Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 978: Mian Tibetan Splendid Sword and Knife (5)

"... Kung Fu means craftsmanship and skillfulness ... there was no such thing as martial arts before. There are so many rotten villages. There are many bandits in the mountains and forests. There is a person who can handle it in the east of the village. Look, it does, for example, I do n’t know where to pass down the special hand training method or the special leg training method. One method can be used for 20 years. One foot can break the tree. Except for this foot, there is nothing ... ... "

"... I encountered such a person when I was young. It was ... a little south of Xiangyang. A surnamed Hu said that he could kill a tiger with one foot, a family practice, a strong right leg, let ’s Here, the worst thing is that he practiced a half circle thicker than the average person. Ordinary people can't stand it, but as long as he avoids that kick, he will fall down as soon as he pushes it ... This is a unique skill ... The real martial arts is good, mainly to Most of the things that can be done if you leave or fight ... "

In the hall of the side courtyard of the inn, Wu Linsu, named Lu Liutong, had a cup of tea in front of him, and he was eloquently telling the story of Wu Linjian to watermelon, Du Kill, Luo Bingren, and Ning Yi.

"... Look, Liu Dabiao at that time, I still remember, the beard with a full face looks old, but in fact he is still a hairy guy, carrying a knife, hit everywhere in Tiannan Haibei, to At that time, Jiayu was already showing signs of entering the room. He made a move with the old man. On the sixteenth move, he slanted his sword ... Hey, he slashed down from above. At the time, the old man's foot made a reckless move. Niu Lidi, a white ape offering fruit, went in front of the blade, and clasped his hand ... "

"... At that time, the position of your sword was very simple. After that time, this move has two more changes. This is the benefit of walking more and fighting more. Then you know how to become stronger ... You still have this cut ... "

The old man smiled and asked everyone in a gesture of making a knife. Watermelon, Du Kill, and others exchanged their eyes and smiled and nodded: "Yes, there are indeed."

Lu Liutong smiled with satisfaction: "The martial arts family has a complete set of unique skills passed down, taking advantage of accumulation. Liu Jiadao is in Miaojiang area. Just as my Lu family is in Jiayu, it has a foundation and a foundation. It does n’t mean that you can really produce talents. You have to say that Diao Biao ’s martial arts were actually set in that tour, and then he got the name of a sword. In addition, the Qingxi Fang family has been passed down for several generations. Originally, there were some small forces, but their reputation was not well-known. By the time of the Fang La generation, the family was lost, and he took advantage of it ... "

"... Qingxi was prosperous in the past, but the court ’s birth rate was also large. Fang's generation had a few talented people. How did Fang La, Fang Baihua, and Fang Qi Buddha come out? There are too many people in the family. When they came out, Fang La went to Manichaeism and thought he had found a way. But what is Manichaeism? It ’s not you who eat me from top to bottom. I want to eat you. There is no retreat. Fang's family still had Fang Xun and Fang Yan who had a good reputation, that is, they died during the rally. "

"Fang La hit out and became the sacred God. Fang Baihua, although a woman, has heard of death several times. Why is Fang Qifo called Yunlong Jiuxian? He uses his strategy well, and every time he makes a shot, he must seek He moves later, and he is so proficient in 18 martial arts. He always takes shots against other people's weaknesses. Others say that his thoughts are meticulous and invisible. In fact, it is because he has the weakest martial arts in the beginning. The current name ... Well, in fact, he later achieved the highest achievement. If it was not delayed in the army, it would be no problem to run ... "

"... Fang's family originally wanted to make a place in Qingxi, and accidentally reached the level of the leader. At that time, He Yunsheng, the leader of Mani, heard that there were several members of the Korean Central Committee. The relationship is also a great master who is very powerful. The old man has seen it for two years, but he has never done it with him ... Under He Yunsheng, the virgin Si Kongnan has performed lightly and claws, and he is also a first-class master in left and right protection. Who knows that in the Dragon Boat Festival that year, Fang La and others met a large group of people, including your father, to directly challenge He Yunsheng at the Manichaeum ... "

"... No one would have expected him to win, but after that battle, he is the Holy Father."

The old man was self-proclaimed, and when he talked about these things, he said the words, "I have seen XX and XX twice" and "I have XX and XX twice", it seems that the people are gone, and now the lonely master and snow in the world Looks like. Watermelon, Du Kill, and others know more or less the differences in some details. If you see them on weekdays, you probably don't have any mood to listen to, but now that Ning Yi has come over to make fun, it is also smiling. The old man played.

"... In Manichaeism that year, the reason why the Shenggong was able to fight with He Yunsheng to the end was mainly because your father, Dabiao, was standing beside him. With him, Fang Baihua and Fang Qifo, it was considered that Skong Nan was held in front. That group of people, after all, Liu Dabiao's swordsmanship is superb, and he is famous for facing the enemy. It is unclear ... Unfortunately, because of this test, Fang La took He Yunsheng's seat, and the others fled. To escape, Fang La refused to listen to the deployment of several tribes in the north, so there was the scourge of Yongle later ... And because your father's reputation was too prominent, everyone knew that your Dadaozhuang had formed an alliance with the Holy Father. It became the one that the court first had to deal with ... "

This Lu Liutong can hang around in Jiayu for so long. If this year is still rare, he can still play the old cards of Jianghusu. Obviously, he also has his own ability. With various rumors of rivers and lakes, he can get Yongle into trouble. The contours are concatenated and approximated, which is quite intelligent.

Although Manichaeism is a people's organization that takes the bottom line, it can be inextricably linked with local peoples. I don't know how many people reach out. The generation in which Si Kongnan and Lin Echan reigned was regarded as accustomed to, and the scale of development was also large. However, the strength was always scattered.

After Fang La killed He Yunsheng and expelled Si Kongnan and others, he purged the entire congregation in Jiangnan, and finally twisted the entire Manichaeism into a rope. Depending on the influence of Manichaeism, Li Tianmao, Shi Bao, Deng Yuanjue, and Zu Shi Yuan and others joined one after another. From this perspective, the Manichaeism of the era of He Yunsheng and Sikongan was nothing more than a gang of grass-roots. After being pruned in Fang La's hands, the Manichaeism was enough to hang one hundred "former Manichaeisms".

However, this situation is obviously not in the interests of the local peoples, and they have begun to suppress Manichaeism from all aspects. Then the conflict between the two sides intensified, and finally there was a change in Yongle. Of course, after the end of Yongle's change, Lin E Chan, Si Kongnan, and others who came out again regained Manichaeism, which brought it back to the state of scattered sand that year. The teachings of various places spread, but there was no control. Although Lin Echan himself once raised some political ideals, with the repeated crushing of weak women such as the Jinren and Lou Shuwan, it now looks like they recognize the status quo and are unwilling to toss.

In these situations, Ning Yi relied on Zhuji's intelligence network and the large number of green forest people collected to be able to figure it out, but it was still interesting for such an old man to say that he could spell it out like this. If he didn't pretend to be able to talk to his classmates, he would like to inquire with the other party about the whereabouts of Cui Xiaolu-Du Sha and others have never really seen this person, maybe they are ignorant.

Na Lu Liutong commented on Fang La and Liu Dabiao, and then began to say Zhou Zhe: "... Zhou Zhe spent more than ten years in Yuquan Pavilion. Although he is now said to be invincible in the world, I see if he can have this. The name is still debatable. However, he is also awesome. Why, because, apart from teaching students, he walks around and fights all over ... Hey, this is what I said. Move more ... "

"... Early years ... When Jing Han Dynasty was still there, in the end, Tiannanhaibei made a name, that is, Lin Zongwu. At first, it was Mani teachings, but no one thought that he could practice that later. The realm of the enemy ... not to mention, the old man had a few tricks with him in Jiayu at that time. This man has deep internal strength and it is difficult for the world to have an opponent. He later rose to fight against gold in Jindi, but it was actually a national effort. I see, you have to do something big today, you can have the guts to spit the world, this time the world ’s first contest, you can invite him to come ... Of course, this is your internal affairs, the old man just mentioned this ... "

"If he wants to come, of course we are also welcome." Watermelon smiled.

"This kind of mind has the momentum of Da Biao that year." Lu Liutong praised with satisfaction.

The old man took a sip of tea and lived for a while, and then said, "... In fact, martial arts must be advanced, which is mainly to move around. For more than ten years since the Central Plains changed, speaking, the north people go south, the people are not talking about life, but in fact, it is also forced. It ’s been more than ten years since the north fist passed south, and the exchanges have been integrated. In these years, you have been involved in the green forests of the south of the Yangtze River, either in the northwest or the southwest, but as far as the old man sees it, there are some people here. During the troubled times, some famous names were made ... "

"... For example, in Lin'an that year, there was a Nie Jincheng, who had a high level of martial arts and a deep background. His nickname was" Boaman ". The old man had discussed with him and talked for an afternoon. Unfortunately, when Lin'an broke the city, This man was sacrificed in the resistance and failed to escape. Alas, this man is a rare hero ... He has a man named Chen Guizhi, whose name sounds like a woman, but this man is very tall. Powerful, I heard that this time I came to Chengdu ... "

"... In addition, there is a middleman with an nickname of an honest monk in the land of Hunan and Chu. He is well-informed and has good hands and eyes. He has good relationships with various families. Although there are few hands, the old man knows that this is a cruel man ..."

Ning Yi reached out and touched his nose ...

Although the old man was unknown in Jiayu, the news seemed well-informed. At this time, cooking and talking about heroes, introduced a lot of heroes in recent years, and then gradually entered the topic.

He came to Chengdu this time and brought his second son, Lu Xiaolun, and his disciples. His son is in his early fifties. He is said to have practiced in the rivers and lakes for the past 30 years. Make friends with everyone in the martial arts. This time he brought the other party over, and he felt that this time he could start a division and see if he could go to the Huaxia Army to find a post. From the perspective of the old man, it would be better to find a title such as the embargoed trainer to get started.

In the past, in Xiliang and other places, people who practiced martial arts were given titles like the 800,000 forbidden army trainer, which is a good origin. However, for the Lu family who already knows watermelon, fighter, etc. , Of course, can only be regarded as the beginning.

"... The Huaxia Army continuously trains troops in the mountains in the west, and the battle array is admirable. If you try the military array, the Wu Dynasty in the east is naturally inadvisable, but after more than a decade of integration between the north and south martial arts, there are still many. There is a unique skill that can be used for reference. Xiao Lun has traveled in the south of the Yangtze River in recent years, met with various famous artists, and has heard extensively. Any teacher in the army, according to the old man, is already qualified, so he let him come and see, and the old man also After the relationship with the deceased, while the body is still tough, come over here and take a look ... Xiaolun also has a few unique skills, and you can practice it now, haha ​​... "

That Lu Xiaolun was in his fifties, and his physique seemed to be quite healthy. The old father didn't intervene when he spoke, and then stood up to salute everyone. The other students and his classmates then took out various performance instruments, such as large buffalo bones, blue bricks, wooden stakes, and other objects.

The buffalo bone was big and hard. It was packed in a cloth bag. Several disciples took it out and placed a piece in front of each person. Ning Yi is now well-informed, knowing that this is a prop for performing "yellow clay hands": this yellow The clay hand is a partial martial art among green forests. During the practice, the sticky yellow mud is used as a prop. Grab it slowly by hand, from a small group of yellow mud to the point where it can be picked up with five fingers. A ball of mud, as big as a ball, actually exercises the strength and accuracy of five fingers, so the yellow mud hand gets its name.

In addition to the practice of catching yellow mud, what this martial arts practitioner does every day is to twist various bones with his bare hands. In the end, he will face the enemy. No matter if others punch or kick, he can hold the other hand together. The bones of his limbs were shattered directly. This buffalo bone is harder than ordinary people. Performing with it shows the strength of the performers.

Ning Yi stood behind Watermelon and Du Fu, watching Du Fu taking a bone in front of her, her lips gradually raised, and she didn't know what smile she touched.

The two in front of him are both master-level masters, even though their backs are facing him, how can they not know his reaction. Watermelon frowned and gave him a slight glance, and then looked at Dudu in confusion, Dudu sighed, reached out and tapped gently on a bone-he only had one hand-and then watermelon came to understand and scratched his hand. Could not help laughing.

Then Luo Bingren couldn't help laughing.

There, Lu Xiaolun rubbed his hands, grabbed a bone, and broke it.

Watermelon grasped the bone with both hands and twisted it, and Luo Bingren also twisted it with both hands, and it really continued to twist. Then both looked at Du Fu.

Du Sha sighed ...

Since then, there have been several rounds of performances outside. That Lu Xiaolun punched on the wooden stake, and then demonstrated several rounds of skills such as eagle claws, split muscles, and wrong hands. Watermelons and other people are masters. Naturally, they can also see that the opponent's martial arts are okay. It's just that every veteran of the Huaxia Army now sees blood. Unless Lu Xiaolun has killed people like hemp in the Jiangnan area, he can only be regarded as a sparrow in the Eagle's Nest when he enters the army. The **** smell on the battlefield of martial arts cannot be compensated by the posture.

After the Xia Village war that year, Tong Guan and others led a Wu champion to take over the military in Wuri Camp. Wu Zhuangyuan wanted to win the prestige in the army, and the veteran was selected on the platform to say that they would learn from each other, but death was a stab. The champion named Luo Shengzhou was severely injured and carried away. I'm afraid he never went to the platform again.

For those veterans in the battlefield, many times speaking of rules may not win the martial arts masters, but as long as they can break the defense, they always have the same goal.

Xia Village's veterans are still like this, not to mention the Chinese soldiers who have killed the world for ten years. Ten years ago, soldiers such as Mao Yishan would hide behind the battlefield and tremble. Ten years later, they could already catch the battle-hardened Jurchen generals and smash them to the stone. When such viciousness came out, few people could counter it.

Watermelon, Du Kill, and others looked at each other, and then began to say that the rules of the Huaxia Army were only the victory of the first all-out war. The Huaxia Army was serious about discipline, and there were no shortcuts and procedures in many things. Yes, Brother Lu Jiashi's art industry is superb, Hua Xia Jun naturally looks forward to joining Brother Shi, but there will still be certain procedures and steps.

These words are not false. The Huaxia army opened the door to welcome the world ’s heroes, and it would not push anyone out. Although the Lu family wanted to take shortcuts, it was not in itself undesirable. The Huaxia army hoped that he should join in naturally. But if you can't obey this procedure, the art industry can't digest it no matter how high the Hua Xia army, let alone the danger of promoting him as a coach-that's the same as sending death-of course, such words are not easy to say directly.

After hearing the words from watermelon and Du Kill, the old man happily expressed his approval and praised the strict military regulations of the Chinese Army. Since then, he said that since the Huaxia Army has a plan to recruit people, his son and several disciples will naturally behave in accordance with the rules, and they are also planning to participate in this contest in the southwest. Everything can wait until then Discuss again.

Afterwards, there were various scenes to entertain each other.

After that, they talked about the past again. After the two sides resolved the embarrassment, watermelon and others just left.

After the people left, Lu Xiaolun, who returned to the courtyard, and other people immediately gloomed: "Dad, this is looking down on us."

"You haven't defeated the Jurchen. People look down on it, of course, they have nothing to say." Lu Liutong returned to the table, took a sip of tea, pressed down his gloomy face as much as possible, and showed a calm and calm manner. Since the Huaxia Army has done something, it is also a matter of pride and pride. What, Xiaolun, want to get, the most important thing is what you can do ... "

Then Lu Xiaolun thought about it: "My son will work hard to get a good name at the contest."

"The vision is too low." Lu Liutong said with a tea cup, his gaze looked into the air, so silent for a long time, "... ready to post, these days, my husband took you to Chengdu with this time. The martial arts fellows all met at the first sight and sat down on martial arts. "

The old man's gaze turned to the few people in the room, his lips opened, and after a while, he said word by word: "Liu Dabiao, in the old man's hands, changed the two methods of the sword, and today's sword. Now, it's only the old man who knows its flaws. Liu Dabiao's most powerful decision was to pass the sword to the entire Zhuangzi. In these years, the Chinese Army can have such a scale, and it is inevitable that the sword can help ... Xiao Lun, you have to look at the strengths to be a man. Although you have a ranking, it is useful, but in the final analysis, it is not that you have come to hold the field for the Huaxia Army ... If you want to be a man, you can support and you can dismantle the stage. Next If you go to support, the old man will have to discuss with the world ’s heroes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is a bit of a flaw ... "

Lu Xiaolun looked at each other with several students and then said, "My father is wise."

"Master is wise."

"Master has nothing left to do ..."

"The black flag will regret what happened today ..."

"Ha ha ha ha ..." In the compliment of the crowd, the old man grinned with a beard and smiled frustrated.

At the same time, the brigades left the street.

Ning Yi took a carriage with watermelon and went to a quiet place in the city.

"This is great, it offends people ..."

"Senior Wu Lin, Gao Dexian, beware, he called Lin Jiao over here and hit you on the stage ..."

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