Zhui Xu

: Let's listen to the wind (Part 2)

On July 20, Chengdu under the night boiled in a hustle and bustle.

"It's really coming ..."

Feeling the hustle and bustle of the outside world at the Wuhu Inn in the north of the city, Yu Hezhong went to the courtyard and climbed to the second floor, looking out into the distance. There was a flare of fire in the field of vision, and it was clear that the expected turmoil had already happened on this day.

The inn where he lives is now under the influence of Liu Guangshi's forces, but there is no need to worry about security issues. When Yan Daolun also reached the second floor, someone took the paper in the lobby of the inn: "There is a Huaxia army outside, so let's not go out tonight."

Yan Daolun nodded, and then someone turned back: "Mingxinfang is closing the road."

Mingxinfang is located not far from the river across the back of the inn. Yan Daolun and Yu Hezhong approached the second-floor room, opened the window there, and saw that a gong sound really sounded there. At the door, the big family members came out of a house with sticks: "We are Nie Fu Jia Wei. Today we protect the safety of everyone in the square, and please do n’t leave the square easily."

"Nie Shaotang." Yu Hezhong heard Yan Daolun whispered, "He is completely committed to the black flag."

This Nie Shaotang was originally a local gentry. During the war in the Southwest, he was advised to surrender by the teacher, and he did not make any troublesome actions. When He Dazhong and Yan Daolun took the first time to go to the teacher, he also heard the name of the person. At the moment, take the initiative to maintain order, it is iron heart to go with the Huaxia Army.

He recalled the mood when he met with the division the day before yesterday. On the one hand, he did not want to really see that the Huaxia Army was in trouble. On the other hand, when he saw such precautions, he felt a little uncomfortable. This mess should always be bigger. of.

Finally, he just said, "The Huaxia Army is prepared."

Yan Daolun nodded: "Of course there will be defense ... Now it depends on how much others are determined ..."


"The Huaxia Army is ready ..."

He told the man to move the stairs, and looked at the courtyard wall for a while, Guan Shanhai murmured, there are countless thoughts in his mind at this moment ...

"It depends on how big it can be."

He climbed down the stairs and walked round in the yard for a few moments. The dressed girl stepped lightly and was pushed aside impatiently by him. Then he called the closest person, and whispered, "Yan Ying, they are ready, they will not do anything, let's talk about the situation ..."

The pulse beats like the heat of summer ...


South of the city. Huo Liangbao waved and let a group of brethren with swords and guns slowly return to the yard. Then he stepped back step by step.

Close the door and plug it in.

The crowd stood in the yard, silent for a long time, looking at each other without speaking.

Standing beside the door, Huo Liangbao clenched his fists with both hands and shoved the documents issued by the Huaxia Army into a ball. Huge humiliation and frustration were covering him.

After a while, the most active person in the dartboard moved, and he moved a ladder and looked out on the wall.

"The black flag's dog legs are still ..."

"Still ..."

"Go away ..."

In a whisper of return, after a while, the man on the wall finally swallowed and turned back: "Leave."

Huo Liangbao turned around and looked at everyone, their eyes eager to try. After a long time, I saw Huo Liangbao holding up the paper ball in his hand and threw it out.

"Go damn-"

He turned around, opened the bolt, and pulled the door open hard. Someone shouted behind his back, a **** shout like a beast.

There are no Chinese soldiers on the street in front of the field of vision. Huo Liangbao stepped forward and rushed out!

The night wind caressed.

Someone pulled the trigger--


The screen is switched back.

On June 29th, Ning Xi, who finally solved the problem of his third-class meditation medal, joined Fang Shuchang, Hou Wu, Xu Shaoyuan, Su Wenfang and some other people to enter the temporary office headquarters in Chengdu. The headquarters is large, with many people coming and going, many tables and files.

After a while, Ning Yi arrived here, gathered all the seniors, and circulated a document.

"... Zero Zero has been preparing for so long. Organizational issues can finally be fixed. At the beginning of August, the military parade can be held at the same time. After that, the civil and military processes can be set. The assessment standards are initially prepared ... , Law and order is a big issue, and there are many things that are going to cause trouble. Is n’t there anybody in the city who is clamoring recently? Would you like to say hello to us? The greedy people who used to say hello to us all this time, this time a lot of Confucian students came. That's right, it's good ... say hello and get to know each other. "

Ning Yi knocked on the table.

"It is speculated that once this process is released, the situation in the city will be tense immediately. The military parade is in August, then before the end of July, there will be a group of unbelievers who want to take risks, whether it be assassination, chaos, advance Destroy our plan. My idea is to first put the bait out, to guide their ideas and let them try to kill me, rather than trying to destroy the parade, the worse the conference ... "

"Bamboo Club will be responsible for guiding public opinion in this area, strengthening the saying of assassination of the demon, weakening the idea of ​​destroying military parades and conventions. At the same time, they can be taught that the army's entry into the city is the deadline, so that they can seize the previous ones as much as possible. Opportunity ... Can't say we haven't given them a chance, but if they look forward to it deeply and things break down, their next step will be more difficult and fewer people will go ... "

"The household registration survey of the previous two years was very necessary. This time, people who came from Jianmen were registered after entering the city. Now there are more than 8,700, and it is expected to exceed 10,000, or even 15,000. With this list, you have already done the first round of screening. Then you can cooperate with Zhu Ji to make several summaries. The most dangerous group of people will be screened out first ... "

"The elites of the army are currently being adjusted. They will cooperate with you at that time and get the hard ideas that they can't get. Let them come up. We used to have few people and small places. The people below were relatively pure, and they were better at screening the enemy. Today is not the same. The place is big. We do n’t know who is good or who is bad. Then our defense must be comprehensive. To exert maximum efficiency with the least manpower, this requires a reasonable organization and deployment capabilities ... "

"Then ... bring the map of Chengdu ... based on this detailed map, every street, square, and road must be reasonably allocated, how many people are arranged on each street, where there are many people, where are The key points, where it is easy to catch fire, how many water tankers can be arranged, how many doctors can be deployed, how many soldiers can be deployed, if there are omissions in a certain place, and how long can the manpower be reached, these must be done. "

"These things have been said before. The preliminary layout of Chengdu has already been done, and there are still more than 20 days. All plans and plans must be completed. One or two exercises will be done in secret. This time You can grab a small basket. If someone sets fire in our own house, we ca n’t help it, but we ca n’t get into chaos. When necessary, we can expose my location, lead them to me, and then wipe them out ... ”

"Fang Shu is always responsible for this incident, and it is yours to connect with Zhuji and the intelligence department; Hou Wu will continue to be responsible for inspections and arrests, and he will also take over the assistance in the army; Xu Shaoyuan is in charge of medical affairs, fire fighting and rehabilitation I ’m going to adjust all the issues, and you will finalize the details of the whole plan. I should be the bait, or kill them to take charge of my safety, and the rest of the docking should be clear. In addition, Ning Xi ran errands here, Responsible for the liaison reception after the military personnel arrived ... Is there a problem? "

Everyone expressed their understanding.

Ning Yi's finger knocked on the table: "Then the meeting, I will catch up with the next one."

When the meeting was held, it was still three days long, and Xia Yu cried out several times in Chengdu. On the sixth day, the entire plan was stopped. When the manuscript was released, two elites arrived first. One of them was the female soldier team brought by Min Chuyi. She also took Su Taner's order in Zhangcun, so she brought the team here before Qixi Festival. Both public and private were correct.

At noon on this day, Ning Xi took Min Chuyi and others to the temporary headquarters and arranged tasks.

"... We divided the entire Chengdu City into 45 large blocks, each with 10 to 20 people, and no more than a thousand elites will enter the city ... you are divided into groups of five or ten. In cooperation with members who are familiar with the local situation or members of Zhuji and the Intelligence Department, you must pay attention to their suggestions. After all, you are not familiar enough. Fortunately, you come early and you can go to the place first ... ”

After that, the soldiers arrived one after another. After being briefed by Ning Xi, who was in charge of liaison, they brought them to Hou Wu for handover. At this time, the internal relations of the Huaxia Army were close. Hou Wu originally came from the army, and then did a lot of rear security work. It was not difficult to deploy these soldiers. And even if there are a few thorns, after Ning Xi's reception and then handed over, there will never be any trouble-this is the responsibility of the "prince of grandfather", and those who have a mind do not dare to neglect.

As time progressed, batches of personnel screened the initial outline, and some highly dangerous opponents were marked out.

On July 14th, Niu Chengshu, Liu Muxia, and others entered the Chengdu on behalf of the 7th Army. On July 15th, Wang Xi arrived in Chengdu. On the 16th, Mao Yishan led the team into the city. Many of the top ranks in the past in the military battles, at this time are all surviving in these teams. Before that, with the elite of the 29th Army coming from the Chen Fans, Yuwen Feidu, Xiaohei, and others have already returned to the team. Honest monks and other people from outside have also been with the caravan in Chengdu. Active for several days.

"... This time in Chengdu, some secret martial arts guys did come secretly. It is very possible to go into the city at this time and be reluctant to participate in our contest. It is very possible to have a bad heart. Of course, if they do n’t Hands on, we welcome him to visit the park for sightseeing, but if things break out and they run around the street, we need to control these people for the first time. There are a few names here, Xu Yuanzong, Wang Xiangfo ... There is a killer named Chen Yu. At one point, he was famous, he was here, but he didn't know where he was ... "

"... The first batch of masters that need to be excluded, we have also arranged for the field, but this is not a competition. First of all, we should treat each other with courtesy, willing to go back, willing to step back, and willing to accept our arrangements. Thank you. They can compensate and apologize in the future. But if you do it at the time, remember that you are soldiers, and you do n’t need to talk about morality in dealing with these scums. ”

"Can I have a fight if I have time?" Halfway through the meeting, the late raw Niu Chengshu raised his hand. Fang Shu often glanced at him: "No."

Then he threw out a piece of paper: "You bring someone in charge of Wang Xiangfo. This is a martial arts idiot. Come here this time, maybe his cultivation is the best. Don't take it lightly. Liu Muxia and you are in a group. Five of you, deal with him one. . "

"Yes!" Niu Chengshu raised his hand to salute, then took the file of Wang Xiangfo and sat down.

Then he threw out a piece of paper: "You bring someone in charge of Wang Xiangfo. This is a martial arts idiot. Come here this time, maybe his cultivation is the best. Don't take it lightly. Liu Muxia and you are in a group. Five of you, deal with him one. . "

"Yes!" Niu Chengshu raised his hand to salute, then took the file of Wang Xiangfo and sat down.

Fang Shuchang's eyes glanced at everyone: "This time, the number of people coming in from outside the Jianmen Pass has exceeded fifty-five. Although we have screened it twice with outsiders, there must be fish that have leaked the net, and there may be more experts in the city, so Do n’t feel that you have one or two tasks at hand, it is likely that you will have to spend the night. In addition, in addition to listening to the ground ’s instructions, a total of 35 high places in the city have been prepared as watchtowers, and hot air balloons will also rise when necessary. You must also pay attention to the information on it ... "

People in the army are coming one after another. This is not the first time such a meeting has been held. This time it is the most elaborate manpower. Fang Shu often finishes the various arrangements.

"... Everyone is looking outside now, saying hello to us, calling friends and embracing. Mr. Ning also said that if the situation is urgent, he can expose his position and lead people ... But I It feels like we don't take people there, it's ugly. "

After he had finished speaking, everyone stood up and saluted.



Time returns to the moment touched by the autumn wind.

Xiao Hei took to the street.

Huo Liangbao opened the door, gritted his teeth, and ran to the street.

In the attic of the house not far away, Yuwen Feidu pulled the trigger, the fire broke out, and the compressed air pushed the bullet and flew out of the gun.

"In three hundred steps, I am a father."

A beast-like shout came with the night wind. In this shout, Huo Liangbao stepped on the stone steps outside the door, and everyone followed.


Huo Liangbao's head burst.

The body shook during the high-speed charge, then smashed down the road under the steps.

The rear crowded the door, and the last few people bumped into it, jumping and looking out.

People outside looked at the corpses under the steps staggered, and fine flesh spilled over them.

Xiao He sighed on the road ahead and waved at them.

"Let's go back."

A group of fierce darts are boiling with blood, the blue veins on their foreheads are still gone, and the fists they are holding are still shaking in the air. Due to some frustration and crowded together, they did not make a proper response for a while.

Someone was jumping around in the back.

"What's wrong? What's wrong ... hey, let me see ..."


Xu Yuanzong growled loudly and rushed to Wang Xi, as did his group of brothers.

Wang Yan pulled out his large sword, then slammed aside, and the Chinese soldiers in the rear lined up and raised the muskets in his hand.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom--

A group of warriors fleeing from side to side, blood flowers bloomed, someone fell to the ground, and then several soldiers pulled their swords, as if a wall was pushed and killed from the other side of the street. Several soldiers continued to be filled with gunpowder.

Wang Ye ’s sword has been cut to Xu Yuanzong--


Niu Chengshu and Wang Xiangfo battered each other on the road, and heavy fists and unintended collisions smashed a piece of bluestone on the roadside.

"Haha, happy--"

"Haha, it's fun--"

Not long after the fight, they saw blood in each other's mouth, but laughed.

Someone in the military uniform appeared from the side of the road. It was Liu Muxia. He stood by for a moment and waited until they separated slightly before frowning. "It looks like it will take a long time ..."

The king of elephants was so upset that it was overheated and he opened his hands and said, "Would you like to come together!"

The rules of the rivers and lakes, such a single-headed approach, generally do not involve a third party, his words are ironic.

Liu Muxia nodded: "Okay."

Wang Xiangfo blinked: "Ah ..."

On the street corner in the dark, someone suddenly rushed out, and immediately reached the side of Wang Xiangfo, hugged his waist, pushed him backward, Wang Xiangfo threw his fist, and Liu Muxia grabbed the heavy steel knife with the knife belt. The sheath slammed, Niu Chengshu punched his fist against his ribs, and then someone came over.

Standing by the wall on the other side of the street, Lu Xiaolun watched five figures encircling Wang Xiangfo. His fierce fists kept waving, and the street was full of popping sounds. Wang Xiangfo first tried to escape from the breakout and even He launched a counterattack, but after a while, holding his head, curled up and fell to the ground ...

Lu Xiaolun turned and tried to leave the street silently ...


The lively night has just begun, and some fish that have leaked the net have already made a mess in some places.

Ning Yi and Chen Fan held a telescope on the tower and explored around. Two snipers were standing by.

"When do you say they can find it here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I haven't used this skill for a long time, and it will soon rust ..."

Ningji had already left the courtyard of the old and cheap dogs, watching the direction of the fireworks, and running on the dark streets like a hurricane. He was too excited.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ..."

Then he ran to the street that sounded like a fight, and met Lu Xiaolun who was coming out of it. Lu Xiaolun was startled by the young boy who suddenly appeared running. The boy looked at him, then looked inside with a probe, then suddenly his face flattened.

"It's over ..."

He ran away again and went elsewhere.

Lu Xiaolun wiped the sweat from his forehead and passed in the direction of home.

In the city, people from outside are greeting the Huaxia Army for the first time. The response of the Huaxia Army has just begun ...

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