Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 991: By midnight (thanks for the "?"

The sound of a gong sounded in the city and the sound of the guides leading the people home. The fire in several places was lit, and several local swordsmen were connected. Some people also confronted the members of the Chinese army on the street.

In a bustling street, seven entertainers of the green forest took out knives and guns, trying to incite the people to rebel, and the soldiers of the Chinese Army blocked them back and forth. Some of these green forest people spit fire, and someone continued to somersault, intimidating the soldiers. When one of them took out a dangerous flying knife and threw it, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army raised their shields and swarmed up, and then scattered barbed fishing nets to bundle them one by one. Toppled to the ground.

During this process, the nearby Zhuji storyteller came out to soothe the hearts of the people, and vividly introduced the martial arts used by several people. The Huaxia Army used a small-scale battle array written by Zhou Yi, an iron arm that year. When they fell down one by one, tied the chains, the roadside crowd applauded excitedly, and then continued to go home under the guidance.

Several warehouses, gates in the city were hit, or the murderer was arrested halfway.

A small mess that could not be controlled for a while also naturally appeared. Fortunately, the green forest knights wanted to fight for the people's hearts, and the situation of holding a large knife to chop on the street never appeared-if it did, they would also be nearby snipers and musketeers. We kill the target the first time. At this time, the people were extremely simple. If any bad guys disturbed him, killed him on the spot, and blood flowed to the ground, it would be a very legitimate thing. Witnesses could still have a lot of extra talk after dinner, which is easy for the audience to admire.

Rather run around the city.

He ran for two more streets and was stopped.

"Hey, hey hey two two two ... that ..."

At the intersection, a soldier of the Huaxia Army waved and ran down the ramp on the side, apparently recognizing him, but it was not easy to call him by name. He would rather stop looking at the person and stop when he was near, with wide eyes Surprised, the organization was found.

"Hey, hey, Zhubangjing ... Crow's mouth ... Lao Yao! You're not dead yet--"

At this time, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army were all operating in groups. Obviously, there were still a few people behind the soldier. My ears would rather not say these words, and the other's shoulders fell a bit. This person was Yao Shubin. He was an elite warrior who was included in the Zheng Qiming Squad in the Southwestern War. His martial arts was very high, which was his mother-in-law. After the First World War in Wangyuan Bridge, he would rather be dragged to the back by his father and older brothers by means of despicable means before separating from these comrades-in-arms.

On the battlefield is a life-threatening friendship, especially prefers the cruel hand and black martial arts. It is never a drag tank, Yao Shubin does not treat him as a child. At this point came over: "Well, what are you doing, second child ..." He looked back at his companions, apparently aware of the fact that Ning Ji's true identity needed to be kept secret.

"Long!" I would rather nod a little bit to myself, "Long Aotian, my name is Long Aotian now ... call me Tian Ge."

"Ah ..." Yao Shubin froze for a while, and then several of his companions had already arrived nearby, and introduced: "This is ... my brother, Long ... Aotian. Just call Xiaolong."

"Well, that's a good name ..."

"Brother Long gets the name ..."

Several soldiers were taken aback by the momentum of the name, and would rather greet everyone with a smile: "Hello brothers, all of you, all of you ..." He said as he took a sign from his arms. Everyone saw that he was just a young man, and they felt that they were Yao Shubin's relatives and juniors. At this time, he was startled: "Wow! Special war!"

"Like Yao, when I fought with Brother Zheng Qi."

"Family has a long history, martial arts can be high, you may not have beaten him. Moreover, he is also mainly responsible for the military doctor, and he has a good hand in wound healing and pathology."

Yao Shubin preferred to explain properly, and everyone understood at this time. During the southwest war, there was a shortage of manpower. Although young people in their teens did not try to go to the battlefield as much as possible, it was not without them. The frightening name of the little brother Long is obviously from the martial arts family, and he also understands medicine. He was brought up quite well. Zheng Qiming had brought a true elite team at first, and he could n’t go in with water. It will also be squeezed out. This young man's greatness shows that he did not disappoint his good name.

For a moment, the crowd stood up and shouted loudly. Later Ningji followed Yao Shubin to the side of the sloping field, which was relatively high, and a tower was built in a nearby temple, which seemed to be requisitioned. When he looked at the posture here, he knew that the preparation was quite proper this time, and he couldn't help asking: "Hey, Yao, when did you come to Chengdu? How long have you been preparing?"

"I came from thirteen. These preparations were not made by us. We are responsible for arresting people. We need to say preparations. Chengdu has not been very peaceful recently. They started to prepare more than a month ago. You don't know ... yes What have you been doing these days ... forget it, if I can't say it, I won't ask. "

"I didn't do anything. After the Yuanyuan Bridge was hit, my brother seized it and stayed in Shiling. Later, I was not allowed to go to the front line, and then later sent me to the rear. I told my mother ... I went to visit some of the dead ghost ’s family, like monkeys, their wife, son ... Then I was here in Chengdu, and now I am a doctor in the first contest ... I live in a courtyard south of the country, Please write down the address. It's in Pingrong Road ... "

When asked by Yao Shubin, he would rather talk about his recent whereabouts for a while, and Yao Shubin nodded: "Oh, monkeys ... at the time ..."

He would rather interrupt his memories with a wave of his hand: "Stop this, how do you arrange it, who to fight? Who to deal with? Take me one ..."

"How to take it? You know what you ordered. Here we are a team. How can we lead people around ... hey, I'm about to say you, how tense the situation is tonight, you don't know, you're messing around in the city Running, you also use light work and flying eaves to walk the wall. Do you know that there is a sniper on top and staring at you already? If I hadn't glanced at it, you are running around the city now, wouldn't a group of people follow you behind you?

"No wonder I'm nervous ..." I would rather glance up at the tower next to me, then spread my hands innocently: "How do I know that the situation is tense and nobody greets me beforehand, I want to come and help ..."

Yao Shubin frowned: "... don't you know?"

"It can't be said that I don't know. There are rumors in the city. I think something will happen sooner or later. I must be prepared for it ... but I've been busy recently and didn't ask."

"It's no wonder then, it's your brother who is in charge of the various parties. You asked to ask if you didn't participate in it ..."

"Ah?" I would rather open my mouth wide. "Am I special ... I'll find him noisy in the future, where is my brother now?"

"He used to be responsible for liaison with all parties. When we entered the city, he was the team he led. Now this situation ... I guess I sit in the middle, I will ..."

"I'm going to find him now ... I'll go to Capricorn and I will find someone ..."

Yao Shubin dragged him: "Second young, you can't run around now, dozens of snipers in the city, in case no one can recognize you, you still run around ..."

"What's the matter with you, so many people are going home, why can't I leave."

"Anyway, you can't go. The city is so chaotic. I can't bear this responsibility when you go."

"Where is this mess in the city, where does it mess me up!" Ningji jumped on the ground, stomped, and then looked at Yao Shubin: "You can't let me go, then you can take me, there is a bad guy , I help fight. "

Yao Shubin thought about it: "... this thing is not impossible ... I have to follow up and ask for instructions ..."

"It's all your own. Don't fool me. My dad told me that you can't do anything you want, so please ask for more ..."

"Then I asked for the first time--"

"Bamboo stick, you raise the bar with me, right? I understand, you just don't want me to go, nor do you want me to have fun ... in this way, we are singled out."

"I'm not afraid of heads-up, but I won't allow it today."


"To save energy, tonight. The order above is not allowed to single out with others. When encountering a bandit, I will directly fire a gun. I also want to single out, but there is an order ..."

"You ... I ..." would rather point at him, stunned, angry, after a while, then said, "That's it, I don't have to talk, I have to go to Capricorn to ask for a task, so many People walk on the road, don't fool me, I tell you, I'm dead for you ... now you either promise or let me go. "

"How can you be a rogue? ..."

Rather than staring up and staring at your fingers, Yao Shubin crooked his head and frowned with his hands on his hips. The leaves of the big tree fell in the air under the night wind, and the two faced each other in the open space in front of the temple.

Finally, Yao Shubin chose to give in: "Okay, when I'm out of luck, let's be together tonight, then say OK, you should take the task and act together anyway, you must not run away. Gentleman."

"Hurry up!"

Their fists bumped in the air before they laughed.

"You said that I shouldn't meet you today, you know the risks."

"Hey, Yao, I don't really like to work with you. I met a robber with a musket? Is this a human thing? We are singled out who we are afraid of!"

"It said above to save energy. You see so many bad people in this city, they have to come out one by one. If there is any one-on-one tonight, how many people will we add to you? Can't make it."

"That's right, it will come out one by one, right?" Ningji's eyes lit up and he looked around.

"Well, that's the plan. First of all, they deal with the most thorny ones. They have a relatively good reputation. Someone has already greeted them. After this call, there will be people who want to pick up the leaks or think Late at night, the Huaxia army will take it lightly ... Anyway, it is possible all night long ... We have no choice but to say above, this is the outsider who wants to say hello to us, know us, then we must say hello Well, despite their means, we all swallowed them. Next time, fewer people want to say hello, and everyone in the world will know us ... "

Yao Shubin stunned and would rather nod: "Is there any king elephant, Xu Yuanzong, or Chen?"

"Yes, everyone has been arranged. The one named Chen Yu didn't seem to be there. To beware of him tonight. Xu Yuanzong said that it was assigned to Wang Xi. On the side of Wang Xiangfo, Niu Chengshu and Liu Muxia ...

"Oh, then I see the king of elephants ... weak chicken ... Niu Chengshu, Liu Muxia, they surrounded him, hit one on the five, and beat on the ground. It's too much ..."

"Well, it's a bit of an overstatement for you to say that, five of them rushed together, whoever could bear it ..."

They both sighed and shook their heads, then they would rather cheer up: "Forget it, it's okay, there are still bad guys next, just wait for them to come ..." He walked forward and started greeting with a group of people, almost: Good brother, uncle, uncle, let's work together today. My name is Long Aotian and I'll call my dragon ... "

Yao Shubin also reluctantly began to step forward to introduce.

The excitement of Ningji lasted for a long time ...


The Milky Way flows across the sky, and the fireworks with the sound of arrows sway across the night like a meteor. The smoke in the city rises several times, and there is also a fierce killing.

"I fight for the people of Wu Dynasty-"

"Many people will starve to death this winter-"

"You Huaxia Army only care about yourself!"

"The sin of Xun Jun is unforgivable--"

"As long as there is no Ning Yi, my Han family will be able to negotiate peacefully, and the mountains and rivers will not be fragmented, and the restoration of the Central Plains is just around the corner--"

"Here are hero heroes, why have to follow that rebellious demon, you look at the suffering and hungry people in this world-"

In the city, some people were persuaded to go back, and some people were deterred by the power of the sniper rifle, and did not dare to act lightly, but in some streets, the killing caused blood to splash and the body fell to the ground.

Xu Yuanzong's brothers fought hard. In the end, he alone escaped two streets with blood. Wang Xi and others chased him and chopped him with bruises. He shouted endlessly. First, he fought fiercely. Later it turned into entreaty and persuasion. But it did not surrender.

"Pharaoh, what is he talking about? A few words don't understand ..."

"Hankou's words," Wang said. "Don't be obsessed, kill them."

The words dropped, he rushed forward, Xu Yuanzong waved his sword, Wang Jian was shaped like an electrician, a long knife slashed under his ribs, and then a knife slashed his back. The third knife reached his left shoulder and kicked him out. Xu Yuanzong ’s true master is Xiu Zong. He has strong vitality, and is still fighting back with blood all over his body. At the next moment, Dao Guang finally split his neck and flew his head out.

Xu Yuanzong and his team fled and ran all the way. At the moment, they were all Fuxi.

In fact, for a group of people who had fought and fled before and refused to surrender, Wang Ye and others still had some respect, and they persuaded them several times. Wang Ye also kept his physical strength as much as possible, hoping to focus on arresting to make the other party live a few more people when possible. However, it wasn't until Xu Yuanzong's killing at the end that his mouth was full of mouths, was it really angered Wang Xi, and finally he slashed the opponent's head with four swords.

"Stupid, eh!" He waved to receive, Wang Yan spit and looked back at the corpses that came along, "A good bunch of people, but why are their heads bad!"


"Hero hero, can sing and cry-"

In a courtyard three streets away from Xu Yuanzong's dead street, Huang Nanzhong clenched his fists, so speaking, he turned to Huang Jianfei, Huang Shan and other families and said, "Have you heard that voice? That's my Wu Dynasty The cry of a hero, tonight is the time to determine the lifeblood of the whole world. Even if you and I may die here, we will be remembered by the world and history together with those heroes, and immortal in this world-- "

The crowd nodded, their blood was boiling.

At the other end of the city, Guan Shanhai was sitting in the courtyard, listening to the movements outside, shaking his fists with both hands, trembling.

"Wait, wait, wait ..."

He mumbled to himself.


The members of the Huaxia Army made statistics on each item that occurred in the city. After the initial explosion occurred more than one hour, they began to make preliminary reports and make periodic reports.

"... The first round of chaos basically appeared in most of the first half of the year. After being quickly suppressed, the chaos in the city began to decrease, and the enemy's intentions and goals began to become irregular. We estimate that there are still some tonight It appeared on a small scale ... However, the overly determined crackdown seems to have scared some people. According to the rewards of the secrets we have released, many secret green forest people have begun to discuss giving up actions, and some of them are still Without warning ... "


When members of the headquarters went up to the tower overlooking to report to Ning Yi, the second-handed young master would rather be questioning an elderly grandmother who was slow to go home. The grandmother carried a jar of pickles: "I got something back from my daughter's side , The jar is heavy, I will rest for a while ... "

I'd rather check the pickle jars-he thinks gunpowder can be filled inside, but unfortunately, "Where is your home?"

"It's on the **** ahead."

"Oh, thank you, brother."

He would rather have a somber complexion. The old lady walked forward with the pickled jar, and his shoulders collapsed more and followed.

"Grandma, let me get it back for you."

"Oh, thank you, brother."

"... Thanks, I should do it."


"... In addition, when the sixteen teams were performing their tasks, they accidentally discovered that they would rather run around in the city. In order to avoid too much trouble, team leader Yao Shubin left him and temporarily agreed to take him to perform the task. This is Not too long ago. "

"Ningji ..." Ning Yi, who was boring around on the tower, froze, and then thought about it, it was very reasonable. It was strange that this guy didn't mess around. He brought the map, "Where is the sixteen team responsible? Coming over ... "

"Pine Pavilion."

"Is there anything serious over there?"

"At the beginning, several people were arrested. After he arrived, nothing seemed to happen. The arrest of Wang Xiangfo was nearby, but later it was reported that he would rather not participate in it ... it is a blessing."

"... Forget it." Ning Yi thought for a while, "Let him go, it's not the first time to participate in the operation anyway. Hum, wait until September, throw him in the school and lock him ..."

The night breeze blows slowly, and the stars and moon in the sky gradually move their positions. On the open space in front of the temple on the **** of the pine tree pavilion, it is better to walk around nervously and boring, occasionally chatting with others, and occasionally climbing Looking into the big trees, I once ran up the tower and borrowed the sniper's telescope to see the excitement elsewhere.

He also sent the old grandmother home.

But just didn't meet the enemy.

"I think you are targeting me ... Lao Yao, is your crow's mouth secretly saying something you shouldn't say ..."

"I'm also on a mission! This one is very peaceful! What can I do! God!"

"I don't care, I'm going somewhere else. I won't stay with you!"

"It's all agreed, the gentleman will say a word, and you will leave, if you want to break your word, everyone, my brother, I won't say anything about you, and I don't like to chat with people you know ..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-yah" he yelled in front of Yao Shubin with his face staring, Yao Shubin pushed him away, only to find it a little funny. Ning Ji's appearance is so beautiful. Although it is unambiguous to kill people on the battlefield, the murderousness is also very scary, but when he does not have any murderousness, he feels a bit silly.

"Don't be like this, my brother, this time you go to other places, you should finish the fight, and maybe you just ran away, something happened here, right. Now where in the city might happen, it might be It ’s all the same. Let ’s wait and see. The important thing is to be patient ... ”

I feel that what Yao Shubin said is a bit reasonable, and would rather be a little autistic.

Halfway through the hour, something finally happened nearby. A few thieves who wanted to be heroes set fire to a nearby house. They found that they quickly knocked on the gongs. They would rather wait for someone to hurry up to them and block them from both sides. The two soldiers who copied the bread fell down with a punch and kick, curled up and rolled in the ground.

Rather than walk over and take a kick on the back of a thief.

Haishi gradually passed, and when time entered, there were very few pedestrians in the city. Occasionally, there were sounds of clapping and drumming, all rang out in the distance, as rare as the hair of some senior researchers at the Geyuan Academy. Ningji finally gave up.

"I want to go home."

"We are on duty until tomorrow morning."

"I'm going home. I'm not on duty. I'm going back to bed."

"Oh, I'm looking for someone to take you home. It's your age to go to bed early ..."

"Lao Yao, you're a crow's mouth, remember to me ..."

"After I'm done, I'll look for you to eat hot pot tomorrow and apologize. This time it's not good for me, I'm out of luck, I didn't meet a thief, so I didn't have fun ..."

Yao Shubin said, he couldn't help laughing.

He would rather not see his mouth again, then turned and left. Yao Shubin called for a catch, and followed him back. The name **** is actually surveillance, which is better to be aware of, but he has no way. He did promise the other party to perform the task together, and Yao Shubin did take responsibility. If you want to blame this thing, you can only blame the bad guys in the city. Earlier, I promised that the guys who were clamoring in front of them could form a division. They did n’t dare to move when no one was doing it. Someone here manually. There are so few bad guys who dare to come out, why can't I seize the opportunity ...

Out of stock! What kind! Not reliable--

He scolded in his stomach all the way, and hurriedly returned to the small courtyard where he lived. The follower quickly confirmed that he had entered the door and waved away. I would rather sit in the yard for a while, but I feel physically and mentally exhausted. I knew it would be more interesting to watch the little **** dog this night. The old **** dog saw that the city was in chaos, and he must say some shameless nonsense ... ...

But at this moment, he didn't want to go any further, mainly because the city did have the strict defense of the Huaxia Army. It ’s okay to avoid some masters with mental calculations and inadvertently, but in such a situation, if you run away somewhere, suddenly the masters and instructors in the Huaxia Army find that the situation is awkward. It's good to be beaten up thinly, if you are really judged to be a threatening shot, it's not worthwhile.

He sighed in the yard for a while, listening to the distant turbulence in the distance, and even more distressed. He took a cold meal out of the kitchen pan, ate it, and was unconscious to prepare for sleep.

Lying on the bed, who just ate something in the stomach, got up again and took a walk in the courtyard. By this time, most of the time had passed. It was the early morning of July 21. The stars in the sky covered the place. At some point, I would rather stop in the yard.

There was noise coming from outside.

It was the footsteps of many people cautiously, and then someone knocked on the door.

Ning Ji stood under the eaves and waited for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The door knocked three times, and he was excited, and then he took the heavy steps to open the door.

Someone is spying inside.

It's better to open the door of the room, there is a dark silhouette outside, bloody. Two people stretched their hands at the same time, pushing Ning Ji's shoulders back, pushing Ning back too far, and falling to the ground. The person with the fastest pace ran towards the side of the yard at a high speed and checked whether there were others in the room. The knife reached over and stabbed Ningji.

A few familiar faces emerged from the crowd, one of them was a brazen and handsome man: "Brother Long, don't bother, don't bark." He then introduced to others: "This is the contest. The little medic, surnamed Long and Ming Aotian, secretly sold us military supplies to us, and once things were exposed, he couldn't get away ...

Countless stars in the sky seem to be blinking playful eyes, rather than lying on the ground in the yard, with hands wide, unguarded. He was quietly feeling the most intense moment since this summer.

The bad guys are still here ...

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