Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 979: Mian Tibetan Splendid Sword and Knife (6)

"Senior Wu Lin, Gao Dexian, beware, he called Lin Jiao over here and hit you on the stage ..."

"If the fat man dared to come, even if I and you didn't do it, he wouldn't be able to walk out of the southwest alive. Lao Qin and Chen Fan would be enough to handle him anywhere."

The night was gentle, and the carriage slowly passed the streets of Chengdu. Ning Yi and watermelon looked at the night and chatted in a low voice.

"Liheng, you said, why did the fat man go after Jindi's defeat?"

"Zhanwu wrote back that Lin Echan has received a disciple, and the teaching affairs have been ignored for the past two years. The congregation has also put down and devoted himself to nurturing children. Speaking of this man's ambition in his whole life, he speaks loudly in front of people. It may be a little bit open now, and finally I admit that I only have the ability to martial arts, and people are old, so I pin my hope on the next generation. "Ning Yi smiled," Actually, according to Zhan Wu, Lou Shuwan has I thought about asking him to join Jindi's delegation, and this time he came to the southwest to give us a kick. "

"... a good idea." Watermelon thought for a moment, **** in the palm of his hand, "Why didn't you come?"

"From a political point of view, if it succeeds, it is certainly an interesting thing. The fat man was thinking about taking advantage of Lou Shuwan's hands. What was the name of the descendant Xuannv in the partnership, he was put together by Lou Shuwan. The pits were seven or seventy-eight, and the two sides also considered Liangzi. The fat man did not risk killing her, it does not mean that he has no intention to kill her at all. If he can take advantage of this, let the fat man go down, and help Jindi A hiccup. Shuwan from that building can be said to be the biggest winner ... "

Watermelon laughed: "If Lin Xie Chan and that history come to the southwest, this platform will be a little bit worth seeing. Those people in Zhuji will be excited."

Ning Yi also laughed: "It ’s very interesting to say. The only problem is the enemies of Lao Qin, the old father-in-law, Fang Qifo and their enemies. You, me, Shao Qian, Chen Fan ... I have to die. I really think of Chengdu. Whoever fights for it is not easy to use. "

At the end, he flashed coldly in his eyes. For a long time, the grudges with Lin E Chan have been small or big, and as far as Ning Yi is concerned, the most profound thing is that Lin E Chan has killed Lao Qin, but on a larger level, Lin E Chan Zen is just a knife in the hands of others.

After Xun Jun, the grudges at the green forest level gradually diminished. Ning Yi didn't care about killing Lin Ezhan when he could, but he didn't have much initiative to seek revenge. He really wanted to kill such a master of martial arts with great pay and small returns. If the other party could find the front line The vitality ran away, and in the future, it will become endless, and Ning Yi is hard to say is safe.

This tacit understanding has been maintained by both sides for more than ten years. No matter how good his name is, Lin Echan never enters the territory of the Huaxia Army. Although Ning Yi has seen the other side in Jindi, he does not say that he must kill him. However, as soon as Lin evil Zen wants to enter the southwest, this tacit understanding will be broken. Fatty offends the entire high-ranking army of the Huaxia Army. Regardless of the resentment that year, this kind of person entered Chengdu. Watermelon, Ning Yi and others are not afraid He, but if he goes mad, who can guarantee the safety of his loved ones at home?

Ning Yi speaks of rules in the overall situation, but at the level of family safety, there are no rules at all. In Qingmuzhai that year, Lin Echan and Red Ti were a fair duel, but just suspecting that Red Ti was injured, he would launch everyone to besie Lin Fat. If Red Ti later did nothing to ease the situation, he might not be able to resolve the situation later. Witnesses will be killed at once-in that chaos, Lou Shuwan was originally one of the witnesses on the scene.

"... Since the two parties are going to buy and sell, there is no need to add such a large amount of variables in order to be a little bit emotional. Lou Shuwan should be trying to scare Zhanwu. Without doing so, she is mature ... As far as theater is concerned, of course I also I'm looking forward to seeing you, Hong Ti, Chen Fan, Lin Echan, and Shi Jin playing together, but these things ... wait for the world to be peaceful in the future, and look at the performance of those people who would rather avoid them, Lin Echan The disciples should be pretty good. Seeing Xiaoji's resoluteness for the past two years, I am afraid that he wants to go to martial art practice ... "

He paused: "There is someone in the family who can inherit you and me, okay, right ..."

Watermelon nodded: "It mainly depends on me. When you add up with Tizi, you can only compete with me."

"Well? What's that saying?"

"Together with me, you can only match up with Tizi."

"... Agua you are a little bit vicious."

The carriage drove past the dim lights and shadows of the city at night. The couple laughed and laughed, and Ning Yi looked at the smiling side of the watermelon in front of the window, and stopped talking.

Watermelon should have felt this kind of gaze, and turned his head: "What's wrong?"

Ning Yi looked at her: "The news came from the old cow's head, which is not very good." He took a letter from his arms and handed it over, watermelon took it, and sighed: "This is not the first day anyway ... "and then began frowning at the letter.

The carriage was quiet, and Ning Yi's eyes warmed to his wife. He will come to Lu Liutong to have fun here, after all, the curiosity about the green forest is only second.

In the Tau Tau incident nearly two years ago, Chen Shanjun and Li Ximing took more than a thousand Huaxia troops to split from this side, occupying the northwest corner of the Chengdu Plain and developing on their own. Chen Shanjun is close to Li Min and points to the Datong world, which is the average means of production. With the cooperation of more than a thousand Chinese army troops, he annexed several nearby counties and towns, began to divide the fields, and unifiedly recovered the land and various large-scale production materials. distribution.

The whole process of land recycling is not kind. At this time, the landowners and rich farmers who control the land certainly can find all the bad spots, but it is impossible that all are bad people. Chen Shanjun first started with the landlords who could master the misdeeds, severely punished them, and deprived them of their property. He then spent three months on lobbying and bedding, and finally completed all this with the cooperation of elite soldiers.

Although there were **** incidents during this period, Chen Shanjun firmly believed that this was a necessary process. On the other hand, most of the Chinese Army soldiers who followed him in the past also had a deep understanding of the importance of equality of means of production. Under the daily speech of Chen Shanjun who led by example, Finally, the resistance on the entire site was crushed. Of course, some landlords and rich peasants also moved to the Huaxia Army territory with a mouthful—for those who are not convinced but willing to leave, Chen Shanjun certainly did not intend to kill them.

So starting from last spring, Chen Shanjun and others created the world's first "People's Commune" in Lao Niutou. Based on the nearly 2,000 armed forces, the population under management is about 40,000, and the land is averaged under the condition that all means of production are owned by the government. The farming cattle and iron farm tools purchased by Chen Shan through the Huaxia Army are distributed collectively. Of course, the seeds of these problems also existed from the beginning.

Farming is good or bad, and the land is divided into three, six, and nine. Chen Shan relied on the army to subdue the people in this area, and the army has become an invisible privileged class from the beginning. Of course, Chen Shanjun is not unaware of these problems. Ning Yi reminded him of these problems from the beginning.

Because the place is not large, Chen Shanjun himself is setting an example, and daily classes are held to educate everyone about the meaning of equality and the vision of Datong. For the activists around him, he has divided a team of elites and formed an internal supervision. Team, hope they become more morally conscious defenders of equal thinking. Although this also contributed to the formation of another higher privileged class, in the early days of the team's creation, Chen Shanjun could only rely on these "more conscious" people to do things.

The exploration of "equality" within the Chinese Army for more than ten years is not perfect, and the doubts and frictions within the old Tau Tau have never stopped since the beginning. During this time, the Huaxia Army was preparing for the war, and then officially entered the battle with the Jurchen West Army. It did not pay attention to the situation of the old bull head, but Qian Luoning and others who were originally arranged there were constantly watching the whole situation. development of.

Conflicts of interest always appeared in a political way. After Chen Shanjun formed activists into an internal monitoring team, some of the excluded soldiers protested and frictions began. Then, **** incidents in the fields were started. I think that Chen Shanjun's method is not correct. On the other hand, there is another questioning voice that the Jurchen West Army's invasion is imminent. The division launched by these people seems very stupid.

Due to this pressure, Chen Shanjun also offered a note to the Huaxia Army to help the battle. Of course, Ning Yi also refused.

The joy of dividing fields occurred in the first half of last year, but in the second half of the year, various problems, like a surging undercurrent, have begun to rise. Many members of the military began to show corruption, and similar signs appeared in the monitoring team-the reason why the signs were because the convictions began to become blurred and difficult, and the hills of mutual support gradually appeared. In September last year, in In one investigation, there was even a case of killing the whole family of farmers, and the top conference table began to make noise and blame each other.

Chen Shanjun and Li Ximing cooperated to launch two internal cleanups, but the specific effect is difficult to define. They can average the land severely by means of means, but it is difficult to initiate real cleansing inside the army. Two cleanups, several upper levels were convicted and reformed, but the hidden dangers have not been eliminated.

Although the bright direction has been set from the beginning, the pace of the old bulls has been difficult from the beginning. By the beginning of this year, the meeting table had been arguing almost every day. The leadership of Chen Shanjun and other leaders for spring plowing has weakened, and until the victory of the Huaxia Army in the southwest, more people began to name Ning Yi inside the old bull head, thinking that it should not be said that Mr. Ning should not listen. The information is equal, and it is not exactly when it should appear.

On the scene, everyone in the old bull head was talking bright words. What was actually to be covered was the imbalance that had erupted in private. Under the circumstances of insufficient internal supervision and rectification, corruption and encroachment had reached a serious level. Degree, and the specific reasons are naturally more complicated. In order to cope with this shock, Chen Shanjun may launch a more severe and thorough rectification, while the other parties naturally took up counter-weapons and began to blame Chen Shanjun.

In such a chaotic situation, Li Ximing, as an "inner ghost", may have noticed some clues, so he wrote to Ning Yi to remind him to pay attention to the development of the old bull's head.

In fact, from the beginning, Ning Yi only regarded the old cow head as a test field. The difficulty of this great ideal in the early stage is completely predictable, but this thing is different on the watermelon side. significance.

He looked at the figure of the woman looking down at the letter from the window.

Time is like water, making the wife's side face more mature in front of her, but when she frowned, she still carried the innocence and stubbornness of the year. Over the years, Ning Yi knows that what she is thinking about here is the idea of ​​"equality". The old cow's attempt originally appeared under her persistence and guidance, but she did not pass by. For more than a year, when she learned of the stumbling there, she naturally had such anxiety in her heart.

"Maybe it will be better ..."

"Maybe it won't ..."

Occasionally I talked to Ning Yi about the old cow head, watermelon said the most, and that's what he said. It was just that during the previous battle with Jurchen, the two met together and met a few times, and she always suppressed the gossip in this regard, without saying too much.

At this time, the war in the southwest was settled. Although there is chaos in Chengdu today, he has already set the steps for all situations. You can jump out of here and care about your wife's ideals.

"More and more chaotic ..." With the lights and Yuehua, watermelon frowned and read the letter for a long time before reading it. After a while, he sighed a long time, "... Liheng said, Is it possible to survive this time? "

"If it weren't for us, they wouldn't be able to survive for the first time." Ning Yi shook his head. "Although they were separated in name, in fact they are still small forces in the Southwest, many of them People still worry about you and me. So since the first two times have passed, this time, it's hard to say ... Maybe Chen Shanjun is ruthless and can find a more mature solution to the problem. "

Watermelon thought for a moment: "... would it be better to kick them out in the first place?"

"An immature system model, after going through more brutal internal struggles, will only collapse earlier. This kind of nascent thing is always like this ..."

"-You haven't really seen it!"

Watermelon frowned, screaming at Ning Yi, and then she took a deep breath: "You always say that, always say ... you haven't really seen it ..."

This time, probably because the war in the southwest was finally over, she could already be angry about it, and finally broke out in front of Ning Yi. Ning Yi wasn't really upset, and looked out of the car: "You're right ... there aren't many people here. Go on?"


Watermelon nodded, the two stopped the carriage, and when they got off, it was a quiet street in the city with few tourists. Although there were shops and people on the roadside, most of the pedestrians on the road were nearby residents, children. Happily playing in the room. They marched all the way and walked for a moment, Ning Yi said, "Doesn't it look like Hangzhou that night?"

"There was a curfew in Hangzhou that night, nobody!" Watermelon said.

Ning Yi leaned over and held her hand. When the two noisy children around the street approached, when they saw the pair of men and women holding hands, they suddenly made a little surprised and shy voice backed away, a watermelon in a blue floral dress looked at the children with a smile- She is a girl in the mountains of Miaojiang. She loves, hates, and is generous. She has been married for more than ten years and has a calm attitude.

"I sometimes think of it." Ning Yi held hands with her, and walked side by side. "How old were you at that time in Hangzhou, and you said to you that you want to be a shepherd, and you want all people in the world Grab that gimmick. If it is in another situation, can you still have these ideas so firmly today? "

"Huh?" Watermelon turned to look at him.

"On the street of Hangzhou that year, UU reading www.uukanshu.com told you that Datong and everyone are equal. It ’s me, Agua classmate. Is it possible because I told you this, so Can you remember it so resolutely for so many years? When I think about it, I feel that this matter is also our common ideal, right? "

His words were warm, and after this, watermelon's original expression of resistance also softened, and his eyes gradually narrowed with a smile: "But you didn't say, you lied to me ..."

"Still the same, there was a deceptive element at that time, which did not mean that I did not believe it." Ning Yi laughed. "Looking back and thinking, when I asked Tizi what she wanted, I brought it over and tied it in a bow. Give it to her, she said that she wants peace in the world ... I can achieve peace in the world, but only your thoughts, we can't get there in this life ... "

"It's Chen Shanjun who can't get there." Watermelon looked at him, his eyes slightly resentful. "Sometimes I think, if you do those things, it will be different, but you have never done it, you always say It must be like that ... Of course I also know that it is really important for the Huaxia Army to defeat the female first. You ca n’t do things like Chen Shanjun and ask for stability, but ... you really have n’t seen it before ...

"If ..." Ning Yi sighed softly, "What if ... I've met?"

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