Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 988: Let's listen to the wind (on)

"... Girl, by the way, how can Zhangcun go?"

In the early autumn sunshine, the wind blew across the sea of ​​rice in the field, and the scholar-dressed knight stopped a dark-skinned village aunt who was carrying water on the field and asked with a hand. The aunt looked at him twice.

"Walk towards the other side of the road, and you will be there in half a day ... There are so many mules in Zhangcun recently. What are you going to do in Zhangcun?"

"I have been to Zhangcun recently. A lot?"

"A lot, someone asked me yesterday."

"Oh, I don't know what they are going to do." The scholar thoughtfully, and then smiled. "In Xia Nai Huzhou, I heard that the Huaxia Army won the world, and came to Zhangcun to ask for a name."

"Huzhou persimmon? You are an individual. Where is a persimmon?"

"Oh ... the scholar, scholar, is the meaning of the scholar. Thanks the girl for pointing, is that the way?"

"Well, the road, go south, go straight. Readers, do you say that." The girl with dark skin looked at him again.

"Thank you, thank you. Thank you girl, show the way."

After the dialogue, the scholar saluted, watching the black girl pick the water and walk towards the village not far away, and then headed for the other side. His five brothers were waiting by the small river beach not far away. The scholar passed by and confirmed with several people that the direction was correct.

"There are a lot of people going to Zhangcun recently, I'm afraid it will attract attention, right?" Someone worried.

"If they are all martial arts people, I'm afraid they won't let it go, but it is true that the Huaxia army defeated the nuns. I have recently gone to fight and want a lot. Let's wait if it is mixed with these people ... The more people, the Huaxia The more troops the army has to prepare, the more we can pull out a whistle and set the fire, it will lead to his exhaustion ... "

"That's right."

"Since we are close to Zhangcun, it is not good for us to take the road again. According to the younger brother's view, we should go far along this road. If the younger brother's estimate is good, there must be more checkpoints on the road."

"That's it."

Several people made a plan, and someone laughed.

"Speaking of which, the girl just looked good."

"... Black is a little darker, but it looks strong and can be born at a glance."

"Some brothers don't know. It seems that she looks pretty in fact. We just said that she was a scholar. She looked at me a few times, and that look ... You know, in these villages, I think about it all day long. Just to be able to match a scholar, this is how it is sung in the drama ... "

"Don't say that the fifth brother is like a scholar, it is absolutely terrible. Just like that girl, we have to come to your door to propose a marriage."


The deliberate words came into You Hongzhuo's ears as Qiu Feng went far away, and he smiled slightly.

The dialogue of the six people in front made him feel a little nostalgic.

I had previously killed people from that small mountain village, but later met six brothers and sisters. After worshiping, I started to break through the rivers and lakes. Although not long after that, due to the betrayal of his elder brother Keng Wenbai, the group was torn apart and he was chased down, but in retrospect, when he first entered the rivers and lakes, he was lonely and helpless. Later, the rivers and lakes became more complicated and heavy. During the time of the brothers and sisters, the rivers and lakes looked pure and interesting in his eyes.

At that time, the rivers and lakes that he saw every day were new, and the rumors he heard were refreshing. The seven men supported each other and didn't have to sleep and tremble. Although it was an illusion, it was so warm and stable. Later, Never again.

In recent years, he has been fighting all the way, and he has worked with many like-minded generations to resist Jurchen and Liao Yiren, and can really rely on trustees. In fact, he has seen many, but for him, he has lost worship. Out of mood. Now that I think of it, I was also out of luck. The road when I entered the rivers and lakes was too cruel.

These warriors living in the south seemed more innocent without rules.

He followed the six men all the way. The Chengdu Plain has a wide field of vision. Fortunately, the first half of these people took the road, and the six half-hearted, leaving the avenue to look for woods and trails, provided conditions for You Hongzhuo to follow.

On the way, You Hongzhuo was thinking about who should be helped and who is good. The six people in front of him made him feel kind. On the whole, they were indeed determined to do what they thought was right. But on the other hand, the closer to the core area managed by the Huaxia Army, the more the surrounding scene made him feel refreshed. The fertile land here, the paddy fields extended, the roads laid down, and the villages well-organized. Many places can clearly see the new reclamation. Mark of.

She has been developing agriculture, commerce and trade, and has worked hard to cultivate farmland in various places since the female Prime Minister went to Tiger King many years ago. Especially in the background of the Jurchen's southward journey, she has been struggling to support the whole situation. Some places have been burned by the Jurchen and destroyed by evil men led by Liao Yiren. However, it is the woman's state who has been trying to repeat the construction. You Hongzhuo has been helping the women's camp for several years, and it is becoming clearer about these moving stories.

For more than a decade of turbulence in the Central Plains, the whole world has been broken and destroyed, but only Jindi, which had survived the difficult life, has saved a strong livelihood. You Hongzhuo traveled south, and I have seen many places without chickens and bones exposed in the wild. This is the achievement and pride of Jindi people. However, compared with the situation in the Southwest, such achievements seem to be nothing.

Chengdu Plain has not experienced a big war for so many years. Is such a scene a prior one, or is it more built after the arrival of the Huaxia Army?

As he walked, he estimated these problems in his mind.

On the other hand, he remembered the overall feeling since the recent period. In addition to the six knights in front of him, he recently went to Chengdu. There are indeed many people who want to make trouble. I am afraid that those who have been to Zhangcun these days No less. The Huaxia army was stretched out after defeating the Jurchen. If so many people are scattered and want to find such troubles, how can the Huaxia army respond?

They also encountered this situation when they were in Jin Dynasty. The enemy is not only Jurchen, but also Liao Yiren, who has taken refuge in Jurchen. He has also offered high rewards to instigate such desperate people to take the head of the actress, and some people are just for fame or just to see The identity of the woman who used to be a building official, after listening to all kinds of words of confusion, wanted to kill her.

As the **** of the female king, the Dragon King followed her to protect her, and those people like You Hongzhuo spontaneously acted as defenders in the green forest. In the meantime, there were actually some cases of injustice, falsehood, and wrongdoing. Of course, more were fierce killings.

What should the Chinese Army do? Judging from the situation this time, so many "justices" were standing opposite them. If so many enemies are chaotic to Jindi ...

In the setting sun, while thinking about these things, You Hongzhuo followed the six people in the front and entered the sparse woodland outside Zhangcun ...


On July 18, Chengdu, the sun was still shining brightly on the city.

Crowds are crowded, business people come and go, and various people in the city are doing their own thing. The quarrel among the great Confucianists has become increasingly fierce, and articles have been analyzed eloquently. However, several chapters have been actively discussed. Leave a name in the record.

The disciples who were determined to try for a name in the Huaxia Army also gradually grasped some rules for the several subjects that required the examination. In addition to daily study, even some private evening schools and classes have been opened in the corners of the city. First of all, the disciples in these places have been found. If they have found a shortcut, people tutor and discuss gradually. The door to the new world.

The world's first contest began to stir up a warm atmosphere in the city. The preliminary round of this selection contest will officially end in August. In the last ten days of July, the masters who may have emerged in the contest have reached 7878. Based on this background, Zhu Ji compiled a list of warriors who have already been qualified after two victories.

Because the government does not allow gambling, and it is not convenient to make too subjective rankings, two private underground casinos jointly authorize some masters to compile a list of the top fifty martial artists who have temporarily appeared in Chengdu. The two lists vividly counted the life stories and proud martial arts of each martial artist, and the competition odds that will appear in the future will fluctuate accordingly. With the betting and stories, the people in the city are curious and enthusiastic about this competition. Began to gradually rise.

All scenes showed a thriving feeling, and even before the fierce attack on the Chinese Army, after July and a half, they became somewhat restrained. But inside the city's undercurrent, the tension was building up, waiting for something to erupt.

After receiving the notice that the division was free, Yu Hezhong followed the female soldier Xiaoling, quickly walked through the courtyard in front, and saw a woman in a long white dress by the lake.

In recent days, she seems to be very busy. Although she has been deprecated from the Huaxia Army ’s foreign affairs department, Yu Hezhong also inquired about the eve of the first congress. Will be one of the main managers. But despite her busy schedule, her spirit, looks, and harmony in recent times seem to be getting younger and fuller.

The reason for this is not difficult to guess, since the time after the first meeting, she really became more interested in her. The lover's eyes are in the right place ... Such an idea may not be willing to admit it more than ten years ago, but today, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

After greeting each other, Yu and Zhong pressure lowered the throbbing heart, and sat down in the chair in front of the division, pondering for a moment.

"The situation in the city is very tense recently. What do you think on your side?"

He opened his mouth by questioning and showed concern for this side. The teacher did not get angry, and smiled and tilted his head.

"What situation?"

"So far, there is nothing to hide ... Maybe you are concerned about writing recently. Before the end of the month in the city, there will be chaos. Do you know?"

"Where did Brother Yu hear the rumors?"

"I've been dealing with General Liu all day. They should always hear what they should hear. Teacher, Yan Daolun wants to promote the business with the Huaxia Army. This is one thing, but which side do they have in their hearts? It ’s another thing. I do n’t know what Liheng thinks. This time, there are so many people who teach three classes and nine in the city of Chengdu, and there is a bunch of people who are reading to help, and you are not controlling in private. Sooner or later there will be trouble ... "

"It's not uncontrolled. Anyone who commits crimes will still catch it." The teacher explained with a smile. "Moreover, Li Hengchang said that if he wants to do business, he has to take risks. If they don't come in, everyone will contact you. I have no chance to know each other. Today's Chengdu is just to give the Huaxia Army a chance to say hello to the people in the world. Otherwise, don't they all guess what the Huaxia Army looks like in private? "

"But today this is a door opener! Too much!" Yu Hezhong knocked on the table and lowered his voice: "What they want is to do assassination, do you know?"

"Liheng has been assassinated enough these years."

"But this time is different from the others. This time there are a lot of Confucian instigations. Hundreds of people will come together to do this thing. You don't know who it is, they said it in private. In recent days Six or seven people have talked to me about this matter. If you do n’t restrict yourself ... ”

"They just talked, they shouldn't say that they would do something, and we are not good at restraining. After all, Li Heng said, we must say hello ..."

"But those three religions and nine streams below will be instigated! After entering the city, the vendors, darts, and greenwoods will be famous once in their lives, and this time they will say they want to make a big move together and do something big. It ’s like ... the gunpowder barrel, once ignited, will bang-it will burst! "

The teacher thought for a moment: "... I think Liheng should have been prepared."

"He wasn't prepared enough! He shouldn't have opened the door!" Yu Hezhong was excited for a moment, then finally calmed down: "Well, the people you usually deal with are different from the people I deal with. Therefore, It may not be the same as what I heard. I have seen all kinds of things outside these years. These people ... may be inadequate, and there will always be more than defeat. They ... may be powerless in the face of the Jurchen. That is because of the Jurchen. The Chinese army is too gentle to fight and kill, it ’s too gentle. Then, as long as a flaw is exposed, they may swarm up. Li Heng was assassinated by several people and dozens of people in the year, but he could still stop it. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city would always be bad if they rushed in. You ... would you like to say hello like this? "

The teacher nodded: "This matter ... I believe there will be preparations here, after all, I am not in position, I don't know much about killing and killing. However, if Xiong Yu can have a systematic idea For example, how to treat the matter, how to deal with it, and who to watch out for ... Why not meet with Liheng and tell him about it? For my sister, I can make some arrangements for this. "

Yu Hezhong hesitated for a moment. He pondered for a moment in his mind. This time, he heard anger from outside. He was tense in his heart and felt that he had only had the opportunity to talk to the teacher. But it was so clear. Control of the details, after all, there is no clue. A group of books and chats can be vivid and vivid, but when it comes to beware of who needs to be caught, who can talk, who dares to talk?

After so hesitating for a while, Yu Hezhong sighed: "I mainly want to remind you that if you see Li Heng, let's forget it. You know, he has a lot of thoughts, and he didn't talk for a while. Sentence ... I just want to remind you that you have to be careful and pay attention to safety ... "

He said this way, leaning forward, his hands moved forward naturally, and he wanted to hold the teacher ’s hand on the table, but the teacher had already retracted his hand, frowned his hair, and looked at the lake aside, He didn't seem to see too much movement.

"I live here and I won't run out. The safety is the same as everyone. Don't worry."

Yu and Zhongyuan were fiery, and when they reached out, they also made up their minds. If they held their hands, they would have to say something. But Shishi's avoidance was too obvious, and suddenly it seemed like a pot of cold water was poured on his forehead. He thought about it chaoticly in his head, and sighed calmly: "You also know that those rumors outside say that you are someone who is Liheng ..."

"Hezhong, what if that's not a rumor?"

The teacher's eyes looked up with a smile, Yu Hezhong stunned, and then finally withdrew his hand: "... Hey, when is it, you still love to make fun of it. If it is true, naturally many people protect you, But if not, this rumor would hurt you ... "

He leaned back, and then said, "In short, I'm also anxious, what I should tell you, that's all. Alas, it is not easy for the Huaxia Army to come to this step. Don't look at Yan Daolun when they face you Kind-hearted, turn their heads, they also point to the Huaxia Army to do something more. If someone really assassinates Liheng before August, when the Huaxia Army is torn apart, their benefits will not be less. I ’m dumb though , But also know that it ’s easier to be in the world than to be in the world ... ”

"It's not time to sit down."

"It's almost the same." Yu Hezhong stood up. "Okay, I'll go first, I guess you have a lot of things, anyway ... I hope you are good, and I hope this business can be achieved ... next time I talk."

"I'll see you off."

The teacher got up and sent him out. Yu Hezhong's mood became more and more irritable. When he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he turned around and blocked the teacher: "It's all right here, you ... are not safe outside, you are also busy, don't go out ... "

Shi Shi smiled helplessly and brilliantly, bowed slightly: "Okay, see you next time."

"See you next time ..."

Yu Hezhong waved his hands and left pretending to be calm all the way up, the mood in his heart was low, dark and undulating. The teacher ’s “if not rumor” seemed to warn him and remind him, but after thinking about it, the teacher more than ten years ago had an ancient and weird temperament. He was really joking and really wanted it.

Is she with Ning Yi or not? I thought about this problem all the way, and I couldn't help thinking of the kind of embarrassment when I reached out and avoided, I just felt that my little thoughts had been completely exposed to the other party-exposure is okay, but it is sadly rejected, once rejected As a result, many problems will be hit on her face like a slap in the face: she is a wife and child, and this time she can become the most important middleman in the southwest transaction, because of her care for herself ... ...

This kind of cognition made his head a little dazed, and felt that his face was lost. But after walking for a while, thinking back to the past, I had hope in my heart. I remember when I first met the other day, she also said that she hadn't married herself. She was a joker and was not determined. Reject myself ...

Also, it is not surprising that this situation is hard to win her favor. According to the previous thoughts, I hope that I can take advantage of this opportunity in the southwest to lay down some benefits and talking capital before I can deserve her. Today, I really lost my head ... Since the teacher-in-charge did not refuse, With her ingeniousness, her thoughts have also been exposed. Although this is a bit uncomfortable, but when you think about it, it is not too bad?

In his mind, after all sorts of thoughts, when the thinking was gradually calm, the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and then he thought of the main reason for this visit in the peaceful atmosphere near Yingbin Road. Countless people from the outside are waiting for trouble, and Yan Daolun will be happy to see it happen. Here, they took it lightly, presumably after the resurgence of the Jurchen.

He hoped that the transaction would be successful and that the Huaxia Army would be able to make a smooth transition, but now thinking of these, he still expects something bad to happen. When you get confused here, the division will understand your painstaking efforts, and the road of the Huaxia Army can be taken more securely. If the chaos really breaks out, the division will tell Ning his warning today. Yi, at that time I will meet with the other party myself, and I can speak a lot of things.

When the sun fell, he walked across the bustling streets of Chengdu, seeing a scholar and a warrior, all like a righteous man waiting for his hands. Every look of people seems to be telling something in private, trying to connect.

Something's going to happen, let's do it ...

he thinks.


"... The Huaxia Army is prepared."

In the afternoon, the gentle wind blew across the water surface of the river, and the tea scented in the painting.

This was a seemingly unusual party. Guan Shanhai, Lang Guoxing, Mu Wenchang, etc., gathered in Yang Tiehuai's rally. They had ears next to the wall and chose paintings on the river.

Yang Tiehuai, known as the Huai Gong, had his head broken in the street before the month. At this time, a bandage was still tied to his forehead. He poured tea and spoke quietly:

"The Huaxia Army is prepared." He said, "The situation in the city is well-known. The outside is tight and the inside is tight. Many people in Zhuji have already entered the city, and even broke into the so-called" righteous "inside the market. People will be arrested as soon as they start. Yesterday, there was an assassin in Anqingfang. Two people died, both of them were foreign assassins, and there was once on the Yingbin Road. Assassins were caught on the spot every time. It's very good. I'm afraid nothing will work ... please tea. "

Everyone served tea, Guan Shanhai said: "Since we know that the Huaxia Army is prepared, the Huai Gong also called us old guys. If there were one or two of the" comrades "of the Huaxia Army, we were arrested when we got off the boat. do?"

"Hua Xia Jun is a hero who defeated the Jurchen. I waited today to gather, just to worry about the situation in the city, what a crime." Yang Tiehuai's expression remained unchanged, his eyes glanced at the crowd. The assassinations organized by people are different. Today there are many ... Bandits, when they entered the city, some of them were spotted and some of them were not. We do n’t know who will start and who will shrink, but for the Huaxia Army, this After all, it is a thousand-day anti-thief thing. With a group of opponents, they have to arrange a group of people to stare. "

"... their manpower is limited. If these bandits come up one by one, the Huaxia army will catch one by one, but if there are dozens of people working at the same time, the net laid by the Huaxia army will be inevitable. There is no catch. So in the final analysis, this time, it is a comparison of human hearts and strength, while watching how much strength the Huaxia Army has, while ... watching how many people do not like the Huaxia Army to live a good life ... ... "

He held up his tea cup: "Strength is higher than people's hearts, this net will be as solid as gold, but if people's hearts are greater than strength, this net may be broken."

A group of old people nodded and drank tea. Among them, forty-year-old Mu Wenchang looked around and said, "That is to say, today we don't know if these 'gangsters' in the city will take action, but it may be uncomfortable. Some people want to move, some don't want to, some people can save their lives, some people want to wait and see ... but if you wait and see too much, this person's heart can't compare with strength. "

"If I am a bandit, I will definitely hope that there will be fewer watchers when I start." Yang Tiehuai nodded.

"The strength of the Huaxia Army is now set there, but the hearts of the people in the world today are unpredictable. Because of the strength of the Huaxia Army, those people in the city say it is impossible to break that strength. What is the number of hands-on people ... Speaking of which, I really want to be used by Ning Yi ... Yangmou. "Some people said so.

Yang Tiehuai smiled: "Drinking tea today is just a chat about the situation in this city. I know that many of you here have brought people. It is not easy for the Huaxia Army to run this situation. If something happens next, they will inevitably Fan Biao, you have to restrain the people under your control, not to make them do what the relatives hate their enemies quickly ... Okay, just a chat, you have anything to say, feel free to say anything Everyone is worried about the Huaxia Army. "

He smiled and waved.

"... Please tea."

Sunlight came in through the window frames of the paintings, and there were many unknown corners inside the city where similar parties and conversations were taking place. Impassioned words are always easy to say, and things are not easy to do, but when there are enough generous words, some quietly brewing things may burst out.

When the scholar named Mu Wenchang left the painting, it was already evening. In this golden autumn evening, he would remember the shock and despair of witnessing the Chinese army for the first time more than ten years ago.

That was when Wu Jianshuo was two years old, and became the chief staff member of Qin Fenglu to appease and make Yan Zhenguo the first high point in Mu Wenchang's life. The Wu dynasty lost the Central Plains, and Yan Zhenguo had to resort to Jurchen and Mingzhe to protect himself. When Lou Shi attacked the northwest, they were forced to participate in the attack on Yanzhou.

That fall, for the first time, he saw the brutality of the black flag. They were holding the banner of Huaxia, but they did not distinguish between the enemy and me, and launched attacks on the Jurchen and Han at the same time. Some people thought that the Huaxia Army was powerful, but that battle lasted for several years, and in the end it was slaughtered and reduced to white ground throughout the northwest. Numerous neutrals and forced people were killed in the middle.

For so many people, they could have been drawn in and persuaded. Even during the war, Mu Wenchang carefully revealed his willingness to rely on the Huaxia Army for a birth, but the Huaxia Army showed no mercy, they only accepted enlistment. For the soldiers, he didn't seem to care about a big staff like Mu Wenchang.

The original countless people were willing to take refuge in the past, but the Huaxia Army only wanted to fight, and could not tolerate a bit of detours.

In April and the fourth year of Jianshuo, the Huaxia Army defeated Yan Zhenguo and the Allied Army in Killing Wolf Ridge, beheaded Yan Shuai and several children of the Ordained Family. For the next three years, Xiao Canghe devoured millions of Han troops ... But what about that? Didn't you run away in the end? In the end countless people who weren't supposed to die died.

Mu Wenchang fled south, his wife and children were crushed in that war, and one of his daughters even married him to a Jurchen officer. Later, when Lou was killed, Jurchen was defeated in the northwest. The daughter died among a group of anti-Gold rioters.

Fighting against gold requires fighting, but what he has learned throughout his life tells him that battles in the world are not blind, and he can become as cruel as a Jurchen. Even if he wins the world, he will not be able to cure the world.

——Huaxia Army must be wrong!

——The Huaxia Army must be wrong ...

This time, Chengdu will tell the world clearly this truth.

He thought over and over again, walking across the streets at dusk.


At the same moment, a strong man named Shi Yuanmeng would think of the gunshot and the chaos in the palace of Jin Mao more than ten years ago.

"Ah, Zhou Ai ..."

That sigh of nothingness is a voice that he will never forget in his life, and what happened afterwards is a scene that he can't release.

How could there be such a person?

It was the first time that the Jurchen was defeated to siege the city, and then he also dealt with the rewards of the meritorious service of the adulterer Qin Maoyuan. He relied on the relationship at home and took the road of Tan Yi, the first face-to-face holy. For that holy face, he worshiped all the ancestors in his family, even fasted for three days, and burned incense to bathe. He treated that holy face as the most glorious moment in his life.

In order for Jin Dian to play the right-although it is impossible to have a conversation with him-not to be rude, he trained for half a day at home just by etiquette. He continued to practice kneeling **** and gratitude after the reward in front of the portrait of the ancestor. . The banquet for guests after the banquet has already been arranged.

Who knows that the seven of them entered the Golden Hall, which should have been the humblest of the seven in the hall. The merchant, who did not even perform the etiquette smoothly, stood up with a sigh after kneeling.

He couldn't understand the scene so far. He sighed and called his Majesty's name, and then there was a bang, and everyone was still in a daze. He had already walked over, and slapped him fiercely in the face of the very noble Prince Tong. There are countless achievements, I don't know how many generals will be scared in front of him in two battles, but at that moment, he flew up and hit his head on the golden stage.

How can you walk in the Golden Hall? How can you beat the boy? How could he lift His Majesty like God and slam it on the ground fiercely?

He never imagined that there would be no such a monarch and no father in the world, and that he would never have such a rebellious act in the world. Unfortunately, at the time, he couldn't react at all, kneeling by the door from beginning to end.

"A bunch of waste."

The man in front of the Golden Temple knocked the emperor's head with the back of his sword, and spoke the words of contempt to all the high-ranking ministers in the entire Golden Temple. Li Gang scolded, Cai Jing stayed like a chicken, Wang Tong crawled in the pool of blood on the ground, Wang Yan, Qin Yun, Zhang Bangchang, Geng Nanzhong, Tan Yue, Tang Ke, Yan Daozhang ... Some officials were even scared to the ground ...

It is also strange to say. After experiencing that matter, Shi Yuanmeng only felt that there were no more strange things in the world. Instead, he responded to many things and was not disturbed. After the fall of the Central Plains, he came to the south and also stayed in the army. Later, he worked for some large households. Because of his vicious and neat approach, he was quite appreciated, and later he also had some reliable brothers.

When the Southwest Gateway opens this time, he will come over and do something that shocks the whole world.

He would think of the scene when Ning Yi passed by him that day, and the phrase "a bunch of waste" he said that day probably did not even include the few people kneeling at the door ... He will do the same today The matter comes to warn the entire world that there is no king, no father, and those who are rebellious, and their lives will be collected by loyal ministers and righteous people!

"Brother, things are ready."

The brother who was working in the yard leaned over and said this to him.

Shi Yuan fiercely turned around and saw that the two wooden barrels in the yard had been laid out, and he went over to check it again.

"Do you guys know that?" He said, "Ning Yi whispered something about the study of grids. This grid of grids is not his thing at all ... He colluded with the traitors and defeated Liangshan by the power of the Xiangfu. , Caught a good man, Mr. Gongsun, who is called "Into the Cloud Dragon" by Gongsun Sheng. This Mr. Gongsun is pure for the fire of thunder, Ning Yi took his recipe and detained him, these Only in this way can gunpowder technology be developed to such an extent. "

Shi Yuan stared at the people in the yard: "This devil, the greed of the sky is his own work, and he is full of infidelity and evil. He can defeat the Jurchen, but by relying on these firearms, and today he is hiding under the turmoil. Southwest, while the Jurchen Army defeated everyone, and then defeated each other with these firearms ... I will not sit by and wait for such a thing. We killed Ning Yi this time. Since someone rescued Mr. Gongsun from the southwest, this firearm Zhishu spread to the world, defeating the Jurchen, it's nothing to worry about. I am a dynasty, and I am strong! For those of us, we really saved the whole world! "

The evening sun was swallowed up by the horizon like a fireball, and someone arched his hand: "Follow the elder brother."

"For the sake of the world, follow the elder brother!"

The city was burning in fire, and there were countless movements and sounds under this sea of ​​fire.

That night, in the courtyard of Wen Shoubin, I would have heard the heroic prophecy of the other side "the matter is in these two days" again.

The next day, at the contest site, Huangshan came to him and told him: "In recent days, outsiders have said that something is going to happen in Chengdu, so you Huaxia army will not be wary of it?" It makes people feel that the other party is constantly in the situation of the Huaxia army. Worrying, rather than expecting their ability to move, they answered with a paralyzed face: "If you want to make trouble, just make trouble."

"Hey, just kidding, it ’s not that we are not planning to make trouble, you see, my brother and I participated in the competition, didn't I ... I just worry, the situation is chaotic. This is not a contest. Are you here, you Huaxia Army?

"One division went to Lao Niutou level and chaos. The other divisions were originally downsized. These days, they are placing captives and guarding the entire Sichuan Fourth Road. There are only so many people in Chengdu. But there is nothing to fear. Jurchens don't We were also repelled. A bunch of chickens and dogs from outside can make a difference. "

"That's, that's ... Brother Long is right, after all, Jurchens have fought back ..."

"Don't make trouble, or I will kill you ..." I would rather glance at him.

Huang Shan smiled kindly: "How can it be? How can we do it? We really intend to make a name for ourselves at the contest."

The two acted each other. However, even if they knew that the brave man was acting, they would rather wait for too long to wait for things to happen. They almost no longer expected that things would really happen. This was the case with Wen Shoubin. At the beginning, he was impassioned and said he wanted to do bad things, and then he opened his head. His "daughter" sent two of them out, and then he attended a banquet all day. Things have also begun to "slowly".

Most of the recent events in the city will also be like this. A group of people said impassioned words. In the end, no one dared to take action and became a joke ... Unfortunately, it is not in Zhangcun right now, otherwise he will talk to a group of friends. Laughing back and forth together ... Well, anyway, school will start after September, and I will tell them what I heard here.


On the hill near the village near Zhangcun, the night gradually deepened. When the child passed, the light of Xingyue splattered from the sky, and in the forest, the footsteps of the nocturnal animals could only be heard occasionally.

Six knights circled the city and were whispering.

"Chengdu, I don't know what happened ..."

"So many people say they need to do something big, what if no one does it?"

"The Chinese Army is terrific. It's in their hands. There's nothing to end ..."

"If only we do it, no one else will?"

"Stop it ..."

"We just need to cause confusion, just move the nearby Huaxia army ..."

"The brothers said, do, or not?"

"I listen to everyone ..."

The originally determined people came to their heads, and what they said became nonsense. You Hongzhuo, who was hiding in the darkness not far away, sighed helplessly. At this moment, in the distant night sky, there was a sound of 咻, fireworks across the air, and then it seemed that there was a movement of killing.

"Someone ..."

"Not much thought, let's do it."

"Old third and fourth, take the torch and get ready to fire on the left ..."

"Do you burn rice?"

"The rice is under-ripe and it can't be burned now ..."

"Burning the house, the small village on the left, when the house burns up, the most people are shocked, and then you take care of it ..."

"It's evening and everyone is in the house."

"If you want to make a big deal and you can tolerate such a mother-in-law, you don't let the people of the Huaxia Army hurt, how can they come out! If the rice can be lit, you go to the rice ..."

"When the fire broke down, you guys immediately left. In the wild, how many people does the Huaxia Army need to lay out a net? At that time, everyone will take the opportunity to act and create confusion. If the Huaxia Army catches you, we will be elsewhere Ignition kills ... "

In the darkness, You Hongzhuo frowned slightly.

The third and fourth child went all the way with the torch held, and You Hongzhuo followed. From the previous dialogue, he could see that the two men were a little hesitant. It is one thing to fight the enemy on the battlefield, and it is another to burn the people's fields and houses.

The two went to the village, hesitating after all.

Someone said, "This way you don't have any virtue."

"What else is there ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You go back and say no more?"


They were silent for a moment on the edge of the village, and finally, leaning towards the back of a house, the man who had previously said that he had no morale took out a fire blast and blew it a few times, and the fire lit up in the darkness.

They lit the torches.

You Hongzhuo sighed behind the two.

Sword off.


July twenty. Chengdu.

Soon after night fell, I would rather hear the loud noise coming from the city. Many people heard the sound.

The chaotic night began ...

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