Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 992: Dust (on)

There was only starlight in the dark night, and the Yizi Academy headed by Pingrong Road in the south of Chengdu quickly stepped over one another as the owner of the small military doctor. The anxious and upset breath suddenly filled the dilapidated courtyard.

"No one inside ..."

"It looks okay around ..."

"Slower ..."

"come on in……"

"This kid does live alone ..."

The repressed voice of Xun screamed quickly but smashed in pieces, and the several people who entered the door each had swordsmen, and there were traces of the aftermath. They looked at the environment, looked around, and waited until the most urgent thing was confirmed. The talents set their eyes on the face of the teenager who was the owner, and the green forest knights named Huang Shan and Huang Jianfei were among them.

Holding the sword at the young man was a man who seemed fierce and evil. The green forest bandit, the "Sizhou Murder Knife", was named Mao Minghai and said, "Will you kill him?"

Huang Shan stood and waved, "Wait a minute, he is a doctor ..."

There was no light in the courtyard, only the brightness of the stars and the moon in the sky, and several people in the courtyard were still walking for further observation. The boy lying flat on the ground looked cold at this moment. He didn't care that the blade pointed from his head, sat up slowly from the ground, and stared at Huangshan improperly. Mao Hai holding the knife was originally a fierce figure, but at this time he didn't know whether he should kill or not, so he had to shrink his blade back.

The strong man named Huangshan had blood on his body and a lot of sweat. At this time, he sat down on a bar next to the yard and evened out his breath. He said, "Brother Long, don't look at me like this, we are still old Friendship. There is no way. Come and hide from you. "

老 "Old friendship? I warned you not to make trouble, you are making a lot of trouble ... You still ran to me ..." The boy reached out his fingers, looked around with a bad look, and then reacted, "You follow Lao Tzu ..."

Under the dim star and moon light, his voice became slightly higher because of his anger, and the people in the yard were not good. Mao Hai, holding a knife, kicked him over, kicked him on the ground, and stepped on his chest. The blade pointed down again: "You kid dare to lie here--"

The boy on the ground was not afraid. He tried to sit up with a little effort, but because he was stepped on his chest, he just struggled, and yelled fiercely on his face: "This is my house, how can you kill me? —— "

Mao Hai's face and eyes were going to start. One hand stretched out from the side, but it was the Huang Jianfei who was the best at the Huang family. At this point said: "The doctor said that he had a bad temper."

Mao Maohai confirmed that the boy had no martial arts and removed the foot that stepped on the opponent's chest. The boy sat up angrily, Huang Jianfei reached out and dragged him up, patted the ash on his chest, then pushed him to sit on the crossbar behind him, Huang Shan leaned back and forth, Huang Jianfei took a stake Sit down in front of the boy.

"Brother Long, you are a sensible person, unhappy or unhappy. There is no reason between life and death tonight about this matter. Do you cooperate and keep us, we will keep you alive, you will not cooperate, the big guy must be You have to kill you. You used to steal military supplies, sell us medicines, violate the military regulations of the Huaxia Army, and you cannot escape if things are revealed. So now ... "

剑 Huang Jianfei spread his two hands: "One side is dead, and the other is dead for nine lives. Even if you sell us, you will be dealt with. The Huaxia army has strict rules, I know-how do you choose."

The young man named Long Aotian stared at him fiercely for a moment without talking.

Huang Jianfei moved a stake and took a closer step: "I give you two other options. First, we will be fine tonight. As long as it is early in the morning, we will find a way out of the city. No one knows everything. I have a spindle here. Gold, twelve, is enough for you to take a risk. "

He paused: "Of course, if you feel that things are still inappropriate, I frankly say that the Huaxia Army is very strict and you can't fish much, just follow us. As long as you go out of the Jianmen Pass, the sea is wide and the sky is high, and you are thirsty. Brother Long, you have the ability, and you have spent so many years in the Huaxia Army. The doorways are clear. I will show you my host, but my Huang family ’s money is enough for you to eat fragrant and spicy for life. How is it? You ’re an orphan who is taking a risk in Chengdu and collecting a little money. Anyway, as long as you help, this gold is yours. ”

看着 He looked at Ningji and held out a bar of gold in his hand: "Some things you can think about slowly, help or not, you can go faster."

The juvenile's fierce face moved twice.

Then, he grabbed the gold ingot: "Not yet closed, you come in first, I will help you bandage." He stood up and looked at a knife wound on the other side, frowning, "You should deal with this."

Huang Jianfei, who was sitting opposite him, smiled, and then stood up: "Not in a hurry, there are still people."

In the frown of Doctor Xiao, he made a gesture and someone went out of the door. After a while, someone came in. Seven people led by Huang Jianfei originally entered the courtyard, but then more than seven people came in and there were two or three seriously injured. The doctor looked at it and frowned, "Hurry up into the room and put on the bed, whoever will help to boil the hot water, you guys ... this is a gunshot wound. If you don't die, you will be killed ..."

剑 Huang Jianfei, while directing the younger brother at home to cover up the **** smell and footprint, reported the whole incident with the follower Huang Nanzhong, who turned around at this time: "Brother Long, these injured brothers, can you cope?"

Doctor Xiao Yun's face was somber and he bit his teeth for a moment before he said, "This is my yard. No one can die without my promise."

He spoke boldly, and Huang Shan gave a thumbs up: "Long, brother Domineering ... Look, there is the owner of my house. If you go out with us this time, you will do well tonight, everything."

"Huh." The little military doctor from Huaxia Army didn't seem to be used to courting someone or acting in front of him. At this time, he hummed and turned inside. At this time, there were fourteen people in the courtyard, but there were people. The shadow came in from the door, and the doctor looked down, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen ... Suddenly his face changed, but a young girl in black was holding a limp old Confucian student, Then it wasn't until the twentieth person came in that they closed the door.

Huangshan has been watching and watching, and when the young man's face changes again, he is about to speak. I saw the young man saying, "So many people, are you still here? How many more? Do you treat me as an inn?"

"That's it." Huang Jianfei walked over to grab his shoulders, stopped him from talking nonsense, and laughed in his mouth, "Brother Long, heal the wound first, I'll help you too, Huangshan, you go Help to boil the water, and that girl, the girl with the surname of Qu ... Qu Longyu, please come here to bother you and do some care for people ... "

"My father's fetters ..." The girl in a black dress named Qu Longyu apparently hurried away. She was undressed but couldn't hide the beauty of the day. Then she said something, but the frowning father beside him pushed it. Pushing her, she nodded, "OK, I'll help."

The sad-faced father's name was Wen Shoubin, and at this time his daughter helped him to sit down on the steps beside the courtyard. "There is no delusion, it's all over ..." He covered his cheek with his hand, and murmured, "It's over, no delusion ..." Not far away, Huang Nanzhong and another Confucian went to comfort him.

A candlelight was lit in the room, hot water was heated in the kitchen, some people watched on the dark roof, some people cleared the traces of escape on the outside, and covered the **** atmosphere with special powder. The yard was lively, just looking far Going but still quiet for a while ...


On July 20th of the first year, Wu Wuzheng revived. In some records of later generations, it would be considered that the Huaxia Army, as a strict ruling system, was the first time that the Wu dynasty forces that were fragmented from the outside world really greeted.

Part of the warlord forces separated from the family clan and the Wu dynasty made the first systematic and large-scale test on the Huaxia Army, just as the heroes met on the rivers and lakes, and the moment they joined each other, they could see each other's weight. The night of July 20th in Chengdu is exactly like this player. Although the result of the player is not worth mentioning, the meaning of greeting and greeting still exists-this is how countless people finally saw the name The first moment of Huaxia's behemoth-like silhouette.

From the night of July 20th to the early morning of July 21st, all kinds of chaos, large and small, will happen. In the afterlife, there will be countless stories based on this night as a template. The death of rivers and lakes, the tragedy of ideas, the strength of hedging ... but if we go back to that time, it is just a **** fight.

In this world, whether it is a correct change or a wrong change, it must be accompanied by the outflow of blood.

On the evening of July 20, it was about to end, and Huang Nanzhong decided to shed his own blood.

For him, the night was long and tormented, but after making this decision, his mind relaxed.

In the original plan, wait until dawn to start the night, no matter what you do, the chances of success will be greater. Because the Huaxia Army is a continuous defense, and the attackers are ready to work, the moment the night dawns, the Huaxia Army who has been stretched all night may be vulnerable.

However, there are occasional news in the city. The first raid by the Huaxia Army caused heavy losses to the righteous people in the city, especially the many righteous people such as Wang Xiangfo and Xu Yuanzong were destroyed one by one in the first hour, making more people in the city. Stuck in the sidelines.

Although it sounds occasionally to cause a riot and the sound of a thief clapping and drumming, Huang Nan Center understands that there will not be too many people who have the courage and willingness to take shots at least-at least as before Compared with the immense "hands-on" illusion, the actual momentum may be less than mentioned, and it is unlikely to cause a huge burden on the Huaxia Army.

He had to do it before midnight, and the goal no longer stayed on causing riots. Instead, he went directly to Capricorn Lake and Yingbin Road to attack the core of the Huaxia Army, which was also the most likely place for Ning Yi.

差不多 In about the same time, Guan Shanhai in the city finally made a decision by biting his teeth, and ordered his subordinates Yan Ying and others to take a risk.

No two people arrived at Yingbin Road, but their attack exactly echoed a chaos that broke out next to Capricorn. It was the killer Chen Yu's plan with Ren Jingzhu, a ghost, and several companions. A majestic blast hit the west near Capricorn Lake, once burst into the inner circle of Capricorn Lake, and lit an open flame.

Huang Nanzhong and dozens of families will sneak for two streets, and someone came to report this exciting thing. They were immediately discovered, but several people were encouraged by the news from Ren Jingzhu and started to do it. This also included The team led by Yan Ying. They had a confrontation with a 20-member Huaxia Army team for a moment and realized that they had a great advantage. Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying and others led the team to fight.

An elite team of nearly one hundred rushed to twenty Chinese military soldiers, and then there was chaos.

There was a gunshot in the night, blood and screams continued. Although Huang Nanzhong continued to encourage morale in the crowd, even when dragged by Huang Jianfei and others, he ran back and forth in the field of vision, and some people's heads burst open. . One of his scholars couldn't see the situation in the chaotic crowd at all from the angle of heads up, but he was puzzled in his heart: how can he fail, how fast? But the screams in the crowd infiltrated the man, and he fell again, and eventually fled in a mess.

I was awake until I was awake, but there were no more than twenty people around me. Among them, Yan Ying, a man under the mountains and seas, and some people from unknown places. He fled under the leadership of Huang Jianfei. Fortunately, the loud momentum of Capricorn just seemed to inspire the morale of the rebels in the city. There were more chaos, they ran farther, and lost a few people in the middle. The two wounded met, and after a little bit of fame, they learned that they were Chen Yu and his teacher Qin Gang.

Both of them suffered a lot of injuries and were able to meet the two scholars. Both Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying burst into tears and vowed to rescue them anyway. When the next total, Yan Ying told them a nearby house, which was the place where a Confucian student who had recently visited Shangong lived. Tonight, there should be no rebellion. If there was no way, he had to take refuge in the past.

The next group went to the Confucian mansion named Wen Shoubin, and then Huang's house took out the leaves and wiped out the traces, only to find that it was too late. Two arresters had already noticed the abnormality of the mansion. Transfer troops.

He and his party dragged Wen Shoubin and his daughter Qu Longyu to run away. By this time, Huang Nanzhong, Huangshan and other talents remembered that this place was not far from the residence of the little Chinese military doctor who had noticed more than a month ago. The little military doctor is an insider of the Huaxia Army. His family is innocent, but his hands and feet are not clean, and he has a handle on his own hands. This dark line pays attention to the key moments originally intended. At this time, is it just the critical moments?

He and his team immediately passed there. The place where the small military doctor lived was not a busy city. On the contrary, it was very remote. The troublemakers in the city didn't come here for the first time, so the staff of the Huaxia Army must not be too many. Such a total, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, headed there, Huangshan, Huang Nanzhong, Yan Ying and others on the way talked about the characteristics of the young man's bad temper, love of money, but good medical skills. Such people, Can just pull over.

As long as Chen Zhi and Qin Gang, the two nobles in the team, can be cured, then the sacrifice of these two groups today will not be meaningless. After all, this was once the blade of the Chinese army. Assassins in front of you!

So determined, the party first let Huang Jianfei and others take the lead. Some people sang red faces and some sang white faces. It didn't matter how many benefits they gave. So, after a while, Huang Jianfei did not hesitate to hope. He persuaded the doctor to himself, and even the twenty-two golds he made only used twelve.

Everyone entered the quiet courtyard one after another, Chen Yu and others were carried into the room and started to be treated by the doctor. Huang Nanzhong also arranged for Huang Jianfei and others to watch, and it must be ensured that the doctor did not mess around and kill people. A group of people sat down in the yard outside the house. After a while, Huang Shan confirmed with Huang Nanzhong when he poured blood, and the doctor's medicine was really brilliant. It seemed that he really did his best to save people, and then Huang Nanzhong's mood calmed down.

Only Wen Shoubin, he prepared for a long time, this time when he came to Chengdu, he managed to catch the Guan Shanhai line, ready to wait until the situation in Chengdu was loosened, and then think of a way to send Qu Longyu to the top of the Chinese army. Who knows that the teacher has not yet died and died first, and this time being involved in such things, I am afraid that it will be a problem whether he can leave or leave Chengdu. I sighed and wept for a long time.

Huang Nanzhong persuaded him: "As long as I leave the southwest this time, Wenxiong loses today, and I will bear it. Hey, speaking, if it is not a special situation, I will not wait to hear Wenxiong. Martyrs, there is a lot of confusion tonight. Only them, assassination of the demon head will almost succeed. I ca n’t bear to let these righteous people run away in the city, there is nowhere to go ... ”

Then Yan Ying also came to persuade that Shan Gong will remember that he lost today and will have a return. Wen Shoubin then stopped sighing, and then Yan Ying talked to Wen Shoubin about his daughter Qu Longxuan-he was Guan Shanhai's confidante, he had some martial arts, and he was a literati, so he was arranged and managed by Guan Shanhai. Home will. Guan Shanhai went to see Qu Longyu for the first time that day. He was an entourage. He had seen the other person's appearance and talents early, and was very excited. It was just that Wen Shoubin said that he would use a woman to do trespassing. At this time, Wen Shoubin and Qu Longxuan could only run away, and the spy apparently couldn't do it. In some words, they can be revealed vaguely now ...

I heard that Shoubin was frowning. At this time, he could only do nothing but promise. If he could leave, he would arrange for his daughter to get along with each other.

In the distance in the city, there was another riot. This scene was temporarily quiet, and the danger had left them in a short time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the room, the little medical doctor with a good medical skill cursed and grinned while healed, and had already wounded. He scolded helpers such as Huang Jianfei and Qu Longyu like pigs, but the wounded of the wounded were best handled in a short period of time by his skilled methods.

For a moment, the wounded woke up from a coma and suddenly reached out to grab the stranger in front of him. The other hand seemed to grab a weapon to defend it. The little medic was dragged down, and Qu Longyu next to him was startled. He wanted to reach out and help, and was stopped by the bad-tempered little medic.

The wounded blinked, and the little medic in front showed a reassuring smile: "It's okay, your injury is under control, rest first, you are safe ..." He patted the wounded hand gently, repeating, "Safety Now. "

"Are you safe?"

The wounded was at a loss for a moment, and then finally saw the relatively familiar Huang Jianfei in front of him. Huang Jianfei nodded his head, and then settled down: "It's safe ..."

"It's safe." The little military doctor smiled reassuringly, and put the other's hand back on the quilt. Eight or nine candles were on in the room, thick sheets were hanging on the windows, and some people closed their eyes and began to rest under the eaves outside. At this moment, this originally dilapidated courtyard seemed to be the safest. A pure land. They will not find a safer place in the city ...

"Hey ..."

After bandaging a wounded person, Qu Longyu seemed to see the little bad-tempered medic smiled secretly with his finger ...

He seems to be saving a few people. .

虽然 Although this little military doctor loves to speak swear words, he is still very kind.

……she thinks.

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