Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 986: Prelude to the Wind in Early Autumn (Part 1)

The time of the party was warm and fun, but everyone had things, and then naturally disappeared. I would rather go home and continue to practice martial arts according to today's feelings, rather than monitor the little **** dog.

The second day is Tanabata, when the women are begging for Yue Qiao and looking forward to marriage. For men, the main programs are worshipping Kuixing and praying for fame. Hua Xia Jun held a lot of activities on this day. The most lively is probably the discounted entertainment activities of several designated exam books in the book market.

For example, the price of exquisitely printed collector's book Principles of Gewu is reduced to ordinary rough prints, but the quality of the paper is exciting. Since the detailed rules for the exam were issued yesterday, a large number of scholars went to buy it on this day, causing congestion in various specialty stores. The great Confucianists and celebrities stayed above the nearby tea house to recognize others, distressed. Fan scolded, some people chanted that this was the plot of the Huaxia Army, just to let everyone be divided, and called for unity.

Most of the men who came out to buy books on the Ming Dynasty were scholars of Hanmen. Some bought their books and bowed their heads, while others were justified and did not care about the accusations of a group of great Confucians. In the afternoon of this day, there are gradually a lot of situations in which others can come forward to "purchase". Huaxia Army does not stop it. The limited purchase amount for everyone here is two sets, one for own use and the other one. Take it secretly and sell it to others.

The situation of the chicken flying and the dog jumping accompanied by the festival was lively. On this day, Ning Ji, who was working in the venue of the contest, heard a lot of discussions from outside. Also, the scholars on the nearby streets clamored for the crowds and warriors in the stadium to go out to watch the excitement. When they returned, they sighed and said that the scenes were chaotic. Unfortunately, the Huaxia army arrived too early. Did not kill anyone.

In the next few days, the wind direction in the city will often be so restless and chaotic. For Ning Ji, the most deeply felt is probably the fact that the number of contestants in the contest has risen sharply, and the number of martial artists who have good internal skills and good arts has gradually increased.

In the outside world, after a month or two of gathering and running-in, leaders of both literati and warriors have made a name for themselves through this big gathering, and people with the same purpose gradually recognize that their companions have come together.

Among them, there are Confucians who want to directly overwhelm the Huaxia Army in academics. The most prominent appearance is the public appearance; some have intense thoughts in their hearts, and the scribes who have become more vigilant about the Huaxia Army have sneaked into the water and secretly contacted like-minded ones; some scribes swayed left and right , Most of them are idle; there are very few people who have accepted the concepts of the four peoples, grids, and enlightenment of the Huaxia Army, and began to show that the horses and horses are opposed to the great Confucianists-of course, how many of them are spies, and it is not easy to say clearly .

As for the martial arts, several insiders finally began to show their overwhelming strength on the battlefield, making them rather enthusiastic about watching the competition. It was only with the news that the Huaxia Army would select talents from the contest. The warrior's desire to perform was more intense, and accidents that interrupted his hands and feet often increased his workload.

Sometimes Huangshan will come over to say hello to him, and talk almost casually. These gangsters haven't started to work yet, and they would rather hate them.

Worked during the day, wandered at night, went to Wen Shoubin to listen to all kinds of strange remarks, and then watched the movement of Qu Longyu who was kept in the yard all day. Over time, he found women to be terrible.

Since coming to Chengdu, this Qu Longyu has been detained in the courtyard for more than a month. I don't feel bored when I watch the same scenery every day-I would rather run around in the mountains from a young age and follow the masters to learn martial arts. Looking at military training, there were also girls in childhood friends. They all learned martial arts with Auntie Red and Auntie. They were usually no different from boys and they were vicious. Sometimes they had no worries about fighting in groups. Would rather have a headache. For these girls, ten days in the wild without food can also be alive and kicking, and it is estimated that three days of closing the yard according to Qu Longyu will have to cry and cry.

Really has a specialization in surgery ...

When the bad guys are verbally pressing and no action is under their hands, the thinking of Ning is more and more divergent. Looking at Qu Longyu, he does not want to kill every day like before.

He came down from the battlefield and went to see the relatives of many of his comrades-in-arms. Later, when he heard that these enemies were still going to make trouble, he was breathless and pointed at whoever committed the crime and then started to shoot. Who knows that after one month of surveillance, these ambitions were consumed by the enemies. Sometimes Qu Longyu was in a daze downstairs, and he was in a daze upstairs, only to find that these people were really sad, pitiful and pathetic.

In this way, San Futian, who is the hottest-and not uncomfortable-actually, came to July 13th, where Chen Fan, brother-in-law and others came to give him a birthday. In the evening, auntie Gua and his father also secretly came to encourage him to learn and progress in the future. This is the clear early autumn when he just turned 14.

Time passes day by day, and Chengdu, which is furious on the bright side, makes people not see too much clutter ...

In the middle of July, yellow paper and white magpies floated in the sky. Occasionally, the paper with bull heads and horses faced parades from the street during the day.

In the north corner of the yard, Qu Longyu lighted up paper money in honor of his father who had died in the hands of the Huaxia Army many years ago.

There are also large and small ceremonies in various places in the Chengdu Plain. In peaceful daylight, north of Meizhou, in a captive camp near the station of the First Division of the Huaxia Fifth Army, Wan Yan Qingyu stood in a high fence, watching the sight of the cavalry assembly and departure not far away.

"what happened?"

"What happened to the Han dog ..."

"Someone came to save us?"

This prisoner's camp is not large, and many senior prisoners of war are selected in the middle. They already knew that they would be detained to Chengdu after half a month to participate in the dedication ceremony. This will be one of the most humiliating moments for the Jurchen family for forty years, but it is no longer unimaginable.

However, at this moment, a group of Jurchen nobles and generals with full war mentality saw the unusualness of the Huaxia Army's expedition. When something unexpected happened, the minds of the people could not help but live.

Of course, if you look at the guards around the camp, they understand that escape is not possible. They can only count on the magical tricks of the Marshal or Valley God, and come up with a good way to rescue them ...

Looking back at Chengdu, in the afternoon, the watermelon had been packed, with a team of guards, ready to go, leaving Yingbin Road. Ning Yi sent her a paragraph: "This past, take care."

"I left, and you take care. I always feel that some people can't hold it anymore." Watermelon held her husband's hand with a slightly distressed look. "Otherwise, call Sister Hongti ..."

"There are so many people here, and Chen Fan is watching in secret, mother-in-law and mother." Ning Yi smiled. "You leave, they will more easily fall in, don't worry about it, what can a few jumbles do? Come, your man has been through hundreds of battles, and everyone has to die. "

"... After all, it was the **** human slaughter of Megatron." Watermelon hesitated and laughed.

Ning Yi slaps her: "Okay, don't talk poorly. Just go out of town with great fanfare."

The two cherished each other again, and watermelon took her guard to ride in the direction of Ximen, Chengdu. Along the way, she could feel unusual gaze.


At the same time, Lu Liu and the elderly were sitting at the party as the most important guests in a party. In the courtyard, some young warriors tried against each other, and he gave pointers to some martial arts seniors next to him.

"Wu Gong, the most important thing is this kind of exchange. Speaking of which, during the Jianshuo period, the fall of the Central Plains also relatively promoted the northward spread of Beiquan. You can see the traces of the north and south in these two boxing frames. ...... According to the husband, yes, it is a good thing, it shows that there is communication, it is clear that it is a bad thing, that is not enough communication ... "

Although he is old, he also has not weak insights, and during a few pointers, everyone nodded and sighed. The two young martial artists who were instructed were even more delighted. They both felt that listening to these senior martial arts seniors was better than staying at home for ten years.

At the venue of the contest, Lu Liutong's son Lu Xiaolun interrupted one of his opponents with a yellow clay hand. The referee announced his victory, he was still talking to the other, watching the man holding the broken leg and rolling, smirking: "I want you to jump, jump no more!"

The young doctor who jumped onto the stage to treat the broken leg injured pushed him away, and was unhappy with a cold face: "Don't stand in the way, you win."

"Hey, he can't heal this injury, don't bother, hesitate!"

"Go away."

The young doctor crouched on the ground, and began to deal with emergencies skillfully. As soon as Lu Xiaolun's eyes moved, he hit people with fractures all year round, and he was also a good hand for healing. The little doctor looked good at it, maybe he could really cure the other party by 70% or 80%. These young doctors may be from the battlefield. The Huaxia Army ascended and descended-he didn't like the cold face of the Huaxia Army soldiers immediately.

Like the ungrateful guys of that day's sword, the eyes are higher than the top!

After the referee announced the victory, he stepped out of the ring and walked over to the wounded and the doctor who were performing first aid there, standing beside him and saying, "Children, have you been on the battlefield?"

The little doctor's face was stained with blood, his eyes were focused, and he ignored him. Lu Xiaolun walked next to him and walked in a random area under his feet to silently crook the man's broken leg again.

The feet were lifted randomly, and the doctor's hands somehow crossed over and pressed on his thighs. The strength was not strong, but he pressed his legs and feet back in the early stage before he had no strength. . For a moment, the hairs on Lu Xiaolun's back were erected, and the doctor who squatted on the ground looked up like a cold snake. "What are you doing? Walk better."

He let go as he said, and at that moment, Sen Han faded like an illusion, and Lu Xiaolun walked out of the field.

There was a faint cold sweat behind.

Lu Xiaolun is now in his early fifties. When he was young, he enjoyed himself and made friends. Although he played around, the occasional friendship did broaden his horizons, and now he is worthy of martial arts in the green forest. But at that moment, he couldn't even tell whether the little medic was blocking him because of intuition or martial arts.

He just vaguely felt that if the opponent had martial arts and had any weapon in his hand, just then, his thigh blood had been cut. These key points were pressed by someone, but they couldn't react. It was the other party's martial arts, or was he careless ...

Considering the age of the other party, he thinks that the biggest possibility is to take care of himself.

In the early autumn evening, the sun shines on the streets of Chengdu. After meeting with a follower who followed him, he walked towards the place where his father attended the party not far away, still thinking about the little military doctor on the road. After walking a few streets like this, in a street with few pedestrians, the teacher next to him suddenly pulled him. Lu Xiaolun looked up and looked forward. A tall man, a man wearing a gray and white headscarf, was approaching them, and his eyes were not kind.

This man is a burly man, half a head taller than Lu Xiaolun, with thick knuckles in his hands, calluses on his fists and knuckles, and obviously a good green forester in the art industry. Lu Xiaolun didn't care about the size of the other person. He learned to break bones in his entire life, and was not afraid of hard work. Some of the quick weapon skills could threaten him. Looking at each other at the moment, arched his hand.

"Who is yours?"

The man walked evenly, shaking his fist, and was still coming over: "Lu Xiaolun, the heir to the elderly of Liutong, has been talking about the flaws of the sword in the city recently. I'll try your martial arts. Take a hand."

Recently, Lu Xiaolun and his father participated in various grand events, and he was also concerned about the masters who had flowed into Chengdu to participate in the contest during this time, but he did not have any impression on the person in front of him. The other party's attitude was calm, and he turned to him in front of him. With his hands open, relying on his figure, he really had the power to swallow the sky. Lu Xiaolun swooped up.

The two arms slammed each other twice in the air. Lu Xiaolun only felt that the arm hurt. He folded his arms and took the claws of the opponent's left arm straight. If he caught it, he would twist it off. Howling!

This fist banged up along the left side of the rib. Lu Xiaolun rang in his head, only to feel that the five internal organs and the six maggots were turning, and the dinner would be spit out. The turbulent pain passed to his head. The next moment, his eagle claws could no longer hold it. The opponent's arm, the opponent stepped back, punched him in the face, and then grabbed him for a step, spinning and flying out.

Lu Xiaolun's body rolled out of the road, and the loess flew up. The younger brother who was standing next to him had to rush forward, and the big fist of the big Han vinegar knocked down the other side and passed out.

Lu Xiaolun spit a blood on the ground, trying to get up, but struggled without success due to the constant upsurge in his stomach. The big man was still dead, and at this time looking at the brothers on the road, he finally shook his head: "Well, it's a good reputation ..."

"You are, you ... are ..."

Lu Xiaolun resisted the feeling of vomiting all the time and uttered a difficult voice. After spending 30 years in the green forest, he knew that he could be beaten, but he could n’t help but know who he was, such as being ravaged by Zhou, by Lin Zongwu, and by the devil in his heart. This is a brilliant record. The man in front of him is so strong and powerful, how can he be silent.

In the setting sun, the man did not answer, and disappeared at the other end of the road in a blink of an eye.


The figure who beat Lu Xiaolun walked through several streets, and when he came outside the competition venue, he encountered today's competition and began to leave. He put on a bucket hat, and quietly looked at the resume and deeds of a "master" in front of the roadside billboard, estimated how their martial arts were, and hoped to see some clues about the strength of the Chinese Army. Or, I hope to find out how powerful the martial art of that demon is.

Since these days, he has also been cautiously searching for a companion who may be trusted several times. He thought how powerful the Lu family could be. Another rat.

Looking at the crowd coming out of the contest venue, his eyes were slightly more complicated. He practiced boxing all his life and became a fan of martial arts. If possible, he would also like to join such masters to explore the truth and truth of the martial arts.

But it doesn't matter.

This time, Zuo Xiang Tieyan personally visited the door and begged him to leave.

The judge died for a confidant.

Some small pleasures had to let go.

Wang Xiangfo thought so.

Seeing this for a while, he walked forward and left the street. On the side of the road, the doctor bought a pig's head and walked home, passing him by.


The setting sun sank into the horizon, and some gathered privately.

"... Without any action, the Huaxia Army has finished the surrounding affairs and will enter the city."

"... Meeting today is for this matter."

"... Liu watermelon took someone out of town this afternoon."

"... She's going to deal with an urgent matter."

"... After the battle in the Southwest, the Huaxia Army captured close to 40,000 gold soldiers, surrendered to the Han Army with a total of 100,000 ..."

"... The placement and collection of these people, the manipulation of the entire Sichuan Fourth Road, and various aftercare have exhausted the power of the fifth army of China ..."

"... They're about to pull out their hands. In early August, they're going to parade ..."

"... the soldiers are weak."

"... scolding is useless ..."

"... The Huaxia Army takes time to deal with things. Our people are not coming too fast. Now they are noisy outside. Now it seems that after a period of time without action, this group of scholars themselves will be instigated ...

"... want to do something, only this time ..."

"... Fortunately, the old bull head next to them, something went wrong ..."

"... Bao Dao, surnamed Liu, came forward to calm down the situation. The First Division of the 5th Army of China, heard that it had also taken orders, and dispatched urgently. As a result, their strength will be tight for a few days ...

"... Gongyuan Festival, open the ghost gate. It's been a few days ... How do you think?"




Time was silent for a long time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Someone knocked his finger down.


"... Sure enough, every response."



In the courtyard, Ning Ji, who came back a little late, picked up the yellow paper, put the pig's head in front, and sacrificed three or two people in his memory. The autumn night was even more pleasing. He was still young enough to understand the significance of the memorial service. After speaking for a while, he just ate the rice and finished eating the pork meat.

Summer is over, and I am one year older. There is peace outside, and the atmosphere before the Jurchen comes is completely different. There may be no killings next.


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