Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 987: Prelude to the Wind in the Early Autumn (Part 2)

The rain fell in the early autumn and knocked the yellow leaves.

In July 16, in the house of Xicheng County, Dai Mengwei, who had come back to worship the ancestor one day earlier, was playing chess with the students. He looked at the sky to the south and was slightly lost.

"... Teacher." Disciple Pu Huiliang whispered.

After a while, Dai Mengwei returned to God: "... ah?"

"Teacher, it's your turn."

"Oh." Dai Mengwei dropped the pieces, and Pu Huiliang responded immediately.

"Stealing for a long time, the teacher still has all kinds of things in mind."

"I was too lazy in my early years, and I was too old to realize that I was too lazy ... Huiliang felt, what was in my heart?"

"What about Chengdu?"


Dai Mengwei narrowed his **** and squinted his eyes. Pu Huiliang smiled.

"Yesterday, there was news that the Huaxia Army entered Chengdu at the end of the month. Yesterday was Zhongyuan. What should happen, I want to come soon."

The two have been teachers and apprentices for many years. Pu Huiliang's answer is not restricted. Of course, he is also a man who knows that his teacher appreciates agility and therefore deliberately shows off. Sure enough, Dai Meng slightly squinted and nodded.

"These days make you care about the autumn harvest arrangements. You haven't mentioned the southwest. It seems that you haven't given up your homework. Tell me, what will happen?"

Pu Huiliang settled down and laughed, "The Southwest repels sticky scars, the general trend is about to happen, what will happen in the future, the key to this Southwest gathering. The big guys are watching the situation over there, and of course there is a possibility, of course. There is no way to ignore ... if Ning Yi suddenly dies, the Huaxia Army will become a fragrant puppet that all parties in the world can attract. Although this may be small, it cannot be ignored. "

Dai Mengwei also dropped a pawn: "What does this have to do with being a teacher?"

"In the past two months, the teacher ’s name rang through the world, and he came to the door to ask for advice and suggestions. There is a constant stream of people. Today we are on the bar with the Chinese army, but these people are different. Among them are those with a sense of justice, but also Maybe there is a spy of the Huaxia Army ... The students originally thought that how to use these people requires a lot of screening, but now they want to come-and not sure-there are better ways for many people. Teacher ... … Persuaded them and went to the southwest? "

Dai Meng slightly froze his beard, his eyes frowning, and he usually seemed serious. At this time, he only looked calmly toward the southwest.

"Dozens and hundreds of people say that they have a sense of righteousness. If one or two things are done, it's a good thing. As for who can use and who can't, it doesn't have to be so absolute, the Huaxia army opened its mouth. The external income is Ning Yi's self-confidence in his own ideas. As for us, people's livelihoods and life will pass, and there will be more and more self-identifiers. Many questions, self-evident. This is the benefit of Huiliang you The intention of putting it over there, the people, is the most important thing. "

"Teacher's painstaking effort, Huiliang saved." Pu Huiliang nodded archively. "It's just that after the Jurchen, the people's livelihood is withered and the land is barren. Now there are many suffering people in the world, and the autumn harvest ... I'm afraid it will be difficult to block all the holes.

"When the two main enemies are today, one is Jurchen and the other is Southwest. After the Jurchen, the people in the pastoral and barren landscape have seen it. As long as the words are clear, the community can understand the difficulties and difficulties. Just your brothers and outsiders Officials, big and small, must have the same mind to help each other. Do n’t be deceived. On the surface, they are officials and the people. Moving privately to the house is an accident. Now if you encounter such a situation, you must kill it. "

Dai Mengwei said calmly in the mouth to kill the word, without a trace of fire and smoke, but Pu Huiliang knew the teacher's cruelty. It can even be said that he also knew how ruthless the teacher who had followed him for many years really started to do in the past six months. In the past few decades, he lived in Xicheng County to learn and did not have to show his skills. It was also until the last two years that the old talents came forward to do the bureau, and the whole world including the Jurchen and the Huaxia Army will be counted.

Especially in the last half of the year, Tu Qiang saw that he even sacrificed his own flesh and blood, and said to the army that is also a Han Chinese to kill and kill. After taking over the place, the method of dealing with corrupt officials in various places is also cold and abnormal. The Confucian law is reflected to the extreme. But also because of such a means, in various places waiting to be revived, many people cheered.

"Brother Jinwen was in Zhuxi, eating, living with, and sleeping with the people. This performance was very good. Although I couldn't plug all the caves this fall, at least some of them could be plugged. I also talked to Uncle Liu Ping It was agreed to buy a batch of grain from him first. After this winter and next spring, the situation should be stable. He wants to plan for the Central Plains, let's seek stability first ... "

As the teacher and apprentice talked, they fell asleep and talked about Liu Guangshi. Pu Huiliang smiled slightly: "Uncle Liu Ping has a broad friendship and is used to both sides and three swords. This time in the southwest, I heard that he first came out to trade with the Huaxia Army. There are many benefits. If someone wants to move the Huaxia Army this time, maybe he will have an attitude? "

"Uncle Liu Ping's mind is complicated, but he is not without vision. The Hua Xia Army can stand still, although he can take advantage, but at the same time he will not mind one of the most difficult Ning Li Heng in the Hua Xia Army. Dividing the southwest, he still has a big head and won't change. "Dai Mengwei said here, looking at the rain outside, and paused slightly:" Actually, after the Jurchen went, the barren and refugees all over the place, what was not really affected After all, it's southwest ... "

The old man sighed: "The land of Shu is unique, and it has been the land of heaven since ancient times. In this southwest war, Jurchen's line of soldiers could not even be pushed to Zizhou. Although the Huaxia Army lost some food, the grain on the Great Plain was not damaged. Today, it is really difficult for Ning Yi to have an accident, but ... if it can, the accumulation of the Southwest will flow to all parties, and not only will my Han family ’s military preparations and the study of grids be greatly prosperous, but this winter, it will be less. Many hungry people have died. "

Qiuyu slammed out the window, the room was silent, Pu Huiliang reached out, and dropped a pawn: "In the past, all the black and white people in the green forest opposed him with a blood of blood. This time, the disciples thought that they would be able to It ’s different. "

He paused: "In terms of time, it should be fast ..."


The afternoon sun shone on the land of the Chengdu Plain.

From the official road south from Chengdu, crowds of cars and horses kept flowing.

From a Taoist viewpoint, You Hongzhuo walked along the flowing river, carrying a knife and a bag.

The expansive plain looks like an endless extension toward the front. Rivers and official roads intersect forward, and the villages and farmlands that appear from time to time look like a picture under golden sunlight. Even the pedestrians on the road look better than the Central Plains. People smile a little bit more.

The official road is also much stronger. Obviously, it took a lot of effort and energy to go south from Jindi all the way, and the roads are mostly bumpy. This is the first time in his life that he has seen such a smooth road, even in his childhood. In the memory of the past, the prosperous Wu dynasty in the past may not have spent so much effort to rest the road. Of course, he wasn't sure about that, that's it.

Nowadays, he will habitually look at and think about things that he doesn't understand or think clearly.

In the past when he was in the Jin Dynasty, he did a lot of chivalrous and philanthropic things. Of course, the most important thing was to protect the safety of the female actor as a civil knight in various threats. During this period, he even had several contacts with the heroes Shi Jin, and even received personal interviews from the female Prime Minister.

The female photo was originally intended to persuade some trusted soldiers to join the guards around her, many people agreed. However, due to the past, You Hongzhuo still had doubts about these "chaos" and "official circles", and was unwilling to lose his free identity, and refused. There was no reluctance, and even gave him a lot of money for the help of the past.

After the situation of the Southwestern War was initially set, the Huaxia Army invited guests from Chengdu to Guangzhou, and You Hongzhuo was quite moved, but due to the threat of Zong Hanxi Yin Beigui, he did not know whether he should leave. During this period, he had a conversation with the hero Shi Jin, and played against him in private. Shi Jin believed that the danger of Jindi was not great, and You Hongzhuo's skill was quite good. He needed more tests and insights to make a hundred The breakthrough of the pole stick still persuaded him to take a trip to the southwest.

Reading thousands of books, you have to travel thousands of miles, so is the effort under your hand. You Hongzhuo first arrived in the southwest for the sake of competition, but from the time the gate of the sword was closed, he was amazed by all kinds of new things and scenes. I spent several days in the city of Chengdu and felt the signs of various conflicts: there was the enthusiasm of the great Confucianists, there were attacks and abuses against the Huaxia Army, there were all kinds of confusion caused by the apostasy, and there were even many private trees. The warrior seems to be preparing to die here to come here, ready to assassinate the demon Ning Yi ...

You Hongzhuo first contacted the Black Flag Army in Zezhou, when the Black Flag Army led the huge coup against Tian Hu. You Hongzhuo saw the power of the Heiqi Army turning over the clouds and rain, as well as the tragedies in the chaos. His perception of the Heiqi was not bad, but it was not good. Just like the beast rolling freely, it will always crush the lives of many sentient beings.

Later, after hearing all the stories of Heiqi in the southwest, and succeeding in defeating the Jurchen for the first time, he developed good feelings and awe in his heart. This time, he came with this kind of thought. Who knows that after arriving here, there are so many people who report their dissatisfaction with the Huaxia Army and make terrible predictions. Many of them are even scholars who have read poetry books.

At the time of the Jin Dynasty, due to Lou Shuwan's body, there were also many people who fabricated her various evil acts out of thin air, but You Hongzhuo could clearly distinguish the greatness and importance of the female appearance there. When he arrived in the southwest, it was difficult for him to judge the good and evil of the other party in various rumors. Some people say that he is poor and powerful, some people say that he is fierce and popular, some people say that he is old and new, and some people say that he is violent.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to stand in line, and he looked at the situation in the southwest quietly. After staying in Chengdu for a few days, I applied for a customs clearance document and left the city to come further south-Hua Xia Jun was really strange and asked him what he was doing in the city. You Hongzhuo said frankly that the other side looked him over They also stamped the chapters at will, but told them twice not to commit illegal acts, or they would be dealt with severely.

Alas, I want to mess around, what can you do with me!

The number of times he has slaughtered with people in recent years is incalculable. He has improved rapidly between life and death, and has a more accurate grasp of his martial arts. Of course, since Mr. Zhao had taught him to respect the rules at that time, he would not easily break any public order and customs with a single blood. Just thinking about it in his heart, he took the paperwork and went on the road.

Play slowly along the way. In the afternoon of that day, I walked to the edge of a grove and arbitrarily went in to solve the problem of people having three urgency. When I went out to the other side, I passed a path and saw a little movement ahead.

There were six warriors with weapons on their backs, standing by the road over there, looking out at the distant fields, and some people on the side of the road. When encountering such a green forester, You Hongzhuo is not willing to approach at will-if he is an ordinary person, he is also carrying a knife, I am afraid it will cause the other party to think more-just about to leave quietly, the other party ’s words, But with the autumn wind blowing into his ears.

"... When I came out of the house, there were only five days of food left. Although it was ... adults' relief, I am afraid this winter will not be easy ..."

"... blame the Jurchen, no spring planting ..."

"... The rice here, you look much better, if you can drag back some ..."

"... Hua Xia Jun is a trader, how many pounds can you buy ..."

"... Not to mention tears on both sides ..."

"... A few days ago, the student named Ren said that Hua Xia Jun, like this, only deals in business, not morality, no courtesy and shame ... It is also suffering for all people ..."

"... Ning ’s name is dead, and many things can be settled. Now the black flag of Southwest China is incompatible with the outside world, so that the debts of Xun Jun were cleared up. Everyone is a Han, a Huaxia, and Sit down and talk about everything ... "

"... the surname Ning is not easy to kill ..."

"... The surnamed Ren said that the surname of Ning is not easy to kill, because the old people have no rules and have not formed the same force ..."

"... It's impossible. People with the last name Ning are called demon spirits. They really want to work together. I don't know how many people are inner ghosts. There is an inner ghost. Everyone has to die ..."

"... then you don't have to gather together, you and my six brothers, just do your own thing ... The last name said, this time when you came to the southwest, there are countless people who want the life of that devil, and now As a matter of course, even if you do n’t communicate in private, you only need one person to shout and you can respond, but in this situation, we can't all kill the devil ... ”

"... how do you do that?"

"... The surname Ren gave advice. He said that the demon soldiers will be more general, but after the war, the strength has been stretched. Now many righteous people come to the southwest, only three or five masters to assassinate the devil, as for other People, you can think about how to make the devil split and distract. The surname said that the devil cares most about his family, and his family are all in Zhangcun ... We do n’t know how others are, but as long as Let's do it, or lead a team of soldiers, so that they can't catch people, nervous, there will always be someone who finds an opportunity ... "

"... the devil is dead, will the Huaxia Army really negotiate with the outside?"

"... Isn't this devil-headed thing for many years. In the past, the Greenwoods came to kill him, gathered here and gathered there, and then they were dealt with in a pot. This time it was not just us who practiced martial arts. Now, there are so many famous celebrities in the city who are full of poems. Which one does not want to let him die ... At the end of the month, the army entered the city. Chengdu city is like an iron bucket. There is no chance for assassination. You can only fight before the end of the month. Wrestled ... "

"... Brothers, we have been acquaintances for many years, and I can only trust you. Our document this time is to Jiading, but we only need to fold in the middle of Zhangcun halfway. No one can stop us ... It's good that the devil's family thinks it's okay, but even if it doesn't, we will make a mess, and there will be other people to do this thing ... "


On the road to the east of Chengdu, a group of scholars scolded on the road, and the scene was noisy and somewhat chaotic.

By the window on the second floor of the tea house on the street side, a gray robe scholar named Ren Jingzhu was drinking tea, and the killer Chen Yu, who looked ordinary and ordinary in name, talked about the conception and layout of the whole event.

"If you do this, the Huaxia Army will surely receive the wind." Raised the tea cup and looked down at Chen Yu, who was scolding the scene.

"It does n’t matter if you hear the wind. Now I do n’t know who will go where, even if it ’s not going, it ’s hard to say. But the Huaxia Army should be prepared for the wind. Go here and there. There will be fewer people who can really use it in Chengdu. What's more, it is not only you and me who came to Chengdu this time, but only know that chaos will inevitably be echoed. "

Ren Jingzhu shoved a broad bean into his mouth: "At that time, there may be a mess, maybe these downstairs, but also take the opportunity to make trouble, you, Qin Gang, Xiaolong ... just need to seize a chance, although I do n’t know, Where is this opportunity ... "

"Estimated just these two days?"

"After all, there is no chance." Ren Jingzhu also looked at the student's scolding, "It's really impossible, I can start."

Chen Zhi nodded, silent for a moment: "Do you know who I saw in the city?"


"Wang Xiangfo, I don't know who asked him out of the mountain ... Chengdu, I don't know much about him."

"It's not surprising, I would like the King Elephant Buddha, it is probably Tieyan." Ren Jingzhu thought for a while, "It is estimated that there will be other masters we know and don't know come here, who can resist those who do not participate in the contest, and have more plans."

"It's a mess, but everyone's purpose is the same. These rivers and lakes haven't had such a thing for many years." Chen Yu smiled. "You're so full of bad water that you can't see any light in the past. Who has the best means? Finally, we can have a result. "

"Just do my best to give him some trouble. Now he is wearing shoes, I'm barefoot, and victory is invincible." Ren Jingzhu analyzed this, but deep in his eyes, there was an unspeakable lurking shore. among them. He is thirty-two years old this year. He has been ordering and killing people all over the Jiangnan area. Although he is young, he has already gained the reputation of being a ghost on the road, but it is always smaller than the world-famous demon. The second time Wu Qimei was invited to Chengdu, she was naturally humble on the face, but she was confident in her heart.

Such a chaotic market cannot unite people in a bright and upright manner. Other people need to be connected to each other. Only he chose to stir up the whole situation. I believe that even if the demon is sitting in Chengdu, he will deal with this situation. Feel a headache.

He raised his tea cup: "I did everything I could, and I wish you the best."

Chen Wei raised his glass and bumped into him: "This time, for this world."


In the setting sun, Chengdu, south of the Huaxia Military Camp, Mao Yishan led the team into the battalion and signed the entry document.

The registrar who saw his signature knew him long ago, and when he saw the team he was carrying, he said, "Head of Mao, this time, you are going to be in the show at the contest, aren't you? ... "

"Elite!" Mao Yishan raised his thumbs backwards. "But for the task. You do n’t know my kung fu, you ca n’t be singled out, it ’s not suitable for snoring. I really want to go to the ring. Wait, there is the group of the Seventh Army Niu Chengshu, the one who said that he did n’t want to be the squad leader and just wanted to rush to the front line ... Well, I remember that it was really cruel. And those around Mr. Ning, Mr. Du They, with them, what platform I go to. "

He signed his name and knocked on the table.

"Your kung fu is indeed ... it doesn't work when you laugh. When you get fierce, it kills you. It's only suitable for the battlefield." The clerk over there laughed, then leaned over and whispered: "... all are here."


"Wang Xi arrived yesterday, in the camp. Niu Chengshu, they heard that the city that entered from the north the day before yesterday, you should enter the city early and look for it near the hotel. You should be able to see it."

"Hey, then I'll look for them to eat at night! Last time, Bi Niu Chengshu hit me a meal. This time he's going to treat you. Can you come at night ..."

"I won't be here today. I have to work here."

"Then I will go to Wang Yan's animal ..."

People giggled. In Chengdu, scholars' quarrel continued, and Mao Yishan, who changed his clothes, entered the city in the light of the sunset with a group of companions.

Chen Yu and Ren Jingzhu walked downstairs and separated their heads; not far away, a brawny man who looked like a cow was squatting down the road to eat a sugar gourd, and was sour that his face was twisted and his teeth grinned. UU 看书 www. uukanshu.com A child saw this scene and smiled half-white teeth. Not many people could know the expression of the brave man on the battlefield when he said "kill someone to be happy".

Wang Xiangfo watched people's profiles and stories on the signs outside the competition hall. In the best noodle shop in the city, Liu Muxia finished eating egg noodles and paid the beautiful little girl with a smile.

An old Confucian student named Guan Shanhai was pouting and snoring, holding the girl. In a city hall separated by two streets, Wen Shoubin welcomed his friends to make a new day, ready to start a new discussion. Qu Longyu sat in the pavilion and watched the sunset, preferring to awkwardly patch up the accidentally broken pants in the yard.

The six knights embarked on the road to Zhangcun. Out of some kind of memories and memories, You Hongzhuo followed behind ...

There are many more ordinary people. Ordinary people have ordinary desires, have different purposes, and live one way or another. They staggered among the crowd. Even if they rub each other's shoulders, it still seems warm at this moment, they have not yet met ...

(End of this chapter)

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