Zhui Xu

Vol 6 Chapter 1001: Intertwined (below)

"... Second, after Yan Yanwei, Jinjun Yanshan Wei Meng'an ... After deliberation by the Huaxia People's Court, the sentence was sentenced to death! Immediate execution!"

"... Third place. Wan Yanling ... After deliberation by the China People's Court, the sentence was sentenced to death! Immediate execution!"

"... the fourth ..."

"... the death penalty! Immediate execution!"


The sound in my mind sometimes becomes very far, and suddenly it seems to be very close. The voice of the verdict was ringing with the rumbling voice, listing the crimes of the Jurchen prisoners who were dragged over one by one. These are the elite of the Jurchen army, and they are all generals, large and small, with the most crimes. The light, can not do without the word "slaughter", from the Central Plains to Jiangnan, countless killings, from the Tucheng to the Tucun, for them, it is just a common mission in military career.

Hua Xiajun matched some records with them.

Wan Yanqing stood staring, this was the first time he experienced such fear in his life, his thoughts were tumbling in his mind, his soul was struggling hard, but his body seemed to be drained, and he could not move after all. .

The stirring thought is chaotic and complicated, but it is difficult to concentrate on the practical level. It sometimes churns out the deepest childhood memory in his mind, and sometimes skims the silhouette of his countless brazen words. He thinks of talking with his teacher and thinking of his new marriage. Yan'er's memory also reminds me of many pictures after the invasion, these pictures are like fragments, groups of people kneeling on the ground, people screaming and tumbling in the pool of blood, with white foam in their mouths, thin clothes and ragged bones but still the most humble. Those who were begging and begging for mercy ... He had seen countless such scenes. He sneered at these Han people, and then the Jurchen soldiers slaughtered them.

He wanted to resist and ask for forgiveness, but he couldn't make up his mind in a moment and a half. If he leaped forward, what would be the next situation? He needs to think clearly, because this is the last choice ... He looks carefully at the side, but standing next to the ordinary Chinese soldiers, he remembered the footsteps in the camp heard every morning ... …

Hua Xiajun ’s verdict was about immediate execution, but not one by one murder. Maybe it was to get five or maybe ten?

Somehow, he realized that his whole body was shaking again, and his snot came out accidentally. He wanted to reach out and wipe it, but he did n’t do it: It ’s okay to be embarrassed, maybe I ’m so embarrassed, these Chinese soldiers will take it lightly. ... he dare not look into the eyes of those soldiers, fearing that the other party might find himself running away ...

The list of sentencing finished the fifth.

A Chinese military officer said something in front of him. He was pushed by the people around him. The other party spoke. Wan Yanjue didn't hear clearly, but apparently let him go forward.


The sound from the depth of his throat was inaudible. He refused to go. The soldier on his side pushed hard, and Wan Yanjue resisted at his feet.


I remembered my deceased parents, my wife and children at home, and the almost omnipotent teacher ... he wanted to run out of his legs.

Two arms had stretched out from both sides and grabbed him. Two Chinese soldiers pushed him, and his footsteps stumbled and stepped in small steps, so he was pushed forward stumbled. He was still thinking about countermeasures. Not far away, a Jurchen general screamed, and the voice was struggling, hoarse and tragic. The Chinese soldiers next to him pulled out iron bars and hit him, and then someone took a belt The long pole of the collar came over and tied the upper body of the Jurchen general, pushing it forward like a beast.

The struggle of the Jurchen general was not violent, it seemed more like the desolation of the trapped beast. Wan Yanqing Jue did not violently resist. He knew that none of the Chinese soldiers were humane. Once they resisted, they would never treat them well.

His pace is very small, trying to extend the time to the destination, trying to shout "Ning Yi" in the mouth, Ning has not yet exported, and wondering whether it should be called "Mr. Ning", and then opened his mouth, "Ning "" The word also drowned in his throat, he knew that the other party would not let him go, and it was useless to call.

You have to think of other ways, otherwise you can just go out and run away ...

Countless voices buzzed, as if everything he had experienced in his life, everyone he had seen was looking at him with his eyes open, not knowing when the tears were flowing, and the tears were together with the snot.

In front is a big pit, he walked to the edge of the pit.

The Huaxia soldier dragged his hand and seemed to say, "Turn around."

Wan Yanjue turned around mechanically.

He saw Chinese soldiers coming in a line with muskets.

Do you want to lie in the pit ...

Maybe you can pretend ...

I didn't know why the teeth closed suddenly and took a bite of my tongue, it hurts, but the pain didn't matter at this time, the body was still very strong. He passed through the countless massacres he had seen before, and once the teacher checked him: "I know that I will die immediately, why do you say they stand there and do not resist?"

He gave a good answer, how did he answer it? Can't remember.

The slaughtered Han people looked at him with terrified eyes, and he looked at them.

"Dad, mother ..."

Part of the memory in my mind began to become clearer ...


His thoughts ...




The five Jurchens lined up in line, their heads exploded.

Countless people in the city are cheering, and five bodies have fallen into the pit. No one cares about their thoughts and fears before they die, just like the countless murders they have participated in in the Central Plains or Jiangnan. Falling into corpses, the living people turned around and continued their colorful lives.

The sentencing has already begun and is continuing.

Soon after, more and more people in the whole city knew the news.

The sentence and execution of Jurchens and war criminals continued for most of the day after the military parade.

Gunshots rang out from time to time near the Victory Square. The unrecognizable body fell into the pit. The **** breath filled the sky, but the people who gathered here gathered more and more people, weeping, or Cursing, or cheering, vent their emotions.

Even though all the Jurchen generals in the past were sent to prison, at the moment of sentence and execution, the prisoners who really started the rebellion were still a minority, and there was no effective resistance.

The soldiers of the Huaxia Army have already defeated them on the battlefield. In the reality that followed, they have also seen the power of this army. At this moment, the Jurchen main force has returned to the Golden Kingdom. At this moment, thousands of miles away, all the resistance is in vain. When they realized this futility, the seemingly fierce struggle was no more than howling the beast when it was dying.

The news that the Huaxia Army will execute Jurchen prisoners of war has not been announced in advance. When it happened suddenly, the onlookers were excited and blood boiling. Some people even came home and took buns and silver money to find the executioners hoping to get some blood from the death row to cure the disease. Such behavior is naturally prohibited. On the other hand, most of the big figures on various observation platforms saw this scene, and most of them felt a little unexpected.

If ordinary people still have a longing for the "decapitation" scene, such as Yan Daolun and Guan Shanhai, for the scene in front of them, they really did not have any expectations. In their view, "not killing" these Jurchen prisoners can bring countless benefits. For example, putting them on the stage and negotiating with Jurchens will immediately bring a lot of gains. Build advantages faster, and even if you do n’t trade temporarily, imprison them, you can use them as chips at any time in the future, and you can attack and retreat.

On the contrary, once killed, in addition to letting the people below revel, the real benefits will not be obtained.

For a long time, the slogans that Hua Xiajun, seeking to survive in the cracks, were all doing business and negotiating contracts. Ning Yi has done business with Northwest China, Xixia, and Jurchens many times. After arriving in Southwest China, he has had countless business dealings with various forces in the Central Plains and Jiangnan. During the process, Ning Yi also used the Jurchen prisoners to exchange a group of Chinese soldiers-by this time, with such a good batch of chips in hand, he suddenly decided not to do any business?

Amidst such doubts, when it came to the noon banquet, someone mentioned it to Ning Yi. Of course, the talk is old-fashioned:

"... After this incident, between Hua Xiajun and Jin Guo, it was really endless."

"Have you ever had a chance to turn between Hua Xiajun and Jin Ren?" Ning Yi asked with a smile.

"It happened. For example, during the time of Xiao Canghe, Jin Hongfan had visited Mr. Ning to negotiate with you. Before the battle of the Southwest, I heard that Xi Yin had sent an envoy. "

It was a great Confucian surnamed Huang who said this, Ning Yi smiled and said, "That old Huang knows why Jurchens are willing to negotiate with Hua Xiajun."

The other party thought for a while: "... because, Hua Xiajun chose to live forever from the beginning."

"Yeah." Ning Yi said, "That's what happened in the world. If you choose to live endlessly, people will give you room for change. If you want to have room for change, the other party is too lazy to talk to you. So, Why should I care? "

"It's just that, if you slaughter Jurchen captives and the Golden Man, wouldn't you use the means of slaughtering Han captives as revenge? There was something to talk about in the middle."

Ning Yi looked at each other and was silent for a moment: "They are already killing."

He paused: "War is a punishment. Some debts are owed in the past. It seems that people are still there. In fact, they are no longer in your hands. The Jurchens have slaughtered the Han people for a long time. Kill a few, we kill Jurchen captives here, the other party will of course also use colors, but if we really care about these colors, starting today, they will take these Han people for the second, third and fourth time The captives want to threaten us, and in the end our losses will only be greater. "

His answer is here, and then someone asked: "Jin people are already killing Han captives?"

"No one can stop it." Ning Yi sighed softly.

There was a faint voice outside, and the sound of shooting was still coming in ...

The carnival in the city, like boiling, has not stopped for most of the day. Even in the remote health center, you can hear the movements outside.

The injury behind him healed slightly, and Qu Longjun, who was able to sit on the bed occasionally, also heard about the feat of shooting a Jurchen from the outside, so that the doctors and wounded in the hospital also ran out to see the excitement, sometimes they could hear far 'S admiration came: "Hua Xia Jun is really good ..."

"There is a kind ..."

Even though these sounds were separated by several courtyard walls, Qu Longjun heard the compliment from his heart.

Based on her simple experience at the age of sixteen, Hua Xiajun is really good. This seems almost irrefutable in recent months, but the fact that her father was killed by Hua Xiajun prevented her from Thinking about this matter. She can only focus her thinking on other issues as much as possible.

For example: can women hold up half of the sky?

She sat on the bed, flipping through the book in doubt for a long time.

This book is written entirely in vulgar vernacular, and the content in the book is very easy to understand. It is Hua Xiajun's suggestions and summary of what women can do through some women's self-reliance experience. Shouted some slogans, such as "who said women are inferior to men", and encouraged women to actively participate in the work. For example, working in the weaving workshop of the Huaxia Army is a good way to feel To various collective warmth ...

Qu Longjun didn't understand the intention of the little military doctor to put this book here.

I came to the Southwest because Wen Shoubin wanted to harass the Huaxia Army. His father, who led the army to conquer Xiao Canghe, was killed by the Huaxia Army. These things have already been known to the Huaxia Army. It has not been made clear that once the injury is healed, it is possible to be tried and killed ...

But looking at this book, did the decision made by Hua Xiajun want to marry a man here and then enter the workshop of Hua Xiajun to do a lifetime job as a punishment?

Such thoughts will seem a little strange everywhere in the world.

She flipped through the book for half a day, and hesitated about whether Dr. Long put the book down. When Aunt Gu came at noon, Qu Longjun began to test it once, not knowing who put a book by her bed, Gu The aunt took a look at it, but said that she was not herself.

In the afternoon, the doctor came to ask her about her injury. Qu Longjun summoned his courage and whispered on the bed: "Yes, someone put a book beside my bed, Doctor Dragon, Doctor Dragon ...... Did you put it? ? "

"What book?" Long Aotian's face was proud, his eyes puzzled.

not him?

Qu Longjun also bewildered, and took out the book "Women also Half the Sky". The other party took a look at it, and stood by the bed carefully turned a few pages with disgusting eyes.

"Women are also in the sky, how can I read this kind of book! You see, what you write here is what you women read."

"Uh ..." Qu Longjun thought his expression was fierce and shrunk his neck in fright. "I don't mean you read it, I mean, I don't know who put it here ..."

"..." Long Aotian was silent for a moment and put the book down. "It's not me anyway. Then you look at it, for women."

He said here, no more words, Qu Longjun did not dare to ask more, but only when the other party was about to leave, he only said: "Dragon, Dragon Doctor, if it ’s not you, not Aunt Gu, then in the end Who entered this room? "

"There are good people in the hospital, what are you terrified ... Well, I will look at this anyway, you don't have to worry about this, you should ... maybe some nurse will show you, don't worry anyway . "

He repeatedly stressed not to worry, and then went out proudly.


In the evening, when Aunt Gu was doing laundry in the yard, she chatted with Xiao Ningji, who was sitting on the side peeling beans.

"Ning Ji, did you give that little girl" The Woman Also Half the Sky "?"

"Hush." ​​Would rather raise a finger, "Aunt Gu, don't tell her."


"Is n’t that what Aunt Gu said a few days ago, she was alone, at the age of 16, and her family was gone, and Wen Shoubin, who was abducting him, also died. I do n’t know what to do in the future. I thought about it, but It makes sense, so buy her a book and let her be self-reliant. "

"Ah?" The round eyes on Aunt Gu's fat face were all confused, "Why ... want her to be self-reliant?"

"Of course she has to be self-reliant. Our Hua Xiajun is doing good things and doing good things. Now people are saved and the injuries are healed. How much money has been spent recently? After she is injured, of course she can't rely on here. I think she It ’s best to go by yourself. If you ’re driven away, it ’s not good-looking ... cut, saving people is really troublesome. ”

"Uh ..." Aunt Gu looked up and down at the little boy sitting on the steps peeling beans, "It turns out ... Xiao Ningji is what you intended ..."

"Otherwise?" Ning Ji stared at the two eyes for granted.

"Hey, Auntie feels ..." Aunt Gu smiled and considered for a moment, "Auntie is thinking, you turned out ... Turned out ... You turned out to save this little girl, not because she liked her ..."

"Ah?" Ning Ji opened his mouth wide, and his white cheeks began to engorge and turn red at a rate visible to the naked eye. Then he saw him jump up. "I ... how is it possible, how can I like women ... no, I mean, How could I like her. I am me ... "

"It's okay, it's okay, how big is it? It was Gu Auntie who made a mistake before, and thought you wanted to take her back to be a child-law, hehe." The fat woman waved with a smile.

Ning Yi jumped twice in the same place: "How could I just save her handily, just think she is not guilty of death, and then the first sister asked me to solve this matter, I only showed her the book ! Or I ’ll drive her away now— "

"Okay, okay, believe Xinxin, of course, just think about it. You peeled the beans and peeled the beans, now it's a matter of kicking her out, what the children say ..."

"I'll catch her when she's ready."

"It must not be too chaotic, okay, her injury is not light, here is the first to be collected by Aunt Gu Auntie, hey, young and tender and tender, can not eat a few bites."

"I don't think how tender she is."

"It's not so tender, it's really rough ..."

When the color of the earth was red with the setting sun, the person responsible for collecting the corpse had already dragged Wan Yanjue's body onto the boardwalk. Inside and outside the city, pedestrians come and go, big and small things are intertwined with each other, happening all the time.

When a girl named Qu Longjun turned to and fro on the bed and read the boring book, she did n’t know that in the courtyard next to her, the little and proud military doctor who was looking serious and arrogant was cursing and swearing to drive her out of her own life. If it is extinct, the teenager who was insulted because he was accused of loving girls naturally does not know. Shortly after this night, Aunt Gu met Min Chuyi, who was patrolling here, and talked about his performance in the evening. Min Chuyi smiled and wondered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Later, Min Chuyi and Ning Xi, who had been working hard for a day, met near Mohechi and quietly talked about it again. Ning Xi expressed disdain for his brother ’s emotional problems. He was almost exhausted and needed care. Afterwards, he was beaten by his violent fiancee. One-sided beatings turned into mutual assaults. Then he was covered by the flowing clouds in the night sky. Too.

In the Golden Realm of the Northland, the massacre of the Han slaves is taking place on this land in various forms. The news of Wu Qimai ’s collapse has spread to a small extent. In this chaotic and crazy atmosphere, brewing silently.

At the beginning of August, Tang Minjie, who secretly spied, received the first round of instructions from the south after the sacrifice of Lu Mingfang.

At this time, the first military parade of the Huaxia Army had ended, and the first Huaxia People's Congress was convened as scheduled, and the situation in the southwest was booming.

At this time, no one can predict what will happen in the Northland, those things ...

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