Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 981: Mian Tibetan Splendid Sword and Knife (8)

"……what's next?"

"Now, the Dongling people are defeated ..."


Ning Yi shook his arm with a smile: "... After the Dongyu people were defeated, don't forget that there are still bad guys in the West. The development of their physical studies has reached a very high level, and the Huaxia ... three thousand years of Confucianism One hundred years of weakness has led to a big gap between them in geophysics. As mentioned before, if you are behind, you will be beaten. People still sway at your door every day and threaten you. I want you to renounce such interests, such interests. "

"But on our side, at that time, we already had a strong will that transcended everything, and a spiritual force that could twist the entire China into a rope. At that time, even if you were still hungry, you had the last **** on your hand, you I will think of giving it to your comrades. Imagine that such an army appeared at that time. Western geophysics is 100 years more advanced than we are now. Aircraft made of steel flies in the sky, and war made of steel. The cars ran on the ground, and the bombs they hit could blow up the whole street ... "

"Hua Xia ... the battle with the strongest country in the West broke out ..."

Ning Yi looked at the night, paused slightly, and watermelon frowned, "Failed?"

"No, that's ... the last time in the history of humankind that human beings filled the gap in the material gap with spiritual power, and they repelled the West. By that time, they had been beaten by China for 120 years, Only for the first time has been valued by many Western countries and won the space for stable development. "

They marched along, waved their hands, and watermelon smiled, "Now, dominate the world, forever?"

"Next ..." Ning Yi also laughed. "Next, they continued to move forward. They experienced too much humiliation and suffered more than a hundred years. Until here, they finally found a way. They saw that when everyone educated and innovated, so that everyone became noble and cared about others, they could achieve such a great deed. Agua, what would you do if it were you? ? "

Watermelon looked at him.

"They will continue to go deeper. They use spiritual will to flatten the material foundation, and then ... they want to complete the spiritual transformation of the entire society without material enough, and directly go beyond the material barriers and enter the final Datong society."

"Spiritual transformation ... how changed ..."

"Through classroom education, and practical education."

"..." Watermelon didn't think about it for a while, Ning Yi looked at the front and then spoke.

"... They have finally come to the conclusion that it is difficult for human beings to cross that spiritual divide when the material foundation is not satisfied. To achieve equality for all, everyone's spirit is extremely noble, and they first You have to go back and create the material foundation, education foundation, cultural foundation ... "

Ning Yi said here, finally silent, watermelon thought for a moment: "Noble spirit, what is the relationship with the material?"

"It's as if I have a full stomach, and I choose to do something good, and I want to be a good person. If I ca n’t eat enough, I probably do n’t have a good heart."

"Isn't that a poor conscience, is such a good person really good?"

"What are really good people, Agua? Where are there really good people? People are just people, have their own desires, have their own weaknesses, it is the desire that generates demand, and it is the demand that drives the creation of today's world. Living in this world, some desires will hurt others. We say this is wrong, some desires are good for most people, we call it ideal. You are delicious and lazy, and you want to be an official in your heart. This is called desire. You study hard through hard work. Fantastic, want to be an official, this is the ideal. "

Ning Yi smiled: "Although material can't really make a good person, material can solve part of the problem, it can solve part of it, and of course it is a good part. Education can also solve part of the problem, and education must also come up. Then, They have thrown away more than 3,000 years of culture, and they have to build their own culture, everything, and solve part of the problem. When all is done, someday in the future, maybe they can have that qualification, and then go to that ultimate Goal, challenge ... "

"... their previous challenge." Watermelon said endlessly. "How did they come to that conclusion? What happened to their challenge?"

"Agua, the story is just a story." Ning Yi touched her head. "The real question is, in these stages I have seen, what is the core law that really dominates every change that emerges. From the Westernization Movement To the reform, the old warlords, the new warlords, to the elite government to the people's government, what is the core of this middle? "He paused." The core of this middle is called social consensus, or collective subconsciousness. "

"This kind of social consensus is not a superficial consensus, but rather the addition of all people in this society. There may be more scholars, more officials, and less hardship for farmers. Add their views on the world Get up and calculate an average, which determines what a society looks like. "

"Of course, at the beginning, the proportion of ordinary people who did n’t study was very small. The more they went forward, the more important their importance cannot be ignored. When we talked about 300 years of Qing Dynasty, they were beaten suddenly, and everyone would start thinking, what Do? At this time, the Westernization Movement was proposed. Everyone thinks it makes sense. This change is accepted by the public. "

"Continue to be beaten, it means that there is not enough change. Everyone's thoughts add up. If you accept this, you will have reforms and reforms. At this time, you say that we don't want the emperor ... we can't form a social consensus."

"Only when they continue to be beaten, don't want the emperor, and become a social consensus. Then the old warlords became a consensus, and the warlords needed to learn foreign ideas and technologies, and slowly it became a consensus. Our cultural system was obviously out of step with the study of geophysics and was beaten. After so long, the cultural system has to be gradually destroyed before it has become a consensus. After the establishment of the elite government, they have opened their eyes to the world's best officials, and the social consensus at the time felt that this would be fine, so they did not Stopping fishing has also become a consensus. "

"Wait until the plate of the elite polity can't be done anymore, the people will not talk anymore, everyone will come to a consensus, and they must be more excellent, more clean, and more strict with themselves ... Such a social consensus will profoundly affect a group of people, they Deeply agreeing with these ideas, they can do that kind of thing, and they can give a gimmick to others when they are hungry. This is a society that has been humiliated for a century and finally created. Consensus is what everyone thinks should be in their hearts. "

"One hundred and twenty years, the enemy was finally defeated and the foreign enemy was gone. This consensus continues in accordance with inertia, but at this time, everyone still does not have much to eat. You are hungry, and there is a **** in front of you. You are Give it to your companion, or take it back to your children? "

"When such problems fall on millions and millions of people, you will find that at the worst time, everyone will feel that such" nobleness "is necessary. The situation is better, and some people will feel that It's not necessary. What if we still want to maintain this nobility? We can make up for it with better material, better education, and better culture. "

"Agua, today you don't need to care about the farmers outside, you go to see the scholars, the officials around you, my students, think about it, what is the consensus of society today? Everyone is equal? ​​This society is extremely big Some people haven't even reached a consensus on the idea of ​​"literacy to be cultivated". Even without the consensus of the emperor, I have already taken a few steps forward, not to mention ... the consensus of the old man ... ? "

"Without such a consensus, Chen Shanjun would not be able to truly shape such officials. Just like the court building in the Huaxia Army, we set out good provisions, and through serious steps, everyone will do things under such provisions. The problem is that whether you are rich or poor, the provisions and steps you face are the same, so as to be as equal as possible, but where is the social consensus? Poor people ca n’t understand this impersonal provision, what they long for is Master Qingtian's verdict, so even if three orders and five applications are kept open for education, going to the outside law enforcement team, many times still have the urge to be master Qingtian, aside from the provisions, or deal with it strictly or open the Internet side. "

"There is nothing wrong with the judgment." Watermelon muttered.

"It's not bad, you have to fumble slowly and run in slowly." Ning Yi smiled, and then drew a circle towards the entire night sky. "This world, so many people, seem to have no connection, and the world talks to them It has nothing to do with it, but the whole world looks like they are still connected with them after all. The appearance of social government can be one step ahead and one step behind, but it is difficult to make a huge leap. "

"It's like being an official. Every population hates corrupt officials, but if your uncle is an official, do you think he should be incorruptible? Or do you think he should help his family a lot? In the minds of the public Thoughts will determine what this world looks like. Assuming that everyone is taking a big step forward on an equal footing today, you are a small fellow, and something has happened. Your first reaction is to find a relationship to help, or to let the judicial authorities directly press Streak work. Society looks like the average of these ideas, fluctuating. "

"I can hold hundreds of meetings in the Huaxia government a year and desperately tell them that you want to be honest, but these meetings cannot really defeat and reverse the consensus in people's hearts. The consensus in the entire society's subconscious mind is determined by culture. "

They turned the long street in front of them and turned out to a secluded square. There was already a small river next to it, and a flower boat sailed on it, reflecting the sparkling waves. The two walked quietly for a while, watermelon said: "No wonder you let Zhu Ji ... write those things ..."

"The only thing that can penetrate the subconscious is culture." Ning Yi smiled complexly and tiredly. "To make everyone equal, you have to make people's lives full of stories about equality. We want to tell others about the evils of the world, Let them discuss the incompetence of the emperor. Of course, it is not that simple as a whole, but here is the big head ... We can drag this society forward, and every step forward, we must lay the foundation for everyone's heart and go one step at a time Then it is possible to go to the next step, otherwise you take one more step and they will pull you back. "

"Chen Shanjun's old bull head can bring a lot of experience about equality ... For example, he divided the fields violently at the beginning because our soldiers pushed him into battle. If there is no such a huge thing as the Chinese Army, is it a prerequisite? Take a longer time to make better public opinion? He has been in the business for two years. At the beginning, he talked about equality with others. When encountering such problems, he will continue to increase his theories and statements, whether he will go or not. Going past, all of these will become the cornerstone of going forward in the future ... "

"But if you let me come, Agua, you look at me high, and I can't go, because I'm afraid of the subconscious mind of everyone. Once you go too fast, they drag you on, even on their own. If they knew, they would kill you ... "

"What do you think about all day ..."

Watermelon reached out and stroked his brow, and Ning Yi laughed, "So, I haven't seen it before."

"In your story, it will take hundreds of years to achieve Datong, right?"

"I'm afraid ..."

"Are they going to do the next challenge? What was it like then?"

"I can't see the back ..."

"You can't make up a full story ..."

"So I really saw it, and it wasn't my own foolishness. I don't believe it ..."

"You speak so convincingly, of course I believe it."

Ning Yi looked at her, and watermelon blinked at the big watery eyes.

"Forget it, before you said that the Westernization Movement was disgusting, what happened?"

"Just disgusting!"

The two laughed and walked along the road. At the intersection in front, the lights turned on again, and there were pedestrians on the road. Watermelon suddenly saw who pulled Ning Yi quietly forward. Then the couple hid behind an alley and peeped out their heads.

"Who?" Ning Yi frowned, chopping on his wife's shoulder.

"A bad guy in the city, you see, that old man, called Guan Shanhai, brought a woman ... a big Y devil ... these days we often say bad things on newsprint."

Ning Yi poked his lips: "You're enough, don't lose face. Right now there are thousands of bad people in Chengdu. I open the door and let them in. Which one is in my eyes, you pull me to peep him like this It was known to him that he had to brag for a lifetime. After leaving, I was ashamed to look at him more. "

"No." Watermelon waved and beat him. "This afternoon, I would rather ask Hou Yuanzhang to look at this old thing. Someone mentioned it, I don't know why. This is not the right thing to encounter ... the old thing offends my son ..."

"Huh?" Ning Yi frowned, and lay behind the watermelon and looked at it a few more times. "Okay, what offends nothing, just the old man's body. If it really offends, the second child rid him of him eight Block ... no, do you think the second child will do that? "

"I don't know," said Watermelon. "Xiaoji is pretty good."

"Well, forget it, an old man **** a prostitute, what's so good about it, go back and look for someone to check. Go away."

"Can't check it, Xiaojiu got it from me. It's terrible. He secretly looked for Xiaohou. When you make a big noise, he knows that it's exposed. We can't say we're monitoring him all day."

"It makes sense for you to say that. He knows that he is looking for someone secretly. This is to avoid our surveillance. Obviously there is a ghost in his heart ... is it really necessary to send someone to follow him?" So, I ca n’t help but look more there. After two glances, then I felt lost, "You can't see anything after leaving."

"I came to slaughter him in the middle of the night. I knew at first glance that it was not a good thing."

"You can't be like this ... gone."

"Don't pull me, I ..."


On the other side under the moonlight, Guan Shanhai took the woman into the large house, and the two husbands and wives stood in the remote alley, looking angrily.

"How could you be like that, tearing your own woman's clothes outside and being proud of being seen by others ..."

"Speaking and leaving, your god-like sangong has spoken. You are in the ear ... an old thing, and when I look back, I will ask someone to catch him and pour pepper water ..."

Watermelon stretched out his hands to hit him, and Ning Yi also fought back. The two beat their hands into windmills in the dark alleyway, beat each other, and passed all the way home.

The night was full of sparks. The low mood of watermelon due to the old bull's head was slightly relieved by Ning Yi's "blindness". After returning, the couple looked at each other again. Someone sent the secret report to the watermelon, but It was Qian Luoning's alarm on the condition of the old bull head.

Stumbled all the way to this place, no one knows whether the old cow can persist. But for Ning Yi, everything in Chengdu must be important right now. As he said on the street, thousands of enemies are pouring into the city. The Huaxia Army now looks like a mechanical response, but inside Countless jobs are in progress.

Watermelon remembers everything her husband said before—although it sounds like a nightmare, but she knows that Ning Yi would n’t be targeted when she talks about it—she grabbed a pen and paper and hesitated for a moment before she started on the paper Write down the words "OO campaign".

She really didn't want to write the first two words. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com Ning Yi is too bad, so serious about blindness.

After the "OO Movement", there were "Reform and Reform", "Old Warlords", "New Warlords" ... and so on. Rely on these memories to write these, and over and over again thinking of what Ning Yi said "that world."

Is this the step he sees? Is this road really so long and difficult? Was it because he never dared to think about success easily, so he would let the old Tau head split? Will all exploration be an experiment?

Hundreds of years of humiliation and exploration, constantly finding ways, constantly failing, and constantly summing up experience and revising the road, absolutely true at any moment did not really appear. How would you feel if you were in such a world? Struggling or Desperate?

She can still remember the excitement when she heard those equal comments on the streets of Hangzhou. When Ning Yi rebelled, she thought that the day was not far away. Over the past ten years or so, she felt more and more clearly every day that her husband had defined the success of this cause on the scale of one hundred years and one thousand years.

Life is so short ...

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