Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 998: When the wind suddenly stops when the wind suddenly stops (below)

After seeing Yan Qingjue, Zuo Wenhuai and a group of companions left the barracks, boarded an in-carriage that was charged by the station, and entered Chengdu before the end of the sunset.

The four Huaxia military personnel who communicated with him were all surnamed Zuo, but they were children who successively entered the Huaxia military under the arrangement of Zuo Duanyou. Although there are main families and separated families in the Zuo clan, those who can live to this moment in the high-intensity war of the Huaxia Army have already been regarded as talents who can stand alone.

"I inquired before coming. Uncle Clan came here this time, maybe he wanted to call us back."

"My family has settled down for so many years in the Huaxia Army. What should I do if I go back?"

"It can't be said like this. The three grandpas taught us to come over in the past, also pointing to the way we can go back."

"Where do you go back? Wu Chao? It's all gone like that, there's no hope."

"Wen Huai, what do you say?"

"I think ... these things still have to be heard by Uncle Quan."

The spacious carriage entered the city all the way. In the flaking sunset, several gathered children of the Zuo family also discussed a few topics of concern. When it was getting dark, they saw the long-awaited Zuo Xiuquan and two brothers who had arrived earlier in the garden in the hotel.

Everyone gave a gift to Zuo Xiuquan, then greeted each other, and then they were seated in the dining room arranged in the guesthouse. Because the left family paid for it, the dishes were prepared more abundantly than usual, but they were not too extravagant. After attending the seat, Zuo Xiuquan asked the people one by one about their position in the army and the details of the battles they had participated in, and then remembered several children of the Zuo family who died in the war.

"... The third uncle sent you to the Chinese army. In fact, there have been various discussions among the family. Fortunately, I am very pleased to see your today's brilliance. The children of that year are all today. The uncle is in the spirit of heaven, It ’s comforting. Come, for your three grandpas ... let ’s respect him together. "

After reminiscing about old times, when talking about Zuo Duanyou, Zuo Xiuquan carried tears in his eyes and paid tribute to the old man with long-term vision.

After that, Zuo Xiuquan told everyone about the current situation of Zuo's family.

When the Wu dynasty was still intact, the root system of the Zuo family was originally in the Central Plains, and it was not until the Jurchens went south that the Central Plains were turbulent. During the ten years spent in Jianshuo in North Korea, although the Zuo family had great relations with all parties and had a lot of relations in the Chaotang, they did not expand economically like other people, but based on learning. Provide information and insight support to all ethnic groups. In the eyes of many people, it is actually keeping a low profile.

Of course, on the other hand, after the Xiao Canghe War, the Huaxia Army moved to the southwest and reopened the business. The Zuo family played an important role in it. When the news of Ning Yi ’s death was reported that the Huaxia Army arrived in Liangshan, the foundation was not stable. The Zuo family acted as a broker from one side. On the one hand, it sold a lot of arms to the Huaxia Army, and on the other hand, it transported a lot of grain from the outside to the mountain. Support the recuperation of Hua Xiajun.

Of course, this kind of behavior was inevitably blamed from the beginning, but Zuo's long-term maintenance and low-key suppressed some people's tongues. When Hua Xiajun's business with the outside world opened, Zuo's family became the most important middleman between Hua Xiajun and the outside world. one. Their good service, low fees, and their morality as a reader are guaranteed, so that the importance of Zuo ’s family in the private dynasty of the Wu dynasty has risen steadily. As long as they secretly choose the power to do transactions with the Huaxia Army, I have no good feelings, but I am willing to maintain a good relationship with the Zuo family anyway. As for the accusations against the Zuo family on the countertop, it is completely swept away and vanished.

When the Jurchens went south for the fourth time, Xi Yin had originally thought about destroying the left home and the net in Longxing (now Nanchang, Jiangxi), but the left family had already prepared for it and drove ahead in advance. Sheng, Li Touhe and others have since dropped Jurchen. Of course, as the battle of Changsha progressed, several warlord forces were greatly affected, and the Zuo family re-entered Longxing.

At this time, although there were not many troops under the left family, due to the long-standing neutral attitude, all parties should give him a face. Even everyone in the "little court" in Linan's rebellion was not willing to take it easy. The offense is likely to be closer to Zuo Jiyun, the little emperor of Fuzhou.

In this way, even in the context of the Hua Xia army defeating the Jurchen West Road Army in a victorious posture, only the Zuojia force does not need to be so stubborn in front of the Hua Xia army. Because they are already an ally who is completely equal to the Huaxia Army under extremely difficult circumstances. It can even be said that in the early years of Liangshan in the southwest, they were a force of gratitude to the Huaxia Army. This is the left end. Bonus in exchange for a bet on the last period.

After the Jurchen broke through Jiangnan, countless people fled and fled, and some members of the Zuo family naturally died in such chaos. Zuo Xiuquan gave a brief account of all the situations, and then began to discuss the matter with a group of juniors.

"... The third uncle once judged Jurchen's southward trip. He asserted that Jurchen's southward trip was inevitable, and Wu Chao might not be able to resist the attack, but Jurchen wanted to destroy Wu Dynasty or control Jiangnan It is absolutely impossible ... Of course, even if such a situation occurs, it is also your grandfather ’s advice that you do not have the army in your family or directly engage in military affairs. "

Zuo Xiuquan looked at the people at the table, and then said: "Unless the Zuo family can compete with the Huaxia Army for military training, unless they can train an army like the Huaxia Army. No army can be used as a relying force. If you leave, you should escape. If you survive, you may be a little bigger. "

"Three grandpas are wise." Zuo Wenhuai at the table nodded.

"But what will happen next, your grandfather, you can't tell for sure." Zuo Xiuquan looked at everyone and smiled, "This is also one of the purposes of my coming to the southwest this time."

"Shall we go back?"

"I discussed this with Mr. Ning, and he nodded." After finishing this sentence, Zuo Xiuquan tapped his fingers gently on the table. "And, it's not back to Longxing, it's not home to Zuo-- Of course, it is also necessary to go back for a trip-but mainly, back to the Wu Dynasty. "

After he said this, the room was quiet and everyone was thinking about it. Zuo Xiuquan smiled: "Of course, I will also try to consider your views."

"Wu Chao has no hope." The young man sitting under Zuo Wenhuai said.

"It must be the Hua Xia Jun in the future. We defeated Jurchens. This is the first step. In the future, the Hua Xia Jun will beat Jiangnan, Zhongyuan, and Jin Guo. Uncle Quan, how can we not be here. I do n’t want go."

"Yeah, Uncle Quan, only the Huaxia Army can save this world, why should we go to the Wu Dynasty."

The three people in the seat expressed their opinions one after another, and others quietly pursed their lips like Zuo Wenhuai. Zuo Xiuquan smiled and heard them say these things: "So, you should consider your views. However, regarding this One thing, I have my opinion. Your three grandpas also had their own opinions. Do you have a listen today if you have time today? "

Zuo Wenhuai said: "Uncle Quan, please speak out."

Zuo Xiuquan nodded: “First of all, it ’s the new court in Fuzhou. You should have heard about it. Xinjun is very courageous and different from the emperors in the past. They are doing drastic innovations there, which is very interesting. Maybe a better path can be taken. And this new jun once was a disciple of Mr. Ning. If you can pass by, there must be a lot to say. "

He said these with a smile, and most people were dissatisfied, but after so long in the Hua Xia Army, no one rushed to express their views. Zuo Xiuquan glanced at everyone, and nodded approvingly.

"Secondly, there are a group of people in Fuzhou now, led by Li Pin. What new Confucianism is doing. Although there are not too amazing results at the moment, they were also approved by your three grandpas in that year. I think he It is very possible to do something here, even if it is difficult to turn the tide in the end, at least it can leave seeds, or indirectly affect the future Huaxia Army. So on their side, we need a group of people to understand People who think of Hua Xiajun, you will be more suitable, in fact, only you can go. "

Speaking of which, someone finally answered with a smile: "They need it, and we don't necessarily have to go."

Zuo Xiuquan nodded: "Of course, these two points are at first glance. In front of this sentence I want to say, it is nothing. This sentence is also what your three grandpas want to ask when they are dying. Yours……"

He said: "Is Confucianism really so unbearable?"

The question was simple and straightforward. There was silence for a while in the hall, everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while. After all, such a question really needs to be answered. It can be simple or complex, but no matter how it is answered, it seems a little superficial at the moment.

"No need to answer." Zuo Xiuquan's finger tapped on the table, "This is what your three grandpas left before they died, and some ideas he wanted to tell everyone. Everyone knows that your three grandpas have been to Xiao Cang He has had many debates with Mr. Ning, and in the end of the debate, no one can persuade anyone. As a result, Mr. Ning used the facts to talk about the war-it can only be given to the facts, but for the war Outside of things, your third grandpa left some ideas ... "

"For Confucianism, I know what attitude the Hua Xia Jun is. I also know, of course, what do you think of it if you have spent so long in the Hua Xia Jun. Even if it is not evil, at least it must be said that it is out of date. But there is You should pay attention to it. From the beginning, Mr. Ning's attitude was very resolute. He also put forward the sayings of the Four Peoples, the Gewu, and the overthrowing of reason and law. But it is reasonable. I have n’t done anything very radical. "

"... He didn't actually say that Confucianism is unforgivable. He has always welcomed the criticism of Confucian disciples on Hua Xiajun, and he has always welcomed those who are really learning to come to the southwest to discuss with everyone. He has always admitted that some of the Confucians are okay. Things. You have been in the Huaxia Army for this matter, you said, is this the case? "

Someone nodded: "After all, Confucianism has had many problems and entered the dead end ... but there are indeed good things."

Zuo Xiuquan pointed his finger at him: "But ah, with his prestige today, it could have been said that Confucianism is unforgivable. Today you think this sense is reasonable, it is because Mr. Ning deliberately kept the size, but he was in the officialdom. , Chaotang, there is a sentence that has always been there, it is called overkill and must be corrected first. Mr. Ning did not do this. The middle measure is actually intriguing. Of course, you all have the opportunity to see Mr. Ning directly, I guess you can Ask him directly why, but it may be similar to what I said today. "

Everyone looked at him, and Zuo Xiuquan smiled slightly: "There is nothing in this world that can be achieved overnight, and there is no innovation that can be so thorough that there is no foundation at all. The four people are very good, and the style is also a good thing. Emotional law may be a problem, even though it is a problem. The problem is that it has been planted in the minds of people in this world for thousands of thousands of years. One day you said it was bad, so you can throw it away? "

"It was these thoughts that Mr. Ning's later movements became more peaceful rather than more and more anxious. There are many details that can be said in the middle, but the view of the whole world, your three grandpas, is the best thing Most of them cannot be realized immediately, and the worst thing is of course outdated, then take the middle. The path that can finally work, between the Hua Xiajun and Neo-Confucianism, the more each other verifies each other, the more this path can be Go better and save fewer people, the more good things will be left in the future. "

Zuo Xiuquan said here calmly: "That is to say, the path of the Huaxia Army may not be able to get through. The so-called innovation of new Confucianism in Fuzhou may not really make Confucianism upside down, but the two sides can communicate. It seems like Mr. Ning welcomes Confucian children to come and debate. If Hua Xiajun ’s things can stay in the east, then the east can also do better. At that time, if two better things can prove each other, the future path will be more Can go better. "

"As for Confucianism. What is Confucianism? Was the Confucianism of the Most Holy Predecessor the same as today's Confucianism? What is the difference between Kong Shengren's Confucianism and Mencius's Confucianism? In fact, Confucianism has been changing all the time for thousands of years. From the Confucianism to the Han dynasty, the doctrine of the legalists has already been integrated, and the emphasis on inner saints and outer kings is already different from Confucius's benevolence. "

Zuo Xiuquan smiled: "The Confucian sage was dedicated to educating all people. He was alone, with three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages. Think about it, he teaches three thousand people. If each of these three thousand disciples teaches dozens more Hundreds of people, no more than a few generations, are all sages in the world, and they are universal. You can go forward. This is not feasible. When Dong Zhongshu arrived, Confucianism was for the body and the law, to talk about the internal and external kings, and then go forward, just like you As Mr. Ning said, the people are not easy to manage, so they castrate their blood. This is an expedient measure. Although it will be useful for a while, the court slowly died of insults ... Wen Huai, today's Confucianism has never been eaten by Mr. Ning. What is Confucianism? "

He looked at Zuo Wenhuai and then everyone: "Confucianism originated from Kong Shengren, and it has changed countless times in more than two thousand years. Our knowledge today is not so much as Confucianism. 'Learning, once it doesn't work, it must change. It's something that looks bad today, but it's hard to overthrow it. It's like Mr. Ning said that the problem of reason and law, all people in the world This is how you live, if you suddenly say no, you will bleed ... "

"Mr. Ning also knows that it will bleed." Zuo Xiuquan said, "Once he has won the world and started to practice innovation, many people will bleed in the innovation, but if everyone prepares more before this, maybe the blood will bleed. Less. This is the truth of the Wujun Xinjun and Neo-Confucianism that I said earlier ... Maybe one day it was indeed the Huaxia Junhui who won the world, and all the Jin Guo, Wu dynasty, Wu Qimei, Dai Mengwei and the like were all gone. At that time, the reform of the Gewu, Simin, and the law of sentiment and reason would not go well. At that time, if we already have some good things in Neo-Confucianism, we can use it. Then, you said, Was Confucianism at that time still Confucianism today? Was Huaxia at that time definitely Huaxia today? "

The hall was quiet for a while.

Zuo Xiuquan sat there and rubbed his hands gently: "This is the greatest hope that Uncle San will send you to the Huaxia Army. You have learned something good and sent it back to Wuchao to let it fight in Wuchao. Turn around, and then return the good things that Wu Chao can use back to Hua Xia Jun. It may not be useful, maybe Mr. Ning was shocked and brilliant, and directly solved all the problems, but if this is not the case, do n’t forget it, it ’s Stone can attack jade. "

"This matter has paved the way for the elderly. At present, only the Zuo family is the most suitable to do it, so we can only rely on you. This is your responsibility to the people of the world. You should shoulder it."

Autumn wind passed through the hall, the candlelight was swaying, and everyone was silent in this discourse.

The Zuo family is a big family, and it was originally a Confucian family with a high degree of respect and respect. A group of children were sent to the Huaxia Army, and their views were insignificant. But after several years of training in the Huaxia Army, including Zuo Wenhuai, who experienced the killing and was baptized by many of Ning Yi's ideas, the authority of the clan has not been paid much attention.

If Zuo Xiuquan made a blunt order to them, even in the name of Zuo Duanyou, who is respected by the most audiences, I am afraid that there will be no problems, but he did not do so. Back to the solemn command: "This is your responsibility to the people of the world, you should shoulder it."

After a moment of silence, Zuo Xiuquan still tapped the table with a smile: "Of course, not so anxious, these things, then you think about it more, my thought is, you might as well talk to Mr. Ning. This matter is not for the rise and fall of my left family. This time, there will be a big deal between the Chinese military and the new jun of the Wu dynasty. My opinion is that I still hope you can participate in it ... well, That ’s all for today ’s business. The day after tomorrow, our family will watch the military parade together. "

Zuo Xiuquan smiled and stood up from his seat. Then a young man from the left family got up: "I was in the team the day after tomorrow, and my uncle was watching."

Someone answered: "Me too."

Everyone laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zuo Xiuquan showed the old man's smile and nodded:

"Okay, okay, there is good news, good news, come, let's talk about the war ..."

The autumn breeze is light, and lights are flashing inside and outside of the guesthouse. Many people are coming in and out of this neighborhood, and many of the Hua Xiajun's office locations are still brightly lit.

Even in the courtyard where Ning Yi works, people come and go one after another, and people still have their own jobs. In their busy work, they are waiting for the arrival of August Golden Autumn.

In the camp outside the city, Wan Yanqing looked at the stars in the sky and imagined his hometown thousands of miles away. At this time, most of the Jurchen troops returning to the north had already returned to the territory of the Golden Kingdom. The storm is brewing.

Zuo Wenhuai and others sought friends and friends in the city of Chengdu and ran for a day. Then, in August.

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