Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 989: And listen to the wind (in)

Outside Zhang Cun, midnight on that day, You Hongzhuo cut off the sword.

The light of the torch flew to the ground, and the blood shot in the dark. The third of the six knights staggered slightly. The arm holding the torch had been broken and fell to the ground.

Darkness came over like a beast that swallowed people, and then a terrible shout pierced the night sky.

The fourth old man turned back and waved the nine-section whip on his body. You Hongzhuo went straight with a knife, and smashed the opponent's blade with a swift and fierce long knife.

In the night was the sound of the clashing of the blades of the soldier's blades, which then turned into a flying blood flower. You Hongzhuo came from the Jin Dynasty to kill himself. His blade was rough and sturdy. He smashed the opponent's attack with two or two swords and broke the defense. Then he broke the fourth arm and thigh. He slashed his back and rolled down in the wasteland behind the village.

The fourth old man was taken by this **** momentum, and the Jiujie whip fell to the ground. He also collapsed to the ground after hitting two knives, and crawled back in a wolf. For a moment, the words of begging for mercy had not been spoken. You Hongzhuo pointed at him with a knife, and the third man with a broken hand was still shouting on the ground. The people in the village had been awakened by the movement.

You Hongzhuo turned back to look at the hills not far away. In the forest over there, the four were heading for another place, but now it is estimated that they have been alarmed. Should they go back or just let them go?

Hesitating, there was a shout from someone on the hill over there, and the second of the six was shouting, "Ideas and hands-" it seemed to have encountered some enemy.

You Hongzhuo had a cold heart, and now he will do something to these people, except for himself. I followed six people along the way and found nothing wrong. If you say that the black flag has stared at this side, then here you are ...

In a second thought, there was a bang in the grove on the hill, and the fire flames splashed in the night, which is the flare gun used by the Huaxia Army. As soon as his sword was closed, he was about to leave. When he turned around, he saw the figure coming in the darkness behind him, but when he was so close, he realized the presence of the other party.

The rivers and lakes in Jindi don't have much warmth. If they meet each other narrowly, there are many situations where they talk about their fist and stand first. You Hongzhuo practiced for several years in such an environment, and the first reaction to the appearance of this figure was that the hairs on the whole body were standing upright, with a knife in his hand, and rushed forward.

The explosive force of his body, the long knife hiding at his side, is also the dead end of the opponent's vision. When the knife is near, it is like a thunder, and it is also a type of night-time battle. But the moment he ran silently, he noticed that this came silently from the darkness, but it was a gray skirt woman who was neither masked nor wearing a night coat.

He didn't close the sword, because the thought at that moment didn't even have time to work.

The woman held a long sword on her left and stretched her right hand. The distance between the two seemed to disappear half a foot out of nothing. He had seized the shoulder and neck of You Hongzhuo, who was swift and violent, and then felt like the sky was spinning. He was After a split in the air, the figure flew through the darkness, rolled twice after landing, and only stopped when the two "knights" wanted to set fire to the wall of the house that they wanted to set fire to ...

A dead tree cut by him in the air was slowly falling, and You Hongzhuo leaned on the wall and looked at the woman in the gray dress on the opposite side. The horror in his heart was beyond words.

When he was in the Jin Dynasty, he also had a confrontation with the "Dragon King" of Wuyi Gaoqiang. In Zezhou that year, the Dragon King who had just disbanded Chifeng had a battle with the recognized "first in the world" Lin Zongwu, but he failed with only one move, but then the Dragon King returned to the actress, and his mind was broken, and his martial arts was inevitable. You are a little more advanced. As a leader of the younger generation, You Hongzhuo can get the opportunity to compete with each other. It is a kind of training, and you have really experienced how much the gap between you and the great master.

On the other hand, in the middle of the Jindi War, he also had the honor to witness Master Lin's shot after serious injuries.

But neither Dragon King nor Master Lin, he never really felt the powerlessness between the talents.

Which one of the Chinese Army ...


At the same time as You Hongzhuo fell to the ground, the four people who were trying to escape from the top of the mountain had fallen in a pool of blood. At the moment when the screams outside the village below the mountain sounded, two figures launched a raid on them.

The first sixth was beaten to the ground by a round of heavy punches in the first moment, and then someone came straight and warned several people to quickly surrender their weapons. The second and the second fell down with the person who beat the sixth. On the other side, they warned the people who had abandoned their weapons to raise their short guns and knock the boss shouting "you go first" in a pool of blood.

The oldest man, who was a scholar, went to rescue the second brother, and the heavy fist blasted on his lower abdomen, knocking him back, and when the internal organs were tumbling, he saw the opposite side of the fist slightly. The figure is the dark-skinned, sturdy, well-produced village aunt he encountered when he was looking for directions during the day.

"Huzhou persimmon ..."

In the night breeze, he heard the woman sneer softly, followed by a whistling kick, and in the dismantling move, broke the leg bones of the second leg with the sharpest punches and then walked towards him.

When he got close, he punched him in front of him ...


"In the afternoon, they reminded me that it was good to have a martial art, but I did n’t know my friends and enemies, so I came to see."

The words sounded, and the woman in the long gray dress came towards him with no hostility in her eyes.

"... You can stop them from arson, that's not the enemy, Zhang Cun welcomes you. I don't know who the knight is, and who's his last name?"

The woman's words are gentle, and she brings a kind of approachable person that you have never seen before. In the night sky, there are roaring arrows and fireworks rising, I do not know where the enemy was again. But it is clear that the Chinese soldiers here are already prepared.

The night was long, and with the first wave of big movements, there were indeed a few people in the Greenwood who started their own actions ... The messy news of the night passed to Chengdu the next day, and to some extent On this occasion, Confucian scholars and green forest heroes in Chengdu were encouraged.

Not many people know the truth here, people only know that in Zhangcun, groups of "righteous people" scrambled to start.

July 20, Chengdu.

"The night before yesterday, more than two hundred volunteers launched an attack on Zhang Cun ..."

"Someone almost killed Ning Yi's wife Su Taner ..."

"Huzhou Lu Dingming, drank blood wine, and died in the past ..."

"Strong, strong ..."

"It must have been louder last night, maybe it has already been achieved ..."

"It's just that the exact news hasn't come yet ..."

In the sunny day, countless words have flowed in private.

This is also a lazy day blowing by the autumn wind. Two days have passed since the meeting with Yang Tiehuai. Guan Shanhai didn't go out in the courtyard where he lived. On the one hand, he added red sleeves and wrote some meditation words. Received all kinds of messy news.

Only a small part of these news came from Zhang Cun's battle report—because it was a place that had never been operated, it is difficult to find out the details of the Zhang Cun rebellion. The Huaxia Army did have its own actions. The details of the action are extremely obscure. Outsiders have no way of knowing whether they have hurt Ning Yi's family or kidnapped his children. Has the Huaxia Army been relocated from the mountain on a large scale.

The difficulty of such information is not that there is no information, but more that there are too many rumors. With so many people and so many scholars in the city, one and two were whispering in the inn, and a message passed casually after three passes, and the prototype could no longer be seen. For people like Guan Shanhai who want to rely on information, it is really difficult to grasp the clear context.

Although it is also beautiful and powerful, but beyond that, if you really want to do something, Guan Shanhai can still know the priority and go for a gimmick. However, in such a chaotic situation, he can only wait quietly, he knows that things will happen-there will always be something, this thing may be a mess, but maybe this will determine the lifeblood of the future, if It is the latter, and he certainly hopes that he can catch it.

Similar to Guan Shanhai, there are naturally many people in the city. Lang Guoxing told Huang Nanzhong about the incident, and Huang Nanzhong informed his staff of dozens of families to do their best to prepare. The assassin named Chen Yu has been quietly observing for several days near Yingbin Road. Occasionally, he can also see signs of suspicious Ning Yi's chariots and horses. The Elephant Buddha is strolling around the city, feeling a cloud of light wind, and experiencing the blood following the pulse. The relaxed, tense feeling of vibration.

Lu Xiaolun, who was beaten by the king of elephants, informed his father about everything. Lu Liu was in the party every day, and he had already felt the atmosphere of rain and rain. Occasionally, he would disclose something to others.

"... This time, the real master who entered the city didn't rush to the platform. Sooner or later, something big will happen in the city, young people, don't go up together if you don't think about it, old man will see you in the day. Some good players I've passed, I'm afraid this time ... I'm going to die ... "

Lu Liutong's words revealed the prophets and predecessors of seniors. Generally, the warriors participating in the green forest party can immediately hear the unusual flavors, and confirm with the other atmospheres they have recently felt, only to see Behind the bustling hidden monster silhouette. Some dared to ask Lu Liutong what masters they were, and Lu Liutong casually explained one or two, and sometimes talked about the style of the bright master Lin Zongwu.

"... Lin Zongwu and Southwest have deep hatred, but this time Chengdu has not come, the old man does not know, you should not guess ..."

He said this, there are more people guessing, even the entire top Guangming apex master has now lurked in Chengdu, the news spread secretly. Yang Tiehuai and others also searched privately for a while, and finally realized that it should be a rumor that the Huaxia army released a smoke bomb.

Twenty days passed calmly during the day, perhaps because of the recent rush of rain, and the warriors who entered the competition on the platform have also exercised some restraint recently. There were no wounded in the last few games of the afternoon.

When night fell, Ning Ji, who had eaten dinner, had already come to the courtyard of the old little **** dog and climbed up the roof to enjoy the cold. Regarding Wu Yi ’s habit of peeping around during this time, he conducted some self-reflection. When he returned to Zhangcun to school in September, he could not do so anymore.

At the same moment, Ning Yi was discussing the reforms after discussing with Chen Fan in the courtyard of Capricorn Pool. Since they were two big men, he occasionally said some gossip about the enemy and did some insignificant actions. , Revealing a smile of inexplicability.

Suddenly, the explosion sounded in the city.

Rather than stand up on the roof and look into the distance.

Ning Yi and Chen Fan also stood by the lake for a while, and even took out the telescope to take a look. Then Ning Yi waved his hand: "Upstairs, upstairs ... the other side is high."

Arrows and fireworks rushed into the night sky. This was the warning message and direction of the Huaxia Army in the city.

At the same moment, countless people stared at the night sky. Guan Shanhai pushed away the woman who was not wearing anything, rushed out of the yard, and even moved the stairs to go up the wall. Huang Nanzhong rushed into the courtyard, and many homes were preparing. On the east side of the city, a warrior named Xu Yuanzong picked up a spear, and his dozens of brothers who had experienced friendship began to organize their equipment. Countless perspectives, some people stare at each other, some people are waiting, and some people have heard rumors like this: "It's going to be a mess."

"A hero killed Ning Yi!"

"Do you want to do it?"

The king elephant Buddha sat cross-legged, calmed down, and lived for a while before taking to the streets.

In the courtyard where the equivalent of Lu Liu lived, the old man jumped out of his seat with the sound of the cannon: "How about Xiaolun! How about Xiaolun!"

"Brother went out to hang out, and went to eat." Some disciples answered.

"Find him back! Go and find him back. Today, the hospital door is closed. No one is allowed to go out without me talking—"

The night was getting mellow, and it seemed to be boiling.

In the south of the city, the darts came from outside. Huo Liangbao, a mighty dart board, and a group of brothers quickly gathered in the yard. There were already fireworks in the outer city that made the arrows fly, and there must have been the Huaxia Army going to fight with the righteous over there. This night will be very long, because there is no early consultation, many people will wait quietly, they will not find the opportunity to successfully stab the demon head until the situation in the city is chaotic.

"Someone has to do things first!"

They prepared their weapons, put on their soft armor, lined up slightly, and hugged each other heavily.

"--For this world!"

"——We're on our way!"

Huo Liangbao turned and pushed the door open, and he rushed out.

A group of brothers followed immediately, and then ... blocked at the door.

Huo Liangbao, who went out first, took two steps and stood on the stone steps outside the door. Ten Chinese soldiers lined up on the road two feet away from him.

A medium-sized Chinese soldier had come over, holding a stack of paper in his hand, and looked towards the direction of the fireworks that made the arrow move. He didn't seem to see Huo Liangbao and the group of people behind him carrying the knife and gun and went straight to the other side.

"There are gangsters in the city who are making trouble, and here we are temporarily under martial law. Can you stay at home for a while tonight. You can do it tomorrow if you visit relatives or friends ... This is an order issued by the patrol office. If there is any loss, you can appeal it tomorrow. Alas, you will accept it. "

He handed a piece of stamped paper to Huo Liangbao. Huo Liangbao was carrying a long red gun on his back, a papier knife hanging from his waist, and a row of red flying knives looming in his open clothes. He stood there, Some mechanically reached for the paper.

A group of people in the rear blocked the door, all of whom were licking blood with their blades. Some people wiped their noses and noses, some others rubbed their teeth, and then looked at each other.

The Huaxia officer just looked at all of them calmly, and the ten soldiers on the street looked at them quietly. Huo Liangbao raised his left hand holding the paper, signalling that the brothers in the rear could not act lightly. The officer nodded: "It's dangerous outside. Go back."


The arrows fluttered and fireworks rose again.

Xu Yuanzong, who had made a plan, opened the door. Due to the need for concealment, the yard where he lived with a group of brothers was relatively remote. At this time, he went out of the door. Someone came on the road not far away.

Headed by a tall and straight warrior with a double-knife fighter, the moment the Xu Yuanzong drew slightly, the other side had already spoken directly.

"Hua Xia, the platoon leader of the Chinese Army, boldly asked Xu Zongshi to stop thinking about it today. Stop it. In the future, I will feel today's feelings. Come to the door and thank you ... please Xu Zongshi stop!"

Wang Yan ... Xu Yuanzong's face turned red. Of course, he had heard the name. This was a heroic figure who had slashed out a female heroine in Jianmen Guandan a few months ago. Relatively speaking, his martial arts In the name of the Grand Master, it seemed rather childish. After he entered the city, he was latent in pain, but never thought about his whereabouts.

He listened carefully to the noise from other parts of the city and waved his hand: "Can find me, the Huaxia Army is really powerful, but ... I can give up, other heroes in Chengdu, are you willing to give up !? If I give up, why? Can fight their struggle-"

Xu Yuanzong's words were impassioned and loud ...

People in the street market were taken aback by the sudden confusion. Then, as the Chinese army on the streets began to spread in different directions, Lu Xiaolun walked for a while in the direction of home, seeing the fire rising in the distance. There was a faint excitement in his heart, and he knew that the problems of the Huaxia Army had finally appeared this time.

With martial arts and agile pace, he walked across the street and thought about where to go to see the excitement. He was walking on a street with few pedestrians and stopped suddenly.

I saw a careless figure coming over the road. The man was tall and his hair was dangerous like a lion. It was that day that he came to try his fist, and later his father speculated that he was going to seek the master of martial arts who had trouble with the Huaxia Army.

In such a mess, he really came out.

Lu Xiaolun's first thought was to know the name of the other party. However, at this moment, the master's heart must be full of murderous intentions. He happened to meet him so coincidentally. If he rushed forward and talked, the other party misunderstood something. , Will inevitably be killed on the spot.

He thought of it, slowly moved to the side of the road, faced the wall next to the road, and tried to turn around without getting the other's attention.

At this moment, a voice sounded beside him.

"Well, who, who, ..." A strong man stood up from the wood next to Lu Xiaolun--the strong man was sitting there eating kebabs. Three or two bites eaten the tofu on the skewers, throwing away bamboo sticks, "Well, who ..."

This man's voice is so loud that it will inevitably attract the attention of other people on the street, and he will inevitably be found by the martial arts master beside him. Lu Xiaolun was facing the wall, his heart was tight, and he turned his head, and saw that the messy master on the other side of the street really came to see ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Well, Wang Xiangfo! "

The strong man named next to him, the grumpy guru had an interesting expression on his face, and turned around to look around.

"Huaxia Niu Chengshu! I am ordered to catch you today!"

Lu Xiaolun stood facing the wall.

This moment, sweating through heavy clothing. He already understood that the name of the martial arts master was called Wang Xiangfo, and the brave man beside him was the one who wanted to put him right.

At the other end of the street, Wang Xiangfo opened his hands and smiled.

The strong man named Niu Chengshu hit his fist against the palm of his hand and moved forward. Lu Xiaolun heard him murmur: "... refuse arrest."

The two figures were working at the same time. Lu Xiaolun stood by the wall and looked around, only to see them crashing together in the middle of the street—

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