Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 984: Late Summer Narrative (Part 1)

The old little cheap dog got on Guan Shanhai's line, and the bad guy bald got the wound medicine. The bad things that I thought would be done soon will soon be done. As a result, these people also seem to have contracted some kind of "slowly" disease. After that, the progress of the bad things seems to be deadlocked.

The old cheap dog attends the dinner every day, and is always happy. The little cheap dog is kept in the yard for a whole day; the two bad guys with the last name Huang participate in the contest with all their hearts, and occasionally call friends and friends. It seems that they want to follow the book from a distance. It is written in the "hero party"-my book is written by my father, what do you say is good or bad.

Time passed by in June, and I would rather track down the residences of Huang Shan and Huang Jianfei through boring tracking, but the two groups of enemies were passively idle and did nothing to destroy things. With such efficiency, he would rather be speechless, and the facial paralysis that he maintains daily at the Biwu Stadium almost became true.

As time goes by, things in the world are certainly advancing with it. In July, foreign business travelers, Confucian scholars, and warriors have become more numerous, and the atmosphere in the city has become more vibrant and lively. There are more people who want to give the Huaxia Army more good looks, and there are several teams in the surrounding Huaxia Army entering Chengdu one after another.

On the second day of July, a clash broke out at the southern end of the city, causing a fire in the middle of the night, and the blazing flames hit the sky. It was when a wave of bandits launched something in the city. I would rather ran all the way to the past to help, but when they arrived at the scene of the fire, a group of bandits had either been killed or arrested. The response of the Huaxia Army patrol was extremely fast. Two of them were martial arts stubborn resistance. He was killed by soldiers patrolling the street.

This happened suddenly and calmed down quickly, but the subsequent waves were not small. On the third day of the third day, I would rather go to the old base dog to listen to the corner. Wen Shoubin is bringing two trusted colleagues to drink and chat, and sighed that ten heroic righteous men were besieged by the Chinese army yesterday to fight to death. On the one hand, they praised their actions as "understanding the layout and falsehood of the Huaxia Army in Chengdu." As long as these conditions are explored, more righteous people will then take action.

In the past twenty days, I would rather have listened to such words many times before finally being able to hold back my anger and sneer. What dozens of heroic righteous men were besieged and fought to the death. A group of green forest people gathered to make trouble and set off. After being caught, they set off and set off. Two of the masters met two patrol soldiers. In the case of two-on-two, the two face-to-face were separated from each other. The patrol soldiers came down from the battlefield. The other two were also slightly injured.

If this kind of situation is one-on-one and the outcome is unpredictable, two-on-two will become this situation. If five people on each side are rushing up, it is estimated that the Huaxia Army will not be injured. In such a situation, I would rather run fast. I got a little understanding when I arrived at the scene. It took only a day to think of it, and it has become such rumors ...

"... I heard people say that this time, the internal shock of the Huaxia Army was also very large. The fire was burned and the city was shocked. Although it was said that they arrested a few people, the Huaxia Army did not lose, but In fact, they suffered a total of five deaths and sixteen injuries. Of course, they did not dare to say it on the newsprint. They had to whitewash the peace ... "

"... Anyway, these righteous men are really a feat. My martial arts do not die out. I have these heroes to follow ... Come, drink, do ..."

"... Ah, I think, nowadays, it is no longer necessary to be confined to this Wu dynasty. IMHO, Jianshuo world has its own blame ..."

"... I can't hear these words. How can my scholars forget this Prince Road? Are you the traitor over Wu Qimei ..."

"... Who is a traitor and who is a traitor? The former prince, Jun Wu Jiangning, succeeded, and then fled the city and fled. What is the difference between his father and his son? Monarchs and ministers are naturally not like courtiers, but their father and son are quite alike. When you talk about Taoism, I will argue with you. Are you a family with a family name, or are you following the teachings of the sages, what is the road ... ... "

"... you nonsense nonsense, pretending to be familiar with the sage ..."

"... I'm right ---"

"... hey hey hey, don't be noisy ... don't fight ..."

The light, shadow and farce in the room formed strange silhouettes in the late summer night, and the teenager sighed and went to the backyard to monitor the girl named Qu Longyu.

Time flows and the world goes on. Many years later, this atmosphere will become the image of his youth. In the late summer, the cicadas swelled through the treetops and warm winds, or in the afternoon or evening when thunderstorms came, Chengdu City was noisy, and he had a special charm for him who came down from the mountains, forests and battlefields .

People are fighting on the ring, scholars are pointing at the mountains and rivers, and the atmosphere of iron and blood is hidden in a seemingly restrained confrontation. As time goes by, the tension waiting for something to happen still becomes higher. Scholars or knights who are new to Chengdu are getting more and more loud. Occasionally, there are some masters on the platform. There is a spread of the heroes and heroes in a hero party. The storyteller also remembered touting what yellow clay hands, eagle claws, and six-pass elderly were bragging more than the world first ...

Among them, the girl often wearing a white dress sitting in the room or sitting in the gazebo will also become part of this memory. Due to the slow progress of Guan Shanhai, he was not sure about the whereabouts of the "Ning Family Grand Prince", and Qu Longyu could only live in the yard all day. The only thing that could be moved was the little one by the river. courtyard.

The girl's temperament was silent. When Wen Shoubin was away, Meiyu always looked melancholic. She is lonely and doesn't like to be disturbed frequently by her servants. When she is quiet, she often keeps a certain posture for half a hour or an hour. Only once she would rather meet her and wake up from her sleep. What, eyes panicked, sweaty, stepped out of bed barefoot, walked back and forth without a soul ...

I would rather not like these melancholy and oppressive things, but monitoring each other daily to see when their scheming starts, in those days it seemed like a habit. It ’s only been a long time, and occasionally weird things happened. One night there was no one up and down the small building. I would rather sit on the roof and watch the flash of thunder that started in the distance. The Qulongyu in the room suddenly looked like something. Startled, looked around, and even gently asked: "Who?"

Would rather frown, thinking that she was not good at art, could she have noticed something about her? But she was sitting quietly on the roof without moving. What could she notice?

The girl turned around in confusion in the house, and finally gave up. She picked up the lute and flew in front of the window against a distant thundercloud. Not long after hearing that Shoubin came back drunk, went upstairs and praised Qu Longyu's performance, and said:

"The eldest son of the Ning family's whereabouts are erratic, and it is difficult to find out in advance. I discussed privately with Shangong and others. It is also the recent tensions in Chengdu that will cause a major disaster. Therefore, the Huaxia Army is also extremely nervous. Right now, It ’s easy to get alert if you approach him ... daughter, you have to make a long-term plan here. If this Chengdu gathering fails, after all, let the black flag pass this level, and if you find another opportunity to approach the high-level Chinese army, then it is not difficult ... "

"Daughter but dad." Qu Long shouted.

"This is also for your safety." Wen Shoubin said, "Daughter, look at the lightning flashes in the distance. It's like the situation in Chengdu today. It won't be long before it comes here ... Heiqijun It ’s bad, I do n’t know how many benevolent and righteous people are going to die in this chaos ... feat, Long Ye, what you will see next, this is heroic and heroic, no less than that year "He was hesitant for a while ..." He hesitated for a moment, some cases were difficult to find, and finally said: "No less than ...


Thunderstorm is indeed coming, so I would rather sigh and go downstairs and go home.

When the flare-up caused by the fire on the second day of July was still brewing, when the number of righteous priests and the number of injuries to the Huaxia Army in private increased by three to five times, on the sixth day of July, the Huaxia Army announced on the newsprint that the next one would appear. A series of specific initiatives that include several core points.

The first is the first day of August. The 5th and 7th Army of China and the 29th Army in Tanzhou will hold a grand military parade in Chengdu. At the same time, a dedication ceremony will be held to publicly sentence and deal with some generals of the Jurchen army and some of the villains arrested during the Southwest War.

After the military parade was completed, it entered the process of the First People's Congress of the Huaxia Army from the third day of August to discuss all major issues and directions after the Huaxia Army.

From mid-August, the Huaxia Army will conduct talent and military talent selection at the same time. For the selection of soldiers and generals, the performance of the world ’s first contest will be considered an extra point-and it may even be a break. Hiring channels. As for the selection of literati, Hua Xia Jun announced for the first time the standards for assessment of arithmetic, thinking in physics, and knowledge in physics in the exam. Of course, officials' views and cognitions on the general trend of the world will also be properly assessed.

The announcement of this specific project on newsprint caused a great uproar afterwards. The parade dedication was the favorite project of ordinary people, and it also aroused the deep vigilance of all parties. The choice of civil and military talents is a real salary draw. As soon as the news of this external selection comes out, all the people who come to Chengdu must be "unstable in the army."

Some scholars have called on others on news papers not to participate in these selections, and some have analyzed the apostasy of this selection from various aspects. For example, what is most emphasized on news papers is that they do not know their own assessments such as the so-called "Arithmetic" and "Geological Thinking" The Huaxia Army is to select officials, not officials. This is to destroy the life of the scholars in the world. It is a true method of confronting Confucianism.

Others have begun to talk about how to select the moral conduct of real officials, and quoted the classics to discuss the pros, cons and rationality of many selection methods in history. Of course, even on the surface, many scholars in the city still bought several books, such as "Arithmetic" and "Gewu" compiled and published by the Huaxia Army, and read them overnight. Confucian scholars are not ignorant of math, but they have used and studied too little time in the past, but they naturally have such advantages over ordinary people.

Therefore, for this selection in Chengdu, there is really great fame. Protests against celebrities and celebrities who point to Feng Hou and worship are the strongest, but if they are not well-known scholars, they will not even try and love the shame of partiality. Scholars just resisted verbally and ecstatically, and even some of the businessmen who came to Chengdu, followed by the merchant's account room, and the master were even more enthusiastic: If it is more than trial and error, those great Confucians are not as good as me. Can be an official?

People are vigilant against these measures and have disturbed many debates. Most of them have shown an indifferent attitude to the news of the opening of the conference. People who do n’t know it do n’t think it ’s okay with them anyway, some big Confucian scoffers sniff and think that it ’s nothing more than a show: You ’re better than the devil ’s deeds, why do you want to cover up a conference and fool you ...

The atmosphere in the city is chaotic and tense. I would rather go to the old cheap dog. A group of people are also scolding Ning Yi for his sinister intentions. It was also reminded that once these troops entered the city, it represented that they were completely completed after the end of the previous war. The collection of the fake army and the placement of Jurchen captives were brought to an end. If it was to be started, it would only be done this time. Before the military parade.

Regarding the "hands-on" in the city, it is natural for Wen Shoubin to mention these Confucian scholars, because he has already booked to wait with the "daughter" here for some consideration, and he feels rather Relax, words and actions throughout the day are also heroic and generous.

Seeing so much, I would rather not even sneer.

He lived in the courtyard alone, hiding his identity, but occasionally someone would come over. On the afternoon of the sixth day of July, the first sister came from Zhangcun and came to him to meet with her father. Many people arrived when they arrived at the venue. This was a feast of wind reception. The participating members were father, brother, and aunt Gua Several uncles who overpowered the sword, and the object they received for the wind was the couple Chen Fan and Ji Qianer who had arrived in Chengdu.

Several uncles of the Ning family like the unpretentious and handsome Uncle Chen family very much, especially if he would rather teach him the most boxing skills and be regarded as one of the disciples. This time they suddenly met. Everyone was very excited. They asked Chen Fan about the process of killing Yinzhu, and he would rather tell him what he had heard on the battlefield for more than a year. Chen Fan was also happy. When it comes to the deeds, **** and comparing the scars on Ningji, this naive and boring behavior was stopped by a group of people punching and kicking.

Unable to compare the scars, then he took the martial arts test. Chen Fan then asked Ning Xi, Junior One, and Ning Ji to form a team, and he started a one-to-three competition. This proposal was allowed by the enthusiastic crowd.

"You have been respected and treated well over the years, don't get killed." Fang Shu often laughed.

"I bet Chen Fan can't support thirty moves." Du Sha laughed.

"Would rather have that kid's ruthlessness, you have to be careful." Zheng Qiming said.

Ji Qianer laughed: "In the first day, his left leg was injured, and he hit his left."

Chen Fan cast a helpless look from there, but saw that watermelon came over with the box of the dagger: "Stop with care, don't be too hurt, you are done, I will teach you."

Chen Fan did not show weakness: "Don't you two go together? I let you both."

Ning Yi held his hands behind his back and smiled calmly: "Go past my son-in-law and daughter-in-law. Let's kill him!" He remembered Ji Qianer's words, "Hit his left foot!"

"Looks like it's the left leg."

"It's the same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ meaning."

"Don't break things."

A large number of master-level masters and the devil mixed in master hands are laughing and laughing. There Ning Xi was holding the stick and carrying the sword on the first day. He would rather drag an entire weapon over. He chose a pair of gloves and prepared to use the boxing gloves to fight the enemy first. , Casually asked: "Uncle Chen, why are you sneaking into the city secretly? Haven't the army come yet?"

"Of course, your father is planning to calculate someone. Even if Lin Zongwu comes over this time, he won't be able to leave Chengdu." Chen Fan did not take the weapon, but his fists were tangled in the cloth. In the sun, his fists hit hard together.

"Alright?" He laughed. "Come on!"

"Uncle Chen, wait, I still ..."

The words did not fall, three people across, rushed at the same time! The fist of Ningji whistled, as if the tiger jumped on—

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