Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 994: Dust (below)

In the early morning of July 21. Chengdu Chengnan Courtyard.

Huang Nanzhong, Yan Ying and others were waiting quietly for the commotion, but at the quietest night, change broke out in the courtyard.

All night long until this moment in the morning, it was not that no one paid attention to the movement of the little military doctor. Although the other party had a previous record of selling military funds in the early stage, and tonight received money again, but Huang Nanzhong, Yan Ying and others did not really trust the other party from the beginning to the end, which must be vigilant for them.

Because he still had to rely on the other party to take care of several seriously wounded people, the yard's vigilance against this little military doctor seemed loose. Huang Jianfei, Huangshan, Mao Hai and others followed him every time he got up and drank water, entered the house, walked around, and picked things up. He was mainly worried that he would poison the people in the yard or warn him. Of course, if he was in everyone's gaze, everyone's vigilance would be slightly relaxed.

It is also because of this, that at the moment when the accident happened, almost no one reacted to what happened, only because the scene in front of it really happened to everyone's eyes.

In the past hour, once the severely wounded had been treated, verbal provocations, insults, or slaps and kicks on the hands of the small military medics occurred once or twice. Such behavior is not particular about it, but in the situation at hand, it is already benevolent to kill the young medic. For some friction, Huang Nanzhong and others have no intention to control it.

The knight who kicked the little medic from the back was named Chu Weiyuan, but he was a little leader among the guards of the Guan family. This night's confusion, he was not injured himself, but his familiar brother was dead and injured. That's it. For the little medic in front of him, he thought about humiliation and beat it up, lest the other party do anything reckless.

At the second moment of Yin Yin, the sky was gray and blue, the simplest and most unusual moment. He walked under the eaves. The little medic was right in front of him, and he ran into it, and the little medic stepped forward. The bodies of the two seemed to have collided together, Chu Weiyuan slammed back, and hit his back against the pillar. Until this moment, everything seemed very simple except for the large receding back.

Who can think of what this little medic will do under the eyes of everyone?

卫 Chu Weiyuan's life ended after a few breaths. At that moment, in his mind was incomparable fear. He was not fully prepared for all this.

At the moment when his body shape hit him, the boy stretched out his hands, pulled out the knife on his waist, and struck him directly. This movement was quick and silent, but he could see clearly in his eyes. The immediate reaction was to press the hands down hard to catch the opponent's arm, and the force had begun under the feet, but it was too late and the knife had been thrust in.

His body retreated, hitting the pillars under the eaves, but the young man followed the shadow and couldn't get rid of everything. If you are only stabbed in the stomach by a knife, you may still survive. However, the young man's movements and eyes were full of sharp killing intentions. A long knife penetrated it, followed by a sideways movement. This is the method of killing in the army. After the knife has penetrated into the enemy's body, the internal organs must be broken immediately.

Chu Weiyuan's hand couldn't hold the other's arm at all, and the sword waved to the sky, his body also seemed suddenly empty. The cry of fear accompanied by "ah ..." sounded from the deepest part of the human heart. The people in the yard swelled from behind, their hairs rising upside down. Corresponding to Chu Weiyuan's cry, it was a peculiar sound erupting from the youth's bones and in the body. As the body stretched, the bones began to burst into fried beans, and from the body came the chest and abdomen. The breeze like a buffalo and the toad sound like a toad. This is the sound of Nei Jiagong's full strength.

He was thrown into the window next to him with a bit of fire, and broke into a small wooden stick supporting the window. Qu Longyu sat on the root of the wall not far from the window and heard the wooden window close.

The cry of that tall hero is still spreading in the gloomy night, and Mao Gaodao, someone rushes over and yells, "Kill him!"

The young man was low in shape and greeted him. The man waved the knife and chopped down. The young man's sword waved up and down. Two figures staggered. The rushing man fell to the ground and bumped into the dust. His thigh was split. At the same time, there seemed to be someone on the other side of the room breaking through the window and jumping out.

嘭 ——An explosion, Qu Long 珺, sitting by the wall, lost his eyes, buzzed in his ears, turned around, and the things the boy threw into the room exploded. In the vague field of vision, she saw the figure rushing into the courtyard, Mao Hai rushed up, Huang Jianfei rushed up, Huang Shan's voice shouted something behind the house, the house was collapsing, and tiles were falling down. With a wave of his hand, someone had a knife in his chest and fell from the roof in front of Qu Longyu.

"Ah ..." She also cried, struggling a few times to try to get up, and always stumbled down. Wen Shoubin ran over from the chaos and helped her to flee. The figure of the boy was Running at high speed in the courtyard, a knight who intercepted him was cut off his calf again, holding the **** leg and rolling around not far in the courtyard.

Wen Shoubin and Qu Longyu ran towards the gate of the courtyard, and only ran halfway. Yan Ying was close to the gate of the courtyard, and at this moment, he fell to the ground with an "ah--" Hit a flying knife. Qu Longbi's head and vision were awake at this moment. He and Wen Shoubin turned his head and saw that the teenager was standing by a wooden shed as a kitchen and chopped down a knight to the ground, saying: "Today, none of you can go out."

Four knights have fallen in the courtyard at this time, plus Yan Ying, plus five people who may have been killed by the explosion in the room. Of the eighteen people in the original courtyard, only eight were left intact, and then Huang Nanzhong and My father and daughter can fight with swords, but only five people headed by Huang Jianfei and Mao Hai.

少年 This boy suddenly cut down four people. How long will it take to kill the remaining five? However, since he is so strong and strong, why did he save people in the beginning? Qu Long's mind was chaotic, and he saw his fingers stretched out under the eaves and said, "Wu Na boy, you are still obsessed with help and help you. Did you say everything for nothing today? "

In the yard, Mao Hai was holding a knife near Huang Jianfei and others, and whispered in his mouth: "Be careful, be careful, this is the battlefield ... Hua Xia Army ..." He and the young man changed the three knives in a hurry, already on his arm. I was cut off, but at this time I just thought it was incredible. I wanted to say that the Huaxia Army actually let these young people enter the battlefield, but after all, they couldn't get out of the mouth.

There was sweat on the foreheads of the two people beside him. In a short while, the young man ran and killed, and the sword was fierce, like a cheetah that ate people. The reaction of the people was even a little behind. At this time while Huang Nanzhong was talking, they quickly gathered together to form a battlefield, but saw the young man waving his sword, his arms drooping, and the left shoulder was hit by an unknown sword. The blood was flowing out, but he didn't seem to feel ordinary. Clear and indifferent.

"You spoke very well today. I originally thought of you as a Han and thought that there would be salvation. But after today, in your eyes, you are no different from a Jurchen!" He was so handsome, kind-eyed, but good enough At this moment, the eyes were all indifferent to the enemy, and it was frightening.

"Kill him—" The dust in the yard spread, and after just a blast, it was a matter of time before the Huaxia army came to this side. It was suddenly when the teenager threw out a grenade that he was still in the room. Huangshan ran out of the other window. He seemed to be straight, but in fact he had a delicate mind. At this moment, he rushed forward from the side and rear, and the boy retreated, smashing the boards and columns behind the wooden shed, and the whole shed collapsed.

I only listened to the young man's voice and said, "Huangshan, I told you not to make trouble, otherwise I will kill you with my own hands, you-just don't listen!"

The voice fell, and a stone brushed in the darkness behind the shack towards Huang Nanzhong, and Huang Jianfei, who was always staying beside him, smashed the knife, and then saw the boy suddenly rush out of the darkness, and he charged at high speed along the direction of the courtyard wall. Mao Hai and others will pass by.

The man who bears the brunt first faced the young man. The two men's swords were chopped in the air, but it was the warrior's heart that was frightened, and his body fell to the ground in an unstable manner. Yan Ying came to the door with a knife on his butt. Yan Ying screamed, blood poured from his buttocks, and he wanted to get up and open the door, but he couldn't get up after all, lying on the ground and crying.

Huang Shan, Mao Hai, and the other two warriors ran after the young man. The young man crossed a semicircle and came over to the father and daughter of Wen Shoubin. Qu Long curled up and wept. Wen Shoubin also cried: Don't come over, I'm a good person ... "Suddenly pushed by the young boy, he flew back and ran straight to Huangshan and others who rushed in. The shadows were chaotic in the dimness, and the voice of the knife was staggered.

Wu Wen Shoubin screamed to the end in the sword light, a warrior was chopped down, and the fierce Mao Hai body was hit and flew to the ground. He was stabbed on the side of his abdomen and half of his body was covered with blood. The teenager rushed to Huang Jianfei and Huang Nanzhong at high speed, and he fought two swords with Huang Jianfei, his body was short, he held Huang Jianfei's calf and rolled over, kicking Huang Nanzhong with one foot.

Huang Jianfei fell to the ground, kicked his feet in a series of drinks, kicked down another pillar under the eaves, and thundered again. At this point all three had fallen to the ground, Huang Jianfei rolled and tried to chop the boy. The boy also rolled flexibly, directly over Huang Nanzhong's body, causing Huang Jianfei to cast a rattle. Huang Nanzhong kicked hands and feet randomly, sometimes on young people, sometimes kicked Huang Jianfei, but he didn't have much power.

The dark courtyard, the chaotic scene. The young man pulled Huang Nanzhong's hair to pull him up, Huang Jianfei tried to come to the rescue, the young man changed the knife with him across Huang Nanzhong, then choked the old man's ear, dragged him to fight with Huang Jianfei in the yard. There were several bloodstains on the old man's eyes in an instant, and then his ears were torn off and his other ears were pinched. The stern shouts echoed in the night sky.

Qu Longyu looked at Wen Shoubin, who was lying in a pool of blood, and she was a little overwhelmed. She shrank her body, and a knight in the yard ran away. Huang Shan's hand suddenly stretched over and caught her. , Pushed towards the fighting scene surrounding Huang Nanzhong over there.

"Ah ..." Qu Longying cried, and Huang Nanzhong also cried. The cry of the old man and the girl converged, and then became part of the chaos. Huang Shan took the girl as a cover and killed the young man in the past. The knife The light danced and killed in the night. Suddenly, Qu Longyu's body shook and fell to the ground toward the front.

Not far from the dark ground, some people were screaming, some people were still crawling forward with blood, Wen Shoubin's eyes opened, and there was no sound under this dark sky, after which Huang Jianfei also fell in the fight. The strong man named Huangshan was knocked down in the ruins of the room ...

Uh ...

Early in the morning, when the sky was the most gloomy, someone rushed out of this small courtyard in Chengdu's Pingrong Road. This was the last surviving knight, who had already lost his courage and did not have the courage to fight again. Near the threshold, Yan Ying, who was covered with blood from his buttocks, climbed out hard. He knew that the Huaxia Army would come soon. At such a moment, he could not escape, but he hoped to stay away from the sudden killer in the yard. juvenile.

Would rather chop Huangshan down in the ruins of the room, inside and outside the yard, with corpses and injuries all over the ground, his gaze stayed on Yan Ying at the gate of the yard for two seconds, but also on the ground of Qu Longyu and others Stay.

The wounded in the room were already buried. Even though he was not dead in the explosion of the grenade, it was estimated that he had been killed by the collapsed house. He walked towards the ruins and felt the things under his feet. The tile, dragged out of the medicine box from a pile of debris, and sat down.

He also has injuries and tiredness, and needs bandaging and rest, but for a while, he has no strength to do it.

At this time, he saw that the bodies of Qin Gang and Chen Yu were buried in the rubble heap beside.

"Revenge, silly beep ..." he cursed.

The sky is not yet bright. It was also a long night for him.

He was excited at the beginning when he saw an enemy coming, but for him, even though he was good at killing, his parents' teaching never allowed him to indulge in killing. When things really become something in front of him, then he cannot come by his own temper. He has to carefully discern who is good and who is bad, and who should kill and who should not.

Speaking of it, besides private peeping in the past two months, this is the first time he has actually faced these enemies who are also Hans.

The matter is coming, what are their thoughts? Are they excusable? Can you persuade and communicate?

After all those obvious truths, when they face outsiders, can they really deny them with such legitimacy? Can there be so many different reasons for people who can't beat Jurchen? Don't they feel ashamed?

If they are half ashamed, maybe they can convince them to join the good guys? After all, they couldn't beat a Jurchen anyway. Now someone can hit a Jurchen, and life is good here, so they should join in ...

With so many thoughts, he had been thinking for more than two months, but he really wanted to say them. But Huang Nanzhong, Yan Ying and others made him feel incredible.

While observing the strength of everyone in the yard, he has been thinking about it. In the end, he still wanted to understand. That was a word that my father occasionally said before:

Alas — revolution, not dinner.

If everyone in the world can really persuade with their mouths, what else is there to do?

He figured it out, and his doubts for two months became suddenly bright. Since they are enemies, they are the same whether they are Jurchens or Hans. The difference between good and bad people may be the same everywhere.

He is sitting in the rubble heap ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Feeling the injury on his body, he should have started bandaging, but he seems to have forgotten something. This sentiment caused him to sit for a moment and then emerge from the ruins.

曲 龙 珺 fell to the ground and was cut with two knives in the back. He looked at the "little bitch" who had been peeping for two months, and he was puzzled whether she should be regarded as a good person or a bad person.

He squatted down and opened the medicine chest ...

Uh ...

It seemed that somebody called her, but that was not her name, it was an incomprehensible title.

"Little bitch," said the voice, "... you look like a dead fish."

Uh ...

Ye Ye opened her eyes.

Wu Tianbian rolled up a little morning fog, Chengdu City, the dawn of the day on July 21, is coming.

Yao Shubin and others sat under the big tree in front of the temple to rest; in jail, the wounded martial art master Wang Xiangfo was wrapped into a mule; Du killed him sitting on a high wall and watched the dawn of the east; temporary command People in the department yawned and drank a cup of hot tea; people living in Yingbin Road yawned.

A team of members of the Huaxia Army caught the fleeing knight and arrived at the small yard that was in ruins. Then they saw the wounded and mournful wounded on the buttocks, and the little medic poked out his head and shouted, "Help save people! I'm bleeding to death ... "This is also the scene of the whole night.

In countless corners, countless dust rises and falls in the wind, converging into this hustle and bustle.

The city will be greeted with new vitality during the day. This long and chaotic night is about to pass ...

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