Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 982: Mianzang Splendid Sword and Knife (9)

One night's turns of entertainment, approaching the small courtyard where I lived, is almost over.

After being filled with a lot of wine and vomiting again in the middle, Wen Shoubin was impatient with the bumps of the carriage and got out of the street not far from the courtyard. Thinking about going for a while, I made a slight review of the two entertainments tonight: who is good at speaking, which is hard to say, which has weak points, and which can communicate.

If it is somewhere else, walking outside this time is more or less unsafe. But once he was excited and excited today, he also knew that in recent times, Chengdu was tight outside the city, and the Huaxia army took the power of defeating the Jurchen, and seized a few typical examples, making it on the street. The law and order are clear. He walked on the street like this, and he was not afraid that someone would kill him. If he asked for money, he gave the bag to him, and he didn't care about it today.

The wind at night was warm and gentle, and the way back to the courtyard door, the mood was also cheerful. Humming Xiaoqu into the door, the girl-in-law came over and told him what happened to Qu Longyu's misstep today. Wen Shoubin's face changed overcast: "Is there something wrong with the lady?"

"It's okay, but maybe frightened ..."

The maid told him the context of today, 151, and after hearing Shoubin heard, he nodded silently, and in the living room, let a person hold a pot of strong tea, took a few sips, and let out the alcohol. Only then went to the small building in the back.

He had to come upstairs, knocked on the door outside the room, and waited for a moment before pushing in. Qu Longyu was sleeping on the bed, and the curtain was swinging with the wind. Wen Shoubin walked to the wooden table in the center of the room, took out the flames and lit the oil lamp, and then moved a chair, put it beside the bed, and sat down.


When she noticed the arrival of Wen Shoubin, Qu Longyu said, wanting to get up, Wen Shoubin reached out and pressed her shoulder: "Sleep. They said that you fell into the water today, do n’t worry about your father, come and see See, it's best to see that you're fine. "

Although he drank tea, he still had a taste of wine. Sitting there, he seemed to be exhausted, watching the starlight outside the window come in.

The father and daughter didn't speak for a while, so silent for a long time, Wen Shoubin just sighed and said, "I gave the grandma to Shangong. Shangong liked her very much. Maybe it will be a good few days. Tonight I sent Lu Ting again, just hoping that ... they will have a good home. Long Lu, although speaking of the country's righteousness, in the final analysis, it has quietly brought you here to the southwest. To do dangerous things, you ... are scared? "

"Father ..." Qu Longyan's voice choked slightly.

Wen Shoubin was silent for a while, then raised his hand and rubbed his forehead: "Things in the Southwest, say one thousand and ten thousand, can only be done if you want to do it. Long Yan, it is easy to say with righteousness, it is really difficult to do it If Ling Zun was able to choose that year, he would not rely on Liu Yuzi, a father ... I really do n’t want to deal with these people today, the country is in danger, they are drunk, and they are talking about wind and moon. Sometimes For my father, too, can these people do things— "

He leaned on the back of his chair for a while and didn't speak.

"But the more you look at this world, the more you feel that people are such a thing, there are always seven points right and three points wrong. Without these things, people are not human. Without these mistakes, according to the sage Words do things, shouldn't it be Datong society thousands of years ago. Thousands of years of sage words, Confucian learning, in order to find a compromise in this world, the sage says the mean. Just, not too long; Soft, unstoppable. So it's mean ... "

He said: "If anything in this world is absolutely spoken, there will be nothing to talk about. Having raised your daughters for your father, and confessing to others, they say they are ..." He seemed to smile casually. "In the past, those great Confucianists, those who read books, how do you think of your father, but for your father, they just raised some ... 一些. Teach you piano, calligraphy, painting, teach you to serve others, but ... Oh, so they look down on people It makes sense ... "


"This thing, I ca n’t refute them for my father. To put it bluntly, you are doing this. It ’s like an old sister-in-law in a brothel, teaching you something, pushing you into the fire pit, just to make money, to earn money from your sweat. Money, money of conscience! "

He paused: "But in our business, there are some differences from the old sister-in-law. I won't let you touch this and that man. When you are your daughters, I will raise them as daughters. I will try to find you one. Good people, I've figured out that I'm married, and I've always regarded you as daughters ... Aunt Hui, I've been married and always let me see her. I don't, I am not my biological father after all. I ca n’t ... I ca n’t let Hui Aunt have a bad life in the future, but she ... She was born and ruined by a Jurchen two years ago, and I never saw her last ... "

Wen Shoubin said here, stretched out his hand and covered his eyes, his words were choked up: "And Aunt Ping, Acui them, and your sisters ... At least they are a man from beginning to end, a woman is not this life, Yes, you ca n’t be the elder lady, but it ’s not at least a lifetime, right ... Of course, if I say to those talented people, they just sniff, what am I to say here, to flaunt yourself ... "

"Longji, do you know why you read the sage book for your father?" He said, "In the beginning, I just read it and learn a few words casually. You know that for your father, you have a lot of dealings with big gates. They read a lot and have a lot of rules. In their hearts, they look down on people like their fathers--people who sell their daughters. Then for their fathers, they talk to them about books and the things in the books, so that they feel that His father's aspirations were high, but in reality he had to sell his daughters for a living ... to talk to their fathers about selling their daughters, they felt cheap to their fathers, but if they talked to them about sage books, they felt pitiful for their fathers ... Give you more money, get out. "

"This is the book I read from the beginning for my father, but slowly I felt that the Most Holy Master made a lot of sense. In that discourse, there is a sense of purpose. If so many people in this world do not pass those principles, How can you be orderly? A father and daughter who sell their daughters point to money? Those who serve as soldiers kill people? Those who do business should have conscience? Only those who read books can be saints? "

"This is the way of the world. You have seven points, you ca n’t avoid three points wrong, you have seven points wrong for your father, but then there are three points right. It ’s also very good. Raising a daughter for the father, giving them a good life, and getting it right They change money, at least better than the old sister-in-law in the yard? Merchants can also make sense for the country and the people, as soldiers can reason. In this world, I also hope to do something for my father ... this world ability Really getting better. "

He rubbed his forehead: "Hua Xia Jun ... speaks very well to the outside, and can be seen by my father over the years. The more this is, the less I know where it will happen, but there are some small flaws that can grow long. For a long time. Of course, I have limited knowledge for my father, and I ca n’t say the words of Mei Gong, Dai Gong, etc. I will bring you here for my father. I hope you can do something in the future, to no avail. I hope you will bring the Huaxia Army here. What happened? Of course, you are of course very afraid ... "

"Well, if there is a choice, who wouldn't want to live clean and simple. If there was a choice in that year, I would like to be a scholar for my father, read a book of sages and exams for a lifetime, and mix names. I remember Aunt Ping When she got married, she said, I just want a simple family, a husband who loves her, and a child, who doesn't want to ... But in this world, people have either no choice or only two rights. No matter what, everyone wants to live in peace and tranquility, but when the Jurchen comes, this day is chaotic ... Long Yong, there is no other way to hide from it ... "

Wen Shoubin was also uneasy. When he said that, he lowered his head for a while before finally lifting it up: "Of course, if Long Yan really doesn't want to stay in a place like the southwest, meet these people today, Tang Shizhong has repeatedly said I hinted that I really liked you ... you remember, it was one of the few people who came with Shangong that day, there were two mules on his face, the one who did n’t like to talk, this person was the first person to study I heard that he is very financially capable. He has seen you since then and has long remembered you. I think the other few people have the same intentions ... "

"Marry them, you really can have a good life, but the Jurchen comes back, or the black flag is killed, it will inevitably escape ..."

Qu Longquan's weak voice came out of the mosquito net: "If your daughter follows them, your father will not be able to do things in the southwest. Can you use them again?"

Wen Shoubin stunned: "... Can't control that much." After a while, "And your three other sisters."

Qu Longyi thought for a moment, and said, "... My daughter really stumbled and fell into the water. Really."

"Um." Wen Shoubin nodded. "... I know."

The galaxy is dense.

After listening to the conversation between the two young dogs in the mist in the clouds, I waited for half a night before getting up from the roof. I already had a fist in my hand. If I had n’t been trained at home since I was a serious "hidden sword in a sheath", I'm afraid he would have already cut down these two things under the sword.

At first glance, Wen Shoubin's words sounded normal, but when it comes to content, some are only 14 years old and would not understand, and others who understand it are distorted in his ears. Oh, the Jurchen is in a mess, you can't hide it, you want to do something, it's good, go and fight with the Jurchen--there is a **** in the southwest.

The old dog chattered, but he couldn't refute it. It is even more impossible for them to be hacked. Now this group of people is only at the stage of "want to do bad things". Nausea is not a crime. They really acted. They could not explain to their father and Aunt Gua.

The younger the younger his heart was, the more he wanted to be more angry, and he fisted a few punches on the roof before quietly going down and rushing home. After returning, I started to practice the unfamiliar eagle claws, tore a few pieces of wood, and chased the bluestone beside the river, and practiced the Thirteen Taibao horizontal alchemy bell jar, so I spent most of the hour, took a cold bath, Just calmed down a bit.

When I practiced, I was upset, and thought about telling my father that Shao Shoubin's shameless words for a while. The father must know how to hit the old dog's face. He calmed down before he dismissed his idea. Now that there are so many shameless things in this city, my father ca n’t see how many there are. He must have arranged a way to beat all the guys. He used to let him pay attention to this name, too. Lift the old dog too high.

What did the father arrange? So many bad people say so many disgusting words every day, maybe even more disgusting than Wen Shoubin. If they come by themselves, I am afraid they can only arrest and kill all of them once. Father, should there be a better way?

The little cheap dog is not a good thing. Seeing that she committed suicide, she thought there was something hidden in the middle. She was muttered by the old dog, and she planned to continue to do evil. I knew it was time to drown her directly in the river. Now, I can only hope that they really intend to do something big. If they just catch it and send it out, they can't swallow it ...

The young man who was sure that he had saved the wrong person was a little confused, and that night, he fell asleep in such tangled thoughts.

The city became peaceful in the night, and entered the operation of the lowest consumption. Except for the night watchman, head catcher, and guards on the city wall, most people fell asleep. Deep into the night, people can only hear the movements in the ears, but these movements start to grow again, followed by the squeaks of chickens, the barks of dogs, the light glows in the city, and then the sky emerges white.

The grand Chengdu awakened in such an atmosphere. I would rather wake up with millions of people in the city. On this day, I ran to the military medical office and took a large package of wound medicine. Then I mixed up the imperceptible spices and borrowed them in the army. A dog ...

At the same time, thousands of people are performing their actions in the city.

In the early morning, Qu Longyu sat in the pavilion by the river and looked at the rising sun, like countless times in the past, remembering the life of the blurred, father still in the Central Plains.

The courage to commit suicide was exhausted last night, and even sitting here, she never dared to go any further. Not long after, Wen Shoubin came over to say hello to her. The "father and daughter" spoke for a while, and after confirming that the emotion of the "daughter" had stabilized, Wen Shoubin left the house and began his new social journey.

In another mansion, Guan Shanhai began to meet some outstanding scholars gathered in Chengdu this time after reading the newsprint on this day, and discussed with them the so-called "four peoples" and "contracts" of the Huaxia Army. Talk about loopholes and weaknesses. This one-on-one private socialization is a means of showing importance to the other party and quickly establishing prestige in the other party's heart.

In the afternoon, he will also participate in public discussions with some literati in a certain inn. Many people came to Chengdu this time. In the past, they were mostly well-known and rarely met. Guan Shanhai's appearance will meet the needs of many scholars and celebrities to "sit and talk", and his reputation will be even more because of the performance at these times. stable.

In the evening, it is time to deal with some more hidden matters. For example, when you meet an unscrupulous conspirator such as Wen Shoubin, you discuss some weaknesses in the Huaxia Army with some trusted confidants, and discuss the issues here. Spy use, these things can no longer rely on blood to unite with others, they have to take a more secure step to act in a timely manner.

Conspiracy discussions like this are not uncommon among Chengdu's undercurrents, and even many of them surface from time to time.

This day is June 22. Yan Daolun and the two leaders of the ambassador Liu Guangshi met privately with Lin Qiu, and began to bid to the Huaxia Army for some of the prices and payment methods they negotiated, and tried to carry out some firearms. In-depth discussions on technology purchases-such a negotiation cannot be finalized in a few days, but showing sincerity, finding out each other, and discussing a staged intention will make them take a lot of advantage in future bids.

In the gap between bidding and chatting, Yan Daolun warned Lin Qiu:

"... Many people came to Chengdu this time, mixed with dragons and snakes. According to Yan's private investigation, there were some people who were ready to take a risk ... Now that the Huaxia Army has such sincerity, our Liu The general naturally hopes that the stability and security of your side and Mr. Ning can be guaranteed. Some of the clown jumping clowns need not say more, but there is a person's whereabouts. I hope Brother Brothers can report up a bit. This person is dangerous and may be ready I stabbed ... "

He whispered, revealed the information, and thought he was sincere. Lin Qiu listened carefully, then suddenly looked stunned, and quickly asked someone to pass the information back, and then thanked him.

"Brother Yan Gaoyi, the younger brother will also tell Mr. Ning."

"Yan is just a poor listener. He also hopes that Brother Lin will convey Mr. Ning. This is mainly what General Liu meant."

"Natural and natural, but although the general goodwill comes from General Liu, Mr. Yan is the clerk in front. This kindness will not be forgotten."

"Hehe." Yan Daolun smiled with a beard. "In fact, General Liu is now making a lot of friends. This time I came to Chengdu and trusted Yan a lot of people. However, some news was never determined after all. Yan could not speak badly. But please rest assured that, as long as this transaction is successful, General Liu will not allow anyone to break this major event in Southwest China. This matter is related to the rise and fall of the world, and it is by no means a few old scholars who can not keep up with the changes and can oppose . Jurchen is my number one enemy in China. At present, Mr. Ning is willing to open up all this to the Han people in the world. They have internal conflicts-never! "

"That's the truth!" Lin Qiu slapped his palm on Yan Daolun's slap. "Good point!"

They then continued their negotiations.

On the same morning, Watermelon went to her office and convened several specific characters to catch up. In a short time, a total of seven people came from different places and met Watermelon in the small conference room.

These people have different statuses and ages, the oldest being the Yong Jinnian of the cultural front, the daughter Lin Jingmei who was taken over by Ning Yi, the disabled soldier who lost one hand, and the young soldier with a handsome appearance. After everyone sat down, watermelon rubbed his forehead and started talking.

"... Regarding the ideas of Datong society, Mr. Ning and I had a discussion. I think we should take a note and give you some thought. Mr. Ning he ... conceived a long process to explain what he thinks, The difficulty of this matter, I try to say it again, you think about what to do in the end ... "

She recalled Ning Yi's words and explained the crowds last night. She especially emphasized the terms of "social consensus" and "group subconsciousness"-these people are her think tank in promoting the democratic process. Members of the League, there have been many similar discussions over the years, and she has never concealed Ning Yi, and Ning Yi is actually a tacit attitude to these analyses and records.

After she had explained the whole concept, someone laughed: "Mr. Ning really seems to have seen such a world. Could it be that he came from here to be so powerful?"

Yong Jinnian said: "Allegory in things and enlightenment is like Zhuang Zhou teaches the world with the theory of monsters. What is important is what words are contained in the monsters. These stories of Mr. Ning also explain his ideas. The changes in people ’s minds should also point out the difficulties in the innovation that he thinks. I might as well use this to make an interpretation ... ”

The sun was shining outside the window, and the eight people at the door immediately started a discussion. This was only one of countless ordinary discussions, and not many people knew what it meant.

At the other end of the city, Lu Xiaolun, who had failed to apply for a job with watermelon, and others started holding Lu Liutong's name cards and went out to visit various heroes.

They will be shocked again.

At the same time they went out, An Xifu and Fang Shu often walked along the river to tell the old story in the welcoming hotel not far from the watermelon. He said something from the north, and Fang Shu often talked about the development of the southwest--in the past period The two sides can be regarded as rebels under the sacred rule of the emperor, but An Xifu is a new general under Fang Baihua who is responsible for the execution of military law. Fang Shu is often a tyrant with a knife. The friendship is not particularly profound, but the time has passed for so many years, it is ordinary friendship. Can give people a profound touch.

What's more, the benefits that Southwest is ready to give Jindi this time have been settled. An Xifu does not have to be vigilant with all sorts of things at this time. When the men and women rise together today, but to say that they can really keep up with the black flag pace, many times What can form a wave of cooperation, besides Liang Shan's Guangwu Army, is really only Jin Shu who is in charge of Lou Shuwan.

This is the case in this world. Only when the strength is enough and the attitude is tough, can we consider less tricks and plots.

The two talked about Fang La's rebellion more than ten years ago, and then talked about the great defeat and destruction, and talked about Fang Baihua's death. An Xifu talked about Wang Shangshu, who is now the "Peacock King Sword" in the north. Fang Shu often talked about Something Ning Yi did. It is reasonable to say that there are many grievances in the midst, but under the turbulence of these more than ten years, these are nothing. The destruction of Fang La is already doomed. The death of some people is ultimately inevitable.

After speaking for a while, I talked to Ning Yi and An Xifu said: "In Chengdu, it seems to be peaceful. In fact, there is an undercurrent, and the parties are restless. You can tell that we have received all kinds of things here and now. I have said that some people will make trouble, some people will carry out assassination at the early stage of your conference. If the situation is slightly wrong, many people will follow up. Your response on this side is so negative, I write back, and it is estimated that the women will meet. Scolded Mr. Ning incompetently. "

He has been in the military law for many years, and has never had too many expressions on his face, but only smiled slightly when he talked with Fang Shu often about Lou Shuwan and Ning Yi. The two men had the vengeance of killing their father, but now many people say that they have a leg, and An Xifu occasionally thinks of Lou Shuwan's insult to Ning Yi.

Fang Shu often laughed: "You are unfamiliar with your life, where did you get the news?"

"Which news is not important. Nowadays, there are many people who contact each other to draw friends and want to be friends with Jindi. Those who say this may not dare to do things, but since such messages are circulated everywhere, it is inevitable. I dare to do it. Do you really want to let things brew like this? Today ’s gossip may be a temptation. Slowly, seeing that you do n’t respond, maybe you want to come true, really kill one. Field, can you still meet? "

"Mr. Yining's personality that he could do things like that in Hangzhou at that time, could he not be prepared?" Fang Shuchang said with a smile. "The specific details are difficult to say. The main parties have begun to rest and the people have not yet arrived. We are here. The Seventh Army is still outside, and it will take a few days to come in. In addition, there is time in Tanzhou. It will take ten days and a half months for Chen Fan to come over. "

"By the way, you had a good relationship with Chen Fan at that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I haven't seen each other for so many years. By then, I can really tell the story. It's almost time." He said, and patted An Xifu's shoulder.

"Chen Fan ..." An Xifu said of the name and smiled. "I went north with my account book. I thought I could see each other again. I hadn't thought that it had been so many years ... He was still with Sister Qian. Come together ... "

Fang Shu often laughed.

The sun was golden. Someone walked into the seemingly tense courtyard, and summed up the monitoring list for the new day with suspicious information from the inquiries.

Thousands of people gathered in the city, showing a variety of life dramas, countless people clinging to their hearts, waiting for the moment when things began to conflict and erupt.

The next day was June 23. He would rather go to the contest site and carry on a trade with a special spice that is doped with special spices. His world is not big, but for young people who will be fourteen years old, there are no less inferior to the waves of the world, A mixture of moody and sadness ...

(End of this chapter)

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