Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 997: When the wind suddenly stops when the wind suddenly stops (top)

In early autumn in Chengdu, there are often strong winds blowing, and the dense leaves of the trees are blown out by the wind in the courtyard. The wind blew through the window and into the room. If there were no injuries on the back, it would be a good autumn.

The injury behind him has been for several days. Despite proper medication and bandaging, the pain still came from burst to burst, accompanied by chest tightness caused by lying on the bed for a long time. Qu Longjun moved occasionally, but after lying down for a long time, nothing helped.

In the past few days, Qu Longjun has passed by in fear of uneasiness.

Ever since he went to Chengdu with Wen Shoubin, he has not imagined the current situation: after going deep into danger, conspiracy, and being caught, he has encountered various misfortunes ... But for Qu Longjun, a 16-year-old girl In the past, there were not many options.

Without choice, there is not much fear.

When I was a child, I listened to my parents ’arrangements and had to grow up in the future, but my family was gone. She was sold to Wen Shoubin and then learned various skills that thin horses should master: cooking embroidery, piano chess Calligraphy and painting ... These things are not glorious, but in fact, since she really understood things, her life has been arranged by others to come over.

Such a life is like being driven away on a narrow path. I am really used to it, but there is nothing wrong with it. Wen Shoubin is not a good person, but if she really wants to say bad, at least she already knows his bad. He raised her, married her or given it to someone at some point, and he was so desperate that he might not care about her, but at least until that day came, there was not much to worry about. .

The hurdles of life often appear at a moment without warning.

A few months ago, the news that the Hua Xiajun defeated Jurchens spread. Wen Shoubin suddenly started to talk to them about the truth, and then arranged for them to come southwest. Qu Longjun's heart was faint, and her future was broken.

After arriving in the southwest, and staying for two months, Wen Shoubin began to make friends from all walks of life and began to make plans, everything seemed to be back on track again. But on the night of Twenty, a group of people rushed in from outside the courtyard, and the danger came again.

Packing things, fleeing around, and then went to the courtyard of the small Chinese medical doctor in Dena, people discussed to leave Chengdu. In the middle of the night, Qu Longjun also thought about it, which is good, so that everything will go back, who knows that there will be such a **** scene next.

Wen Shoubin suddenly died, dying so lightly, the other side just pushed him into the fight, he was in the pool of blood in an instant, and even a few last words did not stay.

The fight in the yard was also sudden, but it was anomalous. The explosion blasted in the room, and the five wounded died together with the downfall of the house. There were even "heroes" among those wounded, and the fighting outside the courtyard was just a simple confrontation. People held sharp blades. Waving each other's swords, she fell down in a blink of an eye, and another person in a blink of an eye ... She hadn't had time to understand these, she didn't understand the fight, she didn't understand the death, and she fell.

Opening her eyes, she fell into the hands of the Black Flag Army. In the past, Wen Shoubin, who was not kind but actually provided her with an eaves, understated and died forever and ever.

The sixteen-year-old girl was thrown into the field like a snail with its shell peeled off. She has long been accustomed to the evil of Wen Shoubin. She has no clear concept of the evil of the Black Flag Army and the evil in this world.

But presumably, it would be more sinister than Wen Shoubin.

She remembered the scene of blood dripping from the teenager's blade in the dim yard ...


There is always a smell of medicine and vocals in the courtyard outside the house. In the morning, the sun always spills in from the half-open window. The autumn wind blows through, making her feel like she is not wearing clothes.

Lying on a white bed, her back always hurts and her chest is uncomfortable. If she can move freely, she would like to curl up in a ball or hide in a corner where others can't see.

The next day after the injury, someone came to interrogate her about many things. The relationship with Wen Shoubin, the purpose of coming to the southwest, etc., she had originally wanted to pick a good story, but after the other party said her father's name, Qu Longjun knew that it was hard to be lucky this time. Although his father died because of the black flag, he must have killed many people of the black flag in the process of sending troops. As his daughter, he came to the southwest to revenge for revenge. Can he be caught in their hands? Let go easily?

After a few days in this perception, on the afternoon of the twenty-third day, a young doctor named Long Aotian appeared in her room with a straight face, holding a book to ask her about her injury. Answered ten times, and was too nervous to move.

The little doctor's appearance seemed innocent, but in the early morning of that day she had already seen each other's tactics and acting skills, as well as the ruthlessness of murder. She still doesn't quite understand the reason why the Black Flag Army left her life, but when she saw this little doctor, she vaguely guessed that she was about to be forced into a conspiracy.

As for the specific situation, I could not figure it out in a moment and a half, and did not dare to speculate. This teenager grew up in the sinister land of the Southwest, so he developed a vile character at this age. Wen Shoubin did not say that even if such characters as Huang Nanzhong and Yan Ying were still being applauded by him, What can a woman like herself resist? If he is upset, he still doesn't know what torture means will be waiting for him.

"It hurts for a hundred days." After asking his condition, Long Aotian said, "However, your injury is not serious, it should not take so long. Recently, there are no people in the hospital. I will come over and look after you. You Take a good rest, don't mess up, give me a hurry and get out from here. That's it. "

That afternoon, the other party finished these words to explain. Throughout the process, Qu Longjun could feel the other party's mood was low and frowned. She was frightened by the other party's warning of "rest well, don't mess up". As for "quickly get out from here", she might have to wait for herself to deal with herself or be forced to Go into any conspiracy.

In this way, the little military doctor brought three meals a day and decoction medicine for herself the next day. What surprised her most was that the other party came over in the morning to clean the night pot under the bed for her-making her feel Even if such a cruel person is so casual, perhaps it is also because he has no obstacles in counting people and killing them-these things make her more afraid of each other.

In the next few days, in order to use less toilet and get out of bed, Qu Longjun subconsciously allowed himself to eat less and drink less water. After all, the little military doctor did not reach this level of detail after all, only to see that she could not finish eating on the 25th. Half a bowl of porridge grunted: "Did you change the bug ..." Qu Longjun lying on the bed and pressed himself into the pillow, his body stiffened and he dared not speak.

On the day when it was twenty-six, she struggled to go out to the bathroom while holding something. When she came back, she fell over and caused the wound on the back to crack slightly. After the other party found out, he found a female doctor to come over, cleaned and bandaged her, and still faced her with a blank face afterwards.

This is a small episode during the period of rehabilitation.


The voice of the interrogation was soft, and there was not much pressure.

"... Over a dozen people were killed in one night, so happy now?"

"Well, I'm fine."

"Before the incident happened, I guessed that there was a problem with the surname Huang. Without reporting it, I secretly sold medicine to others. On the other side, I quietly monitored Wen Shoubin for a month and figured out the matter clearly. I didn't tell anyone. Qu girl as a guarantee, do you know that her father died in our hands? You have also monitored the feelings ... "

"No feelings ..." the teenager mumbled, "I don't think she's that bad ..."

"Are you clear that you have violated the discipline? You call fishing law enforcement."

"I didn't fish, but there was no evidence that they did something bad, and they like to talk nonsense ..."

"If you know there is a problem, you should report it. If you don't report it, they find you and do so many things. They also guarantee that the above is for me to ask you if you admit the penalty."

"... I admit the punishment, and I feel good anyway."

With a wave of his hand, a burst of chestnuts rang on the teenager's head and failed to hide.

"You have to go back to school after September, you know?"

"Well, just go to school."

"Before things happen, it's really hard to say that the surname Huang will definitely do bad things. You didn't report it, and we can't say anything about you, but at night, I started to work as a man in a yard. Your brother said, there must be your subjectivity. Wish. Your dad asked me to educate you. Apart from beating you, I ca n’t think of a good way, but you will not be allowed to go next for the errand of the contest. "

"Ah ... I just want to be a doctor ..."

"Talk back!"

Waving and hiding.

"... Okay. Don't do it if you don't do it."

"In addition, after coming out for so long, since you are crazy enough, you have to have a beginning and an end. Are you kind enough to provide a guarantee for the young lady? She was hit by a knife in the back, is the medicine out of us, is the room out of us, the doctor and the nurse Did the nurse let us out ... "

"This ... even the criminals we caught were also ours ..."

"Still talking. You are different!"

"Okay, it's not the same ..."

"Your affairs are dealt with by me. Since you have made a guarantee, you can go to the health center. The little girl will take care of you. Don't trouble others. Wait until she is well injured. Back to Zhang Village to go to school. "

"Ah, why should I look after ..."

"Her father killed us and was killed by us too. You said she is not bad. Do you know what she thinks? You have mourning and want to save her once and give her a guarantee. This is your business. What? If she does n’t want to live with resentment, what doctor did you get a knife in, what should I do? Oh, if you make a guarantee, you will throw people to our side and point to someone to help you install her … So you deal with her well. When the treatment is finished, Chengdu's affairs will be over. If you dare to confess your punishment, then do so. "

The teenager's face was wrinkled into buns: "Ah ... I don't deny it, but why is it your first sister ..."

"The task Mr. Ning gave me, why? Have an opinion? Or would you like to fight me?"

"... I think you came here to seduce my brother before retaliating against her ..."

"Say what?"

"Nothing ... admit punishment, confess punishment. I love peace and don't fight."

The regulations on confession are so finalized.

Ning Ji didn't have much thought about losing the job of the contest and turning to take care of a silly woman. In my heart, I felt that the first sister and the elder brother were embarrassed and wanted to see their own joke.

On the other hand, I am just a child of innocence and innocence in my twenties. I have been involved in fighting, killing and killing all day long. My parents have long been worried that he knew it well. In the past, I had to find a reason to take a chance to play a question. This time, I started fighting with more than ten rivers and lakes in the middle of the night, saying that I was forced to help. In fact, during the fight, he also repeatedly jumped between life and death. But it is an instinctive response, as long as there is a slight difference, the dead may be yourself.

It is a good thing to survive, and it seems to be calm, but this thing has indeed reached the psychological bottom of the family. The father asked the first sister to handle it, and let everyone show a joke, which is still an act of eating a toast, but if the toast is not eaten, it will be very uncomfortable when the real drink is fine, for example, let the mother come over He cried a bit, or made rumors with several younger brothers and sisters, "Your second brother is going to make himself dead", and made a few children howl more-with his father's heart and black hands, plus his own father's true story Brother, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

It is for this reason that after a little temptation, he took over the matter briskly. Taking care of a stupid woman who was wounded behind is of course a little heroic, but he can bend his back, be inconspicuous, and be mad at his brother-in-law. Think of it this way, and cheer yourself up in private in pain.

For the matter of taking care of people in the ward, I would rather not have too many cleanliness or psychological obstacles. All kinds of broken hands and feet, intestines and internal organs are used in battlefield medical treatment all year round. When many soldiers ca n’t take care of themselves, they have taken care of them too many times in the near future. Although the first junior sister talked about this incident, a thief looked at the lively appearance, but this kind of thing is really nothing to Ning Ji himself.

Of course, when it comes to getting started, there will be some things different from the battlefield.

The other party hates him particularly, or is afraid of him, making him feel very unhappy.

It seems that after the incident that night, the little **** treats himself as a fierce and evil person. Every time when he passed by, the other party shrank, if he was injured in the back, he could only lie on his back, maybe he would shrink into a quail in the quilt, and the voice of her speech was the same as usual-when she peeped at her- — It's all different. Although it is young, Ning Ji is still able to distinguish clearly about such a reaction.

Are you kidding me? Am i a bad guy? I have something terrible!

You guys are bad guys, okay! The old and cheap dog you and Wen Shoubin ran to the southwest to mess up and do bad things! You live in that broken yard and say all those bad guys all day long! I look so decent, what a bad guy!

What's more, in the yard a few days ago, I saved your life!

It is better to avoid being angry with the little **** who is indistinguishable and ungrateful. But he also wanted to face, and he didn't bother to say anything verbally-there is nothing to say, of course, it is impossible to make a confession by peeping at her various things, so speaking, he and the little dog are just plain waters. do not know.

In this way, the little **** does not give him a good face, so he is too lazy to give the little **** a good face. Originally considering the other person's physical inconvenience, I also thought about whether to feed her or help her use the toilet, but since the atmosphere is not harmonious, it does not matter after considering it. After all, the injury is actually not serious It's not that she can't get out of bed at all. She is different from her men and women, and her brother-in-law is embarrassed to wait for a joke.

Of course, when she fell on the corridor on the 26th day, she would rather feel a little guilty in her heart. Mainly she fell a little embarrassed, her chest was flattened, and he wanted to laugh. This impulsive urge to laugh made him feel that it was not a real gentleman. After that, he asked her aunt Gu to take care of her last toilet every day. Although the first sister said to let him take care of each other, but this kind of special things, I don't think too much about it.

As for the thing that Aunt Gu helped the other party to eat a little bit more when she helped her to the mausoleum, Ning Ji also reacted afterwards. I probably understood the reason, the woman who is the heart is hypocritical, and the parents of the doctor do not understand the truth.

After leaving the contest, the hustle and bustle of Chengdu seemed a little further away from him. He didn't care. This time, many things have been harvested in Chengdu. After experiencing such an exciting fight, walking the world is a thing in the future. There is no need to think about it now. Even on the 27th, Crow Mouth Yao Shubin came to find When he was eating hot pot, he talked about the movements of all parties in the city, the infighting of a bunch of scholars and scholars, the masters who appeared in the contest, and the elite gathering in the various armed forces. Ning Ji was a careless look.

"Humph, I've seen it before."

"Oh? What do you think?" Yao Shubin was curious.

"I won't tell you."

The time passed by late July, and there were several gatherings.

After the chaos on July 20, the topic of the military parade officially surfaced, and the Huaxia Army began to release invitations for the military parade in the city, not only the people who originally supported the Huaxia Army received invitations, but even lived in the city at this time. Confucianists and celebrities of all parties have also received formal invitations.

The Confucians in the city argued for several days about the topic of going and not going. People who have never received invitations refute it, and some Confucian scholars who have received invitations call on everyone not to support it, but many people say that since they came to Chengdu, they have to witness all things, even if they have to write an essay in the future. People can speak more credibly at the scene. If you are determined to not participate in the doctrine, why have you come to Chengdu before?

Everyone had another argument in the newspaper, which was very lively.


The sky seemed a bit gloomy, perhaps because the lush foliage blocked the excessive light.

In the courtyard of the inn called Xiangwu Guild Hall, Yang Tiehuai was sitting precariously, looking at the articles on the newsprint, slightly fascinated. There seemed to be a curse in the air in the distance. After a while, I only heard a loud bang. I don't know who threw the stone from the courtyard, and the streets heard the sound of scolding each other.

His old disciple Chen Shiguang sat across the desk and heard the sound. He looked at the invitation on the table and the teacher over the desk. Shen Sheng said: "The black flag is shameless and shameless, killing with a knife is chilling. But the students I thought that Tiandao Zhaozhao will not make such a wicked person in power. The teacher only needs to temporarily avoid his tassel and leave Chengdu first. Things will always find a turning point. "

Yang Tiehuai glanced calmly at the big disciple without speaking.

After coming to Chengdu, he was one of the most popular Confucian scholars. He initially wrote an article on newsprint and scolded, refuting the various behaviors of the Huaxia Army. He had to go to the streets to debate with people, and he was hit with a stone in the head. It will be more radical. For the turmoil of July 20, he connected in private and made a lot of effort. But at the moment when the riot started, Hua Xiajun sent a letter directly to warn him that he hesitated for one night and finally failed to make the decision . By now, it has been carried out by the Confucian students in the city, and has become the one who has been the most scolded.

By this time, the self-purification of the Qing dynasty was no longer practical. The more the event fails, the more participants need to find a person who bears the pot. As for who the pot is, it is no longer important. After all, if there is no such person, how should the fools and wives understand themselves?

The wound on his forehead was healed. After taking the bandage, he left an ugly scab. The old man's serious face and the ugly scab complement each other. Every time he appeared in front of the person, he showed a weird momentum. Other people may laugh in his heart, he also knows that other people will laugh in his heart, but because of this, the expression on his face will become more stubborn and tough, and this toughness also complements the blood scab, showing that other people know him The attitude of confrontation is also known.

"... for the teacher's heart."

It took a long time before he said this.

The noise and verbal abuse outside the courtyard became farther and harsher.

On July 29, the Jurchen captives who had been taken over had been placed in a military camp in the western suburbs of Chengdu.

In the evening, Feng Yanqing passed through the fence of the camp and saw a familiar figure walking not far away-he carefully recognized it twice-it was Zuo Wenhuai who punched him in Changsha. This Zuo Wenhuai looks beautiful, that time it looks like a rabbit, but at this time, he put on a black Chinese military uniform, and his body was as tall as a sword. He looked at the past and still brought the soldier's awe-inspiring spirit.

"Left son! Left son--"

Wan Yanqing raised his hand at the railing and beckoned here.

He is one of the highest-ranking nobles in the Jurchen Army. He was previously arrested once again, and he is currently assisting the Huaxia Army to manage the high-level prisoners. Therefore, in recent days, he occasionally did something extraordinary, and the nearby Huaxia soldiers did not immediately Come and stop him.

Zuo Wenhuai and several soldiers around him looked up here, then he raised his eyebrows and came over here: "Oh, this is not Wan Yan Xiaoye, his face looks good, has it been delicious and delicious recently? "

"Left son, I have something to tell you."

"... It's not a good sign to eat delicious and drink in the jail, you are not afraid of eating a broken meal?"

Because of Yu Mingzhou's affairs, Zuo Wenhuai didn't like Wan Yanjue, and at this time he said something that scared him. Wan Yanqing ’s eyes were serious, and his hand almost reached out from the fence to grab him: "Left son! I have business, good for you ... good for Hua Xiajun, annoying you ... you know my identity, do you listen? Harmful, good, good ... "

Wan Yanqing Jue stressed so, Zuo Wenhuai stood not far from the railing and looked at him quietly, after a while: "You said."

Wan Yanqing looked at both sides and seemed to want to talk in private, but Zuo Wenhuai waved his hand directly: "If you have anything, just say it here, or forget it."

"Okay, okay." Wan Yanqing nodded. "I know your identity, son Zuo, you also know my identity. You also know the identity of these people in the camp. Everyone has a family in the Golden State, and every household It does matter, according to the rules of the Golden Kingdom, you can use gold and silver to redeem ...

"That's not our rule."

"But you can consider it." Wan Yanjue said, "I know that after Xixia defeated, you also let them redeem people. I was arrested for the first time and redeemed. These are some of the identities in the camp today. You know, but you are not familiar with the Golden Kingdom, as long as you can go back, you can get far more benefits than you think. I wrote a list here, something you did not know before, I know you can When you see Mr. Ning, you give him for me ... and give it to him for me ... "

Zuo Wenhuai looked at him: "The military parade didn't say to kill you, so afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, but I have to pay it anyway. We are willing to make more, so that you have more chips, maybe ... everyone can go back quickly." Wan Yanqing's expression was calm, and he smiled at this time, " The Han people are not easy to kill. I know that since the Tang Dynasty, the temple has not been very good for killing prisoners. I waited on the battlefield to be honestly defeated. You do n’t have to kill us, kill us, you just have to die ... … "

Zuo Wenhuai was silent for a moment: "I like never ending ..."

"But it's not necessary ... it's unnecessary ..." Wan Yanjue looked at him over there. "Please turn it over, it's not harmful to you anyway ..."

"... You bring it."

Zuo Wenhuai finally nodded, and Wan Yanjue immediately took out a few sheets of paper from his arms and handed them out. Zuo Wenhuai did not pick up the paper. The soldier on the side came over. Zuo Wenhuai said: "Take a bag, seal this thing, and turn it over to the Secretariat. It is said that Lord Wan Yan Xiao hopes Mr. Ning to consider The conditions ... are you satisfied? In fact, in the Hua Xia Army, you have to pay yourself, and there is no difference. "

After Wan Qingjue nodded, he took a breath and took two steps back: "I remember something about Yu Mingzhou, Master Zuo, if you want to know, after the military parade ..."

He didn't finish his words, and Zuo Wenhuai's eyes over the fence dimmed, and there was already a vicious murderous rise: "You mention this name again, and I will take you personally to the road after the parade!"

Wan Yanjue shut his mouth and waved his hand. Zuo Wenhuai stared at him for a moment and turned to leave.

As the sky glanced westward, Wan Yanjue stood in the fence for a moment, and UU read www.uukanshu.com for a long breath. Compared with other Jurchen prisoners of war in the camp, his mentality is actually a little calmer. After all, he was arrested once before, and he was changed back. He had also met the Mr. Ning. The other party was interested in interests, and It's not easy to kill, as long as he cooperates with him to complete the process of offering prisoners, the other party's interest in humiliating these captives is not high-because the Han people are good men.

Of course, even if the risk is even lower, they do n’t want to take it. People are eager to go home early, especially those who have great careers and have enjoyed half their lives, no matter how much gold and silver, Hannu they have to exchange, their The family will find a way. It is for this reason that in these days, he is thinking of a way to deliver the words to Mr. Ning.

He thought of the next parade.

Maybe after the military parade, the other party would call him again. During the period, of course, he would say a few words, mocking him and being arrested again, and then of course he will show the strength of the Huaxia Army. If he is more fearful and humble, he behaves humbler, and if he is satisfied, everyone may be able to go home earlier-the big husband can bend and stretch, and he is the highest person in the crowd.

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