Zhui Xu

: Mianzang Splendid Sword and Knife (7)

"What if ... I've met?"


Businessmen in front of them passed by. Should not have expected such an answer, watermelon turned to look at Ning Yi, slightly puzzled.

Ning Yi still walked slowly, took her hand and looked at it: "Twenty years ago, the day when I married Taner, I was hit with a stone on my head and passed out. When I woke up, I forgot everything. Did you say this earlier? "

"Um." Watermelon said, "I remember it was Xue Jin. When I first heard about it, I was thinking of taking you to seek revenge in the future."

"Never mind, Ning Liheng before the beating was a stupid nerd. After the beating, it was not easy to open it, remember everyone's okay."

Watermelon smiled at him: "Taner also said in private, it ’s really weird. If I went to see you twice before marrying you, it would be the same. After I got married, I found that you have so many ideas, all in my heart. This is called Sorrow ... "Seeing Ning Yibai for a glance, she said," Well, you said business, where have you seen it? "

Ning Yi retracted his eyes and smiled: "Speaking of which you may not believe, the few days I was stunned, I wandered out of the sky, and saw ... another world scene, awkward, as if I had seen it for over 100 years History ... Do n’t pinch me and say you may not believe it, but listen to it first, I ’m a stupid nerd and suddenly opened up, you do n’t feel weird. So many stories from ancient times to today, Zhuang Shengxiao dream fans But butterfly, I see another possibility in this world, is there anything strange? "

The look of watermelon has been a bit helpless, and he smiled angrily: "Then you go on to say, what happened to that world?"

"It is said that one thousand years later, we have not yet developed a systematic study of grids ..."

"The people of this thousand years are dead?"

"It cannot be said that the Confucian metaphysical system has reached an absolute dominance after our dynasty, and they have exerted the spirit of" Min Ke "more deeply. A whole set of identity rules. When there are no external enemies, they internally agree with each other, and they have assimilated the external enemies. Therefore, in the next thousand years, the dynasties will be replaced, divided, and combined. Then ... Europa, which you told me, is now in a terrible place, and the poor is changing, the first is the development of the study of grids ... "

"... It's like the beginning of a bamboo storytelling book." Watermelon poked his lips and said, "Why would we not be able to develop a geophysical science for another thousand years?"

"Uh ..." Ning Yi thought for a while, "Let's think that our lives are too good. Although the people are also suffering, half of the time, they can still provide a large group of carnivores who are noble and good. After the pressure, these carnivores prefer to study metaphysics, philosophy, and pay more attention to right and wrong. They are more particular about being human. But the situation in Europe is worse than us, and they die every time. So they are relatively pragmatic and pick a little law. We have to take advantage of this rule. So we are more concerned about the overall fantasy and they can relatively focus on the details ... not necessarily right, let's just think so. "

"Speaking of business." Ning Yi spread his hands. "Anyway, they have invented Geology. Now, a thousand years later, the power in our land is a foreign race. Manchurians brag about themselves. It's a descendant of the King today ... Don't laugh, just so coincident ... "

"Well, after a thousand years, these golden men will finally have the world." Watermelon resisted the accusation of such uncreative behavior, "you continue."

"The Manchurians closed the country. Although there is no physics, but the art of Confucian rule is flourishing. They feel that they are in the kingdom of heaven and living well. But the Europeans came and drove the cannon with guns and guns. Things, to come to do business, forced the Qing Dynasty to open ports to protect their interests. At first everyone was curious about each other and didn't say to fight, but slowly doing business, there was friction ... "

"This book can't be written, they will know what you are going to do after writing it ... How can you write yourself as a villain ..."

Ning Yibai gave her a glance, and decided not to bother her interruption: "The Europeans had powerful firearms, and Manqing also felt that he was a kingdom of heaven. The Qing dynasty ruler at that time was a queen, named Ci Xi-it has nothing to do with Zhou Pei- If you fight, you fight, we declare war with the whole world. Then in this fight, everyone finally found that the kingdom of heaven is already fish on a chopping board, tens of thousands of troops, hundreds of thousands of troops, even thousands of people. The troops couldn't beat it. "

"The international community must be beaten if they are backward. Once they cannot be beaten, the good things in the country will be divided up by the enemy under such excuses. From then on, the entire China will be caught in ... by many countries including Europe. During the round of division of the aggression, gold and silver were plundered, the population was slaughtered, cultural relics were stolen, and the house was burned. It has continued for decades ... hundreds of years ... "

Ning Yi said here, the discourse has become slower. At the beginning, Watermelon thought his husband was joking, but when he heard it, he could not help but throw in his brows: "Nonsense ... The Wu dynasty was also beaten by Jin Guo this time. It didn't take more than ten years to come here. The situation of being beaten for hundreds of years is not much, is it different from others, will you not learn it! Even if you build this gunpowder cannon from scratch, you have only spent more than ten years in Liheng! "

Ning Yi smiled slightly: "Manchu's backwardness is, of course, the backwardness of Geology, but this is only a superficial, deeper problem. It is already a backwardness of people and culture at that time. Confucianism has developed from the beginning. For thousands of years, it has formed a stronger net internally, suppressing people's thinking, it has held people's hands and feet from all aspects of life, work, social. To defeat Europeans, the development of grids is better than them, but yours The thinking structure is not suitable for being a trait. You can do it for others, and you will never catch up with your enemies ... Agua, I sell things to all of them today, for the same reason. Without changing their thinking, they will always be better than I take a step ... "

He took a breath: "Back to Manqing, beaten, can't catch up, Manqing also knows how to change, but how much? Agua, a general trend in human society is that any inherent system will try to maintain it. The original appearance of the emperor, although beaten to adjust, but how much to change, people will always tend to be enough. So at the beginning, the emperor separated a department in the cabinet. Well, we learn the West, learn the grid, learn how to make muskets. Cannons, use this department to protect themselves. This behavior is called 'Western Movement'. "

Watermelon squeezed his palm: "You still have such a disgusting name ..."

"Where is the Westernization Movement disgusting ... Forget it, the Westernization Movement separated a department in the court to make changes, either learning artificial artillery cannons, or paying people to buy artillery cannons, and also holding artillery cannons, practicing the so-called Recruit. But then they found out that it did n’t work, there were problems with the soldiers, and there were also problems with the officials. The country continued to suffer, cutting land, compensating, and kneeling underground for seventeen or eight small European countries for decades. Everyone found, hey, Westernization Movement ca n’t work, so change a little bit more. The whole court must change ... ”

"At that time, the Manchu dynasty was a country almost three hundred years old. The system was bloated and FǔBài was rampant. Reforms in one department were not feasible. We had to carry out reforms from the top to the bottom. Everyone thinks that the past three hundred years have continuously castrated people with Confucianism It ’s not bloody, and the people must be awakened. They need to give the hardships below a little more benefits and status, and make officials more friendly and clearer. So the reform is the next step. "

"But no matter what it looks like, three hundred years of feudal nations are hard to come by. People who used to be good are unwilling to concede, internal conflicts have intensified, and those who called for and presided over the reform were eventually defeated. Since defeat, I ca n’t solve the problem. I ’m still kneeling and beaten by someone outside. Then the change is not practicable and we have to take a more fierce road ... Everyone starts to learn that if we want equality, we ca n’t have Manchu, we ca n’t have court, we ca n’t have The emperor ... "

"In this way, civil unrest began, rebels began to appear, warlords began to appear, everyone must overthrow the emperor, call for equality, open the people's wisdom, give civil rights, and pay attention to people's livelihood ... Decades have passed since they were beaten for the first time, and they overthrow the emperor in the hope that things will get better. "

Watermelon took a breath: "You killed the emperor in this book, it's about to get better ..."

Ning Yi smiled: "Yeah, it seems ... a groundbreaking feat, the situation in society has improved to a certain extent, and then with the warlords of influence, they want to become emperors. After this warlord was overthrown, the next talent Abandoned this idea, the old warlords became new warlords, and the call for equality in society has been going on. People have begun to realize that people's problems are fundamental problems, and cultural issues are fundamental problems. Under such circumstances, many people have proposed to completely abandon the old Confucian thinking and establish a new way of thinking that can be matched with the study of lattices ... "

"During the entire process, they continued to be beaten. The new warlord could not solve the problem, and the abandonment of the past culture was not thorough enough to solve the problem. A new pattern has been brewing, and thought leaders have gradually formed advanced parties. In order to resist foreign enemies, a large number of elites formed government and army, as far as possible to abandon their former suspects, and fight together. At this time, the Dong people on the sea side have become strong in continuous war division, and even want to rule the entire China. ... "

"Well, you dwarf, you story ..."

Watermelon made a sound, and then Ning Yi reached out and knocked on his head.

"... The government formed by the elites still cannot change the accumulation of China for thousands of years, because a large part of their thinking is old. After becoming an official and having power, they are used to thinking about themselves When the country is getting weaker and the cake is getting smaller and smaller, everyone will inevitably want to fish for themselves. Living better than starving people, but slowly, they found that everyone around them was doing this, and when other companions thought that such things were justifiable, everyone scrambled to start fishing ... "

"... The army soldiers were divided up, and the strong men sent to the army were going to starve to death on the way. The enemy invaded from the outside, the bureaucrats emptied from the inside, and the poor people didn't talk about their lives ... At this time, the entire China had kneeled a hundred before the eyes of the world In the year, it is not enough to become stronger again and again, and innovation is not enough once again ... then maybe more decisive and more thorough innovation! "

"... The Westernization Movement is a progress in Manchuria, which is a hard-to-reach country. The reformation is a step forward in the Westernization Movement. The old warlords replaced the emperor and went further. The new warlords replaced the old warlords, and they took a step forward. Ambition, but it is inevitable that some selfish elites have replaced the new warlord, and here goes one step further. But what is going forward? Agua, you have ideals, ambitions, Chen Shanjun has ideals, ambitions, but your men, can Find a few of these people? A little selfishness is worth forgiving. We are bound by strict military regulations ... Go ahead, how do you go? "

"At that time, maybe it was the era that said that this would no longer work. Therefore, a system that truly calls for equality for all and for the people finally appeared. Those who joined that system will truly give up part of their selfishness and will truly Belief in the Grand Duke and Selflessness-not the kind of belief that big officials rule for the people, but they will really believe that they are equal to all people in the world. They are officials, but they are not the same in division of labor, as if someone If you want to dig, you have to be an official ... "

"Is this really possible?" Watermelon Road ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course it will not be 100% like this, but the level of equality among them is incredible. After a hundred years of humiliation and failure, and seeing that the entire country is completely without dignity, most of them finally realized that ... if there is no way out. In fact, many of these people are elites. They could have gone into the polity formed by that elite. They think about it for themselves, and everyone can understand it. But they all saw that it was only that level of effort that could not save this world. "

"They constantly urge and transform themselves. They will believe that the entire government and the whole government will serve the people from the heart. At that time, Huaxia went up and down for thousands of years. It can even be said to be the cleanest army in the history of human society. Was born there ... It can also be said that they were forced out. "

There was longing and admiration in Ning Yi's words, and watermelon looked at him. For the whole story, she naturally does not have a deep sense of substitution, but for the men around her, she can see that the other person is not talking about this with a storytelling mood. This puzzled her slightly, and couldn't help but think about it a lot.

"So ... what's next?"

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