Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 983: Long Aotian

For the first time dealing with criminals, I would rather have a little nervousness in my mind and plan a lot of plans in my mind.

However, the actual transaction process is not complicated. After summarizing it afterwards, the immature conclusions are mainly that he is a genius.

The time is June 23rd. Shortly after the opening of the museum in the afternoon, a strong man named Huangshan appeared at the side of the venue. Rather than stand up as usual, go to the small lounge and take out the package, carry it on your shoulders, and walk towards the outside.

The two met in the lanes on the side of the contest venue. Although it is a side street, it was not actually hidden. Then Huang Shan came a little hesitant: "Dr. Long, why not find one ..."

"What's wrong?" I would rather frown and be unhappy.

"For such things, don't find a hidden place ..."

I would rather look at him: "This is my own place, what is there to be afraid of. Have you brought money?"

His eyes were aloof and his expressions alienated. Although more than ten years of practice is the medic and the team on the battlefield to fight, but the people he has contacted since childhood is really diverse. Although he has done little such things as negotiation and negotiation, but theory knowledgeable.

When my father taught his elder brother, he once said that to negotiate with others, the most important thing is to run at his own pace and take the pace of others, and the most important thing is to be calm in any situation. The best characters are neuropathy and arrogance. You can only hear your own words, regardless of other people's thoughts. After the chaos, you are right.

The elder brother's accomplishments in this area are not high. He plays a modest gentleman all year round without breakthrough. He is not the same. He has a calm mind and is not afraid at all ... He calms himself in his heart, of course, he is not really scared. The main reason is that the brave man is not high enough, and he cannot use three swords to hack.

He was the first time to combine theory with practice, but the brave man really believed and looked at him.

"Money ... certainly brought ..."

"Take it out, what are you waiting for? There are patrols and sentry in the army. The more guilty you feel, the more people stare at you, and then I will go away."

"Now, here you are ..."

The strong man took a piece of silver ingot from his arms and made up for the remaining six innings. He also wanted to say something. He would rather take it in hand. His heart was settled. He could not hold back a laugh and waved the package in his hands. On the other side. Then he took the silver in his hand and wiped it with his sleeve.

"Is it worth it?"

"How many, I said when I came, it was ..."

"Okay, even if you are Liuguan, your mother-in-law and mother-in-law are martial arts masters, and you will be killed in the army! What are you afraid of? The Huaxia Army is not only one of me ..."

"Ah? There are others ..."

The juvenile had previously said that the discipline was extremely dangerous and repeatedly added money. At this time, a man named Huangshan suddenly felt deceived. But a young man named Long Aotian glared at him.

"Is it strange? Why? I told you you can find it?" He wiped the silver on his chest again, put it in his pocket, and settled in his pocket. "Okay, you bought my Long Aotian stuff, That ’s my friend. In the future, if you come across something, you can come to me. My family is a military doctor and I know a lot of people. But I warn you, do n’t talk loudly, check up tight, and you can only do things privately. "

He was stunned and could not say all that, and recovered to the original small face paralysis and turned back, Huang Shan followed two steps, an unbelievable look: "In the Huaxia army ... is this the same?"

I'd rather stop and blink and look at him: "Are you guys like this?"

"That's not ... but I think ..."

"Catch it! Go. Don't follow me."

He put his hands in his pockets, calmly returned to the meeting place, and waited to turn to the toilet next to him.

He was so amazing that he turned the stupidity around. Uncle Zheng Qiming dare to say that he is not a genius! He calmed down in the toilet for a while, returned to his face paralyzed, and returned to the venue to sit down.

He was thinking about the next steps in his mind: as long as the medicine was on their side, he could lead the dog to find them anytime, anywhere, or else to listen to their plans tonight? No, the old and cheap dogs also have to act there, and they ca n’t afford to lose sight of each other ... Now the assassination plots and even the actions that take place in Chengdu city have been prepared every day. The army is well prepared for accidents, and there is no martial arts over the cheap dogs It's better to eavesdrop, here is the bad guy ... It's hard to say if there is a master, there is no need to take this risk alone ...

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Guang of his eyes glanced at a figure coming from the side, and he smiled and told people "his own" and "his own", rather than wrinkling a face into a bun, waiting for that person to accompany him Sitting down with a smile, he whispered his teeth and said, "You just bought something with me, I'm afraid others don't know."

"No, no, Brother Long, aren't you all your own, you see, that's my boss, my boss, remember?"

I'd rather turn my head and look up on the stage. One of the two people who saw the contest was tall and half-bald. It was the bald man who had a long glance on the day of the first meeting. At that time, he could only rely on the other person to walk and breathe to confirm that this person had practiced internal exercises. At this time, it seemed that he could confirm that his leg work was strong and powerful, and he had practiced several roads. His hand was "Chang's Mountain Breaker". This is a branch of the Mountain Breaker, which shares the same tricks as the "stone-breaker." It is better to be familiar because the most prominent one is called "Pan Tianyin".

"This is my boss, named Huang Jianfei. People from Jianghu send nicknames to break the mountain ape. Look at this effort. What does Brother Long think?"

This bald-faced bald man even got a handsome name ... would rather support his face, this guy ’s internal skills are strong, so he has a strong tenacity and a long-term ability, but he ’s practicing outside. It's good to watch, but because I couldn't be firm and flexible, and my internal skills were over-excavated and overdrawn, I was half bald. My father practiced six ways, if there was no Aunty Red ...

He spit on the ground, interrupting his thoughts. How can such bald men be compared with their fathers, and it is uncomfortable to think about them. Huangshan on the side was a little confused: "What, what? My brother's martial arts ..."

"... No matter how high martial arts, I will be injured in the future, I don't have to lie on the ground to see me."

"But my elder brother Wuyi Gaoqiang, elder brother, you have been in the Huaxia Army all year round, and I haven't seen how many masters I have higher than my elder brother ..."

"Do you think I look like martial arts? Your elder brother, a bald man is great? I will have a musket, and I will also be a fire thunder. In the future, take a shot, bang! Kill your elder with a shot. Then take a thunder , Oh! Bang! Blast you to believe it or not. "

"Uh ..." Huang Shan was stunned.

I would rather look around: "Mother-in-law and mother delay time when trading, as soon as the transaction is done, come over to bother me, can you afford it if something goes wrong? I said you are actually a military and legal team, aren't you afraid of death? Where is the medicine? I won't sell it to you ... "

"Brother Long, Brother Long, I care ..." Then Huangshan came to understand and waved his hand, "I'm not right, I'm not right, go first, don't get angry, I'll just go ..." As I turned around and walked away, my heart settled down. Judging by the child's attitude, the designation will not be the one set by the Huaxia Army, otherwise, if there is such an opportunity, he will not desperately talk about it ...

Although he seems honest and honest, when he is in a different place, the basic vigilance naturally exists. After one more contact, I realized that the other party had no doubts, so I settled down, went out to the meeting place and met a thin companion who was there, detailing the entire process. After a short time, Huang Jianfei, the "Broken Mountain Ape" who won the victory today, discussed with the two for a while, and then set foot on the way back.

Everyone with a surname of Huang lives in a courtyard on the east side of the city. The reason for choosing this side is because it is close to the city wall, and it is the fastest way to escape if something happens. They are the generals of a large family near Baokang, Hubei—they are generals, but they are actually no different from domestic slaves. This county is located in a mountainous area between Shennongjia and Wudang Mountains. The landowner here is named Huang Nanzhong, who said that it is the Shuxiang Mendi, and actually has much contact with the green forest.

Similar to the tyrant sword of the Miao Territory itself, living in the rolling mountain area at the junction of Shennongjia and Wudang Mountains, it is difficult to stand on its own without relatively strong private force. The Huang family has been breeding here for several generations, and they will usually train the peasants into armed groups with a certain ability. The care-giving home in the family is also passed down from generation to generation. There is not much problem in loyalty. There is not much harassment energy for the surrounding mountains, which is why the strength of the Huang family is preserved.

This time when I came to the southwest, the Huang family formed a caravan of more than 50 people. The team was led by Huang Nanzhong himself, and they were all the most trusted family members. They came here after saying countless impassioned words. Do something amazing. His more than fifty people were against the Jurchen army, and that would not be left. However, when he came to the southwest, he had a much stronger advantage than others, and that was the purity of the team.

At this moment, all the gatherings coming to the southwest may be mixed with sand, but Huang Nanzhong's team will not-he is also a few foreign clans with relatively strong armed forces. In the past, because of him Stay in the mountains, so his reputation is not good, but today in the southwest, once the wind is heard, countless people will draw him to him.

He came here and had two ideas.

If the Huaxia Army was really strong enough to find no flaws, he would come here and see for himself. Today, when he joins the group, he can return to his home, and he can follow this pattern and truly expand his power. Of course, in order to witness these things, he asked his superiors to participate in the first contest of the day. In any case, it is good to win a place.

But these are only the most negative thoughts. He is also a Confucian, and he is also righteous. If the Huaxia Army really reveals the flaws that it can take advantage of, more than fifty people in the Huang family will not hesitate to kill their lives, they will send a shock to them The brave name and righteousness of the family will always be engraved in the history of the future, so that millions of people will remember this glory.

Huang Nanzhong has been here for a few days. He hasn't interacted with many people in private, but he has carefully selected a few Confucian Confucianists who have been associated with him in the past. In the middle, there is actually Dai Mengwei A series of implication. Huang Nanzhong is not yet sure when it might be possible. On the day Huang Jianfei, Huang Shan and others returned, they told him that the medicine had already been bought.

They originally carried this thing, but in order to avoid suspicion, they do n’t bring too much, and now they are more prepared to avoid attention. However, Huang Shan and others immediately told him the process of buying medicine, which made him interested. That Huangshan sighed: "I can't think of these ways in the Huaxia Army ..." I wonder if it was sigh or joy.

Huang Nanzhong, the homeowner sitting on the Taishi chair in the hall, raised the tea and blew calmly: "As long as there is someone, it is almost the same. Nowhere is it a piece of iron. The problem is how to find this way ... Huang Ye, you follow Have you ever called this boy named Long Aotian? It has a good name that I do n’t know.

The thin man named Huang Ye was the follower who followed Ningji home two days earlier, and nodded with a smile at this time: "Yes, I came home with him the other day and also entered his house. This person has no martial arts, and is alone Live, the broken yard is quite big, and the place is ... Listening to Brother Shan today, there should be no suspiciousness, just that this temper is bad enough ... "

Huang Nanzhong said: "It is common for a young person to lose his education and lack education. He is not afraid of his bad temper and fears that he will not be able to spill water. Now that this sale has a first time, there can be a second time. Can't say ... Of course, I have to wake him up for the time being, and remember where he lives, when it is critical, it is very useful. Seeing this boy's high self-esteem, this unintentional purchase of medicine is true. Extending the relationship to the inside of the Huaxia Army is the biggest gain today. Both Huangshan and Yezi must make a contribution. "

The two generals bowed down and thanked each other. Huang Nanzhong then asked Huang Jianfei how he felt about the competition and talked a few more words. When it was dark on that day, he went out of the courtyard and quietly visited a Da Rulang Guoxing who was living in the city at this time. This Da Ru is now in the forefront of the city. After Huang Nanzhong came over, he Introduced Yang Tiehuai, another famous old man-this old man was respected as the "Huai Gong". The other day, he was thrown to the ground by a fool to argue with a fool and a woman in Chengdu. By the end, now in Chengdu, the fame is extremely great.

Lang Guoxing is a firm ally of Dai Mengwei, who knows the details of Huang Nanzhong, but for the sake of confidentiality, he is only a referral in front of Yang Tiehuai and does not reveal the bottom. The three then sat down and speculated, speculating in detail on the idea of ​​Ning Motou ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Huang Nanzhong then talked about the fact that he had already cleared a clue in the Huaxia Army, hiding the specific name and giving money Disclosed things. The other two were naturally clear about the corruption in the Wu Dynasty, and came to understand it a little bit.

"As long as there is someone, it can never be a piece of steel. As I said before, there must be some space to drill."

"... No surprise, no surprise."

The two great Confucians looked indifferent, so commented.

Nothing wrong, I'm obviously a genius!

——In the same night, it would be better to swim in the water and think about it excitedly.

Otherwise, I will come to the Wu Dynasty to make a spoiler, which is also very interesting, hehehehehehehe ...

(End of this chapter)

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