Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 995: Children and the elderly (on)

Tianming, the lively city is running as always.

Responsible for night patrolling, fast-tracking of the guardian, and soldiers handed over to their companions during the day, gathered around Capricorn Lake, had a breakfast, and gathered again after that, made a summary of the entire work of last night, and then Dissolution.

Some went home to sleep, while others rushed to see the companion who was injured last night.

On the side of the Xuncheng Division, the statistics and interrogation of the bandits who were arrested are still in full swing. Once a lot of news is finalized, in the next few days, another round of arrests or simple tea talks will be held in the city.

Near several city gates, the flow of people who want to leave the city almost blocked the road, but the announcement above has also been released: Like the troubles of the bandits last night, the opening time of Chengdu today is delayed by three hours. Some members of Zhuji recorded prominent names on the wooden building near the city gate.

Phased summary news has been reviewed in the temporary headquarters near the City Tour Division after breakfast, and the first batch of lists to be arrested has also been decided. A short while later, Ning Yi and others arrived here, and everyone heard the report of the whole chaos last night.

"... The basic situation of the outbreak of chaos last night has now been investigated clearly. Starting from the moment when the explosion of No. 3 House C, Yumofang, Chengbei, took part in the chaos all night, the number of people who directly conflicted with us is currently 455. Eleven people, of these 451 people, 132 died on the spot or died of serious injuries and arrested 235 people. Some of them are currently under interrogation and there are a group of ambassadors The confession was given, and here has begun to invite people ... "

The summary report was prepared by Ning Xi. Although he stayed all night last night, the young man didn't see much signs of tiredness. He was quite excited about Fang Shuchang's decision to arrange for him to make a report, because his father usually regarded him as Use it with your class, only when you are out, you can get a little sweetness of important things.

"There are more than 400 people ..." Ning Yi said.

"Mainly focused on the two moments of chaos and suddenness in Yanshi." Ning Xi said, "Suddenly, there was some movement in the city around Yanshi. Many people came out to see the excitement. Some of them were in conflict with us, some because The prior arrangement was dismissed. During this time, the actual conflict statistics were close to two hundred. Because of Ren Jingzhu's instigation, another hundred people were trying to get things done. At present, it has been investigated clearly, mainly from Guan. Shanhai, Huang Nanzhong, these two groups of people ... the rest of the time, there are more than a hundred people scattered, of course, the number reported by the patrol may overlap. "

"... In addition, we have already investigated the explosion of Yumofang at the moment." Ning Xi laughed and said, "It is said that a gangster named Shi Yuanmeng rented this yard."

He stared at his father over the table, Ning Yi waited for a moment, and frowned: "Say, what kind of person is this?"

Ning Xi smiled and looked at the dossier: "Well, this one is called Shi Yuanmeng. Everyone tells me what happened when his father was a king, and said that you were all together in the Golden Temple, and his position was next to you, and then he knelt down. It didn't take long for you to shoot ... he remembered it all his life. "

"... Oh, he." Ning Yi remembered it and smiled at this moment, "Remember, the celebrity under Tan Yi's control ... then continued."

"He wanted revenge, got two barrels of gunpowder in the city, and was ready to be transported under the Lushui Bridge and wait for your frame to pass. He has seventeen trusted brothers, one of whom is Zhu Jizai The inside line installed outside, because the situation was urgent at that time, the news could not be delivered for a while. Our inside comrade did an expedient treatment. While these people were together, he lit gunpowder and Shi Yuanmeng was seriously injured ... The comrade is now guilty and is waiting to be punished because of the riots that have caused the city. This is his information. "

Because he is doing spy work, it is not suitable to give his name in public. Ning Xi handed over the fire-painted document to his father. Ning Yi took it down and didn't plan to watch it.

"He just performed the task, there was nothing wrong with it, and the explosion was just right. These guys thunder and thunder were little, and I don't want to start again, I want to help them." Ning Yi said with a smile, "Go on."

"Well, last night's confusion, there were also casualties on our side ... According to current statistics, the soldiers sacrificed four people, with a total of more than 30 injuries. The situation mainly occurred when dealing with some green forest people who are good at partial door skills. Be prepared ... the list of sacrifices is here ... and ... "

Tan Ningxi finished the report in 151 places. Ning Yi nodded his head: "According to the plan, things are not over yet. In the next few days, we should catch, catch the contract, and sentence the sentence, but the trial must be rigorous, the evidence can be convicted, and the evidence is not enough Yes, let ’s put it ... I wo n’t say more for the time being, everyone is busy all night. When it comes to the meeting, it is not necessary to open it for too long. If there is no more thing, let ’s go. Take a good rest ... Lao, I still have something Things to tell you. "

The crowd began to adjourn. Ning Yi summoned Hou Wu and walked outside. He smiled and said, "Go to rest first in the morning, and I will let the shopkeeper Tan approach you in the afternoon. For these things about arresting and releasing people, he There are articles to do, and you can add up. "

Hou Wu nodded. Tan Ping is currently the director of Zhuji's management of Chengdu's propaganda, but unlike Yong Jinnian and others who are officially promoted on the Ming surface, Tan Ping manages hidden lines, such as public opinion guidance in newspapers and online spy reports News dissemination, etc. If it is said that cultural propaganda headed by Yong Jinnian, Li Shishi, etc., is to affect people's hearts silently, Tan Ping's side uses paper as a knife and kills with words. It is also his credit that the public opinion guidance in the city has been so successful recently.

Ning Yi didn't say directly about Tan Ping's essay. Hou Wu didn't ask, but he could guess some clues. After leaving here, Ning Xi and Min Chuyi caught up from behind, Ning Yi looked at him doubtfully, and Ning Xi grinned: "Dad, a little thing, Uncle Fang they don't know how to speak directly, so they let I'll come in private to report. "

"……what's up?"

"Hey." Ning Xi scratched his head, "... the second brother."

"... What happened to him again?"

"Second brother he was injured." Ning Xi whispered.

Wu Ningyi gave him a glance at him: "He is not a big deal if he doesn't die. You can finish it all at once."

"... Last night, after Ren Jingzhu's troubles, Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying under Guan Shanhai led people to run around the city, and then went to the second brother's yard and held the second brother ..."


"It's stubbornness. There are a total of twenty people, including the injured Chen Yu and Chen Yu's brother Qin Gang. They were the second brothers they met at the contest, so they used to force them to heal ... Two people walked halfway to find someone to find a way to escape from Chengdu, so there were eighteen people in total. When the dawn broke, they had a conflict with the second brother ... "

Yun Ningxi's words were calm, trying to take the twists and turns in the middle, and Ning Yi was silent for a moment: "Since your second brother was just injured, what happened to these eighteen people ..."

"Run away one."

"Run away one?"

"Daddy, do n’t do this. The second brother is not a bad guy. He was beaten by 18 people alone. It is normal to have no way to keep his hands. This is put in court. It is also the 'justifiable defense' you said. One was dropped, and the rest were not dead. Some were wounded and two. The patrol was alive in the past, but the blood could not stop ... Chen Yu and Qin Gang died in the room. It's because the second brother threw a grenade ... "

The shade of the tree was shaking, and the morning sun was very good. The father and son stood for a while under the eaves, and Min Chuyi stood beside him with a solemn expression.

"It's still a pot of skill ... he's doing good work to kill the enemy. Isn't the third-class work he promised is not enough?"

"Dad, this matter is not the most important thing." Ning Xi pondered for a moment. "The most interesting thing is that there was a woman who was cut two times during the assassination. The second brother rescued her and later gave it back. The woman made a guarantee, saying that she was not a bad person ... Daddy, this is the case. This woman's name is Qu Longyu. After the second brother's confession, this woman is following a scholar named Wen Shoubin into the city to make trouble. Yes, I mainly want to introduce her to ... me. Then come to our Huaxia Army to be a spy. "

Ning Xi was talking about this, and looked at Min Chuyi awkwardly in the middle. Min Chuyi was not angry at all, and Ning Yi looked at the stool under the tree on the side of the yard. At this time, he said: It's a bit complicated. I don't understand. We go to the side and you carefully explain things to me. "

"The situation is very complicated. After I went to see the second brother, I was a little bit embarrassed." Under the autumn sun, Ning Xi reluctantly talked about the situation between the second brother and Naqu Longyu in the shade: "It is said that the second brother is back Later, as a medic at the contest of martial arts ... One day in the street, I heard someone saying bad things about us, this person is Wen Shoubin ... The second brother followed to monitor ... over a month ... The little girl, her father is called Qu Rui, and she led a soldier to hit our little Canghe, and died sloppy ... Qu Long 珺 @ # ¥ # @% …… 闻 寿 宾 就 @ ### ¥% & ... Then the second brother &&&&% ¥¥¥ %% ## ... and then last night ... "

He described, Ning Yi rubbed his forehead, quite helpless. Ning Xi was also helpless. Why did the second brother spread such things: "So the current situation is that the person who wants to make trouble is mainly Wen Shoubin. The second brother watched over there for more than a month and found that they were a little girl Without the subjective will to find something, he committed suicide once again. Now Wen Shoubin is dead, the little girl is seriously injured, and the second brother intends to save her life. This matter ... "

Xiao Xiaoqing gestured with his eyes, and Ning Yi looked at him.


After a short while, Ning Yi sighed: "So you are thinking about this ... Does your second brother like someone else?"

"Hey, Dad, that's what happened." The news finally passed to his father's mind, and Ning Xi's expression suddenly wentssip. "You said ... if this is true, the second brother and the Qu girl, also It ’s really a fate. The girl ’s father was killed by us. If she really likes it, she wo n’t let her in ... ”

"It's more than this sinful fate." Ning Yi said, "And this song girl has been cultivated from the beginning to seduce you, if you brothers, look at it for this ..."

"Dad, I haven't seen that song girl, I'm innocent, but I heard that it's beautiful and talented."

"You heard it from the beginning, and after hearing it, according to your personality, can you not look at it? On the first day, have you been following him this morning?"

When Min Min looked at Ning Xi at the first glance, he frowned and thought: "After seeing the second brother, there was a short time ..."

"I was going out to look at the bodies of Chen Yu and Qin Gang ..." Ning Xi stared, and spread his hands to the fiancee opposite.


"I can't help you anymore." Ning Yi took out the information about Qu Longyu's life from his son, sat there and looked at it. After a while, he handed it to Min Chuyi, "Well, It's better not to deal with this song girl. You will take care of it on the first day. "

"Ah?" Min Chu blinked for a moment, "Then how do I ...?"

"You can do whatever you want, I support you."

"Dad, it's a matter of second brother's life, you can't play like this."

"He is only fourteen years old. He has a knife and a gun in his head. He knows about life-long events. You can talk with your second brother a few times before you talk."

Wu Ningyi sneered at the eldest son's mother-in-law, shook her hand and walked away, listening to Ning Xi arguing with the first day. After a while, he met Chen Fan outside the door and told Chen Fan that he would rather avoid the feat this morning.

"... I waited for one night and I didn't see anyone who could kill in. Xiaoji this guy killed seventeen at a time."

He sighed: "It looks like it should be returned to school sooner ..."

The next day the sun rose to mid-air, and the city was as disturbing as ever.

In the clear sky, Ning Yi walked into the small yard that was still resting after the second son was injured. He sat by the bed for a while, and the young man who was not damaged in spirit woke up. He was in bed with his father for one or five He confessed for ten years what happened in the recent period of time, the confusion in his heart and the subsequent answers. For the death of Chen Yu and Qin Gang, he was frank to prevent revenge after the other was healed.

When listening to the theory that Ning Ji was not a treat for dinner, Ning Yi reached out and touched Ning Ji's head: "There are people who can persuade and people who can't persuade. There is a methodological difference between them."

随后 He then asked about Ning Ji's contact with the group of Huang Nanzhong. He would rather confess the trivial matter of selling drugs during the contest. He originally hoped to find out where the other party was with the drugs so that they could respond when they started. Who knew that for a month they didn't do anything, but ended up using their small yard as a shelter on their way to escape. This is really a chance to meet thousands of miles.

I have a lot of fate ... Ning Yi covered her forehead and sighed.

Compared to the eldest son who has been training to do things, Ning Yi has always had little choice for this second son who is pure and honest, and does not even cover his mind in front of his family. They then chatted frankly with each other in the ward for a while, and when Ning Yi left, they would rather finish their journey with frankness, and then fell asleep in bed unconsciously. After his sleep, his face and mother-in-law were both plain and pure.

Uh ...

In cities, deeper changes are happening.

Yan Yan Dao Lun stepped out of the inn and went to the Huaxia Army to care about the progress of the negotiations and deliberations, while inquiring about what happened yesterday. Occasionally, members of the Chinese Army can be seen walking around the city streets. Most places have restored order, and only some of the courtyards burned by the flames left traces of yesterday's chaos.

In the courtyard, Yu Hezhong heard the development of the incident from the description of his companions. The first round of events has been quickly reported by newsprint. Last night's chaos began with a stupid accident: a military gangster named Shi Yuanmeng hoarded gunpowder in an attempt to assassinate Ning Yi, and the fire ignited the gunpowder barrel. He killed himself and wounded sixteen companions.

"This is the response of the Huaxia Army, this is the response of the Huaxia Army!" Guan Shanhai ran in the yard with a newspaper, and now he knew clearly that this stupid start and the calm response shown by the Huaxia Army in the chaos were doomed The whole thing turns into a joke that people will remember for many years-the public opinion offensive of the Huaxia Army will ensure that this joke is always funny.

In contrast to his disorientation on the face, his heart is more worried about the Huaxia Army troops who may come to the door at any time. It was not difficult for Yan Ying and a large number of subordinates to cause things to creep on him. But in this case, he knew he couldn't walk.

Sure enough, before noon, someone came knocking on the door, and asked him to drink a cup of strong tea politely.

Small-scale arrests are being carried out, and people gradually know who is involved and who is not. In the afternoon, more details were revealed. All night yesterday, assassins who performed the assassin had never seen Ning Yi, even one side, and many green forest people who had damaged the houses and objects in the city during the trouble. It has been counted by the Huaxia Army, and the first round of word-of-mouth writing began in the newspaper.

Subsequently, some great Confucianists, including Guan Shanhai, were released by the city inspector. Because the evidence is not very sufficient, the City Tour Division has no interest in even holding them for a little more fame. In private, the news that some Confucians have secretly made deals with the Huaxia Army and sold martial arts for glory began to spread-it is not difficult to understand.

Yang Tiehuai, the most active "Huai Gong" in the process of gathering and lobbying all parties, did not eventually let his subordinates participate in this chaos. No one knows whether he didn't plan to do it from the beginning, or if he delays until the end, he finds that there is no chance to do it. On the 22nd day, a wounded Greenwood man stopped Yang Tiehuai's car on the road and tried to assassinate him. When he was stopped, he yelled, "It's you who encouraged our brother to take action. The old dog shrank behind you, your shit-inducing dog thief, I will kill you to take revenge on my brother— "

绿 The Green Forester was caught by the Huaxia Army soldiers who came after him and put in jail. Yang Tiehuai with gauze on his forehead stood on the carriage with his fists clenched and his face as iron. This is also the way he debated with a bunch of fools and fools that day, and his head was broken by a stone.

Newspapers in the city followed up on the chaos: Some people revealed that Yang Tiehuai was one of the lobbyists and organizers of the 20-night assassination operation. As these rumors spread, some murderers tried to retaliate against Yang Tiehuai. The attack was fortunately stopped by nearby patrol officers, and the City Patrol Department conducted an investigation afterwards. It is true that this statement is unfounded. Yang Tiehuai and his subordinates and family members will not close the door on the 20th night. In bad faith, the Huaxia Army condemned the rumors and cold-blooded actions that hurt these Confucian pillars ...

The autumn wind is soothing, and the setting sun soaked in the autumn wind is red. In this early autumn, the people who came to Chengdu greeted the Huaxia Army, and the Huaxia Army responded, and then people heard the sound of the mountain collapse in their hearts. They thought they were powerful and thought they were united. . However, the Huaxia Army remained motionless.

But they themselves fell apart after this collision.

Some people began to question the moral integrity of the great Confucians during the debate. Some people began to publicly declare that they would participate in the examination of the Huaxia Army. People who had previously sneaked into books and attended tuition classes became brighter. Some old Confucians in Chengdu are still posting on the newsprint. Some of them exposed the sinister arrangement of the Huaxia Army, some of them attacked a group of untrustworthy people, and some of the great Confucians cut off their ties, published the news in the newspapers, and even There are articles in Acura that sacrificed the heroes in this chaos, but they have received more or less warnings.

The waves of public opinion are gradually expanding, penetrating deep into people's hearts. The situation in the city becomes quieter and more complicated in this atmosphere.

Of course, this kind of complexity is only felt by some people who are in it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the evening of the 23rd day, the hospital room had a smell of medicine, and the sun poured in from the side of the window. Lying on the bed with an uncomfortable feeling, Qu Longyu felt the continued pain behind her, and then someone came in from the door.

She thought it was the female doctor or the female nurse who had fed her in the past two days, and turned her head to say hello, but then her eyes settled, the coolness spread, and her whole body tightened.

之下 The man who came in from the doorway under the setting sun was wearing a white coat. Although the eyebrows looked handsome, but the mood was obviously bad, the doctor who killed God was--

Long Aotian.

Uh ...

At the same moment, a convoy is moving towards the city on the post road in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu. The convoy is protected by Chinese soldiers. On the second big car, someone was gazing deeply into the vibrant dusk from inside the curtain. This was Chen Shanjun who had become gray-haired for two years in the old cow's head. Beside him, there was Li Ximing who was threatened by Ning Yi and followed Chen Shanjun to reform in the old cow's head.

"... paid a lot of price, but we blocked the golden dog in front of Zizhou. Look at the Chengdu area. The rice is almost ripe. This fall, we must have a good harvest."

The members of the Huaxia Army who drove the car subconsciously said these things to the people inside, Chen Shanjun watched quietly, and tears began to flow in the old eyes. Originally, they were also fighters of the Huaxia Army-more than a thousand people separated from the old bull head. They were originally the most determined fighters. They missed the battle in the southwest ...

晚 After dinner that day, they saw Ning Yi.

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