practice. It ’s inevitable that you will get a little bit of injury when you learn from each other ... You have to make five passes, which is not appropriate. In this way, three days of delivery, both money and goods are clear. It ’s only when I ’m around me, money and foreign objects ... ”

His expression was obviously a little flustered, so he talked, his eyes stared at Ning Ji, and when Ning Ji glanced at him again, the expression of success in his eyes flashed, without saying too much: Goods, seven consecutive money. Otherwise it will be September. "

壮 The strong man named Huangshan was silent for a while: "... Okay. Qiguan will be Qiguan, for 20 people. Huangshan will make you a friend ... By the way, who is the last name of the little brother?"

"Long is called Aotian."

"Okay, Brother Long, that's it. I ... will always make a deposit for you ..." This Huangshan obviously wants to facilitate the transaction sooner. He moves under his hands and slides the usual money to Ningji. , Would rather put it away gently, just listen to the other party said, "Yes, my boss came to the test the day after tomorrow, if convenient, let's meet the day after tomorrow, how about?"

"You decide."

"Brother Long is refreshing." He clearly shouldered the task. He tried to make himself look savvy in his previous words. When the deal was over and the mood was relaxed, he sat next to him and started to make a noise, while Feel free to chat about "Big Brother Long" 's life, while watching the contest on the stage to comment on it, when he would rather be impatient, then left.

Xun Ningji didn't bother him too much. Only when the competition ended on this day, he went to the backstage of the military field to find out the "Huangshan" information and took a look. Sanguan also bought a drug that had a serious premium to Wuguan and finally bought it at the expense of Qiguan. This man called Huangshan has no experience in negotiation. If ordinary people value money, doubling three-way money to six-way is a checkpoint, and they want seven-way, just waiting for him to lower the price. Urgent, nothing else is possible.

When these people come to Chengdu to participate in the competition, it is impossible to give too detailed information when registering, and the information may be false. It's better to just look at it. On this day, wearing a white coat and carrying a medicine box home, only halfway was noticed that someone was being followed.

He grew up in Xiao Canghe, Liangshan and other places since he was a child. He doesn't have much training in identifying and tracking among crowds. It is difficult to judge when the pedestrians are crowded, and this speculation becomes obvious when you reach a remote and uninhabited place. At this time the afternoon sunlight was still golden, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he walked.

——Bad, finally here ...

There was no expression on his face, but his body was trembling with excitement. When he was walking, his feet were floating, and he walked with his left foot and tripped his right foot. Then he fell in the shade of the river beside the river and fell.

The thin man tracking behind was hiding in the corner, and saw the little doctor with a box in front of him rising from the ground, kicking all the stones on the ground into the river, only to limp after venting his anger. walking back. The sunlight pouring in the afternoon confirmed the fact that the cold-faced doctor had no martial arts.

He came to Chengdu alone and was arranged in a small courtyard in the corner of the city. There were arrangements for identity of Ning Ji, but the back office of the Huaxia Army was not sloppy. If you are interested in asking someone nearby, you will probably be able to collect the story of the young family members, relying on his father's pension in the Huaxia Army to buy a set of old yards in Chengdu.

Of course, if you really inquire about this level in detail, it will be hard to say which one of the Chinese army will face the future. Regarding this matter, rather than caring too much, I just hope that the other party will try not to inquire about it. Those who are responsible for security and protection around the parents and the ruthless grandfather Chen Tuozi were all the same, but they are not as good as themselves.

The external layout is not too big. I would rather not guess what step the other party will take for a while, but just return to the courtyard where I live alone, and quickly clean up the traces left by the martial arts practice in the courtyard.

I usually had too much wood to practise with my knife. At this time, I packed up nearly an hour and cooked a simple meal with a fire. In this process, the tracker who had done a good job secretly turned into the courtyard, carefully checked the layout of the courtyard, and would rather frighten people away when he only took the rice bowl when the other party was about to enter his bedroom.

In the setting sun, I would rather sit down and eat dinner slowly under the eaves outside the bedroom, and the tracker finally left—obviously the other party also wanted to eat--would rather lie on the wall and peek for a moment When he was sure that the person had left and did not return, he hid the things that might be exposed in the bedroom, and then wore clothes suitable for night operations, carried a small package with water back, and was ready to see Bai Hou Yuanzhang who has been scheduled for the day.

The drama side of Long Qu and Wen Shoubin are about to enter a critical moment, and he is unwilling to miss it.

I left the small courtyard, and the city near and far was immersed in a blur of lights, rather than being in a mood. This is life-he had originally wanted to run to join the Quartet to kill the Quartet, but that kind of thing can not be so exciting today, not only found the conspiracy of cheap dogs, and was followed by another group of bad people, wait The other party tried to misbehave and started his own hands. Then he could stand in the dark with his hands on his hips and laugh at them, thinking about it and feeling happy.

Although at first glance, this behavior is not very bright, and it is a bit like a villain's behavior, but, as my father taught, to deal with that scum, I don't need to talk about morality.


He simulated on the unmanned alleyway with his hips folded, and then looked around with a probe, slightly ashamed. Then decided to find time to practice later.

The agreed place was set between the courtyard where he lived and the courtyard of Wen Shoubin. After connecting with Hou Yuanzhang, the other party told Ning Ji the basic information about the "Shan Gong" and Guan Shanhai. It also roughly described the other party's relationship, Information on Dang Yu and several intelligence traffickers in the city. These investigative information is not allowed to be transmitted. Therefore, it is better to understand and remember on the spot. Fortunately, the other party ’s means are not violent. Rather, it is better to cut off the sword when Qu Longyu is officially dispatched.

On the other hand, these people in the Intelligence Department are all human beings. Although they are Hou Yuanzhang in private, even if the other party does not report, they will inevitably make a private investigation to find out. That's okay, Guan Shanhai gave it to him, as long as he sings ... as long as he smells the cheap dog on Shoubin's side. Too many goals, anyway, sooner or later I have to split the fun out.

"Right, my brother." After understanding the information, remembering Huang Shan today and the follower who followed him, he would rather chat casually with Hou Yuanzhang, "Is there a lot of people who have recently entered the city for plots?"

"There are many goals, but you can't stare at them. You know, the most troublesome thing is that their ideas are changing at any time." Hou Yuanzhang frowned. "These people from the outside have a look at the beginning. Seeing half of them, I want to test, if they are really flawed, they will want to do it. If it is possible to break our Chinese army apart, they will do it, but we ca n’t do it because they might So now it ’s all tight inside and tight against the thief. "

He paused here, then shook his head: "There is no way, this matter, the above is also true. If we have acquired this site, if we do not have this ability, we will sooner or later. The past hurdles, anyway It's all over. "

Xu Ningji nodded his head: "This contest, there are so many green foresters who came here, and they used to want to assassinate and destroy. Should this be the case this time?"

When he asked about this, Hou Yuanzhang laughed: "This is not much right now. Before, we rebelled. Most of the assassinations came from the Wuhe people. We also have a way to deal with it. You know this Yes, all Green Foresters want to be in groups, and they can't have the climate ... "

The way Hou Yuanzhang said would rather know naturally that in the past, a group of **** green forest people wanted to come in pairs for assassination, and the eyeliner arranged by the Huaxia Army in the vicinity disguised as their colleagues to join in. Due to the influence of Zhu Ji, the Huaxia Army's monitoring of the world's green forests has always been very deep. Dozens of hundreds of people gathered together vigorously. If they wanted to run to kill the demon, a piece of sand was mixed in the middle, and the rest would be wiped out.

I even have several senior anti- "black" heroes in the green forest, which are actually undercover arranged by the Huaxia Army. This kind of thing has been revealed twice. After that, the team that assassinates the Demon to become famous will no longer be able to tie up, and then all kinds of rumors will flutter, and the situation of the great devil's slaughter among the green forests will be embarrassing.

In such a state of affairs, even the "world first" Lin Zongwu, who was initially determined to have a huge beam with the Huaxia Army, would be suspected of being a spy who had been compiled by Ning Yi.

Lin Zongwu couldn't explain this whole thing. He may also suspect in private that Zhu Ji deliberately discredited him, but there was no way to say that it was all shit. Face is naturally disdainful of explanation. He carried a disciple in the Central Plains these years, and no one dared to ask this question in front of him-maybe there was, it must be dead.

"... The arrangement of public opinion in Zhuji in recent years, even if Lin Zongwu wanted to come over to assassinate, it is estimated that no one responded, and the rest of the Wuhe people among the green forest couldn't be more climate." On the dark street, Hou Yuanzhang said with a smile. This inside information may be killed alive by the world's first master. "However, this time in Chengdu, there are other forces joining, which is a bit tricky."


"The family clan." Hou Yuanzhang said, "Although the Huaxia army was the enemy of the world, we were a little bit calm. The Wu dynasty would send troops to annihilate, and the Greenwoods would come to assassinate for fame. After taking advantage, we watched something happen, but after the war in the Southwest, things were different. Dai Mengwei and Wu Qimei have already lost their lives with us, and many other forces have sent troops to Chengdu. "

"Like what I said just now, they are here this time, and they are not sure what they are going to do. Look and try again. If you really find a way, or if there is a group of people, you have to fight with blood. No. These families have their own nursing homes and private slaves in private. The green forest people are unreliable. These people are reliable. As we know now, the nursing homes and coaches of some large families have signed up this time. After the contest, many masters in the army will start to play next month and beat them down just to let them know that we are not easy to mess with, so they may cast a **** and converge. "

"Hum!" I would rather have a flash of sigh in the eyebrows, "It's best to kill them if you have one!"

"Well, I want to do this too." Hou Yuanzhang patted Ning Ji's shoulder. "But I said above, they came in completely. Let's try to let them go out completely, and we can only do business in the future. Kill chickens and monkeys at most. Move a few, once it moves a lot, it can be regarded as our failure. Don't feel uncomfortable in your heart. At most, you can participate in the battle of Taiwan and you can't kill them. "

"... It's boring." I would rather shake my head, then smile at Hou Yuanzhang, "I'm still a doctor. Thank you, brother, I'm leaving."

"Don't make too much noise." Hou Yuanzhang waved with a smile.


I talked to Hou Yuanzhang, and Ning Yi probably understood that the identity of Huangshan is most likely the family's nursing home and general. Although it may be possible to do something on its own side, I am afraid it is still in an uncertain state.

The bad guys have to come to trouble ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have nothing wrong with myself, but I have to worry about the bad guys' thoughts. It ’s not enough to kill more. The reason for these things was that my father once said that what Hou Yuanzhang said from the beginning naturally passed down from his father's side, but he couldn't like such a thing anyway.

It's boring for my uncle to be free. He went all the way to the more interesting ... Wen Shoubin and other bitches.

It was still early, and he didn't swim that night. He came all the way to the yard and changed into night clothes. When I turned in from the side of the yard, there was only one figure in the yard facing Xiaohe in the back, but it was the white dragon in the fluttering Qu Longyan. She stood outside the gazebo by the river, facing the river in the night, it seemed to be singing poetry. .

An orange lantern in the desolate pavilion lit up the ground gently, white dresses fluttered in the night breeze, and across the river was the blurred night scene of Chengdu, muttering something in Qu Long's mouth. The little cheap dog has a style ... would rather climb down the courtyard wall quietly, hide into the rockery below, stretch out his fingers, and pop out according to a toad on the strange rock in front.

The toad flew out, and the little dog in front of his field of vision also made a snoring sound and jumped into the river.

I'd rather not sting.

游泳 Swimming in a skirt? Inconvenient, right?

Get out of here ...

I don't seem to be good ...

He struck his cheek, getting slightly warm.

Uh ...

Then I really got tangled up and didn't know how to save talents.

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