Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 996: Children and the elderly (below)

The convoy team took the last light of dusk to enter the city, and in the dim light of night, they drove to a gray-walled courtyard on the east side of the city.

The first group of people carried from the old cow's head was a total of fourteen, mostly in the core department staff who followed Chen Shanjun and others during the turmoil. Eight of them originally had the identity of the Huaxia Army, and the remaining six were Those who were promoted after Juntian. There are guards who look reckless, and young servicemen who are drinking tea and pouring water beside Chen Shanjun and others. Their positions are not necessarily large, but they are brought together after they are rescued.

十四 The fourteen people were arranged in this two-in courtyard. The soldiers in charge of the guard announced the discipline to them: one room for each person, forbidden to move around for the time being, forbidden to talk for the time being ... Basically similar to imprisonment. However, the crowd who had just escaped from the turbulent old bull's head didn't have much pickiness for a while.

Shortly after everyone entered the room, simple meals were delivered. After dinner, the night in Chengdu was quiet, and some people in the room were confused and anxious, and it was not clear how the Huaxia Army would deal with them. Li Ximing checked the layout of the room over and over again, listening carefully to the outside world, and sighed himself a pot of tea, Chen Shan, who was next to him, just sat quietly.

At around 1945, when I heard footsteps coming in from outside, there were probably seven or eight people. During the lead, I first went to the door of Chen Shanjun's room and knocked on the door. Chen Shanjun opened the door and saw Ning Yi wearing a black military coat standing outside, whispering something to the people next to him, and then waved them away.

"Mr. Ning ..." Chen Shanjun looked at him slowly, saluting him, and Ning Yi returned to Israel. "You look a lot older." His eyes were calm, there was no complaint, no trial, and "I "Early said" proud, calm in calm. Chen Shanjun opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

"Let's go in and talk?" Ning Yi said.

善 Chen Shanjun removed his body: "Please, please ..."

布置 The layout of the room is simple, but there are also tables and chairs, hot water, tea cups, tea, etc. Ning Yi walked into the room to sit down, turned up the tea cup, began to make tea, and the sound of porcelain collision, opened straight.

"It won't be too long for you to be separated. I have arranged Chen Zhusheng and they will come and make a first round of transcripts for you, mainly to avoid the criminals who bully men and women and have committed blood crimes. I hope to be as objective as possible about the first time in this old Tau Tau incident. You are all from the center of the turmoil. Most of you have different views on things, but if there is a conscious discussion, this concept will converge ... "

Wu Ningyi said, putting a large porcelain cup in front of Chen Shanjun. Chen Shanjun heard a little confused: "Transcript ..."

"There must be a review after success, and a lesson after failure, so we don't count for nothing."

老 "Old bull head ..." Chen Shanjun said nastily, then slowly pushed open the stool beside him, and knelt down, "I, I am the biggest criminal ..."

Tong Ningyi crossed his fingers on the table, sighed, and didn't help the nearly white-haired loser in front of him: "But old Chen ... what's the use of me on your knees ..."

The sigh floated in the air, the room was quiet, and tears ran down in Chen Shanjun's eyes, and they fell to the ground.

Ning Yi was silent for a long time before he looked out the window and said, "There are two circuit court teams, who have received orders today and have all passed to the old bullheads. For the guilty perpetrators caught next, they also It will be recorded for the first time, and in the meantime, how they think of the old cow head and how they think of you will be recorded. If you really do something harmful to your selfish desire, here will be to you Dispose together without palliative, so you can think clearly about what to say next ... "

Sunda paused: "But beyond that, I don't know how to evaluate it for the adventure you took on the old cow head."

"Of course it is guilty." Chen Shanjun stood up slowly, holding his stool, and said this sentence, but his tone was firm. "I urged them to go to the old cow's head together. I used the wrong method and I killed him. So many people, since it is my decision, I am of course guilty-- "

"You used the wrong method ..." Ning Yi looked at him. "What went wrong?"

"Old cow head ... too much wrong, I ... if I ..." Speaking of this, Chen Shanjun shook his head in pain, and seemed to want to express it simply and clearly, but for a while it was impossible to make an accurate induction. of.

"Lao Chen, don't tell me today." Ning Yi said, "I will send Chen Zhusheng to write down your testimony at the first time and record what happened to the old cow's head. In addition to the fourteen of you, there will be A lot of testimony was recorded. Whether it is a guilty person or an innocent person, I hope that in the future, someone can summarize what happened to the old bull head and what you did wrong. On your side, Lao Chen's Views will also have a long time, waiting for you to slowly think about induction ... "

"I shouldn't be alive ..."

"You don't necessarily live! Chen Shanjun, do you think I care about your life or death !?" Ning Yi stared at him.

Chen Shanjun stunned.

Ning Yi said: "If you really do **** things for Lao Tau Tau for your selfish desire, you should be shot at once! But at the same time, Chen Shanjun, is Datong in the world wrong? Is everyone equal wrong? You Once you fail, do you think these ideas are wrong? "

"..." Chen Shanjun shook his head, "No, these ideas are not wrong."

"Yeah, these ideas can't be wrong. What is wrong with the old cow head? Failure to get things done is naturally the wrong way." Ning Yi said, "Before you do things, I reminded you of the long-term The issue of interests and short-term interests. The driving force behind all actions of people in this world is demand, and demand generates benefits. Alone, he wants to eat today, and he wants to go out tomorrow. Within a year, he wants to meet staged needs. In the biggest concept, everyone wants Datong in the world ... "

"But the long-term benefits and short-term benefits cannot be completely unified. A person who lives by the water wants to eat today and play. After half a year, the flood will destroy his home, so he freed up time to repair the river today. Dike, if the world is not peaceful and there is a problem with the government, his day will also be affected, and some people will go to school to become officials. If you want to do something that has long-term interests, it will inevitably damage your short-term interests, so every time Individuals balance their spending on something ... "

"Lao Niutou hit the landlord Yunda from the beginning. You said it was to make the means of production fair, but everyone's short-term interests in the middle have been greatly satisfied. After a few months, they won't get that much no matter what they do. Great satisfaction, this huge gap will make people worse, or they start to become lazy, or they think hard about ways to get the same huge short-term benefits, such as using power for personal gain. The short-term benefits cannot be sustained for a long time. , Medium-term interest gaps, and then promised a long-term benefit that would not be possible for more than a hundred or more years, so he collapsed ... "

Ning Yi looked at him: "I thought of this, and I also saw that everyone is driven by their own needs, so I want to develop the study of the physical thing first, and try to expand the productivity first, so that one person can resist several people or even several people. For ten people, try to make the product as abundant as possible, and people will have enough clothing and food to realize their honour and shame ... Just like some of the landlords we have seen, they have a long and rich conscience, so that after everyone is satisfied, they will be slightly more conscientious ... ... "

Chen Shanjun shook his head: "However, such a person ..."

"You want to say that they are not really kind." Ning Yi sneered, "But where are there really good people, Chen Shanjun, and human beings are animals! People have their own habits and change differently under different circumstances and rules. Look, maybe he can be better in some circumstances, and what we are pursuing is better. Under some rules and premise, people can be more equal, and we are pursuing more equality. All things have spirits, but Heaven and earth are inhumane, Lao Chen. No one can really get rid of his disposition. The reason why you choose to pursue the big ego and give up the ego is only because you regard the big ego as a higher need. "

The room was quiet, and Ning Yi's finger knocked a few times on the table: "So, Chen Shanjun, is my idea right? Can my path ... go through?"

Chen Shanjun raised his head: "You ..." What he saw was a calm, unanswered face.

Ning Yi stood up and covered the tea cup: "Your idea has taken away more than a thousand people from the Huaxia Army, Jiangnan He Wen, under the banner of rich and poor, has already pulled up a group of hundreds of thousands of people. The team, from here onwards, Fang La uprising, said that there is no equality in law and equality, and further forward, there have been countless uprisings, and they all shouted this slogan ... The word equality is always an invisible tower in the air. Chen Shanjun, I don't care about your life ... "

Su Ningyi's eyes looked at him, as if there was a fiery flame and cold ice at the same time.

"I don't care about your life." He repeated, "For the fire you have ignited in the head of the old cow, the Huaxia Army gave you a way to live, and gave you resources, and more than a thousand people said more Not much to say but a lot. If there are more than a thousand people, many of the heroes who died in the southwest war may be alive ... I have given so much to explore the way for you, and I will summarize it. Doctrine for future Pathfinders. "

He paused: "Lao Chen, every change in this world will bleed. From today to the Datong world, it will never happen overnight. Countless blood will be shed from today. Failure changes will make the blood bleed. Does it change because it bleeds? Because we have to change, so we do n’t care about bleeding? We need to cherish every bleeding, let it have lessons, and experience. If you want to atone for sin, if you are lucky this time, then give me Keep true reflections and lessons. "

"Think about these days." Ning Yi finished, turned and walked towards the door.

Uh ...

Autumn wind blows, blowing the courtyard in the night.

After Ning Yi came out of Chen Shanjun's room, Ning Yi went to Li Ximing next door. Ning Yi didn't need to pave the way for the two or five children who were caught at the beginning. He outlined the whole arrangement and asked Li Ximing to see what he saw and heard in the past two years in the old man. Try to make detailed memories and explanations, including the reason why the old bull head will have problems, the reasons for failure, etc. Since this is originally a scholar with ideas and knowledge, it is not difficult to summarize these.

It was only after the matter was said that Li Ximing unexpectedly opened his mouth, at first a little timid, but then he courageously made a decision: "Mr. Ning, Ning, I have an idea, and dared to ... ask Mr. Ning to agree. "

"Huh?" Ning Yi looked at him.

Since the words began, Li Ximing's look gradually calmed down: "Students ... came to the Huaxia Army originally because of a conversation with Li Dexin. They originally wanted to be an internal response and do some damage in the Huaxia Army. However, in the past two years, Mr. Chen was influenced by Mr. Chen, and he gradually figured out some things ... Mr. Ning separated the Mr. Niu head, and now he sends someone to take notes to seek experience from scratch. Big……"

"Say something, don't make a flatterer."

"... Lao Niutou's affairs will be recorded in 1510. After the recording is complete, I want to go to Fuzhou, find Li Dexin, and inform them of the southwest. I heard that Xinjun has succeeded in Fuzhou , He Wen, and others started the Fair Party in Jiangnan. I can wait and see what I see and hear in Laotiutou.

希 Li Ximing was not too young. Because he was threatened to be undercover for a long time, it was difficult to straighten his waist at first. After these thoughts were finished, my eyes became firm. Ning Yi's gaze looked at him coldly, so it took a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That gaze was retracted, Ning Yi pressed the table and stood up.

"The next two months will give you all the things that should be left, and then go back to Fuzhou and tell Li Pin everything ... you don't have to play tricks in the middle, your people and dogs are safe. "

Tong Ningyi's language was indifferent. After leaving the room, Li Ximing, who was pale and white, arched his hands, and made a deep salute towards Ning Yi's back.

Wu Ningyi left this ordinary courtyard, and a group of hardworking people in the courtyard are waiting for the next review. Soon, the things they bring will go in different directions of the world. Under the dark sky, a dream stumbled and fell to the ground. Ning Yi knows that countless people will grow old in this dream, people will suffer, bleed, and give their lives in it, and people will be tired, confused, and speechless in it.

What path can we take apart from moving forward?

Uh ...

Under the light of the lights, the horse-drawn carriage passed through the streets of the city and went to the distant distance. In the sky, the Milky Way flowed.

For the small things under this sky, the pace of Xinghe never missed it, and in an instant, the night passed. Early in the morning of July 24, Wan Yanqing Yan heard the command of the assembly.

He went out from the barracks with a well-known Jurchen general, Elite, and was driven by the Huaxia Army to gather in the square. Then the Huaxia Army put shackles on them.

"It's time to hit the road."

Xi Huaxia's officer said so.

Yan Wanyan knows that they will become part of the Chinese army's consecration in Chengdu ...

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